Gas, Grass, or Ass

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Hitchhiking girl pays for ride with sex and has fun.
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Author's note: Everyone in the story is at least 18 years old, and the story is entirely fictional. Any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental. I considered putting this in the category NonConsensual /Reluctant. But decided it fit better in Erotic Couplings.

Gas, grass, or Ass - Hitchhiker pays for ride

Jill's thumb had been out for hours.

She was hitching from a small town in Kentucky to Los Angeles. She hadn't had much luck so far. She'd had three rides, and she was still in the state.

Finally, a white van stopped twenty yards in front of her. She worried that the van had all the windows covered but she ran up to it anyway. She was running out of options. It was nearly dark, it was getting cold, and there were threatening storm clouds overhead. As she got closer to the van, she noticed a joke bumper sticker that said:

"Gas, Grass, or Ass"

"Nobody Rides Free"

She got to the door of the van and the driver was a nice-looking man in his early thirties. She opened the door and got in. All she had to carry was a small pack and the clothes she was wearing. Looking around inside, she saw that this van was more than it seemed. It had been modified into a small RV. The curtain behind the seat was open and she could see it had cabinets built along both walls and a freshly made-up bed in the middle. It was nicer than the room she had at home.

"Hi. I'm Don," the driver said as the van started moving.

"Hi. I'm Jill."

"Where are you headed?" he asked.

"Los Angeles."

"Me, too. I can take you all the way if you want." Just then she heard a loud clap of thunder and the sky opened up, raining buckets. She could barely see anything out the windshield."

"Boy, you got in just in time," he said.

He seemed like a likable man. His clothes were clean and neatly pressed, and he was clean-shaven, pleasant, and personable.

"Jill, did you see that bumper sticker on the back of the van?" he asked.

"The one about 'nobody rides free'? Yeah, that's a funny one." She just then noticed a smaller version of it on the dashboard.

"It's not so much funny, as it's a message to hitchhikers. I adhere to it strictly."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you have to give me one of those three things or a little of each, or I won't give you a ride," he said.

"Do you have any money for gas?"

"No. My mother's boyfriend stole all my money. That's why I left home."

"Do you have any drugs? Grass, speed, molly, Oxy, anything?"


"There's only one thing left."

"Oh god, you're going to rape me, aren't you?"

"No, no, no. But if you don't consent to have sex with me, then I can't give you a ride. It's just the way I do things."

She looked out at the cold, pouring rain. "There must be something else."

"Do you have anything of value to me in your backpack?"

"No." She looked dejected.

Don pulled over to the side of the road. "Then I guess you can get out here."

"You can't put me out here. It's pouring rain and cold."

"I'm sorry, that's not my fault. It's either my terms or you'll be wet and cold. Now go on."

"I'm not going to fuck you to stay dry."

"There's the door. If I need to, I'll drag you out. I can pick up somebody else. I drive cross country twice a year and I always pick up a woman who meets my requirements. I'm sure someone will be by to give you a lift soon."

There wasn't any meanness to his voice, but he meant what he said.

She opened the door and stepped out into the rain. Within seconds, she was soaked. A bolt of lightning hit within a mile of where she was standing. Don was looking at her standing outside the window hoping she would change her mind. Most of the women he picked up on the highway, looked like they'd been using their thumb to travel for a long time. The road takes a toll on a person after a while. They were older and far less attractive than Jill.

Jill was way too young and pretty to hitchhike. She looked to be about twenty with long auburn hair. From what he could see, she had a great body. When he stopped for her, he was hoping that she didn't have any money or drugs and would take him up on the last choice.

Right now, she looked like a drowned rat.

Standing in the pouring rain, Jill thought that there was no way she could let this man take advantage of her; to violate her. But did she have any other options? She hadn't seen a car for quite a while and there weren't any trees nearby for shelter. Her teeth were starting to chatter, and she was shivering. She resigned herself to the fact that she didn't have a choice. It's not like she was a virgin, but she wasn't a whore either. Maybe she could just ride until it stopped raining and then run away.

She knocked on the window and Don pointed to the back of the van. She heard the back door pop open, and she ran back and jumped in. She saw that damn bumper sticker again.

Don came through the curtain into the back, turned on the lights, and saw her soaked body.

"You need to get out of those clothes," he said.

"Now? You want to fuck me now?" she asked incredulously.

"No, but you have to get out of those wet clothes, or you won't get warm."

Jill was shaking so badly that she couldn't make her fingers work. Don grabbed towels and crawled across the mattress to her. She saw no point in resisting him. Her clothes had to come off and she didn't think she could do it herself. He quickly took off her shirt and bra. He dried off her top half including her hair and put a dry towel over her. He pulled off her shoes and socks and then unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Those were much harder to get off. They were tight to begin with to show off her nice ass. Wet, they clung to her skin making them unbelievably difficult to pull off. He made her lie on her back and pulled on her jeans from the bottom. She pushed from the top and they finally came off. Her panties came off with her jeans.

He had been right. Her body was gorgeous. She was stunning. She was slender and shapely, with exquisite small tits and very hard nipples. Her long auburn hair was, of course, messed up from him trying to dry it, but it looked cute draped over her alabaster shoulders. Her tummy was flat down to her untrimmed pubic hair.

When she realized that she was totally naked in front of the stranger who had just stripped her, she tried to cover herself. No man had ever seen her naked. The few guys she'd slept with had only seen parts of her in the back seats of dark cars. Now she was naked as the day she was born in the back of a van with a stranger rubbing a towel on her.

Don rubbed all over her to get her dry and to help with her circulation. When he rubbed over her breasts and pussy, she found it wasn't entirely unpleasant. He did spend more time than strictly necessary drying those places. She wrapped a towel around her body, but it didn't cover much. Don had sweat pouring down his face.

"Is my helpless condition making you so hot you're sweating," she said with a bit of contempt.

"No. The heat is set to 'high', so you'll get warm. It must be ninety degrees in here. Do you have any dry clothes in your pack?"

She looked, but her "pack" was more like a small laundry bag and not the least bit waterproof. Everything in it was soaked. He opened a small chest and pulled out a robe twice the size she needed. She was grateful he had something she could wear, but to put it on she had to expose her naked body to him again. She looked at him as she put on the robe and thought about what keeping warm and dry was going to cost her. He handed her a bottle of whisky to help warm her up. She took a big swig and then a couple more.

Don said, "You have a magnificent body."

"Thank you." It was the only thing she thought to say. She knew he said that because he was going to enjoy using it soon. He was going to rape her. Well, she was going to let him fuck her to stay out of the cold and rain. That was almost the same thing. At least he wasn't a fat ugly guy or a drunk and drug addict.

"I take it you want a ride now. Are you willing to pay for it?" Don asked.

"Yes. I agree to have sex with you for a ride."

"There's a rest stop where we can spend the night in the van about an hour and a half from here. Do you want to stay back there or come up front?" he asked as he hung up her wet clothes to dry.

"I guess I'll come up front."

"There are snacks in that chest and drinks in the cooler."

Don went up to the driver's seat and she followed, grabbing a bag of chips on the way. She was starving.

"So, what made you start hitchhiking without any supplies or money?"

"What difference does it make? You just want to fuck me like all men."

"Hey, if you had any money, you wouldn't be in this situation. You're lucky I'm the one who picked you up. There are guys on the road, who would just rape you in every hole until you couldn't walk. Then they'd leave you on the side of the road in the rain and cold."

"That's what you're going to do!"

"No, I won't. I'll only have sex with you if you consent to it, but I won't give you a ride unless you consent to it. Have I been anything but pleasant to you? Have I touched you except to dry you off? You think everything should go your way, but you know what? Traveling costs something."

She thought about him drying her off. He did rub on her whole body, but it was with a towel, and it wasn't sexual. She needed to get dry.

"I would never rape anyone. You have a free choice. Give me something that I want or find another ride. What do you think transportation across the country should cost? Do you think that being good-looking gets you everything for free?"

Mocking her, he said in a high voice, "I think you should give me the biggest suite in your hotel for free because I'm a good-looking girl."

"I not asking for that."

"Do you know in this van it cost almost 600 dollars in gas to get to LA? I drive about eight hours a day so it's about a four-day drive. What are you going to do for food on the drive? Three meals a day will cost you a minimum of fifteen dollars per day for four days, that's sixty dollars. I guess you want me to pay for your food because you're pretty?"

"You don't need to buy my food."

"Do you think I'd let you eat out of a dumpster? So, half the gas is $300 plus $60 for food - you're an expensive date."

"Most of the girls I pick up have at least food money. You don't even have that. What in the hell are you doing on the road with no supplies or money?"

"That's my business."

"You know, you make it hard to like you. I should add to my requirement list that you have to be good company to get a ride. That would be hard to put on a bumper sticker though."

They rode in silence for a while.

"My mother's new boyfriend. That's the reason I'm here. She brought him to the trailer drunk one night to fuck her and he just stayed. He was always drunk, and he'd try to kiss me and put his hand on my tits, ass, and pussy, when my mother wasn't around. He told me he liked young pussy. He would have raped me soon. He'd already stuck his finger up me, but I hit him the balls so hard he fell to the floor."

"Did you tell anyone?"

"I told my mother, but she said that Brad was just blowing off steam. Or that was just his sense of humor. Or she wouldn't believe me. It didn't matter. My mother's a drunk and a drug addict. This wasn't the first time that she brought someone home that liked young pussy. I've had her boyfriends trying to fuck me since I was in junior high."

"I could have handled the groping from the asshole and stayed clear of him. But I had to sleep somewhere, and I didn't earn much money. What money I earned; I was saving to go to Los Angeles. Brad found my cash, nearly 1,000 dollars, stole it, and bought liquor and Oxy. I screamed at my mother. She said that Brad thought I should be paying rent. I graduated high school last year and the only work I could find was at a cheap diner. I couldn't earn enough for food, much less rent. It's not like either my mother or Brad worked."

"I have a girlfriend in California that I can stay with. I didn't have enough for a bus ticket, but I had to get out of there. I wasn't thinking right. I threw some stuff in this bag, grabbed whatever money I could find, and left. They were passed out naked on the trailer floor."

"So, I don't expect everything will go my way. It never has before. I'm hoping things are better in LA. I don't expect anything special. I'd just like to be treated like a person."

Don said, "I apologize. I shouldn't have said those things. I didn't know."

Don turned off the road. The rain had let up. "This is the rest area. The toilets are over there. Do you need a toothbrush? There's a new one in that chest."

"Aren't you afraid I'm going to run?"

"You're not my prisoner. You don't have to run. You can just get out and say goodbye. You will have fooled me into getting you a couple of hours closer to LA. No biggie. You can sleep in the toilet block. Probably not the safest place to be, but it should be dry. But you better hope that the next guy that picks you up is as nice as I am. I'll find another hitchhiker tomorrow."

They went to the toilets and Jill brushed her teeth and tried to comb her hair. She was back in the van first. When Don opened the van door, he saw her lying on the bed, under the covers. Her robe was neatly folded on the top of the chest and the bottle of whisky was out. It looked like she'd had a few gulps.

"I'd like you to drive me to LA and I'll pay you with sex." She sounded defeated.

"You don't seem to be enthusiastic about it. I prefer women who are happy about sex. We'll have fun."

"It's just that this is strange for me. I'm not very experienced with sex. Plenty of guys in town wanted to get into my pants but most of them were too stupid for me. I've only had sex with three guys, and it wasn't very good with any of them. It hurt."

Don dimmed the lights and took off his clothes. Jill watched him and couldn't help being impressed at how fit he was.

"It's nice the way your van is set up. It makes a nice place to sleep." He climbed into bed beside her and put his hand on her breast. She pulled away.

"Relax and we'll have fun. Or you can still leave."

"I'm sorry, you surprised me. I agreed to have sex with you, and I'll do it to pay my way."

"You've done this before, and you know what you want. Just tell me what to do but please don't hurt me," she said.

This was getting a little strange for Don. Most of the girls he picked up were older and had lots of sex on the road. They were happy to pay for a ride like this. They didn't even care if it was a little rough. It was no big deal. But sex with them was just a step up from beating off.

Jill was different. She'd never had a good experience with sex, and Don had the feeling he should provide that. It should be fun for them both. She was young and beautiful.

"I promise I won't hurt you. If anything hurts, tell me, and we'll stop. How about I kiss you?" He rolled on his side and moved his head over hers. He gently kissed her soft, sweet lips. She relaxed and her lips parted. He tasted whisky in her mouth. As they continued kissing, she began to enjoy it more.

She felt his cock growing as it pressed against her side. It felt warm and it seemed to keep growing.

He pulled her against him and felt her cute little tits press against his chest. Her nipples were hard. Each time he kissed her she relaxed more. His hand was on her bottom, and he pulled her against his hard cock. She was starting to enjoy herself. He looked at her and rubbed his hand over her butt, up her back and then he touched her breast. She inhaled quickly as he pinched her nipple lightly and then harder.

Staring into his eyes, she ran her hand along his arm and then along his side and hip. She reached between them and touched his hard cock.

"Does this keep growing as you get older?"

"No. They stop growing when you're a teenager."

"Then why is yours bigger than the guys I've been with?"

"I'm just lucky I guess."

"Umm," she said as she continued to rub him.

"Have you ever given a guy a blowjob?" Don asked.

"No. Guys wanted me to, but I wouldn't. I didn't want to see their things. But I will for you if you want me to. Tell me what to do," she said submissively. There was a hint of curiosity in her voice.

He explained that if instead of using her hand to stroke him, she used her mouth, it felt so much better. She continued to stroke him with her hand as he explained.

She moved her head down to his crotch.

"Lick along the length of it." She did and enjoyed hearing him moan in response.

"That was great. Now look here." He touched the sensitive spot on the bottom of the head.

"This spot is very sensitive on a man. You can rub on that and lick it." She noticed a little precum coming out of the tip. She touched it with her finger and rubbed it where Don had shown her, and Don moaned more. She licked that spot and all over his crown. "Now hold on to the base of my shaft and slide your mouth over it. Keep teasing that spot with your tongue." He felt her soft lips wrap around his shaft while she tickled his crown. He closed his eyes and pushed his head on the pillow. It felt amazing to have this innocent girl give her first blowjob. He wanted it to last a long time, but he knew it wouldn't.

Jill was enjoying this. She thought it might taste bad, but it was OK. What she liked was the power it gave her. She was making him feel so good that he was having a hard time speaking. She wondered how long she could tease him before he came.

"Push it deeper into your mouth. If you go too far, you'll gag." She had about half of him down when he heard her gag. "That's OK. You'll be able to get it down further as you practice. Now suck on it and pull back just leaving the head in and then push back down. But don't go quite as far."

"Bob up and down on it faster and use your tongue on the head. Every few strokes try to take it a little deeper." She continued bobbing up and down. He was having trouble giving her instructions. Her soft, wet lips and tongue were taking away his voice. Her first time doing this, and she had made him speechless. If she practiced enough how much could she control a man?

Don couldn't believe this was her first time sucking a cock. He was already going to come. "Squeeze my balls gently as I slide in and out of your mouth."

"You do this so well, I'm almost ready to come. Is it OK if I come in your mouth?" She nodded and started moving faster. He couldn't hold out any longer and his cum hit the back of her mouth and throat. Spurt after spurt of cum filled her. She had him so excited, he had a big load. She looked at him confused with his dick still between her lips.

"I like it when a girl swallows my cum." She gave him a worried look, pulled off him, and swallowed.

"Oh, god that was so good. That's the best blowjob I've had in a long time. Are you sure that's your first time? Watching you swallow, made my cock hard again." His cock twitched and she giggled. She was proud of herself for making him come with a good blowjob.

Don pulled her up against his chest and kissed her before he laid her on her back. He slid his hand between her legs and spread them. He wanted to go down on her, but it was not easy to get in a good position in his van. He'd do that later. He sat with his legs crossed next to her hip. He wanted to see everything.

"You're so beautiful," he said as he scanned the length of her body. "I want to make you feel good. Do you play with yourself at home?" She nodded and blushed looking uncomfortable, and embarrassed.

"What's wrong?"

"No one has ever seen me down there."

"You're beautiful down here," he said rubbing his finger up her slit.