Game of Love Ch. 12


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"Mommy, calm down." Trevor held her tighter. "There has got to be something we can do. We can call them and tell them to come back. They'll listen because they've been with us for so long."

Giada stopped crying and then looked at her son. Then a thought came to her. She knew in that situation, there was just one person that was gonna help her. It was only Kim that was gonna help her revive her company. She couldn't wait anymore.

She quickly rubbed her tears and picked her phone from the floor. She didn't waste any time in dialing Kimmy's number. It wasn't long and the phone started ringing.

'Hello!' Kim answered on the other end.

"Yes, Kim, I wanted to..."

'I am sorry!' Kim apologized on the other end. She didn't sound like herself. 'I don't think I can do what I had promised you. The situation is now complicated.'

"What?" Giada gasped, feeling like all the air had left her lungs and they'd collapsed. "What are you telling me?"

'I am not in control of my son anymore.' She sobbed on the other end. 'Can you imagine he threatened to leave me should I interfere in his relationship? I am so scared, Giada. I don't think I can fulfill my promise right now. At least, not now.'

"Kim, you promised!" Giada said with tears rolling down her face. "What are we going to do?"

'We're not giving up but right now, I am not able to help you.' She sighed. 'I am so sorry.'

With those words, Kim cut the call on Giada.

"Kim?" Giada hollered. "Kim?"

Then she looked at her son as she slid the phone from her ear, more tears flooding her face. Her brain had shut down. Her eyes were as wide as if someone was coming to deliver the fatal blow.

"What?" Trevor asked with a raised eyebrow. "What did she say?"

"She... she cannot help us!" Giada stuttered, holding her son's hands slowly. "She's betrayed us, son. It's over."

His watery eyes enlarged and the hairs on the nape of his neck bristled. A gaggle of goose pimples laminated his rigid skin.

"What?" His voice sounded different. "B-but she promised. She promised me that Sergio was gonna be mine. What are we gonna do?"

But Giada couldn't talk. She opened her mouth but no words came out. She was too scared to speak as she knew that it was all over. Her last hope had just abandoned her. She just shook her head at her son, feeling like she'd been stabbed in the heart.

Trevor on the other hand just dropped his eyes to the couch as hot tears started streaming down his cheeks like a river without any end. He'd never experienced such pain before. Not even when Sergio had married Eric. What was going on?


"Mommy, I will take care of myself." Eric said with a chuckle as he slowly came down the stairs. "And besides, my husband is also going to be there. You don't have to worry."

'Oh, now that you're married I shouldn't get to worry about you. Is that it?'

"Ma!" He sighed. "I didn't say that. You just have other things to do there like take care of Douglas and Lilly. I don't wanna be a burden."

'I am a mother.' Laurel said on the other end. 'It is in our nature to be worried. Just don't forget to have fun while there. And don't forget to send me pictures.'

"I will, mom." He laughed. "Take care too."

He cut the call and continued going down the stairs with a smile on his face. He was dressed in a sexy black long fishnet shirt with a white vest inside tucked in a black skinny jean that showed off his gorgeous curves. He had black snickers on his feet and his hair was tied in a high fashion ponytail.

Finally, the day come, the day that he had been waiting for, the day for him and his husband to leave for their honeymoon. He was just so excited that he couldn't wait to reach Hawaii and just live his life without any disturbances. It was now time to enjoy his marriage to the fullest.

Eric was deeply lost in his thoughts that he didn't even see Kim at the end of those stairs staring at him with an angry look on his face with her arms crossed. She looked so mad that those Disney evil queens would have been jealous. Eric almost bumped into her before he realized she was there.

"Oh, mommy..." He chuckled nervously. "...I am so sorry. I didn't see you."

"How do you live with yourself, Eric?" Kim asked harshly, shaking her head. "Because of you, my son has lost all his respect for me. His mother! He didn't even tell me he was leaving this country with you!"

Eric lost the smile on his face, replaced by a frown. "I am sorry, mom, but..."

"You know, I thought I had problems before. But I have only realized that my biggest problem is you." She chuckled bitterly. "You're the biggest problem in this house. Everything used to be okay until you brought your ass here."


"Don't you say anything to me." Kim warned, getting closer to him. "Don't even bother to defend yourself because I don't want to hear your annoying voice." She yelled in his face. "You're the reason why our family is broken today."

"That was never my intention!" Eric sighed. "I know the way we got married wasn't right. But the deed has already been done. Don't you think it's about time you..."

"Never!" Kim snarled, breathing like a beast. "I will never ever accept you for my son. And if you know what's good for you, leave him alone and..."


It was Sergio and he was rushing down the stairs with a frown on his face and Adrianna was just right behind him. He was wearing a yellow t-shirt with a brown trouser and brown shoes.

"What do you think you are doing?" He rushed to Eric and held him tighter. "Until when will you stop hurting my husband? Why can't you just accept our marriage like a normal mother would?"

"Excuse me?" Giada gasped, shaking her head. "Don't I have a right to have a say in your life anymore? Is this boy really more important to you than your own mother? I gave birth to you and I have always given you what you wanted." Tears welled in her eyes. "Is this how you're gonna treat me?"

"Mom, please..." Sergio hit his head, feeling a little upset. "...I don't want any of your emotional drama right now. We've got a plane to catch and..."

"Sergio, please, don't talk to her like that..."

"Oh, please, don't pretend like you're not happy." Giada snapped. "This is what you wanted. To get my son and my daughter away from me. To turn them against me."

"Why would I want that honestly, mother?" He shrugged. "If I wanted to do that then they wouldn't even be here. I love your son and it's the truth."

"You don't have to explain anything to her." Sergio said, holding Eric's hand tightly. "I am tired of telling her the same thing. She's a grown up and she can do whatever she wants. She already knows how important our family is to me and maybe if I really matter to her then she'll accept whatever it is that makes me happy."

"And what about me?" She prodded.

"Mom, please, we're just going in circles with this conversation." Sergio said harshly. "I respect you, I love you and you're my mother. But I also love Eric and if my happiness matters to you then you'll accept him as well."

With those words, Sergio took his husband's hand and they both started heading outside with Adrianna right behind them. Eric felt really terrible and he couldn't help but glance at Kim as they left the house.

Kim on the other hand remained there as the tears decorated her face. She cried softly, dropping to the floor. She couldn't understand where her son was, her beautiful son that used to listen to her. This one was different. She just remained there crying softly.


Giada was seated on a small chair near the window, staring outside the window. All she was, was sadness, every other emotion had been pushed from her being. Where there was love, the light, the laughter was an aching hollowness.

She had a husband, a high status in society, a son that used to smile all the time. But now, everything had been taken away by Eric. He had literally ruined her life. Her company was becoming messier and messier each day and now she didn't know what to do.

The urge to cry came and web, chaotic, powerful, spilling hot tears. In between the floods it sat heavy on her heart. She would describe her sadness and pain like death by a billion paper cuts, for every time she remembered her loss it was another cut to her already damaged heart and mind. None were enough to kill her, but overtime their accumulation bled her of the status and pride she once. She was a queen, happily married but now not even one person wanted to associate with her. If only her husband had been there.

Suddenly, she heard her phone vibrate in an annoying way. Giada sighed gloomily, taking her phone to see what other tragedy had befallen her. But when she opened her phone to check the message, she froze where she stood. She couldn't move, she couldn't even breathe. She felt her heart pounding in her chest and it echoed in her ears as she read the message.

'I know you desperately need help to get to the top again.'

Giada's heart beat so loudly that it seemed to want to escape from her chest. She frowned as she tried to make of the message. She glanced at the sender and found that the line was private. And before she could even come to her senses, another message popped up.

'If you're interested, rush to the place which I'll send.'

Before long, an address came and Giada literally jumped up. She held the phone, staring at the screen like she was expecting something to emerge from there. There were lots of questions on her mind and fear struck her. She re-read the message and each time she did, she got really scared.

"Who would send me this?" She asked, taking a sharp gasp. "What if it's a trap?"

But Giada knew that she had lost everything. What harm was it gonna cause to check who the person was, she thought as she took a deep breath? The person was either gonna help her or do something bad. But nothing was gonna be as bad as the situation she was in.

She quickly rushed to her closet to change. It was now or never.


Giada entered the room she'd been directed to and was welcomed by darkness like the thick velvet curtain of the theatre. She let her eyes wonder, looking all around but she couldn't see a thing. The room had a spooky charm, it was dull and quiet. It was cold too and Giada started getting chills. She felt like she'd walked in the devil's den.

"H-hello!" She stammered in a weak voice. "Is somebody in here? I... I... I had received a message. I am here now. Show yourself. Why did you bring me in this darkness? I am here now. Show yourself."

At first Giada thought she was imagining things but there was that familiar scent of a cigar and it felt nearby. Then suddenly, a light went on at the table which was only able to view only a part, an empty seat near the table with papers all over that table. There was a figure across that table and it was smoking but Giada couldn't even see a thing. She could tell that whoever the person was, was smoking.


"Sit down Giada!"

His voice was nothing like Giada had ever heard before. It sounded like a drum, but deeper, like a tuba, but deeper. It echoed through the room. His voice was like the magma chamber of a volcano, deep, but entirely with the molten rock. His voice was powerful enough to make your bones feel like they were vibrating.

"Are... are you the one that had called me here?"

She was so scared that her heart was pounding in her chest but she tried to ignore it and slow her breathing. She was visibly trembling because she couldn't see who the man was or how he looked like.

"Sit down, Giada!" The man said or rather commanded.

Giada silently walked towards the chair and she silently sat, trying to calm herself down. She was trying to see who the man was but the light that was directed on her face was impossible. What if she was meeting the devil?

"What do you want from me?" She muttered. "You said you could help me. And how do you know about me?"

"I know everything, Giada, and I also know what you've been going through." The man chuckled. His laugh was even creepier. "And I also know what kind of person you are."

Giada was surprised. "You know who I am? What do you want from me?"

There was a silence for a few seconds before she heard a thud on the table. She quickly looked there and saw a file.

"Open it!" The man ordered.

Giada opened the file and she started going through. As she did, adrenaline started coursing through her veins and her eyes widened. She quickly raised her head, staring at the finger that was blowing out smoke. She didn't know whether he was smiling.

"That is a contract that is worth millions." The man chuckled. "You can get your glory and position as the queen of this city, goddess if you want. Along with that, you're gonna get security and my protection. You're gonna be untouchable."

Giada tingled from her head to her toes. She felt like every fiber of her being was vibrating in anticipation. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins. Her hands trembled and her eyes were wide. Her mind was like a butterfly, whatever distraction she chose for herself, her mind kept on fluttering back to the contract in her hand. Then she'd get that tingly feeling all over again.

"Why?" Giada felt like peeing in excitement. It felt like a dream. "Why me?"

"Because I know you, Giada. I know what kind of woman you are. You are desperate for power, riches and influence. I am ready to provide that for you."

Giada was smiling brightly but then again, she lost the smile on her face.

"But you wouldn't just be helping me. What's the catch? I know how these things work."

The man chuckled, taking in a harsh breath.

"Don't they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend?" He asked. "I could use your services. The both of us harbor the same enemy and we both want the same thing. I know we can help each other out. I can help you get your revenge on them all."

The moment she heard 'revenge,' Giada knew she was interested. The need for revenge was like a rat gnawing at her soul, relentless, unceasing. It could only be stopped by the cold steel of a rat trap, a trap he would devise himself.

"I am listening."

"I want you to sign the contract, Giada." The man instructed in his scary voice. "However, know that I cannot be betrayed because I'll destroy you before you even think about it."

"Why would I?" She chuckled, giving an evil grin. She felt like a queen already. "When you're offering me the entire world? I wouldn't even think of it. Now if you don't mind, show me the face of the man I'll be making a deal with."

"All in good time, Giada." The man said. "You need to show me that you can be trusted. Then I'll show my face to you. Now are you interested in causing some destruction and taking back whatever you've lost?"

An evil grin appeared on Giada's face like a cobra seeking its prey as she took the pen.

"With pleasure!"

She began signing the contract. And as she did, she felt evil and powerful. She didn't care who the man was or what he wanted to do. All she cared about was getting her lost power and glory. It was gonna be payback time.

"Nice, Giada!" The man laughed manically. "You're more than I had thought."

"Well, I don't know you but..." Giada chuckled like an evil queen from a fairytale. "...the devil is not evil the only evil ones are us."

To be continued....


Thanks guys for reading this chapter to the very end and all the love you've shown for me. Please, don't forget to drop your comments and rates. Just a few more chapters to wrap this story up guys. We can make it.

The theme songs for this chapter are, 'forever' by Angeline Quinto and Erik Santos, 'Helplessly,' by Tatiana Manaois, 'Power,' by Little Mix and 'The heart wants what it wants,' by Selena Gomez.

Chapter 13 will drop very soon and it will be a bomb. I promise!

Feel the passion...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

You really like using "chuckle", "how dare you", "designer's shirt" and so on...most character almost seemed to be portrayed in a very similar manner; they sound the same, they react to things the same. The dialogue are rather awkward. It just seemed a bit perfunctory.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Love this chapter, and Eric is so sweet wanted to show Kim how innocent he is bit her stupidity has her blinded. Why do I feel that Heney is the person who is going to help Giada, seeingthat they both hate Eric and Henry dislikes Sergio after he got to be with Eric.

mfa607mfa607almost 4 years ago

Great chapter! Now who’s the stranger trying to start trouble? Thank you!

josranvictorjosranvictoralmost 4 years ago
Theme songs

We found love by my girl rihanna

Hallo by Beyonce

Feels by pharell

Love on top by Beyonce

Diamonds by my girl rihanna

Kan goo from 2getting the series.......i love you van be blessed

Seriously i love you...Sergio fuck you u for being so hunky

Eric i love you my beauty king

josranvictorjosranvictoralmost 4 years ago
Happy to know....

That finally Brice got some guts to leave that shitty wife but hell no he is not a saint......he has much to do to earn our mercy.....THE HONEY MOON SPECIALLLLL...

I CANT WAIT TO see them happy but at the same time anxious knowing that Giada has got a foolish helper man...but hahaha let her not be proud coz i know some hot slap from Mommy gave her some little knowledge😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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