Garden Girl


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Scott looked down at her, breathing heavy while pulling up his pants. "Now, that was quite a delightful surprise, garden girl. You have a lot to learn, but without a doubt, you're a natural cocksucker. Don't worry, I will teach you additional techniques."

Gwen sucked on her bottom lip, licking up some rogue cum, speaking in an innocent tone. "That would be very nice of you."

Scott smirked and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her off the floor and siting her on a counter. "Well, I plan to return the favor." He unbuckled her pants and pulled them down, followed by her panties. For some reason, Gwen was embarrassed to have him see her unkempt vagina. Yet, he just smiled, wordlessly getting on his own knees... and pressing his thumb right on her clit.

"Oh my fucking LORD!" Gwen declared at the sudden shot of sensation. He leaned in, keeping a thumb on the clit, rubbing it around in circles. His tongue darted out, licking a circle around Gwen's labia, causing her to shudder and grip the edge of the counter. He pushed her legs apart further as she leaned back, feeling the tongue penetrate her. He kept a persistent movement between the thumb on the clit and the tongue moving around her, darting in and out of her constantly. She had never been eaten before and the effect was dizzying. Her gaze fluttered and her mouth parted, body shaking.

"Oh god... fuck... I'm gonna do it all ready!" Gwen cried, breath heaving in and out of her lungs as she gritted her teeth. Within seconds, a squirt flew from her and hit a plant in the distance. Then she let loose, a torrent running out of her and down her legs, coating her thighs in shininess as her knees buckled in.

The feeling was insanely wonderful and unlike anything she had felt to this point in her life. She gripped the table tightly, eyes shut and face scrunch as Scott massaged her through the orgasm. "Very good garden girl..." he chirped, "very good. Cum for me."

After that, Gwen collapsed back on the counter, breathing heavily. Her eyes were full of contentment as Scott dropped her pants and a towel on her. "Okay, clean up now, garden girl. We have actual work to do."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Though Gwen had fair warning on what the state of her "project" would be the next day, seeing the empty plot still made her twitch in absolute annoyance. All the work from the previous day was once again decimated, replaced with the original bland brown plot. Gwen literally had to bite her tongue. "Well... this... again."

Scott crossed his arms and nodded, keeping his expression plain. "Yes, again. I would like you to finish the whole thing today. The core goal at hand is to plant the whole garden."

Gwen crooked her head up towards him, the sun shining directly into her eyes, causing her to squint. "Yes, because that makes total sense. If the 'magical' forces of nature didn't wreck it every night, I would be done by now." She paused and sighed. "I may have just figured out an important element of the experiment. Making a proficient and lovely garden doesn't matter, right?"

Scott formed his smirk, not looking Gwen in the eyes. "Well, I thought I was going to have to spell it out for you in big bold letters. I think you should be able to finish the whole thing today. If you do not though, unfortunately, I think things will have to change tomorrow... as a bit of punishment."

Gwen calmed down, loosening her fists. "How foreboding," she replied simply. Scott's smirk just grew as he walked away.

"Just finish the whole garden, damn the quality," he called out before climbing into his car. Gwen watched him drive off through narrow eyes. She looked at the drab ground and couldn't help to feel a tingling sensation of nagging repetition, like Prometheus pushing the boulder every day. Deep down, Gwen knew she should just power on through and throw something together since merely finishing was stressed a few times over.

Yet... well, there was a defiant spirit that lived inside of her. In fact, Scott was essentially the one who introduced her to thinking outside of the box. The whole exercise reeked of ridiculousness with vague goals and an invisible lesson to be learned. Now, there were ominous threats of punishment. In fact, she was oddly more curious in what the punishment was than the reward.

So, with no real sense of fire in her heart, Gwen tended to the garden... again. This time, the care from the previous two days was absent. Each slam of the hoe lacked any real energy. The rows were far from even. The seeds were just dropped instead of buried. No markings were constructed. In addition Gwen moved at a glacial pace. A garden snail could have probably done a faster job. The sun's reign of heat scorched her as well, inspiring more time just sitting on the dirt with a bottle of water than actual work. As the day wore on, the work jut slowed more and more. During the last two hours, four seeds were planted, none of them actually making it beneath the dirt.

This time, Gwen saw as Scott drove up the dirt road. He approached with a distinctive frown. She was leaning against the wheelbarrow, looking towards the clouds, thinking that one sort of resembled a pony that was on fire. Scott stood above her, blocking the sun and casting her in shadow. "Well, that looks quite disappointing," Scott observed. Indeed, less than a fourth of the field was planted.

"What can I say? I just must be a lousy worker," Gwen quipped in her casual position.

Scott looked down sternly. "Or you are just as impish as you've always been. I can see you the entire day, of course. The sight of you working... well, I am a man who does not understand artistic things well, but the sight of it is like poetry."

Gwen stood up. "Well, isn't that sweet," she replied sardonically. "God, am I just eye candy to you now? You know I am more than that. You know you can do a lot more with my body than use it to make some shitty garden you keep destroying. You should just pay a whore to play your games and stop wasting my time."

Scott loosened his posture, sighing. "Perhaps, I am being cautious. It has been years since we... worked together. Maybe I am just trying to get us on the same page."

"And by work, I think you mean fucked." Gwen furrowed her brow, walking off in a huff. "Well, maybe you should of just asked me where we stood."

Scott did not say anything in retort. In turn, Gwen did not turn around, instead just getting into her car and driving back home.

- - - - - - - - - -


It was late June and Gwen had begun her summer classes. Despite that, she still worked her shifts in the lab. Due to Scott's proposal preparation, he was not in the place constantly. Of course, when he was, things were quite different than they used to be.

First, she was able to work days instead of evenings, due to a light course load. This made things far less stressful and much sunnier. Second, the dress code was much looser. Gwen took to wearing more comfortable clothes, considering the greenhouse's humidity. She enjoyed wearing her sundresses to work and even a nice big hat to shield her from the sun peeking through the glass. Her hair was much shorter now, styled into a pixie like hairdo. Scott asked her to do it that way, suggesting that it would nicely frame her face when she was sucking his cock. Yeah, that was another change.

Gwen never thought that such mischievous activities could be as enjoyable as they were. She still was dating Gavin and he seemed content enough with the relationship. After all, Gwen was becoming friskier as well as much more adept in the bedroom, as if she were taking lessons, which she essentially was.

Scott never took her in a straight forward fashion. Mostly, Gwen just sucked on his penis as he gave her guidance, pointers, and suggestions. It didn't bother her since the man was not selfish. More often than not, he would eat her after she sucked him, or at the very least finger her. Gwen had no idea how someone so off-putting and different learned to please a woman with his tongue or fingers so well, but she was not going to complain.

The day was hotter than most, making Gwen happy that she was wearing her favorite sundress which was pink with flowers imprinted on it. She had a large floppy hat on her head as she tended to a group of tomato plants, humming softly to herself as she sprinkled water upon their leaves.

When the door opened, she was surprised to see Scott enter the room. His proposal was scheduled for that afternoon, so she did not expect to see him that day. On most proposal focused days, he was a ghost, trusting her to do what was needed. Now, he was not only here, but seemed to be... happy. Very happy, in fact, a huge smile filled his face. The man never smiled that jovially, the expression leaving Gwen unsure on how to feel.

"I guess the proposal went well?" Gwen asked, the sunbeams highlighting her body as Scott seemed unable to stand still.

"That would be an understatement. I expected good, but, they loved my project more than I imagined. Even the professors who hate me applauded. They plan to give me more money for my research than any other candidate before me. We can expand the perimeters of the project tenfold! It is even more than I had hoped for."

Gwen was beyond delighted for the man, putting down her watering can and giving him a big hug. "That is fantastic! I guess you can afford more than little old me now."

Scott's smile morphed into his smirk. "Or I can just pay you enough that you work here constantly."

Gwen giggled, hands on her hips. "Or we could just clone me. Picture what more than one of me could do!"

"Believe me, I wish that were possible. I could just imagine what I could do with a whole team of you." The man stood still, looming above her, his warm smile returning. She smiled back, hands on her hips as they shared eye contact. After a few seconds, he reached down and took off her hat, Gwen's eyes fluttering as the sun bathed her face. He then cupped her chin, caressing it with care, rolling his fingertips upon the flesh. Finally, he swooped down, kissing her deeply, right on the lips.

Gwen's eyes widened at first. She suddenly realized that despite the fact that though she had his manhood down her gullet on many occasions, the two never actually shared a kiss. Instead of worrying about that, she shut her eyes and put her hands on his head, kissing back passionately. Their tongues became intertwined like vines as he pressed her back against the counter. His hands roamed up her side, at times lifting her skirt. He then ventured to her ass, pulling at the fabric that clung to it. Within seconds, her panties were down to her knees.

In an instant, he pulled back while she was mid-kiss. Gwen found herself frustratingly licking at the air, the force upon her mouth gone. Scott returned to staring at her again, running a hand through her short hair. Gwen felt as if she was being inspected, her breath quickening.

"My sweet little garden girl, reach down and unbuckle my pants while not breaking eye contact." Gwen nodded as she did not break the line of sight, her hands working clumsily as the she heard the pants drop to the floor. He loosened the tie he was wearing, then reaching down, rubbing her shoulders. In a flash, he moved his hands to her waist, lifting her up and plopping her on the table. As his hands came down, they removed the panties.

"Are you ready, my dear slut?" Gwen's head tilted; skin tingling in anticipation due to multiple words in that sentence. With a lustful look, she simply nodded. In less than a second, he grabbed her again by the hips and slammed his penis against her vagina. Her exhilarated labia graciously parted for the cockhead as the rest of her body shuddered from sensation. Her nerves danced as the cock disappeared inside of her inch by inch, their gaze never breaking as she sucked on her bottom lip. His pace slowed as more and more entered, the heftiness of the nice sized cock pushing at her muscles. Gasps and moans escaped her lips as the cock wedged in, Scott's balls leaning against the edge of the table as Gwen realized the cock was fully sheathed inside of her.

The two shared eye contact as Scott solemnly held his stance for nearly a minute. This was the closest that they had ever been both metaphorically and physically. Gwen grabbed his shoulders, the strained look on her face displaying adequately the various processes now occurring in her body. He took a moment to take the sight of her in and really feel her body in the moment, recording the event for all time in his brain. Then, with an ease, he pulled back. He then slammed forward immediately, the entire cock filling Gwen up again in a fraction of the time.

Gwen's body bucked forward as she grunted, her body hitting against Scott. This time, there was no long pause. He pulled back and plowed forward in no time causing Gwen to jerk back and knock over the watering can. Scott grabbed Gwen's ankles and lifted them up. "Straddle," he said, simply.

He used the instance to loosen some buttons on his shirt, his own brow full of sweat. Gwen stared at his glistening chest as she hooked her ankles around each other, squeezing. "Good garden girl." He then slammed forward again, her groans very audible and high pitched. Scott did not pull all the way out, instead keeping most of his cock in. He started to jab her with precise movements, rolling her hips as he pushed her back against the wall. "Take it, garden girl slut."

Gwen shut her eyes as her groans become very frequent, each sound coated in joy. Within a few minutes, she figured out how to straddle him properly, matching the rhythm of her movements with his. She gripped the edge of the table, sweat now forming on her. The jagged movements became more fluid as the two worked together. One of Scott's hands found its way to her breasts, groping them through the dress. The other rested against her clit, massaging it as he prodded his cock inside of her.

Scott paused again, grabbing Gwen and wrapping her in his arms. "I am really going to take you now, garden girl. Prepare yourself." Gwen gasped in response, feeling the jabs hit her a little faster. Then, they hit a little harder. Then, a LOT harder. Her breath became jagged, her noises boisterous as Scott's hips started to piston. She lost control of her own movements, dropping her legs and then gripping Scott's back. Scott grabbed her in turn, really pounding deep her in an intense barrage.

"Oh, fucking FUCK, fuck, fuuuuuuuuuuuck, FUCK!" Gwen screamed, embarrassed by the banality of her sounds when they echoed across the greenhouse. Her head was on his shoulder as Scott found her g-spot. Now, he was focusing on that, causing her eyes to pop open as she really groaned. "Yes, yes, YES! Do it! Take me! Fucking TAKE... ME!" Scott was not done yet it seemed, but Gwen could not hold back. The orgasm came upon her quicker than any in memory, her body quaking quickly. She let out a series of victorious moans as she felt her juices spill out over the counter and against the penis, the pleasure filling every inch of her form.

That seemed to be enough to motivate Scott. "You have been taking birth control, right?" Gwen was in a daze, coming down as she nodded. And with that, she felt the first of a long torrent shoot inside of her. The warmness splashed upon her inner labia with a second and third spurt to follow. Each spurt became less thunderous as Scott stood there, shuddering and shaking, letting loose inside of her. He slumped back after the last shot, the pair of them breathing heavily in unison.

Gwen looked down, feeling the warm cum roll down her legs. There was a puddle of the wet goo there, leaking out of her onto a shiny glaze of her own biological output. Gwen swallowed as she regained her breath. Scott's smirk returned to him as he reached down and patted her on the head, almost as if she was a puppy. "Good, garden girl. Good slut. You don't mind being called a slut, do you?"

Gwen rubbed a hand on his face as she slowly came back down to earth. "I think that word is pretty apt at this point."

Scott's smirk grew wider as he grabbed her hat, placing it back on her head. He then picked up her panties, dangling them in front of her. "Then you don't mind if I hold onto these as a keepsake then?"

Gwen mirrored his smirk. "I would be honored." Scott laughed at that. He grabbed her waist and pulled her off the counter. The cluster of sperm slid upon her hips, some of it rolling onto her ass and more of it down her legs.

"You still have a lot of work to get done today, garden girl." She reached up and kissed him on the cheek. Then, she leaned over straight in front of him, her ass right at him as she picked up the watering can, some cum oozing from her. He couldn't help but to give her a quick spank.

Gwen smiled as she stood up. "Well, you know I love to work," she cooed as she walked to the sink, sighing joyfully as some cum rolled down her right leg.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Gwen sat in her car for a few minutes processing the situation. The night prior gave her a chance to calm down and reflect on the situation. She decided to trust Scott. The sun stalked her from overhead and she wondered what the day had in store. She mused on what punishment would be bestowed and if all of this would ever make any sense.

Exiting the car, she trudged into the backyard, noticing that Scott with already surveying the plot of land, a box next to him. The fact that the land was once again back to basics irritated Gwen less than it had. There was some greater purpose and the idea that said purpose was truly sinister was highly unlikely.

Gwen stood beside Scott, looking over the brown dirt. "Round four, I guess?"

He smirked down at her. "Well, someone is far less grumpy today. That's good, because you need to make up for yesterday's work. Open the box."

Gwen stared at the man incredulously. She leaned down and pried open the top of the box. The sunlight penetrated the opened box revealing what seemed to be green shoes. As she pulled them out, she realized yes... they were a pair of four inch heels. "You want me to garden in heels?"

Scott stared down at her with a glare of curiosity, wondering what her reaction would be. "I want you to garden in nothing BUT heels. Cloths in the box, garden girl."

Gwen stood there for a good minute, staring at the heels. This made things far more obvious. She had a boyfriend now and had a business... and the commitment she mad to Scott was years ago. Of course, she also was shocked to realize that midway through her deep musings on what to do, she had already taken off her shirt and put it in the box. With a sigh, she reached for her sports bra and put that in the box as well. Her breasts flopped out, her small pink nipples illuminated in the morning light. Her brain shut off as she kicked off her tattered work shoes, unbuttoning her pants and kicking them into the box. Finally, she rolled the panties down her legs while she was bent over, finishing off her task.

Scott smirked down at her, rubbing her shoulders gently. She now stood right in front of the plot, in the center of the yard, in absolutely nothing. Her breath was ragged as the sunlight washed over her bare form, shining upon her skin. "I am glad you still trim down there like I taught you. Now put on your uniform."

She nodded with hand obedient expression on her face. She sat next to the wheelbarrow, the moist grass tickling her ass. She slid the heels on her feet, having Scott help to stand her up. She stood in nothing but the heels as he handed her the hoe. "Now, I will be watching you work as I have been the last few days. Please, just get the whole field done. Not perfect. Quantity over quality."

Gwen's brain still raced too fast to concoct words. She nodded solemnly. Scott leaned down and kissed her head, taking the box of cloths with him as he left in his car. Gwen turned to the once again empty field. With the hoe, she walked onto the bumpy soil, balancing on her heels. The unsteady ground made movement far from easy, causing Gwen to almost trip within her first few steps. After a few minutes, she adapted to walking on the dirt in the heels. With the first hard swing of the hoe, she slipped and fell into the dirt. Obviously, this was literally going to be a down and dirty exercise.