Games Ch. 04-06


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Chapter Six

From his initial arrival home through his return on the Honda, Adam had re-experienced several things from his past. Acts that had given him enormous pleasure, during that insane time with his cousin, and he felt certain there was no way Sheri would ever understand. There would be no forgiveness. With slumped shoulders, Adam took step after, bare footed, step towards his home, defeated and ready to take whatever lied within. His worry about Sheri's safety had ended. He knew Julie well and there was no way she intended any harm to his wife. He didn't share that same thought where he was concerned.

He arrived with sore feet, paved drive or not. He arrived disheveled from the scooter ride and caked with dried urine and semen. He was a mess, mentally and physically. The single thought he entertained when stepping onto the front patio concerned the door. 'God, please don't let it be locked.' He thought, reaching for the ornate door handle. It wasn't and his sigh ended with tears forming in his eyes. It was over. The game had ended, or so he thought, and he was back home, safe. The house was still silent.

Sore, cold and despondent, Adam closed the door behind him and headed for bar. He wanted -- no needed -- a drink, and along with that, a hot steaming bath. If nothing else, he would look presentable when he finally faced the music. The emotional roller coaster had taken a heavy toll on Adam, far more than even he suspected. The drink, hot bath and crashing emotions combined, creating a sedating mixture the makers of Nytol could only envy. Adam drifted away, slowly canting over to rest his head on the tubs wide ledge.

In deep, water warmed, sleep Adam dreamed. His eyes flitted and raced side to side behind closed lids, as his thoughts took him back -- back to Julie and the shared time with Sheri.

~ "...Adam -- no stop, not now! God not here Adam." Sheri cried out softly in his dream. Even then, her plea didn't sound convincing, as Adam recalled the night he first tried to get in her panties.

"Jesus Sheri, you've got me so fucking hard -- why not? Why not here, there's no one around. I know you want to I hear it in your voice. Please..."

"No, I want it to be special the first time. Aren't my tits enough Adam, can't you wait just a little while longer?" (Adam's lips were moving, in the bath, as he mouthed Sheri's words that night.)

"God -- this so frustrating! A blow job? A hand job -- come on Sheri something, anything. I can't take this feeling much longer." Adam pleaded with her. (Adam's eyes stopped moving as he recalled Sheri giving in finally, feeling her small hand digging to extract his erect penis.)

"Fine Adam, but just this once -- you understand?" (Small groans and grunts came from Adam's mouth, as the dream carried on and then a grin. He recalled watching her face that night. At first afraid, checking the surrounding area for people, her hand movements were tentative, hesitant.)

"Spit on it Sheri, makes it slicker -- easier." Adam whispered to her. With a final look, Sheri bent and dropped a large dollop of saliva on the head of cock. Through half closed eyes, Adam watched his future wife smile, enjoying the hand job as much as he was.

"You tell me Adam -- you tell me when you're going to ..." "Yeah, yeah sure -- don't stop, don't stop, keep going."

(Adam lay semi-hard in the bathtub, groaning softly and twitching to the mental vision of her hand job. Just as he exploded, without warning, in the dream, the vision changed.)

"Christ Julie, I had her blouse undone, her bra up around her neck...I sucked on her nipple so long my mouth got tired for Christ sake and still -- still she wouldn't let me in her pants! What gives?" Adam was now explaining, maybe complaining, to his cousin. (Julie's laughter came to him in the dream.)

"Oh Adam, not all girls are so...Willing, you know? You got a hand job, right? So, it's not like she doesn't want to do anything and besides you always have me."

"Yeah, thank God." (Adam's eyes rolled to the right, under his lids, following the dream Julie as she moved across her apartment.)

"So did you come here to whine or..." "The "or" sounds nice Julie -- very nice." (Adam's lips moved soundlessly, as he shifted positions in the tub, now seeing Julie open her, tattered, college housecoat.)

(The dream faded. When his minds eye again saw light, the scene had changed. Adam started to gasp softly.)

"My God, what made you think of..."

"The scooter, remember?" Julie replied breathlessly, ending Adam's dream question. (Adam's view had now changed. He was looking up at Julie's breasts, her chest heaving with a growing climax. She rode Adam's penis, with a vibrator humming vigorously inside her rectum and Adam felt every glorious vibration.)

"The scoo -- ooter!" Adam cried out, partly in awe and partly because Julie rocked her hips harder and harder, nearing her climax bringing him along for the ride. ~

Dream Adam came hard, just following his cousin's climax and jerked splashing water on his face, in the tub. "Huh? Holy shit...Where am..." Adam shouted, gagging and sputtering on the water, nearly slipping under before he righted himself.

His neck hurt and his eyes were bloodshot, the results of a bent neck position and too little sleep. Rubbing his neck, Adam leaned forward and released the water, now cooled considerably over where it had started. With effort, he got out and noticed the residual affect of the dream -- he was semi-hard. "Christ, a wet dream in the tub -- what next?" He muttered and started to towel off.

Ignoring the early signs of the Eastern sky, a pinkish glow, Adam dropped onto the king sized bed and fell asleep within seconds. There were no more dreams. Adam slept the sleep of the dead -- dead tired that is. Near noon, he woke with a start, sitting bolt upright and breathing rapidly. His mind, clouded with the effects of deep sleep, took a moment or two to catch up to his body. 'Sheri.' Was his first thought, as he tossed off the bed's linen and comforter.

Adam dressed quickly. He had no clue about what to do or, for that matter, what might happen next. He really needn't have worried -- Julie had taken care of those things for him. She had his day well planned. A short time later, Adam found him self staring at yet another note, in the kitchen, where he went to make coffee. He closed his eyes and tried to quell the insane giggle he felt rising in his throat. The same giggle from the night before. Adam made his coffee before picking up the note to read about his fate.

Dearest Adam,

You've been an absolutely wonderful birthday boy! I sure hope you've enjoyed everything. It saddened me to think you had such a short time to celebrate...So, I've decided to extend the party! Remember the Bijous Theater? Remember that sick little thing you did in college and I used to love so much? Sure would like to think you do because there's a great porno playing at the Roxy today. Don't forget to buy the popcorn Adam! You'll remember what to do -- I know you will! Love as Always, Julie

Adam slapped his face with his hand, groaning. His memory was returning far too rapidly to suit him. 'Remember? Fuck yes I remember!' He thought and poured himself a cup of coffee. He burned his tongue on the first sip, nearly dropping the cup. "This fucking situation is out of control!" He yelled out, no longer able to think clearly. Adam was reacting, not acting on what was happening to him. Not a single thought entered his mind to make him believe he could change things. Adam believed one thing, as he readied himself for the hour journey back to town.

'Julie -- Julie has gone over the edge. Somehow, over the years, she wigged out and I'm paying for it. She is insane wanting me to relive our past!'

Grabbing a set of spare keys, Adam slid into the Caddie and started it. He jammed it into reverse, barely missing the, opening, garage door when he backed out. The door closed silently, as he raced off down his long driveway, heading for town and the Roxy. It would be his best driving time ever.

Adam parked in a lot a few blocks away from the theater; choosing to walk the distance and not chance anyone recognizing his car parked in the seedy theater lot. It was nearing 2PM and the restart of the on going "premiere" movie of the day, "Wild College Sex Pots".

"One please." Adam mumbled to the aging woman, behind the booth glass.

With a knowing look and small grin, a wrinkled hand pushed a single ticket out of the small opening at the bottom of the glass. Adam hesitated, staring at the paper ticket as if it might have some communicable disease attached to it. "Thanks." He finally muttered, picking up the ticket with just two fingers.

The inside was exactly as he suspected, dirty and dingy. The afternoon sun barely made it two feet inside the front doors, before the grimy ceiling lights, covered with age old tobacco smoke, took over, casting the interior with a yellowish glow. A haughty sort of, disgusted, look washed across Adam's face, as he made his way towards the concession stand. "Large popcorn please."

Adam was surprised that a young woman operated the stand. Well built and very good looking, Adam could only wonder what her evening job might be. 'Dancer or hooker? One or the other.' He mused, watching her ass cheeks wiggle under stretch pants. He took the popcorn, paid for it and received another look that shook the haughtiness from him. Slapped it right off his face, forcing Adam to give her a stupid grin, and a pleading look that said to her -- look, I know you know and you know I know you know, so don't say anything okay? Adam escaped without comment from the busty girl.

The theater was nearly empty. A couple of men, one setting in the center row and one off to the left of center, sat waiting quietly. When Adam's eyes fully adjusted to the dark, he noticed two women sat side by side in the front roll. Selecting a seat two rows from the back, Adam settled in near the center. The seat felt sticky and Adam had no desire to know why. The game was starting up and Adam knew what he had to do. He pulled the small pocketknife from his pants. That one small action brought a flood of memories once again and as Adam worked at the bottom of the popcorn cup, he started to grow erect.

The back theater door opened and closed several more times before the movie started, giving Adam reason to look up, making sure he wasn't being noticed or watched. A strange nervous excitement filled him. His final act was to extract his penis and plunge the popcorn box over it. His erection forced popcorn from the top of the cup. He settled back -- waiting and thinking about the first time he'd pulled this stunt on Julie.

He recalled reading about it somewhere, in some tasteless magazine where people wrote in about their perverted sex experiences. He remembered laughing over what he read and then, at some point, deciding he would try it on Julie. He invited her to see a movie, telling her he'd wait inside for her. The movie never really mattered. Past experience had proven to them both it was only a public outing for finger fucking and hand jobs -- maybe an occasional blow job if the theater wasn't too full. Julie never wore underwear, at least when she went to the movies with him. A smile crossed Adam's lips as the thoughts went on.

~Adam's mind followed Julie's hurried entrance, as she made her way along the back row of seats. Plopping down in the seat next to him, she raised her legs and placed her feet between the openings of the seats in front of her. With a flashing white smile, a small squeeze of his arm and tender kiss, she grabbed his right arm and rested it across her left leg. Adam took it from there.

Shaking the popcorn cup, Adam made offering to Julie. As Julie dipped into cup, Adam started to gather up her skirt, in small bunches with his hand, pulling it up. A grin formed on her lips, as she turned her to stare at the screen. The only indication anyone would have gotten that Adam had reached his desired goal was Julie closing her eyes and inhaling suddenly, but softly. Julie slid down in her seat, giving Adam more access and better reach with his fingers, as she continued to pull popcorn from the cup. The movie started, in Adam's mind, and he recalled Julie's sudden out cry at finding his erect penis in the cup, less than halfway down. "You pervert!" She'd whispered in his ear, before laughing. ~

The current movie drew Adam's attention. A bevy of, near naked, college girls were teasing their hapless neighbor, as movie credits rolled through the screen, explaining who the producer, writer and cinematographer were; and just who one might thank for the high quality audio work. Adam never noticed the, back, theater door opening and the weak illumination of the concession area lighting. Perhaps, Adam needs a little slack here. After all, he is just a man -- one having gone through quite a bit of late.

You might find it understandable that Adam, while somewhat interested in the nudity now being displayed never paid attention to the young woman approaching him. She did however get his attention when she sat down next to him. Shocked, Adam turned to stare at his seatmate with a dumbfounded look.

"Hi -- Jenny Aldrich." She whispered holding out her hand and smiling. "I hate coming here -- the people you know? There are all pretty creepy but you looked different -- nicer I guess." She commented maintaining a low whisper. Adam released her hand, trying to find voice.

"Hi -- Adam...Why? Why in God's name would a young thing like you be in here?" He finally managed to get out.

"A college thesis -- I'm doing research work." She answered smiling wider. Adam gave her one prolonged nod, not believing a word of what she said and returned to the movie.

"God, you've got popcorn! I'm starved -- do you mind?" She whispered and before waiting for an answer grabbed a hand full. Adam jerked his head towards the young woman intent on telling her to stop, that he did mind, when she lifted her legs. His tongue stuck to roof of his mouth.

"I've seen about 50 or 60 of these and they're all the same. I used to get...Horny, I guess, but not so much any more. Mostly I come to watch the people in here, you can pretty much tell what they're doing and when." Jenny whispered, leaning in for another hand full.

"Jenny I don't think you should be eating my popcorn." Adam said, with the same stupid grin from before.

"Why not? I'll buy more -- I was in a hurry and forgot. Oh look, my God can people really do that sort of thing? Sorry, guess I still get a little horny. What about you? Why do you come to porno movies?" Jenny replied, looking wide-eyed and innocent and grabbing yet another hand full of popcorn.

Adam was starting to sweat. Her last grasp had come dangerously close to his cock and he knew if he didn't stop her she would have it on her next return. Whatever was supposed to happen he felt sure it didn't involve a college kid. Although...

Jenny, paying him no attention, kept her eyes focused on the movie, munching on her latest handful of kernels with her right hand and absently scratching the inner thigh of her left leg with the other hand. It wasn't difficult. Jenny wore a short skirt that rested above mid-thigh, with her legs outstretched on the seats in front of them. Adam, torn between the movie and her activities, suddenly asked, "Jenny, I'm a little thirsty -- would you mind?" whispering, wanting her to stop what she was doing.

"Yeah sure no problem but wait, this is a really good part." She answered and pointed at the screen. Adam turned to look at what she was referring to when Jenny reached for the fateful handful. Adam stiffened his entire body when he felt Jenny's fingers close around his cock head.

In unison, they turned towards one another. Adam's face was ashen white -- Julies a crimson red, as the feeling of what she held registered in her mind. Oh-my-fucking-God, she mouthed, but didn't cry out. Adam flashed a sheepish grin and shrugged his shoulders. His eyes pleaded, begging Jenny not to scream.

Grabbing Adam's right arm, Jenny jerked him towards her and landed his arm across her left thigh. "Adam...Do I really have a hold of your penis?" She whispered. Adam nodded his head and closed his fingers on her inner thigh.

"Don't scream Jenny, God please don't. I'm sorry, I can't explain right now...It's a game, that's all I can say." Adam hurriedly whispered back, hoping against hope.

Jenny remained silent, staring into Adam's eyes. Slowly her facial expression softened and she grinned. She released his cock and pulled more popcorn from the cup. Adam tried to turn away and found he couldn't. He stared back, feeling Jenny's hand return time after time, removing the popcorn and exposing his erect penis. When she couldn't pull any more out, she leaned over and grabbed the cup lip pulling it towards her to peer inside.

"It's a large huh?" She offered, still whispering.

"Yeah a large." Adam repeated.

"So, it's all buttery -- slick I imagine? Makes it easier to..."

"Yeah easier -- Look I'll go Jenny, I didn't mean for you to find..." Adam muttered out.

"Ah, no - I think you should stay. This is about as kinky as I've ever seen. You wouldn't want my research to fail would you? So what do I do now?" Jenny replied stopping Adam and then quickly added in a very low whisper, "What, do I just jerk you off? And me - what about me?" as she looked down towards Adam's firm grip, high on her inner thigh. Adam took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He closed his eyes, nodded his head and answered her. "I told you it's a game -- if you want, I'll take of care you while you're..."

"Jesus mister, you are going in my thesis!" Jenny said excitedly, showing off her pearly white teeth in the movie light. Before Adam could reply further, Jenny slipped her left hand back into the cup and her right gripped Adam's thigh hand. She pulled it slowly towards her crotch, all the while smiling at Adam.

"Hey, I gotta warn you -- I squirt so don't yell, okay!"

Jenny released his hand and squirmed slightly, pulling her panties to the side. She had a firm, but buttery, grip on Adam's penis and the top was crushed over by the time she'd finished. "Umm, that should do it -- I'm ready if you are." She said coyly and turned her attention to the movie. Adam curled his wrist and his fingers finding Jenny's pussy already wet. Meanwhile, Jenny was silently stroking Adam's buttery penis.

In the darkness of the movie theater, several people came that afternoon. Jenny pointed to one of the men near the middle section. His head reared back and a soft moan escaped his lips. "Told you." She whispered, increasing her rhythmic attention to Adam's sensitive penis.

Someone else let out a muffled scream and there were sounds of people's bodies rocking in the old theater chairs --squeak, crack, squeak, creak. It was all around them and neither Jenny or Adam felt too shamed when their time came. Jenny clamped her free hand tightly over her mouth, cutting off her sudden desire to cry out. Adam felt his fingers drowning in the gushing steam of vaginal juice she let fly and came himself about the same time. Later, as the movie came to an end, Jenny told him it's was hilarious. "God, it was like a volcano going off! I looked down and you were spurting cum straight up. It landed on my hand and then rolled off over the cup edge!" She whispered and then lightly kissed his cheek.

"Thanks Adam. Best time I've ever had at one of these. You've given me a lot to write about -- of course I wouldn't use your name or anything."

"Yeah, it's been...Interesting Jenny, you're my first squirter -- I liked it. Guess this is it, huh? I'm not sure who was suppose to come in here for the game but I'm glad you showed up." Adam answered back, watching her restore her underwear to proper position and straighten her skirt. Jenny stood, just as the final credits started to roll.