Gender Bender Experimenter

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A desperate scientist tries to protect his work and friends.
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This is a shorter story that contains group sex, interracial sex, female domination, and a gender swap. If you do not like any of those things, this may not be the story for you. If you do choose to read it, I hope you enjoy! All characters are 18 or older.


It was a somber day at the lab. The FDA had met yesterday and come to a decision on the experimental drug we were developing. They decided that it was not safe for us to begin human trials. This was a terrible blow to our work. Human trials were the next step we needed to take. There was no other way for us to progress. We had taken animal experimentation as far as we could. The results looked promising with very little negative side effects. The only reason we could think of for being blocked from going further was that they were scared. Not everyone thought that what we were trying to do was right, and some claimed it went directly against God's will.

Our drug was designed to cause major physical changes in the body of an animal through the careful manipulation of hormones. We designed new synthetic hormones that could perfectly blend in with the natural hormones found in the body. We called them Synthors. The Synthors were used to communicate with the body and send whatever message we wanted. The ultimate goal was to be able to send messages to stimulate growth at will, allowing for rapid regeneration and even the growth of new limbs for amputees. If perfected, it could even be used to help the body target and remove cancer. It had incredibly exciting possibilities.

We were still a long ways away from that of course. But we had managed to bring about some physical changes through the use of Synthors. Regenerating limbs or curing cancer was too complicated for us at the moment, but we had success when it came to affecting the reproductive system. We theorized that it was because gender was already greatly affected by the hormones testosterone and estrogen that we were able to affect it so easily with our Synthors. Years of careful and exhausting experimentation had led us to the point where we were able to successfully change the gender of animal test subjects. Our greatest success being a fully grown adult male chimp that had completely been transformed into a female. No negative side effects were observed and we were even able to successfully revert the chimp back to his original male form. It was amazing to witness.

The manipulation of one's gender was a tough pill for some to swallow, however. It seemed many would protest our drug even if it were perfected. Religious groups were claiming that we were playing God and that we had no right to change something about an individual that only God could decide. It didn't matter how much we explained the amazing possibilities of our research. They would not budge from their position. This was why we believed that the reason we had been blocked from human trials was political.

Our research team was led by four top scientists in their field. Henry Williams was a tall black man in his mid-thirties from Ohio. Jerry Chang was a brilliant Chinese doctor from California. Douglas Chambers, like me, was a middle aged white male from the south. I was the lead scientist in charge of the lab, Alex Jones. Each of us had dedicated our lives to this project for years. Henry, Jerry, and I were sitting around a conference table and discussing our situation. Everyone was disappointed. We were trying to decide on what to do now after the FDA ruling, but we couldn't find a way to advance the project without human trials. That was when Doug entered the room with a panicked look on his face.

"I just got a call. It looks like Marcus Riggs is on his way here," he said.

Marcus Riggs was the billionaire who owned the lab where we worked and funded all of our research. It was only because of his backing that we were able to get to the point we were at in our project. He was a believer in our project and pushed us constantly for results. He didn't just believe in the potential miracles the drug could make possible, he believed in the huge amounts of money that could be made off of selling it. There was no denying that our drug could make him the richest man on the planet when it was perfected. It could only mean one thing if he was coming here to meet us in person. He was upset.

"Not good. What are we going to tell him? Without human trials, we are stuck," Jerry said.

"Yeah, we have taken it as far as we can at this point," Henry agreed.

"That's not going to matter to Marcus," I said. "He has invested a fortune into us. He is going to want to hear a plan."

"So what do we tell him?" Henry asked.

I sighed. "I have no idea."

I looked around and saw nothing but defeated expressions. I decided to gather my notes and videos of our most recent tests. I figured the least I could do was lay everything out for Marcus to see. We couldn't afford to lose his support. My hope was that he wouldn't back out if he saw the drug really did work. There was such promise in our research. To abandon it now would be a crime against our future as a species. He may lose money on it now, but if he didn't panic, there might be hope in the long run. I needed to make him see that.

Marcus showed up within the hour. He stood a little over six feet tall and wore an expensive looking suit. His hair was made up with a lot of product and he had on a shiny new gold watch. He definitely had the look of a wealthy and powerful man. He met the four of us in the conference room for a meeting. We were right about him not being happy.

"How the fuck did this happen? I thought we had this in the bag," he yelled.

"Well... apparently word spread that we were trying to play God and public opinion turned against us. I think it killed any support we had in the FDA," Doug said.

"Those religious nuts ruin everything. So? What is the plan now?" Marcus asked.

"I have a report of our progress to this point right here. I wanted to show you how far we have come and let you see what we are already capable of before we talk about the future," I said.

Marcus took his seat at the table and motioned for me to continue. I stood and started my presentation. None of the scientific talk made much of an impression on him. He was a business man, not a scientist, so it was to be expected. The videos were a different story. The awe was visible on his face as I showed him the video of the chimpanzee turning female. It really was something amazing to witness for the first time.

"Incredible. I had heard the reports, but to actually see it is a whole different story," he said. "So how far away are you from the accelerated healing you initially spoke to me about?"

"It's hard to say. We aren't even sure that the gender transformation would work on a human subject. Until we find that out, we have no idea where we stand," I told him.

"So without FDA approval... you guys have no way to continue your work here, is that right?"


I could see the wheels turning in his head as he considered the situation. He was obviously impressed by what we had accomplished. And he knew the value of what we were trying to do, both for the world and for his wallet. The problem was that it had already taken quite a bit of money from his wallet to get us to this point. If we were stopped now from fully realizing our goal, he wouldn't be able to get his money back. I knew I had to convince him.

"I know that you have put so much into this project, but if you could just give us more time we might be able to -"

He stopped me by raising his hand. "I know what you are going to say. But I can't afford to pay for research that leads nowhere."

It was exactly what I feared he would say. I could see the hope die in the eyes of my colleagues. If Marcus pulled our funding, all our work would have been for nothing.

"I have put a fortune into you four already," he continued. "You have produced some fine results, but I can't sell what you have right now. I need more." He stood up and made himself ready to leave. "That's why I'm going to give you until tomorrow to figure out a way to fix this. Find a way to get the human tests you need or you're finished. Do you understand me?"

We all nodded solemnly at him. "OK. I'll be back this time tomorrow. Good luck gentleman." With that he left us to ourselves.

The four of us spent the rest of the day scrambling to find a solution. We looked for any way to get the test results we needed without actually testing it on a human. We also explored any possible ways that we might be able to appeal to the FDA. In the end, we came up empty. It was late into the night when we gave up our futile efforts.

"What am I going to do now guys? I can't afford to lose my job," Doug said. He began to sob and tears poured from him. We all knew what he was thinking. Doug had just had his first child with his wife. His wife didn't work, so Doug was the sole provider for his family. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to take care of his wife and baby.

Henry and Jerry went to console him. They both had families of their own and probably had some similar fears growing in them about losing their jobs. Even though I was a single man, I could still sympathize. This would be devastating for all of us. Soon the others left so they could go back home to their loved ones. I was the last at the lab, left alone with my thoughts.

I couldn't believe that this was happening. Just a few days ago we were happy and filled with hope over what we were heading towards with our research. Today it looked like our work had been for nothing. The guys I worked with were great scientists and good men. They deserved better than this. As I sat there and pondered over the injustice of it all, I made up my mind. I decided that I was going to give them better than this. I was going to make sure our project survived. No matter the cost.

The next day I got in to the lab early before the others arrived. I made the preparations for what I planned to do when Marcus showed up later in the afternoon. The others eventually wandered in later than usual. Each of them looked like they hadn't gotten any sleep. Seeing their broken spirits only steeled my resolve to do what I knew needed to be done.

Marcus arrived at the same time as he did the previous day, just as he had promised. He looked much the same as he had yesterday. It was a stark contrast between the disheveled and sleep deprived look of our team. Obviously this decision didn't mean as much to him. We gathered again in the conference room to determine our fate.

"Alright gentlemen, what do you have for me?" Marcus asked.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Henry said, "We couldn't come up with anything. Without human trials, we can go no further."

Marcus looked disappointed, but not surprised. He must have realized already that there was nothing we could do. The one day he gave us must have been out of some hope that us smart guys could find a miracle solution to make everything better.

"That's a shame. I'm sorry, but I'll be shutting down this lab effective immediately. All your work and the drugs that you have produced so far will be taken by my people and put into storage. Maybe I'll be able to find a way to market it for entertainment, but I doubt it."

Henry, Doug, and Jerry all looked to the floor, hanging their heads in shame. Marcus began to gather himself in preparation to leave. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that what I was about to do was for the sake of my friends. It was time for me to make my move.

"Actually," I started, gaining everyone's attention. "I have a solution to our problem. I know how we can move forward with the human trials."

My colleagues turned their heads towards me and stared at me with large hopeful eyes. Marcus sat back down and raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Without FDA approval, it would be illegal for us to use the drug to experiment on any human test subject, even if they consented. But we would never find anyone who would consent anyways, because they would be fearful due to the FDA's decision that it's not safe," I said. "To do the human trials, we would need someone we could trust to be quiet and not go to the authorities if something goes wrong. I'm willing to be that someone."

"Alex, what are you saying?" Jerry asked.

"I'm saying... we can do the experiment on me. I'm willing to be the test subject for human trials."

Everyone was quiet. Henry, Doug, and Jerry all seemed to be stunned by what I had proposed. Marcus was the one I was focused on, however. It was his opinion that mattered most in this deal. It would be incredibly illegal to do what I had proposed, and if word got out it would come down hardest on him. He was considering me with a look of deep concentration.

"You're willing to take full responsibility for it?" he asked.

"Yes. Even if something goes wrong, I won't take any actions against anyone here."

"And if you do this... your work can continue here?"

"All we need is to study the effects that our current drug has on the human body so that we can adapt it for other uses. Once we have all the data that we need, we can move forward and begin developing a new version for rapid regeneration. We would never have to disclose the fact that we tried the gender changing drug on a human," I explained.

"Alex! What if something goes wrong? We have no idea how your body might be affected by the change," Jerry said.

"It's ok. Before the FDA ruling we were prepared to test on humans, right? We shouldn't be willing to do to others what we wouldn't do to ourselves. I believe in our work. I think it will be a success. I'm not willing to let our dreams die here."

"You really don't have to do this," Henry told me.

"I want to. I want to continue our work. And I don't want you all to lose your jobs. You three all have families at home. I don't. I'm the perfect candidate for testing. And I am willing."

All eyes turned to Marcus. I couldn't tell by his expression whether he approved or not. Then, he smiled. "You've got a lot of balls. I like it. I don't want to see my investment in this lab result in a loss, so if you say you are willing to do this, I'll allow it," he said. "But if anything goes wrong - anything at all - I wasn't here and I had nothing to do with it. Am I clear?"

"Of course," I assured him.

"If you are really set on this, when do you want to do it?" Henry asked.

"I already set everything up in the medical room this morning. I am doing it today." I said.

"Wow. So you are really doing this?" Doug said. I just nodded at him. "Ok then. We better go get our things ready for testing."

Doug, Henry, and Jerry got up to make their preparations. They needed to get their notes in order and be ready to record all of the results from the test. It wouldn't take too long for them to be ready to go. I wanted to get this over with. The quicker we performed all the tests for the human trials, the smaller the chance that we would get found out.

"I'm going to stick around and watch. Not every day you get to witness something like this," Marcus said.

No it wasn't. I left him to go double check that everything was prepared and to help the others with anything they might need. They all seemed to be pretty nervous about the whole thing. I was strangely calm. I've heard that parents watching their kids play sports are often more nervous than the kids are. It was probably similar to that. I was actually playing the game and they were only going to watch. It took a couple hours before everyone was fully ready. We all gathered in the prepared medical room. I was wearing a hospital gown in a bed hooked up to a heart rate monitor and had an IV in my arm.

"I just want to say... well... thanks for this Alex. I can't tell you how much this means to us all." Doug said while he prepared the drug that was going to be used on me. He looked almost on the verge of tears. I knew that his emotions were running high.

"It's no problem. So, are we ready?" I asked.

"Yes. Everything is set and ready to go. Remember that when the changes begin, you may lose consciousness. It happened in most of the animal trials, so just be ready and relax if you can," Jerry said.

"Got it. Let's do this."

"Good luck," Henry said. Doug picked up the syringe containing the latest version of our Synthor drug and injected it into my IV line. I watched as the fluid travelled through the tube and into my veins. There was no turning back now. The four of them stood in the room observing me. Doug, Henry, and Jerry were carefully studying my readings, waiting for any change. Marcus stood at the back of the room simply there to watch the show.

It only took a couple minutes for me to feel the first effects. I began to feel very warm. I knew from the animal trials that it was a normal reaction. Body temperature always spiked after the drug was administered. It wouldn't be long now before the major changes began to take place. The transformations were always surprisingly rapid. The realignment and growth could be observed as it took place in the matter of seconds.

The first change was with my body hair. All the hair on my arms and chest fell off. Shortly after that, my skin seemed to tighten and become smoother. It was an odd feeling. It felt like a twitch or reflex response when your body moves on its own. A rumbling began in my core and soon radiated out through my entire body. I could feel the fat around my stomach and arms begin to move. It shifted in my body and repositioned itself in new areas. It was extremely unpleasant and there were jolts of pain when it passed certain areas. My ass began to take a more rounded shape as it filled out with some of the repositioned fat. The change that took most of my attention was to my chest. Two large orbs of fat began to grow and push out against my gown. I soon had two large womanly breasts. Everyone in the room had wide eyes as they watched.

The pain wasn't bad, but all the weird and foreign sensations were taking a toll. My head was spinning, and it felt like I was going to faint. I would have surrendered to unconsciousness if I didn't feel the last major change taking place right then. My penis was moving, but instead of growing erect, it was shrinking. I couldn't see it, but I could feel what was happening. My cock and balls throbbed and with each pulse pulled slightly up into my body. Soon I felt the last of my manhood disappear into my body and more rumblings could be felt as my insides began to rearrange. It was the last thing that I remembered feeling before the darkness took me and I passed out.

I woke up several hours later. The difference was immediately recognizable. I felt like a completely different person. I had all of my memories of my male life, but they seemed like they were someone else's experiences. It was as if I was reborn as a new person. I was a woman, and there was no trace of me having once been a man left in my mind or body.

"You're finally up," Doug said next to me. "It looks like it was a success. How do you feel?"

I looked at him. He appeared worried about something. As my eyes settled on his, he took a nervous swallow. I quickly swept the room and noticed the same expression on all of the others. I also noticed a small tingle of pleasure down below when I looked at them. "I feel... good," I said.

"Excellent. Is there anything we can get you?" Doug asked.

"Bring me a mirror. I want to see what I look like."

Henry quickly left to get what I had asked for. He was only gone a minute before he returned with a big full body mirror. I recognized it as the one he had hanging on his office door. He always worked hard to maintain his appearance. He placed it against the wall near my bed.