Game of Love Ch. 03


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"Are you okay?"

Eric hit Sergio hard on the check. "What's wrong with you, Sergio? You're peeking through my swimsuit."

"What?" Sergio gasped, raising his eyebrow. "I just..."

"Don't you dare touch me again?" He warned. "I know how to swim alright. Didn't you see me in the pool when you came here? I was alright so you didn't need to save me."

"Can you blame me?" Sergio asked. "I just panicked because I love you so much."

Eric froze when he heard that word, the word that he didn't wanna hear. "What?"

"I love you." Sergio said softly.

"You know what, you're crazy, you pervert!"

He started rushing angrily from there.

"I love you so much, Eric!" Sergio hollered, his voice filling the entire pool area. "I love you and I won't give up on you."

Eric covered his ears and started running away from there. Now he was sure that Sergio was crazier than he thought.


And that was what happened for the next one week at school. No matter what Eric did, insult him, slap him but the guy continued pursuing him. Every morning whenever he went to class, he always found flowers and chocolates waiting for him and whenever he was leaving, it was the same thing.

Sergio was following him at class, cafeteria and even when he went anywhere in town. It was becoming really annoying but something strange was also happening, Eric was starting to enjoy all this drama going on. There was just something strange that was happening in his heart. He couldn't really understand it but it was happening.

He even reached the extent of hiding when he saw Sergio anywhere. Riya was telling him that he was starting to develop feelings but of course, it was just trash like he always said it was. Things were truly turning out different from the way that he had planned them.

Whenever he found a note from Sergio and started reading it, he always found himself smiling before he even realized he was doing it. And when he eventually finished reading it, he always told the one that had brought those things to either take them back to Sergio or throw them in the trash.

But as time went one, he found that he was enjoying all this and sometimes when it was quiet, he always wondered if Sergio had given up already only to be surprised with something greater than the previous one.

Could Riya have been right?


Eric was seated on the table in a restaurant near the school. There were just a few people since it was already evening. He was busy sketching in his pad though he didn't really concentrate on it. The only thing that was at the back of his mind was what had been happening to him the past two weeks. Sergio had been doing all he could to impress him and make him fall in love with him.

It had been two freaking weeks. No matter what he did to discourage him or humiliate him, he always came back. No man had gone that far. They always gave up the first time when he humiliated them and sent them away. Could he have been in love like he always said? But it was impossible. The whole thing was making him mad because it was affecting him badly.

'Men are such liars.' Eric thought as he slowly drifted from the real world. 'You're such a liar, Sergio. You may say that you love me and that you're willing to do anything to be with me but we both know what you really want from me. I won't give it to you. I won't make that mistake ever again.'

"Hello, hermosa!"

Eric was gotten out of his thoughts when he heard a deep familiar voice. He raised his head to stare into a handsome smiling face. He had no idea why he got so angry when he saw him. Diego was dressed in a beautiful black designer's suit with a white shirt inside. He was leaning on the table, probably eyefucking the beautiful boy.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Sanchez?" He asked with a stern face.

Diego chuckled when he heard that. "Mr. Sanchez? What happened to addressing each other as Eric and Diego? Why are you being so formal?"

Eric sighed, slowly passing his pencil on his sketch. "What do you want, Mr. Sanchez?"

Diego grinned, getting closer to the boy's face. "I want you!"

Eric felt anger beat him up like he was in a war. He slowly raised his head and he didn't miss that glint of lust when his eyes locked with Diego. Finally, the truth had come out. Eric was serious and he'd never been as serious as he was at that time. He raised an eyebrow, watching as the guy's smile just went overboard.

"Come on, Eric. Let's not play games anymore. We're too old for that." Even as he spoke those words, Diego's heart was already racing. "I want you and I cannot hide it any longer. I want to go out with you. I want you to be my boyfriend." He even got closer. "I want you to be my lover."

Eric smiled teasingly. "I admire your honest. You're right. We're too old for these games. We shouldn't dilly-dally at all. So I'll go straight to my point."

He began rubbing on his temple seductively and watched as Diego's smile brightened up his face.

Then his face got stern. "I don't like you." He said hoarsely and watched as Diego's smile began fading. "I don't want to go out with you. I don't want to be your boyfriend and most of all, I don't want to be your lover. So don't waste your time on. Go practice your moves on someone else because I am not interested."

Diego felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart. That wasn't how he had planned on things to go. He now had a blank face.

"I am sure you know your way out of here. Unless you came to buy something but if not, get the hell out of here. And please, let this not repeat itself."

Diego had never felt so humiliated and insulted in his life before. He just rose, looked at the boy once and left angrily. He felt like everyone was looking at him, judging him.

Eric went back to his sketch but he realized that he couldn't concentrate anymore. His mood had been completely ruined. He was now angry and he knew what he had to do. He quickly picked up his sketch book, his bag and left the restaurant.

But as soon as he got out, he got another surprise when he saw Sergio coming towards him with a smile.

"Eric, hi!" Sergio chuckled.

"What do you want now?"

"Well, I never knew you came here." Sergio said with a smile. "Anyway, I was just wondering if you were free. I wanted to take you somewhere."

"And what makes you think I'd go with you?" He asked harshly. "Stop wasting your and my time because it will never work."

He passed Sergio and started going away and that was when he spotted Diego standing with his hands in his pocket looking really sad and a bit pissed. He took a glance behind and saw that Sergio was following him and he had a perfect plan to ditch him.

"Diego!" He said happily, rushing to him.

Diego raised his face and saw the boy with a beautiful smile. "Yes!"

"I just realized that I don't have anything to do after this. Would you like to have dinner with me?" He asked. "Your call. We can have it anywhere you want."

"S-sure, of course." He stuttered, trying his best to smile. "I know a great place. Let's go."

Eric coiled his arm with Diego and the both of them left. They went to Diego's Range Rover Evoque and drove off but that was after Eric looked at Sergio who was standing there looking a bit mad. Eric was satisfied.

They drove for like five minutes...

"So where do you want to go?" Diego asked excitedly. "Do you want to eat in a fancy restaurant or go to a five star hotel? Or would you rather go for an adventure with me? I know a perfect place."

Eric chuckled softly. "I am going home." He said simply.

"What?" Diego gasped, a frown appearing on his face.

But Eric was already dialing a number. "Hello, Riya... Can you come pick me at..."

But before he even finished his sentence, Diego grabbed the phone away from him and switched it off.

"What the fuck! What did you do that for?" Eric snapped.

Diego groaned angrily. "You know what, I don't understand you. Earlier you were flirting with and now what?" He barked. He'd never been so angry before. "Are you just toying with me, fucking with my feelings?"

"Diego, stop this car right now!" Eric ordered.

"You know what you are?" Diego snarled. He was starting to lose concentration of his driving. "You're a tease. You just love playing games with us guys."

Eric chuckled bitterly. "You can think about it however you like. I don't give a hoot about your opinion. Just stop this car!" He yelled. But the guy was just driving and adding to his speed. "I said stop this fucking car, you idiot!" He hit him on the arm.

Diego got so furiously that he abruptly stop his car. Eric picked up his phone and bag, hissed and got out. But Diego wasn't gonna let him go just like that. He furiously got out and closed his door with a bang. He rushed to Eric, gripped his arm and pulled him back.

"Not so fast!" He snapped. "If you think you can play with me then you're wrong."

He gripped Eric's arms and started getting closer. But Eric wasn't gonna let him. He tried to put up a fight but the guy was stronger. He was trying to kiss him but Eric wasn't gonna let him.

"Somebody should teach you a lesson."

"Let me go, Diego!" Eric yelled, his breaths became harsh. He knew he was in trouble and there was no one else on that road. "Let me go, you bastard!"

"Go on!" Diego finally let him, smiling like a rapist. "Put up a fight. It excites me the more. As you can see there's no one else around here. I don't care if we're gonna do it in public but I must get a taste of you today. Don't worry..." He rubbed on his crotch, chuckling to himself. "'re gonna enjoy it."

With those words, he held Eric's arms and pinned him to the car with his back to the car. He trying to kiss those lips but Eric wasn't gonna let him. Diego had held him painfully.

"Let me go, Diego!" He cried. "You're hurting me!"

But Diego wasn't gonna let him go. He was gonna have him whether the heavens liked it or not.

"Help!" He shouted at the top of his voice. He'd never been so scared. "Somebody please help!"

"You can't resist this..." Diego laughed.

"Please!" Eric cried. "Help me!"

They were still struggling with each other when Eric heard the sound of a car and a door opening quickly. Then suddenly, Diego was ripped away from him and the next thing was the sound of a punch. When he turned, he found Diego on the floor with a bleeding nose.

Before he even realized it, he felt someone holding his hands. "Are you okay, Eric?"

It was Sergio, his savior. Eric had never felt so happy seeing Sergio before. Tears welled up in his eyes when he saw him and he wanted to hug him. But before he could even say anything...

"You'll pay, you bastard!"

Sergio heard the man's voice and was about to act. But when he turned, it was to find to a fist flying in his face. It landed on the side of his mouth, sending him flying to the hard tarred road. He felt pain slip through his system like a bolt of electricity and his body jerked right before he tasted his own blood.

He tried to get up but got another one close to the eye but that one wasn't that painful. He furiously rose and kicked the guy, sending him back to the floor. He was so mad that he was ready to kill the idiot for even thinking of touching Eric.

He went closer for another punch but Eric blocked him and held his arms.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?" He yelled. "Don't think that just because he's alone it makes him weak. I am really with him so..."

"Well, it's none of your business!" Diego shouted when he rose.

"You... you..."

"Sergio, please, that's enough!" Eric said, holding him tightly. "Don't worry about this. Let's just go."

"Should I see you anywhere near Eric, I'll destroy you." Sergio warned.

"That's enough!" Eric said.

Sergio had never felt himself get mad. He held Eric's hands and both of them rushed to his expensive black Ford Kuga. He opened the door for Eric and as he was going to his own side, he gestured to Diego that he was gonna kill him. He drove off with Eric, leaving the stupid looking man alone.


"Ouch!" Sergio groaned when Eric slowly passed a cotton wool with alcohol on his bruise near his mouth.

He was seated on the couch with Eric tending to his bruise which was gonna take at least a day to heal. Eric was really close to his face and he could feel his hot breaths on his face which made his hormones to go crazy. The good thing was that they were in Eric's apartment so Sergio knew where he lived.

"You know what, you should have let me kill that guy." He said harshly. "He's such an asshole. Who does he think he is? He thinks you are his property." But Eric was quiet. He was just busy tending to the guy. "Why do you keep going out with him? This isn't the first time I have seen you two together."

"I will go out with anyone I please!" Eric said hoarsely without even looking at him.

Sergio looked at the boy and smiled. "That kind of thinking gets you in trouble. Are you in a relationship with him?"

"None of your business!" He said without even caring. He was now staring into the guy's face. "Saving me from Diego doesn't give you the right to tell me what I should or shouldn't do."

Sergio smiled. "Do you even like him?"

"Why don't you just shut up?"

"Is he your type of guy?" Sergio teased, winking. "You like someone who's not good looking, wears a suit, has short hair and hits like a girl. That kind?"

"Shut up!" Eric groaned angrily. The guy was getting on his nerves.

He shook his head and continued with what he was doing.

"I still don't understand why you keep going out with him. You're very beautiful, rich and popular. You don't need him. In fact, I think he needs you more than you do."

Eric pressed hard on the bruise, making the guy groan painfully. "If I slap you on the face, will that make you shut up?"

"Well kissing me might work!" He said with a moan.

Eric stared into the guy's face, getting lost in his eyes. That was the first time he got closer without being forced. The guy was really handsome. He took a deep breath, giving a gloomy sigh.

"You've stopped bleeding." He got up. "Now go and see a psychiatrist."

He tried to go away but the guy pulled him back that they were faces were closer. "Eric, I don't understand why you don't like me. I am a nice guy and I just want a chance to be with you. What can I do to make you like me even if it is just a little bit?"

Eric smiled. "Mr. Sergio Alvarado, thank you very much for your help."

He tried to move but the guy even pulled him closer. When he felt those breaths on his face, he felt frozen. He was staring into those eyes, getting lost in them and seeing a fire that he hadn't seen in them before. It was too much for him and what he felt was strange. It was like something was dragging him closer to the guy.

The space that was in between them was slowly getting smaller and smaller. Eric felt like he needed to try it. He needed to kiss those lips again. But just when their lips were almost touching, the door flung open and ruined the moment.

"Eric I..." It was Riya and she stood in the doorway like she had seen a ghost. "I am sorry. I didn't know..."

"Sergio, you may leave." Eric said softly, staring at him. "Thanks."

Sergio stared at Eric for a few seconds before he picked up his car keys and started leaving. Riya waved at him as he left and she was smiling. When he left, she closed the door behind her and went to Eric, wrapping her arms around him.

"Oh my God, you didn't tell you and Sergio were an item now." She squeaked, jumping like a kid. "Oh my God, you're so cute together."

Eric chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't try to deny it. If I didn't come in, you two would have surely kissed."

"Riya!" Eric chuckled. "You're just seeing what your mind wants you to see. Anyway, before you start asking the reason why he was in my house, I brought him here to come and tend to his wounds since he got hurt while trying to save me from..." He sighed gloomily, passing his hands through his hair. "...from Diego earlier."

"Save you?" Riya gasped, a frown appearing on his face. "Why would he save you from Diego?"

Eric looked at his friend and opened his mouth but for a few seconds, no word came out of his mouth. Riya gestured, shrugging.

"Well, he tried to take advantage of me and..."

"What?" Riya gasped, her eyes widening. "That son of a bitch tried to take advantage of you? How?"

"Well..." Eric knew he was gonna regret what he was about to say. " you remember that time I called?" She nodded. "Yeah, I was trying to avoid Sergio so I accepted Diego's dinner proposal, literally. And when I changed my mind, he tried to take advantage of me right in the middle of the road. Fortunately, Sergio arrived and he saved that day."

"That bastard." Riya groaned, clenching her fist. "He's gonna get it from me, I swear. Why don't we file charges?"

"No!" Eric sighed. "I don't think that's necessary. He won't show his stupid face to me again."

"And you too, I told you the game you were playing was too dangerous." Riya was angry. "I told you that Diego couldn't be trusted and..."

"I have learnt my lesson." Eric chimed in. "I swear."

"So does that mean you've decided to give Sergio a chance?" She smiled happily.

"What? No!"

"There we go again." She rolled his eyes. "Anyway, let's just talk about something else. But when I see that bastard, I will kick him in the nuts and he'll never try this nonsense with anyone again."

"The floor is yours." Eric slowly bowed, making Riya laugh.

"Anyway, two days from now, one of our course mates is holding a grand birthday for herself at her house. We've both been invited and we're going."

"What?" Eric gasped. "Two days from now? Well, you're gonna have to go with Smith because I am meeting with mommy late afternoon two days from now and even if I wasn't, I wouldn't attend that party. You know me and parties."

"Smith is going home for the weekend, remember?"

"Oh yeah, but I am not going. The few parties I have been to since I came to this school are enough. I don't want boys at the party to have their eyes all over me and hitting on me. I don't like that. And besides, such parties usually have beers and not juice so thank you very much."

Riya sighed. "You're probably right. It is not a good idea to go there. We'll just find something fun to do. So..." She looked at him with a teasing smile. "When the hero saved the day, did you give him a hero's kiss."

"Okay, I think I am going to shower." He said with a chuckle as he started heading to his bedroom.

"Eric, come on!"


"Oh my God!" Steve gasped as soon as Sergio made it inside the house. "Dude, what's going on? Were you involved in a fight?"

"Yeah," Henry shrugged. "Where did you get that bruise on your cheek?"

"No! Well..." He sighed. "...kinda! But I didn't plan on it. Eric was..."

"Eric!" Henry chimed in and burst into laughter, holding his chest. "Eric gave you that bruise?" He pointed. "I knew he could slap but punches? That's a new one?"

"Dude!" Sergio frowned, shaking his head. "Eric didn't give me that bruise. There was some son of a bitch that was trying to hurt him. He tried to take advantage of him and I thank God I arrived there when I did otherwise, he'd have probably raped him."

"What?" Steve gasped, his eyes widening. Even Henry wasn't laughing anymore. "Someone tried to take advantage of him? How?"

"I don't know how it happened but I am gonna kill that bastard if he gets an inch close to Eric."

Steve was confused with the way Sergio was acting. He looked at Henry and the both of them got worried. They'd never seen their friend that mad.

"Dude... you're acting a bit weird." Steve muttered. "It's either the blow you got was really hard or... you're falling in love with Eric. Do you love him?"