Game of Love Ch. 02


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"Dinner?" Eric raised an eyebrow.

"Okay!" Diego raised his hands, chuckling nervously. "A date."

"A date?" Eric asked. "Well, I'll have to check my schedule. On second thought, I think I have some school activities on Saturday so I won't be free."

"Well, I will still wait for you so... just in case you have some time off you could come." Diego nodded.

Eric smiled. "I am sorry!"

And then he just grinned and started walking away from there, leaving the guy looking like an idiot. He just glanced in Eric's direction and shook his head. But he didn't miss that ass in that tight brown skinny jean that Eric was wearing. Shit! If only he could have his hands on that body.

"Seriously, I don't understand why you entertain him." Riya commented, making sure her voice was really low. "He's really rude and so full of himself. He thinks that he can get any person he wants."

Eric chuckled. "Err... because his mother and my mother are friends! She introduced the both of us so in his mind, we're friends. That's the reason why I tolerate him. We're friends."

"Friends?" Smith laughed. "Maybe for you but for him, boy, he really needs to get in your pants. Trust me on that one. I know what I am saying."

"Well, that's a dream he's gonna have to live with." Eric said, smiling like an evil genius. "I don't have time for the likes of him and I don't like him that way. Anyway, why are we even talking about him? Let's just go shopping!" He giggled.

The three friends laughed and went inside their favorite shop. They were welcomed wonderfully by the workers there and they went on with their business.

Eric was always so excited when he went shopping. But then again, he was always so confused because he had no idea what to buy. When he was home, he usually went shopping with his mother. She had the best taste when it came to his clothes.

He was choosing from a variety of shirts that he liked and skinny jeans that took his mind away. They were all so beautiful and he wanted to try them on. Eric took out a beautiful yellow shirt and a black ripped skinny jean that he loved and went straight to the dressing room. He came back out and although they'd fit him perfectly, he wanted to check himself out.

He stood in front of a huge mirror and checked himself out. He looked absolutely amazing but he needed a second opinion, from his friends. He opened his mouth to ask but....

"Wow! You look absolutely amazing and sexy!" Came a deep voice.

Eric smiled. "Thank...."

But he didn't finish his sentence because soon as he turned, he just got the bad luck of staring into a really familiar face, very handsome and wearing a smile just like the first time he'd met him. His gray eyes were piercing right through him. Eric lost the smile on his face, taking a deep sigh.

He took a quick turn and started walking away from the guy to where his friends where.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Sergio rushed to him, holding his arm. "It was just a comment, come on. You're really beautiful no matter what you wear. You can even rock it in rugs."

Eric rolled his eyes, releasing his arm. "Thanks but I don't need your opinion, okay." Then he folded his arms on his chest. "Wait a minute, did you follow me here?"

"What?" Sergio chuckled nervously. "Me? Of course not. I came shopping as well. But what can I do when the universe always brings me close to you, mi senor?"

"I am not interested in the universe or you." Eric said rudely. "You can go and use your charming words on someone else because honestly, they don't work on me."

"Well, they might start if you gave me a chance." Sergio said, giving that seductive smile that he always used on guys. "Just give me one chance, a date perhaps. You might just find out that I am the guy for you, your soul mate."

Eric laughed, holding his chest. "That's an expensive dream. But anyway, it can only be a dream. Just a dream."

He flipped his hair sexily, turned and walked away from the guy with a teasing smile on his face. Sergio wasn't really surprised. In fact, it just got him excited the more. He was now even more determined to win the bet. He never took no for an answer.

Eric went to his friends who were busy choosing their clothes carefully.

"Hmm..." Riya teased, slightly pushing him with her shoulder. "...I saw that, Mr. sexy Sandoval. Who was that hunk you were talking to?"

Eric glanced towards the direction of the guy who was now checking out some jeans. Both of their eyes locked and the idiot winked at him. Eric ripped his eyes away and looked at Riya, smiling sheepishly at her. He couldn't deny the fact that Sergio was probably the most handsome guy he'd ever set his eyes on.

"No one!" He said. "He's just some idiot that was disturbing me. But you know me and guys."

Riya glanced in the direction of the guy and he actually waved at her. She couldn't help but smile.

"He seems nice!"

"I don't care." Eric said abruptly. "He's an idiot."

"A handsome one for that matter. Just look at that smile and that face."

"Riya!" He literally snapped, taking a deep breath. "Can we please change the subject?"

Riya raised her hands like she was surrendering. "Anyway, those clothes look pretty good on you. I like the combination. You should get them?"

"Really?" Eric smiled, checking himself in the mirror.

"Yeah!" She said as she raised her hand towards smith. "Coming! I don't know why you boys can't just choose your own clothes. I'll be back."

She quickly left.

Eric remained checking his sexy self in the mirror, checking that everything was okay. Riya was absolutely right. He was gonna get them. Now he had to look for something that was gonna look great on him too.

He was about to turn when suddenly, a red cloth appeared right in front of him. It was a beautiful red t-shirt and it was really beautiful. He smiled when he saw it.

"Oh my God," He chuckled. "Where did you get this? It's beautiful!" He took it from the hands, checking it out. "Wow!"

"I am glad you like it!"

Eric froze when he heard that deep manly voice. Smith didn't have that kind of voice. He quickly turned and found Sergio staring at him with his arms folded, wearing his usual smile. He lost the smile on his face and just got a bit mad.

"What do you think you're doing following me around?"

"Relax!" Sergio shook his head. "I just saw that and I knew it would look good on you. Why don't you try it on since you..."

"On second thought..." He angrily threw the shirt at Sergio. "...I don't like it. It looks ugly and classless just like you."

Sergio laughed when he heard the boy's words. "Are you sure about that? Okay, tell me..." He got closer but the boy took a step backwards. "...why don't you tell me the kind of guy that you like? I can become that guy for you."

"I don't like guys. Now will you leave me alone?"

He tried to leave but Sergio pulled him back and just like a flash, he found himself staring into the guy's eyes. They were so close that he could feel his hot breaths on his face. Something about that closeness made Eric really weak and his heart began racing. It was like someone had just poured ice cold water on him. He could feel strange sensations take control of him.

Sergio on the other hand felt a sweet sensation go through his entire body. Now that he was close enough to the boy, he suddenly got to see that he was even more beautiful than he had ever thought. Those beautiful blue eyes that pierced through... the beautiful pink lips that made Sergio's lips to tremble in need and his body to catch a fire that he didn't know how to quench.

"You're more than beautiful!" Sergio muttered without even realizing he said something.

Eric wanted to move away but something had him grounded there, something more powerful than him.

Eric's hand trembled as he moved it up to caress the boy's cheek. The moment his hand reached Eric's face, Eric became conscious and he gasped in shock, his mouth gaping. He couldn't believe Sergio had done that to him. How could he allow him get so close?

He furiously pushed him, raised his hand furiously and started directing it at him. He wasn't gonna back off.

"How dare..."

But he got shocked when Sergio held his hand instead but not powerfully but sweetly. Then he did something even crazier. He began caressing the hand, smiling like he usually did.

"Wow, your hands are so soft and sweet." He began leaning to kiss it but Eric pulled it away quickly, taking a step backwards. He was breathing harshly, almost panting.

"Don't you dare touch me!" He warned, pointing angrily at him. "Why don't you concentrate on your business and leave me alone?"

With those words, he quickly turned and went away from the guy without even looking behind at the guy that had an evil grin on his face. He went to his friends and just stood still, feeling a bit of anger taking the best of him.

"Hey! Why do you look pale?" Smith asked, a frown appearing on his face. "And you're also a bit sweaty. Are you okay?"

"What?" Eric chuckled nervously, shaking his head. "Of... of course, I am absolutely fine. I am just maybe... maybe feeling a bit chilly."

"Chilly?" Riya raised her eyebrow. "In this hot weather, come on."

"Yeah, but I am fine."

"Alright." She smiled as she got closer to him. She had a beautiful orange t-shirt with a black jean with her. She handed them to here. "Here! I think these will look wonderful on you. Why don't you try them on?"

Eric looked at the clothes and smiled. "Of course, they'll look nice. Nothing you..."

"I said try them on!"

Eric chuckled teasingly. "Yes, ma'am!"

He left chuckling to go and try them on. However, when he reached the dressing rooms, he tried several of them and found that they were occupied. Lucky for him, there was one dressing room which was vacant. He took a deep breath and rushed inside, locking it behind him. However, when Eric turned to start undressing, he got probably the greatest shock of his life.

His heart literally stopped beating and he held his breaths, eyes almost popping out of his sockets. Shit! There was someone. A man that was getting undressed. His shirt was off and he was taking off his trouser. He had only a tight black boxer brief on. Eric's heart then began pounding violently and his breaths became harsh. He dropped the clothes on the floor and took a step backwards but he hit the door with a thud, alerting the man.

The man quickly turned and added to the shock that Eric was already in. It was Sergio and he was only in his boxer brief. Eric's eyes widened even more as he began tracing Sergio's body all the way to his crotch. But before he saw anything, the guy quickly covered it with his hands.

Sergio was in so much shock and that look on his face couldn't even explain it. He had thought he had locked the door when he came to try the clothes on. Then how the fuck did Eric get inside. His heart was racing and he felt cold. The boy was visibly shocked.

"What... what... what..." Eric did even know what to say.

"What are you doing here?" both of them asked at the same time.

"What am I doing here?" Eric gasped. "What are you doing here? Get out!"

"Excuse me!" Sergio chuckled bitterly. "Are you for real? You found me in here. Were you trying to peep at me when I was getting undressed?"

"You're insane!" Eric grimaced. "I came here to try..."

"Oh, I get it!" Sergio slowly nodded, getting closer to the boy who was praying for the ground to just open up and swallow the idiot. "I remember seeing you looking at me when I was getting the clothes I wanted. You wanted to check out my body so you made sure I came in here and followed me so that you could check me out! Well, I am not a stingy person." He teased, getting even closer. Eric could feel his heart in his throat. "I will show you."

He removed his hands from his crotch quickly but Eric covered his eyes as quickly as he could. He didn't want to see anything.

"You're insane!" Eric barked. "All the dressing rooms were occupied. This was the only one that I thought was unoccupied but unfortunately, you're insane. Who even goes into a dressing room without locking it?"

Sergio chuckled. "My dressing room, my choice. I can choose to lock it or not."

Eric tried to move but he could feel Sergio's heat and he knew the guy was close to him.

"Can you get dressed or something?" Eric said angrily. "Please!"

"Well, we're both here already and I feel so lucky." He teased. "Being locked up with a beauty like you in here is a dream come true. I don't mind sharing. Both of us can change in here and maybe..." He chuckled like he'd won a grand prize. "...I can get a kiss for being so generous."

Eric groaned angrily, pushing the guy away. He quickly unlocked the door and got out, breathing like he'd just escaped from a predator. Sergio on the other hand placed his hands on his hips, smiling sexily and seductively.

'You might be tough, Eric!' He thought. 'But very soon, you're gonna submit to me. I am gonna win this game whether you like it or not!'


"Thank you so much!" Riya said, smiling at the cute waiter that had just brought their food. They were already done with shopping and they'd bought a whole lot of things. "Wow, this looks so yummy!"

She raised her head to talk to her friends but she noticed that only one of them was in the real world. The other one, not so much. She snapped her finger in his face and he gasped, smiling sheepishly.

"Don't even give me that fake smile!" Riya warned, pointing at him. "What's wrong with you? Ever since you talked to that guy, you've not been yourself."

"What?" Eric gasped, taking a spoon from the table. He took a scoop of the soup to taste it but got the shock of his life when he realized he was holding a folk instead. Shit! This was all that stupid guy's fault, he thought as he smiled at his friend. "I wasn't looking when I was getting it. Don't bother yourself with me. I am absolutely fine!"

Riya raised her eyebrow. "And what happened to the clothes I asked you to try on? I know you didn't buy them."

"I... well, err.... They were a little too tight." He lied. He didn't wanna tell his friends what had happened in the dressing room because they were gonna be making fun of him. "I left them since I didn't even like them that much."

He took his soup and started taking it. The only thing in his mind was seeing Sergio naked, that hot hairy body being close and all the words he had used on him. It was making him all so mad but also, he had derived joy in what had happened. Shit! That had never happened before. Eric was busy having his lunch when all of a sudden...

"Hello guys!"

He simply froze when he heard that familiar voice. He quickly raised his head to find Sergio staring right at him with a smile on his face. He was holding a tray of food. Eric ripped his eyes away from the guy, gripping the spoon harder. Shit! It was like the guy was haunting him.

"Hi!" Both Eric and Smith said happily.

"Do you guys mind if I seat with you?" Sergio asked but he didn't tear his eyes away from the beautiful boy. "I don't wanna sit alone."

"Err.... No problem." Riya said, eyeing the guy. She didn't wanna admit it but he was the most handsome guy that she had ever set her eyes on aside from Eric of course. He was even more handsome than her boyfriend unfortunately. "You can seat. We've got a lot of space."


He took a seat next to Eric, making sure that they were closer. He could already tell that Eric was getting mad but that was what made the whole thing beautiful.

"Sorry for asking." Riya said. "But I didn't get your name."

"Oh!" Sergio chuckled happily. "It's Sergio."

"Sergio!" Smith gasped, his eyes widening. "The Sergio from Zelda University?"

"The one and only." He opened his arms widely.

Smith and Riya looked at each other before staring at the handsome man in front of them. Eric on the other hand was just eating his food. He wasn't interested in whatever they were talking about.

"Oh my God," Riya's excitement just tripled. "I can't believe I am actually sitting with Sergio Alvarado. Dude, you're like the most famous guy at our school. And you're very handsome too."

Sergio giggled. "Thanks a lot."

"Wow!" Smith shook his head. "Dude, you're like my idol."

"Wow... I... I am flattered. Thanks so much."

"Wow!" Riya couldn't believe. "You've no idea how long I have been dreaming of a moment like this. My name is Riya and this is Smith..." She gestured. "...and that over there is..."

"Eric!" Sergio said softly, grinning at the young man. "I know. He's like the most beautiful person I have set my eyes on, an angel!"

Eric felt his anger building but he didn't wanna talk to the guy.

"Oh my God, I am stupid for asking this but..." Riya paused and gulped. "...are you single?"

Sergio took in a deep breath. The idiot was still staring at Eric and Eric could feel his eyes on him.

"Yes, I am..." He muttered. "...but I was hoping your friend here would take away my singleness. If I want to end my bachelorhood, I want it to be with him. What do you say Eric? Will you give me a chance, please? All I am asking for is just one chance."

Eric groaned, hitting on the table furiously. "You don't give up, do you?"

Sergio shook his head teasingly. "Nope! Not when I have found what I have been searching for, what my heart desires."

Eric rolled his eyes. "Well, I am not interested. And please, leave me alone because I am not available."

"Well, can't you make an exception?" Sergio leaned on his arm. "All I need is just one word, yes!"

"No!" Eric made it sound so rude. "Get that into your thick skull. I am not interested in your proposal. Why is it so hard to understand that?"

"And why is it so hard to understand me, Eric?" Sergio moaned. "I can't get you off my mind since the first time I saw you. I have tried but you're the only one that I want, the final puzzle piece of my heart. Without..."

"Enough with the lecture!" Eric furiously got up, breathing harshly. "I am not interested in your proposal and you better leave me alone, do you understand? Why is it so difficult for you to get that? I am not interested in you or any other guy. Get the fuck off my back."

He angrily picked up his bags and stormed out of there, leaving Sergio smiling as if he hadn't been rejected.

"I am so sorry about that." Riya apologized, losing the smile on her face. "I hope you didn't take offense in that. Eric is just a little rough when it comes to relationships or guys approaching him. I am truly sorry for that."

"I know." Sergio chuckled. "But that's what makes me even more motivated. I want to make him mine and make him happy. I wanna break that wall around him."

Riya smiled because she could already see through the guy. He seemed genuine. "Many guys have tried, but none has succeeded, Sergio. Maybe..."

"No, I am sure of my feelings. I won't give up on him."

Riya smiled, getting off her seat together with Smith. "I am sorry but we've got to go. It was a pleasure meeting you."

"The pleasure is all mine." Sergio said as he took a small card from his pocket, handing it over to Riya. "That's my number over there. Call me sometimes."

Riya glanced at it and smiled. "I will. Goodbye!"

Sergio waved as the two friends left. It wasn't a really bad day. He had had fun with the beautiful boy and though he wasn't going anywhere with the boy, what he knew was that he wasn't gonna give up.


Eric threw the bags on the couch and he had no idea why he was just so upset. His day had been ruined and it was all because of Sergio. Why couldn't the guy leave him alone? It had only been four days since he met the guy and he was already becoming such a pain in the behind.

"Was all that necessary?" Riya asked as soon as she came inside. "You shouldn't have talked to Sergio like that. The guy was just being truthful."