Game, Set and Match

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A blossoming friendship comes to a very real and mutual conclusion.
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We - my wife and I - had moved from a busy city to a small town around twenty years ago. I joined a local tennis club soon after and that was when I first met a lady called May; she too was married, but at the time she was going through a divorce. We got along well and I helped her get over it by just being there for her.

After her divorce and during the next few years we became very close friends, she confided in me many things, things she knew I would not pass onto another soul, not even to my wife. We often hugged and we gave each other friendly kisses, just a hello or good bye type of kiss. Nothing more, we never went further than that, we knew we would only spoil the relationship if we ever took that step.

I was married and wanted it to stay that way. Two years after May's divorce she met Nick. A nice man; I met him a few times, he also played and I did get on quite well with him. May had told Nick about me and the close friendship we had.

And before we knew it another year had passed, May and I were involved in many more enjoyable matches. And also Nick and May got married. I was over the moon for May, I loved to see her happy. I was so glad she had found someone who would treat her right. From getting to know Nick; I thought he could be right for May.

He saw how May and I got along as tennis partners and how we understood each other on and off the court. I could tell he knew the sort of feelings May and I had for each other. And for some reason he never came across as the jealous type.

Then one day a bolt of lightning struck; in the form of some news that brought a tear to my heart. They told me that Nick had found a job that would lead them away from here. I was in turmoil, both happy for them and sad I would not see them, well, May on a regular basis like we had been doing. And I would lose my playing partner.

May and I always kept in touch through texting, we always told each other what had happened that week, day or whenever!

For me it was more than losing a friend, although I had not actually lost her, it felt as if I had. Then over time, texting got more and more infrequent and when we did, it was not the same sort of conversations. The conversations had little feeling behind them - we grew apart over the next eighteen months.

Then one day again another bolt of lightning, but that time the news was a hell of a lot better. I got a call from May, she said, "Hi lover," she always did tease me that way.

She continued, "You won't believe me, we're moving back!"

My heart sang, I felt goose bumps all over my body, I asked, "Back! Here... when!"

I sounded so over joyed, then a sudden feeling of 'What's happened!' and in almost a sorry voice I asked, "Are you alright and how is Nick?"

She said, "Don't be worried lover, nothing's wrong. Nick's job is relocating, relocating back near where we used to live, by you!"

I was much happier, she said, "We're there looking at some property's. I'll text you and we can meet up."

She did text and we all four of us met for lunch. It was mainly May and I who talked to each other, my wife although she knew May, she did not really know Nick. But nevertheless, both spoke to each other and seemed to get along. But May and I, well we were like a house on fire; you could not have stopped us. It was like we were the married couple out the four of us.

May and Nick moved a month later and we all met on regular evenings out, meals at different restaurants. The last time we met, May said that they had bought a static caravan near a seaside resort, as a weekend retreat or for holidays. She said that they already had some friends over to stay and would like us to visit sometime soon.

May said we could stay over as the caravan had two bedrooms. My wife was always the negative one; she was reluctant to go for a weekend. When we got back home that evening my wife said to me that she did not want to sleep in a caravan, she at least wanted to see it first.

So we arranged to go over for a day. My wife and I got to the caravan and we all had a bit of a chat and a look around. My wife looked happy but I could see in her eyes she was still not that happy. We went out for drinks and a lunchtime meal. Again it was May and I who talked and talked.

May and Nick had re-joined the tennis club but I unfortunately already had another partner for our matches. May and I still played together on club nights.

A few weeks passed and then May said to me one evening as we were leaving the tennis club, "Hey lover, how about you coming over for the weekend, to the caravan. The site is holding an end of season bash, a meal and entertainment."

I said I will ask my wife and get back to her. In my head my instant reaction was 'yes', but I knew I'd have to ask the wife. And as usual I knew the answer well before I had asked it, she said, "NO."

She gave some stupid excuse that there was not enough space in where they had put a bed and was not interested. The room was small for a double bed but for what it was 'A room to sleep in,' in a caravan it was fine, for me anyway.

I called May the following morning; I just made an excuse, I said, "Sorry dear, but wife cannot come, she has a prior engagement."

I could tell from her voice she was not happy, and she picked herself up and I heard a chirpier voice ask, "If you like you can come on your own." I said that I'd have to get back to her.

I don't know why but I thought it only polite to make an excuse for my wife. To be honest, I did not care if my wife didn't want to go, that didn't mean I could not go. I liked May's company and I also liked Nick.

It always made me angry when I asked my wife anything, she was always, always negative; whereas I always wanted to do things. Weather they were on the spur of the moment or planned weeks in advance.

So when my wife said she didn't want to go for that weekend, I just thought, well I'm going and you can stay home and be a prune. So I texted May and said that I'd be delighted to come.

I got a text back almost immediately from May, it read, 'Wonderful lover!'

As I packed a bag I still asked my wife if she wanted to come, and she said no. I knew that was going to be the answer even before I asked her. But it still niggled me, so I said, "Look if you don't want me to go then say so."

She just sniggered and in a sarcastic tone said, "Just go and have a nice weekend with your buddies."

I left; I got to their caravan mid-afternoon. We went out for a drink and a light bite to eat. We spent the next few hours site-seeing, just walking around. We ended up in a wine bar where we had a few glasses and that set us up on a bit of a buzz.

It was an hour before we needed to get to the main hall for the evening meal and the entertainment. We all showered and got changed. We headed off and had a great meal, the entertainment was great. There was a comedian, he was funny, cabaret singers and a magician, and he wasn't bad, quite good at the close up magic tricks he did on our table with a deck of cards.

All the while May and I joked with each other, Nick joined in and all three of us were in a really good mood. On several occasions when I made a slightly rude comment about the other guests, or the entertainers both May and I laughed ourselves to tears. May and I had the same sense of humour, I think that had a lot to do with how well we got on with each other. I had noticed the way Nick looked at us both. It wasn't in a bad way, but I think he felt like he was the intruder.

It was nearly one in the morning when we got back to the caravan to head off to bed. We were all a bit tipsy, but not drunk. After we had said good-night to one another May gave me a quick kiss on the lips and said, "Good night lover, sleep tight."

Then both May and Nick went into their room and left me to mine. I could not asleep; was a bit sort of adrenalin fuelled. It was hot in the van so just had my boxers on under the bed sheet.

Then all of a sudden I heard a knocking sound, I thought it was the door. But it was from an adjacent wall. The sound was continual, every now and then it was quite strong, a big few thuds and then back to slow and rhythmical. I knew what it was; Nick had his cock in May, lucky bastard! But then they were husband and wife.

I got a hard-on and started to stroke myself, just slowly. I peered out of the window and saw lights on in other nearby caravans. I wondered how many others were having just the same experience as Nick and May.

Just then a sudden thought, 'What if I blow my load,' I'll need to clean it up. I had to get up and grab a box of tissues; I noticed there was a box in the sitting area of the caravan. It was dark and I didn't want to disturb them next door, so I didn't turn on any lights just in case.

The knocking continued as I quietly stepped out; I was on my way back when totally by accident I knocked over an empty bottle of wine on the table onto the hard wooden floor. I thought 'Shit!' I quickly went back with the tissues and hoped they didn't hear anything.

When I got back the knocking had stopped; Nick must have blown. I still had a hard-on; I had to satisfy its need. I got back into bed and started to jerk off again. I peered out of the window and I noticed through a window of another caravan there was a couple having sex. It spurred me on as I didn't have the musical wall any more.

Then, holy shit! The light turned on and Nick was stood at the door, in just a pair of boxers. I turned my head towards him and he said, "O sorry mate I did knock."

I had pulled the bed sheet back over me as he continued. He said, "We heard a noise, sorry I just got up to check and also May wanted me to ask you if you wanted anything?"

He was red in the face, he turned and turned the light off, he said, "Sorry, I'm sorry."

He shut the door and went away. My cock had gone limp, lost all hardness and left me feeling of total shame and embarrassment. I wanted to get in my car and just go home, right there and then.

I tossed and turned, I looked out at the other couple in the other caravan, looked like they had finished. Ten minutes must have passed when I heard a knock on the door; yes I heard it that time. I said, "Yes!"

It was Nick, he didn't open the door, he asked, "Sam can I come in?"

I wondered why, what did he want? I said, "Yes sure."

He opened the door and did not turn the light on, the moon light and some outside ground lights lit the room very dimly. He came and stood by the bed. He scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry for earlier, really sorry. I didn't mean to..."

I interrupted him by saying, "It's okay Nick don't worry about it, its fine. I'm the one who should be embarrassed."

He coughed and said, "I talked to May."

On hearing that I pulled the bed sheet over my instantly reddened and embarrassed face; great! Now May thinks I'm a dirty old man too.

I heard Nick carry on talking, "Sam, May wants to talk to you."

I still had the sheet over me; I didn't want to see May, not now! Not ever!

Nick said, "Sam, May wants to see you, alone."

Why the hell would she want to see me... alone?

Nick tugged on the sheet, I lowered it slowly and as my face got uncovered he said, "She has something to ask you. She has something to ask you on behalf of both of us."

I took in a deep breath and whatever the high from the alcohol, I felt sober, the most sober I had been all evening.

I looked up to Nick and said, "I don't think I should humiliate myself further by speaking to May."

He said, "You won't be. Please go see her, I'll wait in here till you come back or you call me."

I thought for a while and then with another deep breath I got up, half off the bed, Nick stepped aside and I stood. He sat on the bed and I said, "I don't think this is a good idea. Shall I just go... go home?"

Nick looked up and said, "No, just go see her and then decide what you want to do."

I turned my back to Nick but still did not really want to see May. I took laboured steps and a thousand thoughts ran through my head, not one of them was a good reason to see May. I was out of my door and stood at her door. I closed my eyes tight and with a blank mind I knocked on the door.

I heard, "Come in."

I still had my eyes shut tight; I opened the door slowly and opened my eyes. There was May, in bed with a sheet over her; her knees were drawn up to her chest as she sat with her back to the head board with a pillow behind her. The light in the room was on.

I could not look at her, I looked to the floor. All I heard was a giggle from her; she said nothing, she just giggled. I looked up slowly and caught her eyes. She smiled and giggled.

I said, "It's not funny."

She stopped giggling and said, "From what I heard it's very funny."

I didn't laugh or smile, I said, "Well it's not... not for me."

She scuttled along the bed; she tapped the bed where she had just been sitting with the palm of her hand and said, "Come here lover, come sit next to me."

I sat but with my back half to her and my legs off the bed, feet on the floor. I turned my head towards her and she said, "You're an idiot; sit properly, up on the bed."

As I raised my feet up and placed them onto the bed, she lifted the sheet and threw it over me. I caught a glimpse of her, she was naked. I sort of expected she would be but not for me to see.

She shuffled up next to me; she was warm and so naked. I closed and opened my eyes slowly to the touch and the heat of her body; it sent a rush through me. We then both had our legs outstretched, touched each other, the whole of one side. As we looked at each other she giggled again and placed a hand on my thigh, under the bed sheet.

She said, "Lover, I'm going to ask you just one question."

I could not bring any sort of emotion to my face, I kept my hands folded. I looked away, just anywhere apart from at her. She slowly stroked my thigh and said, "Sam... lover, we've known each other for many a year, well over twenty. We've never touched one another apart from a hand shake or a friendly kiss."

I looked back at her, what was her point? She continued, "And yet every time you look at me, I can see in your eyes that you want more than just the hand shake... or the friendly kiss."

She was so right, I could not look at her, I closed my eyes softly and I listened to her, "Lover just one question. Just now, when Nick caught you, while you stroked your cock, what were you thinking of, or more precisely who were you thinking of?"

I was silent for a long time; I took in slow deep breaths. She still stroked my thigh and squeezed it along its length.

I still had my eyes closed, my head bowed, I said, "You don't want to know, it doesn't matter."

She leant over and kissed me on the cheek, a soft loving tender kiss which lingered longer than just a friendly kiss.

I shook my head and said, "Nah, it's stupid."

She turned my head and kissed me on the lips, again just lips but that time just a bit longer than always.

She moved away; I opened my eyes and looked at her for a long time before I said, "I was thinking of the first time I saw you. At the tennis club, over twenty years ago, you look as beautiful now as you did back then. You haven't aged a bit."

I shed a tear. Both our fore-heads came softly together and I said, "So when I heard you both tonight... here. I could not help but wish it were me that rocked your bed."

She looked up and wiped away my tear, she said, "You can."

Her hand moved under my boxers, to my flaccid cock; she moved her head and her lips were at my ear, as she said in almost a whisper, "If you want, I'd love for you to do just that lover."

Although in my head I was thinking she did not really mean what she was saying, my cock had other ideas, it was hardening to her soft warm hold and movement.

I moved away and said, "But Nick!"

She began to encourage my cock more and slowly stroked it. It felt so nice, I was hard in no time, but the thought of Nick next door stopped me from jumping straight onto May.

May stared straight into my eyes and said, "If you don't mind sharing, then it's alright with him."

It was a stupid question that came out next but I said, "What do you mean sharing!"

May half giggled and half smiled as she said, "You can have me, as long as he is here and joins in."

Wow, I had no idea they were into that sort of thing, I was flabbergasted. I asked, "What... are you serious, are you... swingers or something?"

May placed her other hand on my face and said, "Nick is the real swinger, he's been married twice before and they were both swingers. I never was into that; but Nick this evening after..."

She squeezed my cock and continued, "He saw you, he knew... he knew who you were thinking of."

My cock was getting harder and harder, May leant over and kissed me and for the first time in over twenty years, we actually kissed with our tongues. We kissed passionately for several minutes.

We then parted and May beamed with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her. She raised her arm and tapped on the wall, indicated to Nick to come in. May let go of my cock and she eased my boxers off. Nick came in and May threw off the bed sheet.

Nick stood at the door but it was only about three feet away anyway. He looked at May and May said to him, "I love you darling."

She promptly went down on me and began to suck me off. I could not look directly at Nick but out the corner of my eye I could see he smiled. He took off his boxers and his cock was up ready and hard. I glanced across and he put my cock to shame. Bastard had a massive cock compared to my seven. He was another two inches at least, bastard! That made me think, 'what does May think of my little pecker,' I must disappoint her.

May looked up at me and noticed I looked miserable at seeing Nick's cock, she said, "Don't look at him. He's just a donkey."

Nick moved around the back and started to dog May as May sucked me off. Nick looked at me, he was smiling as he said, "Mate, how come you've never banged this pussy before, god, you've known her for years."

I still could not really muster up any emotions, I said, "She's my friend."

May looked up and said, "Lover, I'm always going to be your friend. And lover, I would have let you fuck me any which way you wanted after the first time we played together."

She stroked my cock furiously and then went back onto sucking it. Nick thumped his cock into May so hard no wonder the head-board was going through the wall.

May really slobbered over my cock; the sloppy sound was a turn on. She made it so wet, her saliva pooled around the base of my cock, it dribbled down my balls and arse.

Then Nick really went to town, he banged May so hard and so fast that May took my cock out of her mouth and looked at me with strained eyes, she said, "Holy crap, ahhh."

Her grip on my cock tightened, she could grip quite tight, years of holding a racket. I thought my cock-head was going to explode and shoot off somewhere. Her orgasm lasted a while, Nick made sure of that by ramming May just the way she must have liked it.

Before May had a chance to go back down on me, Nick looked at me and asked, "You want to swap with me?"

I looked at May; her eyes lit up and she answered for me, "Fuck yeah."

I was about to get up when May said, "Stay there, I'll ride you."

I moved down the bed a little, May came across and she'd have no trouble in getting me in. Not after she had Nick's 'Donkey' in her.

But, just before she sat down on me, both May and I looked at each other. We both had the same thought in our heads, I was sure of that. There was no going back once my cock was in her. My invasion of her was going to either break us up or become an even better, closer partnership - we knew this was it.