Gargarean Group Ch. 01


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Tracy ended her kiss at last, then stepped back and wiped her grinning lips, saying, "Oh, yeah; he's a good kisser." Her gaze then abandoned his eyes as her chin lowered and she focused on his dangling dick.

"He has nice genitals," commented Ms. Esme, who then coyly commented, "and he has obviously been enjoying all the attention you girls are giving him."

The truth of her words brought some color to David's cheeks. Being stripped naked and groped by Joy while Tracy kissed his lips HAD affected his resolve to remain emotionless. He looked down and saw that his penis wasn't erect, but it wasn't completely relaxed either. The rubbery shaft had increased in volume and lifted itself off of his balls.

Joy walked around his body to verify the truth of her aunt's words. David trembled, and focused on the Gargarean Group's logo again while the trio of ladies perused his penis and balls.

Tracy looked back at her seated aunt and reported, "He's nicely circumcised," and then shocked the man by reaching down and seizing his dick. His startled gasp made the nieces giggle but didn't stop Tracy from holding his floppy penis upright so they would all have a better view of his anatomy.

David trembled and stared at the logo, with his thoughts focused on his groin.

"I like the shape of his penis," Joy commented, "It's like a streamlined rocket, with the head shaped like a nose cone and about the same girth as the shaft. In my experience, artists generally prefer a penis that doesn't have an oversized head. You know the ones I mean, when they are shaped like a fat knob on top of a slender gear shifter."

"Oh, I HATE those!" quipped Tracy, and all three ladies laughed.

"They may not be much to look at," joked her aunt, "but they sure are fun to play with!"

David struggled to maintain emotional control. Until now, staying sexually relaxed hadn't been a problem, despite having his nearly nude body poked and prodded by the pair of young women. His passiveness was being endangered, however, by having his penis exposed and discussed by the aunt and her two nieces. He wondered if he would lose this job if he got an erection. The idea seemed likely. They wouldn't want some perverted kid who got all hot and horny just because his genitals were being sculpted or painted. Thinking that this must be part of the test to see if he was suitable, David continued staring at the logo and concentrated on suppressing his emotions while he endured their trial.

With Tracy still holding his penis upright in an uncomfortably exposed position, he felt someone lift his scrotum and weigh his testicles in her hands. "He has big, healthy balls," reported Joy, who then fondled them and added, 'They're soft, too!"

David gulped and concentrated on his wide-eyed reflection as Tracy lowered his dick so that her fingers could comb through the fine hairs of his lower belly.

"I think we should trim these even more," she said.

"I'd shave them off completely," suggested Joy, who continued holding his balls with one hand while she pawed his pubes with the other.

"Why not just shave him bare?" joked Ms. Esme. "I love boys without any body hair at all; it makes their dicks and balls stand out more."

David cringed. He gritted his teeth and stared at the double G-clef while trying to ignore their laughter, and their hands touching him intimately.

"Would you like that?" Tracy wanted to know.

David remained silent, but a brazen fingertip tickling the tip of his uprightly held dick got him talking. "OH!" he gasped, and the sensation was so startling that his entire body jerked wildly. His uncontrolled reaction just added to the women's euphoria.

"He's ticklish!" teased Tracy.

David angrily looked down in time to see her pudgy fingertip wiggle against his dick again. This time, he suppressed his gasp to a grunt, but couldn't control the flinch that followed.

"Okay, that's enough, Tracy," Ms. Esme gently admonished her niece. "Why don't you girls get on with your assessment."

The cousins sighed and shrugged but returned to what they were doing before the boy's boxers had hit the floor. While Ms. Esme began working on her laptop, Joy walked behind David again and began squeezing his gluteus muscles, while Tracy pinched his pecs and then fingered his nipples until they were hard.

Meanwhile, the applicant silently congratulated himself on his self-control, relieved that he had passed their test without erecting. He had certainly been stimulated by all the intimate attention, but when Tracy dropped his dick, it was barely semi-hard and curved downward, quite a few degrees below horizontal. As Joy's hands descended to his legs, and Tracy's hands checked the body fat of his torso, David began to relax. His penis did, too, now that no female fingers were fondling it.

Before long, the two young women switched sides, and Tracy began examining the nude applicant's back while Joy stood slightly to his right and inspected his front. The attraction between David and Joy was palpable as she tried to concentrate on his hair and the features of his face. Every time she glanced towards his eyes, she found him watching her. They'd exchange a smile and a spark of sexual desire, and then she would return to her work again.

"Tracy, do you think David's sideburns are a little long?" she asked, trying to distract herself from those bright blue eyes watching her.

The young woman pinching his shoulders paused for a moment, saying, "Anywhere from about a quarter of the way down the ear to halfway is fine. I think we should grow his hair out a bit more, so his sideburns would be better where they are now."

"That sounds good."

David's heart started beating faster when Joy gazed into his eyes and said, "I suppose I should judge for myself if you're a good kisser."

"Believe me, He IS!" her chunky niece reassured her while her pudgy fingers checked for excess fat around his waistline.

David couldn't suppress his smile as he prepared to pucker up. Joy placed one hand on the nape of his neck and cradled his chin with the other. She turned his head to the right, towards her, tilted their heads, and then they both leaned towards each other for an exploratory kiss. David held the back of her head and held her close, relishing her soft, slightly moist lips as her fine, light-blonde hair tickled his skin. He was only vaguely aware of Tracy's hands beginning to grope his backside as Joy prolonged her kiss through three and four pounding heartbeats.

Joy proved that she was enjoying herself, too, by giving an approving moan, and then she opened her mouth and extended her tongue. David immediately opened HIS lips and let their tongues get acquainted as their breaths intermingled.

The unexpected intimacy sent a sudden and deep, sexual stimulus coursing through David's entire body. As his tongue frolicked with Joy's, his heartbeat and breathing increased, hormones flooded his bloodstream, and his penis ballooned. "Uh," he grunted into Joy's open mouth, for in an instant, his cock was fully erect. In fact, like a dog at the end of its leash, his dick strained to go farther.

"HA! BINGO!" cried Ms. Esme with a laugh. "Looks like we have a winner!"

Joy's tongue withdrew from his mouth, and then she stepped back and laughed delightedly to see her accomplishment. David's penis was standing stiffly upright, with his balls tight against the base of his shaft.

"A winner?" asked Tracy.

Ms. Esme explained, "David's finally got his COCK up for us!"

Some of the blood pumping towards David's penis was diverted to his face, turning his cheeks pink.

Tracy came around front for a look, asking, "What HAPPENED!? Were you touching his penis, Joy?"

Her beautiful blonde cousin chuckled. "No, just kissing him."

"That must have been SOME kiss," said Tracy as she admired the stiffness of his dick.

"It WAS!" Joy confirmed.

"I love shy boys with quick dicks," remarked Ms. Esme approvingly.

David's blush deepened.

"Whenever I see a sexually aroused man, like David," said Joy, "I think of the stories about the mythical Amazons and Gargareans. When you look at him, can't you picture a Gargarean who has been captured by a beautiful Amazon princess? There he is, waiting for his new mistress to return to her tent. Is she going to make love to him? Probably, because she has already stripped him bare."

"That's what I would do," joked Tracy.

"She's already previewed her booty, given his body an inspection, and perhaps even purposely aroused him, just to see what her new slave's cock looks like when he's hard."

"That's what I would do," Tracy repeated her joke.

Ms. Esme said, "Or maybe just the thought of making love to a beautiful Amazon has gotten him excited."

"She'd wash him from head to toe," suggested Joy, "or better yet, get some of the lesser Amazons to do it for her. THEY may have turned him on while they were cleaning him."

Tracy had another thought. "Maybe the princess told him to stroke his dick, so that he'd be hard and ready to go when she returns."

"Yes, I like THAT idea," chuckled Joy.

There was a pause while the ladies silently ogled their erect applicant. For one terrifying moment, David feared they were actually going to ask him to masturbate for them. His blush was now as out of control as his dick. His skin glowed bright red, from his face to his toes, yet his impassioned penis still strained to grow bigger. He couldn't believe how horny this embarrassing situation had made him!

Tracy chuckled and broke the tense silence. "I can picture David waiting in her tent, wondering, 'Will my Amazon princess be rough or gentle with me? Will she just torment and play with my body, or will she fuck me?'"

"She wouldn't let him know whether she was going to keep him as a slave, return him to the other Gargareans, or kill him," proposed Joy, "because that might diminish his performance."

Even Ms. Esme was caught up in their fantasy as she scanned the sexually stimulated man's full-frontal nudity from her chair behind the mobile desk. "I think that she would tell him that if you satisfy me, I will let you go, or maybe even keep you as a love slave. If you do NOT sexually satisfy me, however, I will cut off your balls, and you will serve me as a eunuch."

David gulped.

"You're mean!" said Tracy.

"I would never do that," opined Joy. She inquired, "What WOULD you do, David, if you knew you were about to entertain an oversexed Amazon? Would just the thought of making love to her be enough to keep your, ahem, spirits up? Or would you need to stroke your cock occasionally, while you awaited her return, to make sure you were erect and ready for her?"

"I don't know," he grumpily mumbled.

"He's starting to lose interest," noted Tracy. Their conversation about cutting his balls off had eased David's erection at last. She stepped forward and reached for his cock, saying, "We can't have that!"

Ms. Esme interrupted her intent. "I think we have tormented poor David enough," she said, much to the dissatisfaction of her nieces, but she reminded them that, "He is still just an applicant, not an employee. Go ahead and get dressed, David."


A short time later, David, feeling baffled and confused because he still hadn't been hired, found himself back in the waiting room with the enchanting receptionist.

"Jan, please schedule a physical examination for David," requested Ms. Esme.

"Certainly," said the secretary, who looked up at the applicant and said, "Congratulations, David! You've made it to the next stage."

"Thanks," he replied, but he didn't feel like celebrating. While he had gotten dressed, Ms. Esme had explained that he still needed to pass a thorough medical examination before they could hire him. After everything they had put him through, he was still stuck making lousy pay at the landscaping business! She had ended the interview by offering him one tempting tidbit, however; if he passed the physical and 'enlisted' (that was the word she used) as a Gargarean, he would receive a $5,000 signing bonus on the spot.

What he could do with five thousand dollars!

"Well, I'll leave you in Jan's capable hands, David," said Ms. Esme. She offered her hand and added, "It was nice meeting you."

He returned her sentiment, although not as sincerely, and watched as she returned to the inner office.

When the door closed behind her boss, beautiful Jan quietly remarked, "You made a VERY good impression on Ms. Esme. I've never seen her so excited about a potential employee."

Her comment confused David, because when Ms. Esme had escorted him out of the interview room, she had acted coolly and professionally in front of her receptionist. "What makes you think she was excited?" he asked curiously.

"Come back here, behind my desk with me, and I'll show you what I mean," she invited.

Puzzled, David walked around the rolling table, and what he saw on her laptop completely mortified him. She was looking at a full-screen, high-definition photograph of his full frontal nudity, taken during his interview next door! The image had captured him from head to toe and recorded his wide-open eyes staring directly at the camera, Tracy's pudgy fingers pinching his shoulder muscles from behind, his not quite flaccid penis, and even his underpants tangled around his ankles where Joy had left them.

"There was a STILL camera in the room!?" he exclaimed incredulously.

"No, a video camera." Jan touched the screen to activate 'PLAY' and turned up the sound, saying, "I thought you'd be interested in seeing this."

The video showed the light-blonde hair and lovely face of Joy lean into view as she said, "I suppose I should judge for myself if you're a good kisser."

"Believe me, He IS!" Tracy reassured her from behind his body.

David was flabbergasted as he watched the third-person replay of his passionate kiss with Joy. She'd been standing to his right, so his naked torso and exposed genitals were still visible to the video camera.

Beside him, Jan bumped his hip and joked, "I'LL have to try that someday!"

He felt a little ill. He wanted to close his eyes; wanted to prevent himself from seeing what was about to happen; but he couldn't stop viewing the voyeuristic video. Joy squeaked her little moan and shifted her head, their mouths opened and they began tonguing each other. A moment later, the camera clearly captured David's abruptly aroused dick whip itself upright as it rapidly inflated from nearly flaccid to completely erect.

"HA! BINGO!" cried Ms. Esme with a laugh. "Looks like we have a winner!"

"Nice one!" remarked Jan, who further stunned the applicant by reaching down and gripping his dick through his dress pants. "Want to see it again, but in slow-motion this time?" she asked as she gave his cock a squeeze.

Totally baffled, David blurted, "NO!"

On the video, Tracy asked, "A winner?" as Joy stepped back and laughed while ogling David's stiff cock.

"He's finally got his COCK up for us!" exclaimed Ms. Esme.

Jan paused the video at that point, with David's red face and hard dick clearly displayed on the screen. She laughed to see that live David was now blushing as much as he was in the film, and she could feel that her fondling hand was getting him horny again. "Wasn't she excited!?" she teased.

Horrified by what he'd witnessed and feeling so humiliated that he barely realized Jan was groping his cock, he quietly guessed, "There was a video camera in the Gargarean Group's logo on the wall."

"Yes, there WAS," she replied. She paused from playing with his penis as she turned and pointed at the sculpture behind her, saying, "The glass is actually a one-way mirror, and the camera is hidden inside, aimed between the twin G-clefs. There's a camera in THIS one, too."

The young man felt faint. "You watched the whole interview," he accused.

The black-haired beauty holding his cock gave it a squeeze as she acknowledged, "Yes, David, I DID. I saw EVERYTHING!"

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Pretty good start to what I hope will be a series as good as DSS and Coxworth. Can hardly wait to read next chapter!

MyBareTorsoMyBareTorsoabout 2 years ago

Cool story! Enjoying where this is going! Great set-up with plenty of potential. Well done.

electric1electric1over 2 years ago

Bravo! Surprisingly well written and hot!

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89over 2 years ago

Yeah, I have to agree with Anon. Tracy is the one that most made an impression on me out of the girls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
That was exciting!

I love a good stripping! Those ladies really have it going on! Do you think David is going to fall for Tracy? Because I like a woman who knows how to get a guy naked!

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