Game of Love Ch. 09


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With a slight nod, Sergio stormed out of there and went running after Eric.

"Sergio!" Kim screamed at the top of her voice. "Come back here, Sergio!"

But he was gone. Trevor couldn't take it anymore. He ran away from there, covering his mouth while he cried like a baby. Giada went after him and Kimberly just remained standing there, asking herself what the hell had just happened.

"When did I lose my son?" She muttered. "When did he start acting like that?"

"The question should be, when will you lose your son, mommy?" Adrianna said hoarsely. "What you're doing is only driving him further away from you. And if you still care..."

"Shut up!" Kim barked, stamping her foot angrily. "Shut the fuck up and I don't wanna hear another word from that stupid mouth of yours."

"It's fine!" Adrianna angrily dropped her hands. "You don't have to worry about that because I am done. Enjoy the party all alone!"

She furiously turned and left the party. Kim remained standing there and she didn't even realize she had tears in her eyes. And no matter how much she suppressed them, they still came flowing. She rubbed them slowly, balling her fist.

"You'll pay for these tears, Eric!" She vowed. "You'll pay!"


Trevor slowly opened the door to his mansion and he started heading in slowly, walking like he was in so much. There were tears on his face and he felt like someone had placed him in the middle of a fire. His skin was literally melting away.

He could remember the way Sergio had been staring at Eric, the way he had gone after him. He had dressed up the way he did for him but now, everything was ruined. Trevor hugged himself as cold passed through him, bringing a pain that sheeted through him with a terrible intensity.

"No!" Trevor yelled, his angry voice filling the entire house. "No! You can't do this to me."

He started throwing away everything in his way, cushions, vessels, anything that he could get his hands on. But it wasn't helping him. It even worsened the situation for him. He took up a cushion and ripped it to pieces, throwing it away. He was acting insane and so loud that the maids couldn't help but watch from afar.

Giada came running inside with tears in her eyes. She dropped her bag to the floor and quickly held her son. But he wouldn't calm down. He started retaliating but Giada held him even tighter, rubbing on his back.

"It's okay, sweetie! I am right here. Mommy is here."

"It was supposed to be my night, our night!" Trev cried. Pain felt like a sharp toothed creature eating him from the inside. "It hurts, mommy. It was supposed to be my night but he ruined it for me. That bitch ruined everything and he knows that I love Sergio so much."

"Baby, you don't have to cry." She soothed. "You haven't lost anything. We'll be victorious, trust me. I have a plan."

Trevor raised his face and looked into his mother's eyes. He stood crying and just stared at her.

"What are you saying?"

"You don't have to shed tears, my baby." She tried to smile but it failed terribly. "Mommy will always have your back. You'll be married to him, I swear on my life. Trust me. I have got it all figured out."

Trev cried even more and held Giada tightly. She kissed his head and held him tightly.

Meanwhile, Brice had been standing, watching as his son cried. He had tears in his eyes but he couldn't do anything. He started heading towards the staircase but Giada spotted him.

"I hope you're happy now, Brice!" Giada said harshly. "Your illegitimate son just ruined my son's night. And what were you saying the other day, he would never do that. You saw it, didn't you? That bitch...."

"Giada, please!" Brice muttered. "All of us have had quite a rough night."

"All of us?" Giada raged, furiously getting up and rushing to her husband. "All of us, really? You're the cause of what my son just went through tonight, you and that bastard son of yours. He insulted my son and yet you just stood there like a stone watching the whole thing."

"Giada, please, just take care of our son. He doesn't need this."

"He doesn't need this?" Giada barked, hitting her husband on the chest. "Yes, you're right about one thing. He doesn't deserve what that bastard son of yours..."

"And what did Eric do that you're accusing him of this?" Brice snapped. "What the hell are you talking about? Eric never did anything wrong tonight. He bought a necklace and I never saw him go on a date with Sergio."

"Really?" Giada chuckled bitterly. "You're the only one that is blind here. Your son knows nothing but to cause pain to this family, especially my son. He is crying because of him."

"Don't point a finger when you're not so innocent, Giada."

"What?" She gasped.

"Yes! What did you do to Eric five years that made him flee this city?" Brice asked harshly. "Why are you the only complaining that he is hurting you and Trevor? Why does he hate you so much?"

Giada felt a cold shiver enter her and her eyes darted from left to right. Adrenalin pumped through her body and she felt her heart pound violently in her chest.

"W-w-what are you talking about?"

"Let me tell you something Giada, I know I made a mistake and I don't like seeing Trevor suffer. What happened to him was not okay tonight but listen to me carefully..." He warned, raising his finger at her. Sweat broke off Giada's forehead. She was scared. "...Eric is my flesh and blood whether illegitimate or not. I love him as much as I love Trevor. I shouldn't find out that you had hurt my son five years ago."

Giada felt numb. She was panicking.

"Brice, are you accusing me of hurting him? I am your wife."

"Go and tend to our son." Brice seethed, furiously dropping his arms. "I don't wanna discuss this."

He rushed upstairs, leaving Giada standing there in fear. God! Why was everything getting worse, Giada thought as she rubbed the sweat off her forehead? And how did he know about this? She felt sucked and she had thought he was gonna confront.

'Oh my God,' She thought. 'How the hell did he find out about five years ago and what had happened to Eric? Could Eric have told him? No! Eric hates him as much as he hates me. He couldn't have told him. Whatever happens, I will not let Brice find out the truth because with the way he talks about Eric these days, he might leave me.

And even at that, I have to do something that will permanently make him see Eric like a bad son again. With the way things are going, he might wake up one day and decide to give Eric part of his wealth. I cannot allow that to happen. I have to do something.'

Giada took a deep breath, trying to look okay. She went back to her son to soothe him.


The car door opened and Eric got out. He was looking really down. His mood was off and he had no idea why. His conversation with Kimberly had probably caused it all. The woman hated him a lot and he wasn't supposed to care. So why was he down like that?

He started heading towards the entrance of his house but suddenly, someone started knocking abruptly on his gate and he stopped and his mind went to the gate. He watched as the guard opened the gate and got a shocking surprise when he saw Sergio running inside like a mad person, heading towards him.

He frowned. "Sergio?" He gasped. "What are you doing here?"

Sergio took a deep breath, leaning on his knees. He was just so tired.

"I am sorry." He apologized. "I had no idea that my mother would act that way. Please, forgive me."

Eric chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "Is that why you came here? You shouldn't have left the party just to come here. What will the guests say?'

Sergio shook his head. "I don't care about them, Eric."

"You should." Eric was still surprised. But there was something about Sergio's presence that got him excited. "I am okay. Your mother just wanted to talk. That's all. The reason why I left is because I didn't have anything to do anymore there. It was your family time and I had to leave."

Sergio chuckled nervously. "I know my mother and..."

"Sergio, really, I am fine. Please, go back to the party. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

Eric turned to leave but Sergio's hands were fast to grab his hand and pull him back. He was about to say something but the next thing he felt were Sergio's lips smashing on his. It was a great surprise and he was shocked. Maybe time stopped when Sergio's lips met his, but the sensations he felt only intensified. Eric's heart pounded in his chest as his knees got weaker. He wanted to pull away but he couldn't.

Sergio on the other hand hadn't expected to kiss Eric but God, his lips felt so amazing. His whole body tingled, the feel of Eric's body so close to him felt nearly forbidden and like an imagination. He claimed his mouth, hungry and intense, sucking on those soft lips that he'd missed so much. God, how could something be so sweet, Sergio thought as his lips danced on Eric's, moaning softly.

Then after what felt like hours, Eric quickly put his hands on Sergio's chest, slightly pushing him away. But that didn't stop the kiss but it slowed down, becoming tender and infinitely more. It was like they were getting to know each other on an intimate level. Eric was breathless and dazed, unprepared for all that. But his body ached for more of Sergio. He couldn't resist.

Just as quick as the kiss had started, Sergio pulled away. And when he stared into Eric's eyes, he felt really nervous, scared and happy at the same time. A lot of questions ran through his head and he had no idea the answers from Eric's eyes. Did he like the kiss? Did Sergio cross his limit? Was Eric gonna slap him? But none of that happened. The two of them just stared at each other, breathing heavily.

"I... I am so sorry." Sergio apologized. "I... I... I don't know what came over me. Fuck!"

He quickly turned and raced out of there.

Eric just watched as the man fled like the hounds of hell were after him. He slowly moved his fingers to his lips, rubbing on them. Suddenly, a quiet contentment spread through him and his joy unfolded like a flower, elevating his mood. He didn't even realize he was smiling. But all that was playing at the back of his mind was the kiss.

What had just happened?


Kimberly was moving angrily from side to side with her fists clenched. She was breathing harshly, feeling the need to smash something. She was angrily glancing towards the entrance from time to time, hoping her son would just pop in. How could he have done this to her? He had ruined everything.

Adrianna was seated on the staircase, watching her venting mother. She brushed her palms together, praying in her heart that Sergio wouldn't return any time soon. Fuck! Sergio, where was he, she thought as she got really nervous?

Kim groaned and that was when she saw him, making his way into the house with a smile on his face. He looked like a man who had just come from having the greatest sex of his life, which made Kim feel a flicker of irritation. Anger thrummed through her veins and she shook from the very intensity of it.

Sergio on the other hand was paralyzed with happiness as the image of the kiss he had shared with Eric a few minutes back played at the back of his mind. He was smiling at himself and felt like his feet barely touched the ground. God, after so long, he finally kissed those lips again, sweeter than ever. He wasn't worried about their next encounter although he knew that he had probably messed up.

"I feel..."

Sergio trailed off when he saw his mother standing in front of him, giving him her look of resentment. He knew it very well, those harsh breaths that could burn you if you were near... the killer eyes she was giving him and the nose flare of total anger. He started losing the smile on his face, feeling his heart pound in his chest.


She held up her hand, gesturing for him to keep quiet.

"You're back? Why are you back?" She gesticulated. "Why didn't you just sleep there as well? You might as well park your bags and leave this house. Go and stay with that whore! Go and fuck each other until you're tired."

"Mommy?" He was shocked. He'd never heard his mother use such language before. "Why are you talking like this? I know I left the party unfinished but it's not Eric's fault. I was the one that followed him. I wanted to apologize to him and..."

"I have tried talking to that boy but he paid a deaf ear." She seethed. "I tried with you but it seems you're too blind to see that that boy is using charms on you. When did you suddenly become this irresponsible man? This is not my son standing here because my son would have listened to me."

"Mommy, try and understand..."

"You left the party and your fiancé, the boy that loves you and went after..." She grimaced. She didn't even know what to call Eric. "....that that thing."

"Mommy, Eric and Sergio are just friends." Adrianna said as she got up. "You're making a big..."

"You shut up!" She warned. "Shut the hell up or you won't like what I'll do to you."

Then she looked at her son.

"I simply don't know when my foolish son became this whore of a man!" She snapped, surprising her children. "I have talked to you severally but you seem to be having trouble listening. You've been doing whatever you want but you listen to me..." She warned, pointing right in his face. "...get prepared to get married to Trevor..."


"I didn't finish!" She yelled. "You need to start getting ready because the wedding is no longer in 15 days." She paused and watched as he remained like a statue. "You're getting married to Trevor in the next 5 days."

Sergio felt like a cold wind went right through him. He felt like his heart stopped beating... he couldn't breathe or do anything. He just stared at his mother, his eyes getting wider and his jaw almost dropping. His skin tingled and muscles became rigid. He was literally a statue.

'You're getting married to Trevor in the next 5 days!' Kim's voice echoed in his head.

"What?" He gasped in a shaky voice. He was scared. "What are you saying, mommy? Why would you change the date to my wedding and..."

"Get used to it!" Kim said hoarsely. "I thought I could reason with you but it looks like you're not thinking straight. So if I were you, I would start preparing for my upcoming wedding."

"But mom, why would you do this to him?" Adrianna rushed to where the two stood. "Marriage isn't a joke and you should have asked him first."

"He's my son and I can make decisions for him since he seems to be thinking with his dick!" She yelled at a startled looking Sergio. "So he better start preparing for his wedding. I have already sent word to the media and they're gonna publish it in the newspaper tomorrow."

She moved closer to her son, pointing angrily at him. "And don't you dare mess this up, Sergio, because you'll regret having me as a mother."

She quickly turned and left. Adrianna held on to her brother's arm, resting her head on his arm. She felt really terrible and couldn't help but shed a tear. Everything was going so very wrong.

'You're getting married in the next five days.'

Sergio felt like he was dreaming. Was this it?

To be continued....


Thanks for coming to the end of the 9th chapter. Please, don't forget to drop your comments and rates as well guys. This just shows me that you guys are really hooked and looking forward to more and I shall give you more. That is my promise.

The theme songs are, "Touch and power," by Little mix, "Poison," by Beyonce and "Want to want me," by Jason Derulo.

Chapter 10 will drop very soon.

Feel the passion....

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

When starting to Reader and the story unfolded from romance into more drama i first liked it, especially the more evil character of Giada... But its getting more and more unrealistic drawing other characters on Giada's side for any good reason at all..... why on earth would Kim push her own son into a marriage? Its not like he or his fiance is pregnat.... And why does she not see that Giada's Business is going south being in the same Business and... and looking at potential sons in law it should be clear who the better catch is, or? Trev who seems to be only a spoiled son living at expence of his family or Eric a successful selfmade business men....

2 more things:

- Gay anal sex does not typically lead to bleading for the passiv guy and if its not bound to virginaty. Anatomically there is no "Skin" inside the rectum to be broken when first pentrated during intercourse.... If so this would have been riped when taking the first shit to make that clear

- the Description about everyones attire is not really adding to the plot ... Is rather getting repetitive and in some caes rather leads to questioning eitler taste or the definition of masculine appearance..

A little anoying too is the mix up of names in a number of scenes... that wears of a little of the actual value this Story still has

Overall I still like the characters u created and hope for a happy ending

josranvictorjosranvictoralmost 4 years ago
Brice cool down

Nope we ain't forgiving u easily.....he was more of an excuse of a father than a real way huh,but Giada😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😀😀😀😀😀😀bitch i pity her now cos she is a failure🤓🤓🤓😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎...theme songs.....he is mine by brandy,megatron by nicki minaj,.....sorry by beyonce.....gonna fuck you by josran victor😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣am jocking

I miss and love you van

josranvictorjosranvictoralmost 4 years ago

I swear that bitch Eric knows how to kiss....the way he slowly pushed Sergio ....fuck they are way too perfect,i swear they have made me happy in this new birthmonth of mine........Sergio needs some hot sex that will leave him breathless...i swear he needs it rough,Eric riding that dick like a maniac but yeah i dont know what he z gonna do coz mummy wants him married 🤔🤔🤔🤔but nonetheless,the guy is hot eeeh 🍆👅can suck him......but no he is Eric's......but yeeeesssss he is a hunk and that dumbness he exudes when Eric is there makes him yummmy

josranvictorjosranvictoralmost 4 years ago
I swear Eric does things i have in mind

For sure when he spilled the wine to Trev its what i had in my mind....Who does Trev think he. S hahahahaha and Adriannah has the guts to laugh at him....😁😁😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣but Van i swear i love Adriana,there is away she mocks Trev just remember the dinner part and at the party how she laughs when Trev is humiliated...i swear she makes the situation was for the guy...not to mention about his supplementary comments when Sergio was mad at,Trev in the dinner scene....Adriana will kill me one day,she is a saint just like Adrian of stand for love🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗booboo

josranvictorjosranvictoralmost 4 years ago
What the fuck

U know those fools are making it worse,is it Eric's fault the he shines just like the diamond he has bought????😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 u know Trev is so unreasonable and it aint making sense....hahaha he has to admit that Eric is diamonds himself coz trust me short of that,he is gonna have a killing heart attack soon...hahaha and he s stupid,their companies are falling apart yet he had guts to bid😆😆😆😆😉😉😉😉😉a poor guy cannot beat a rich one hahahaha😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😆😆

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