Georgia goes to University Pt. 02


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"At last, someone looking at me." I thought then I started massaging my right tit with my left hand and my right had moved to my pussy.

I kept going until I had my first orgasm of the day and hoped that head behind the telescope got a good look.

Then it was time to get on with the few tasks that I had to do, but first it was bathroom time.

Feeling very refreshed I walked back to the window wondering if the man (presumably) was still there. The telescope was still these but I couldn't see anyone. A quick scan of the building revealed no voyeurs so I started to think about what I had to do that day. It was Saturday so the party was that evening so the evening was taken care of but I had nothing that I had to get done before then.

The sky was blue and the sun was bright and I wondered if it was warm enough to do some sunbathing, I was missing laying out on the deck of the boat or better still, a lovely beach. No chance of that until next summer and I hadn't a clue where the nearest beach was. Then I had an idea, the roof of the apartment building was flat, would it be possible to get up there and lay out in the sun? Would the air temperature be conducive to sunbathing?

I opened one of the smaller windows and was pleased when cold air didn't come rushing in. That made up my mind to check it out further so I grabbed my phone and headed to the stairs wondering if I'd meet any more of the residents and if they'd be shocked to see a naked girl.

I didn't see anyone and I found the door to go up to the roof. It had one of those locks on it that can only be opened from the inside.

Deciding that I needed something to stop the door from locking itself when I was on the roof. There was nothing in the corridor so I held the door open and looked outside. Again, cold air didn't rush in so I wanted to sunbathe out there.

Thinking for few seconds I turned and headed back to my apartment where I collected the things that I would need, plus an extra towel to leave between the door and the door jamb.

Back on the roof I took some deep breaths and looked around. I saw the office block and the students block. They were the only real buildings that were taller than the apartment block so I picked spot facing the students block, spread my towel and lay down.

It took longer than in Ibiza but I eventually felt that warm feeling as the sun heated my body. After a few minutes I picked up my phone and started browsing, checking the WhatsApp group and other social media. I'm not a big fan of social media but it does have its uses.

Then I went to the cam-girl's site to get a quick look at the other girls to see what they were wearing and doing, I'd hate to miss out on something. There were quite a few girls active at that moment and I watched them for a few seconds each to see if I could learn anything.

I didn't, but it did make me get a little horny and my phone was soon beside me and my hands became busy with personal things.

As my orgasm started to fade I looked over to the students block and wondered if any of them were watching me. I also regretted not bringing one, or both of my remote controlled vibrators up to the roof with me.

I relaxed and before I realised it, I was waking up.

I got up onto my elbows and looked around. In the students accommodation I could see a guy with his head and shoulders out of his window and a camera in his hands. I smiled then waved at him and he waved back so I got to my feet and did a few stupid poses for him to photograph, then I rubbed my pussy for him.

I didn't make myself cum but it did get me aroused.

It was about then that I realised that on the front of the camera was a telephoto lens and I wondered just how powerful it was, just how much detail he was capturing. I posed some more then decided that he'd got enough of a show and picked up my belongings and headed back to my apartment.

I stood in the big window and looked over to where the guy had been and was surprised to see him lean out of his window again and point his camera towards me.

I did a few more stupid poses then turned and went to the bathroom a happy girl. I was hoping that he'd tell all his mates and that more guys would look over to my room and see me.

By then I was feeling quite aroused so I opened my laptop and browsed to a porn site that I liked. Casting the laptop screen to the big TV I masturbated to a quite nice orgasm, then another one.

Satisfied for now, I decided to go for a walk so I put on a very short skirt and a top and went out, saying hello to Charles, him telling me that everything was organised for the party.

Unfortunately it wasn't windy but my skirt did bounce about and must have been revealing the bottom of my butt cheeks. After about 30 minutes of going round in increasingly bigger circles, I came to a sort of mini park, a grassy area with a handful of trees. There is a path going through the middle and people were using it so I decided to sit on one of the benches that was there and play on my phone.

I sat in a very unladylike way, my pussy enjoying the fresh air and started using my phone. It didn't take long for someone walking by to realises that they could see my pussy as I just ignored them.

After the third person slowed and turned their heads I decided on another tactic. There was 3 or 4 people sat or laying on the grass so I decided to lay on my stomach with my feet near the path.

As I got down I opened my legs so that my feet were about shoulder width apart, then checked that my skirt was covering my butt. That would be a debatable point if I got arrested but I didn't care, my arousal was increasing again and I just wanted people to see my pussy.

Getting up on my elbows I used the camera on my phone to look behind me and was pleased to see a few people actually stopping and looking up my legs. I guessed that my head looking away from them gave them the confidence to stop and stare.

I was especially happy when a couple of university looking guys stopped and stared at me. I even managed to take a couple of photographs of them as they stared at my pussy and talked about how cute and wet it looked and how I don't have any 'flaps' as they called my inner labia.

By then I was pushing my pubic bone down to the ground as much as I could, but then I had an idea. Giving up on my phone I dropped my elbows and my right hand slid under me and to my pussy.

I could hear the guys saying crude and rude things about me as my fingers quickly brought me to an orgasm, a good orgasm, then I pulled my hand out and just relaxed and listened to the guys. It was then that I heard the clicking of a camera and guessed that one, or both of them had finally got their phones out.

I smiled and closed my eyes to relax.

A couple of minutes later I realised that everything had gone quiet so I turned my head and opened my eyes. The guys were gone.

I lay there for a few minutes then got up and started walking again.

I came across a coffee shop with tables outside again and decided to get one and a bite to eat, I hadn't had a proper meal yet that day.

Taking the coffee and pastry outside I sat in the tried and tested way for a girl to flash people walking by but I was disappointed when no one appeared to look my way.

Eventually I decided to head back to the apartment and get ready for the party, but before that I wanted some time with my new vibrator and webcam, I wanted people from all over the world to see the vibrator taking control of my body and making me cum for them.

I got my wish for a couple of hours or so and I was left feeling quite exhausted and a bit sweaty. Looking outside I could see that sun was well on its way down for the day so it was bathroom time then the decision of what to wear for the party. I wanted to look smart, slutty, sophisticated but not formal. I didn't want my very high libido to be too obvious but at the same time I wanted my tiny tits and slit to be visible.

All a sort of contradiction of each other and I guess that it comes down to how I carry myself and act. I once read that a woman can be formal, sophisticated and commanding, all whilst being totally naked. Obviously a girl can't be naked all the time, well not in England, but I aimed to be the rest of those qualities whilst wearing as little as I could get away with.

I spent ages going through all the dresses and skirts and tops that Celeste had made for me, finally settling for a backless dress that was loose fitting around my chest so that it would hang low if I bent over revealing my tits to anyone who cared to look. The skirt part is firm fitting ultra short. My butt and slit are covered only when I stand and pull the material down as far as it will go. The material is so light and soft that I have to keep checking that it's still there.

I decided to wear my hair tied back for the evening, and also to talk to Charles to find a good hairdresser. Apart from wearing my hair in pigtails to make me look even younger whilst in Ibiza, my hair had not been a priority but that was going to change, I was going to experiment to find the modern style that I liked the best.

My mind toyed with the idea of wearing one of my vibrators or my Ben Wa balls but in the end I decided against it. Okay, I knew that Ben and Matt, and probably Roxy, would be more amused than upset if they found out, or could see, what I was wearing, but I didn't know about the others, I didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with them, after all, I had to live with them for 3 years.

The other thing was that if things did get 'interesting', I didn't want there to be anything in my vagina that could get in the way of whatever might try to get in there.

When I was finally ready, I looked at my phone and was surprised to see that I had timed things well, it was just after 9 pm.

One last look in the mirror, one last bend forward to check that I could see my tits, one last pull on the hem of the dress to make sure that my slit was covered, and I set off.

Charles greeted me at the door to the shared lounge holding a tray of glasses of champagne and I saw that only Matt and Roxy had arrived so far and were stood talking.

"Very nice, does it come of easily?" Matt said as I walked over to them.

"Like the dress." Roxy said.

"You look great too Roxy." I replied, noting that her dress was as short as mine and her nipples trying to bore their way through the thin material of her dress.

Seconds later Ben walked in followed by Riley then the other 2 guys who Charles introduced as Oliver and Harry, Oliver carrying a camera attached to a tripod which he put to one corner of the room.

Riley was wearing a nice top and skirt too, but the skirt was way too long for me.

We were all standing around asking and answering the usual get to know each other questions when Matt said that he thought that there was a girl missing, adding that there should be 4 girls and 4 boys.

Just as Matt was about to ask Charles if his assumption was correct, in walked the last girl. Charles introduced Daniella then made his excuses and left.

Daniella too was wearing a low cut, knee length dress, nice, but not for me.

The questions resumed and eventually got around to what we were going to do after we got our degrees. Daniella, Ben and Riley hadn't a clue what they wanted to do other than spent their father's money. Matt was a bit more organised saying that he was going to run a division of his father's business eventually, but before that he was going to be an international playboy.

Everyone laughed but I thought that he'd make a good one of those.

Roxy amused us all by saying that she was going to start her own escort agency for rich business men.

The interesting ones to me were Oliver and Harry. Oliver wants to become a photographer for royalty and the elite, and Harry wants to become a personal trainer to the rich and famous.

"You just want to see all those beautiful women wear skimpy workout gear don't you Oliver?" Ben said.

"Yes, but I want to specialise in yoga, naked yoga."

"So you want to see all the beautiful celebrities naked do you?" Riley asked.

"Of course, what's wrong with that?" Harry replied.

"Nothing," I replied, "absolutely nothing."

"Are you a celebrity Georgia?"

"No why? Do you want to see me naked Oliver?"

"There'd be something wrong with me if I didn't."

"I bet that you want to see all us girls naked don't you?" Roxy said.

"No chance." Daniella said.

"Why not?" Oliver said, "You've all got great bodies, you should be proud of them."

"What about you Riley, would you pose naked for me or join Harry's naked yoga class?" Oliver asked.

"Well I suppose that I could, if that's what you want, I'm not a virgin any more."

"No boyfriend?"

"No, I went to an all girl's school."

"So did I," I said, "but I've been making up for that ever since I left and universities are the place that young adults are supposed to let themselves go and have lots of fun so you'll do it won't you?"


Ben, Matt and Roxy all smiled. hat just left Daniella, she'd already said that there was no chance that she would strip for the guys but all 4 guys and Roxy and I weren't taking that as a true statement.

"So Daniella, what's your big objection to posing naked or doing yoga naked? I'm sure that Oliver and Matt would love to see your beautiful body without those clothes." I asked.

"I'm sure that they would but it's not going to happen."

"Would you go skinny dipping or into the sauna naked if it was just you girls there?" Matt asked.

"I guess so."

"And would you strip naked if a person with medical qualifications asked you to?"

"I guess so."

"Well Harry has to obtain some basic medical qualifications to get his personal trainers degree. Isn't that right Harry?" I asked, not knowing if that was true of not.

"I certainly do." Harry replied.

"So you can't possibly object to Harry seeing you naked."

"Well, I, I, I guess not."

"Good, well done Daniella, have some more champagne."

I'd got a major concession from Daniella and was starting to believe that Daniella wasn't the brightest person in the room, but I didn't want to push her too far, well not all at once.

I think that some of the guys were on the same page as me because Ben suggested that we get to know each other better by playing a game of Truth or Dare, but only if everyone agreed to carry out any dares that they were given, adding that dares must be realistic, i.e. that they'd be prepared to do the same, and were not illegal. Everyone agreed so he added that we should all sit in the floor in a circle and use one of the empty champagne bottles to spin to see who was going next.

Now just about everyone knows that when a girl wearing a skirt or dress sits on the floor she has to be very careful if she doesn't want to expose what she is or isn't wearing under the skirt and the dresses that Roxy and I were wearing meant that there was no way that we could sit in any position without showing that we weren't wearing any knickers. But we did sit on the floor with our knees bent and cross-legged and both of us were showing skin right up to our belly buttons.

"Wow!" Oliver said, "I'm glad that we decided to sit on the floor."

"You two can definitely be in my yoga class." Harry said.

Daniella looked over to Roxy and I and said,

"I think that we should sit on chairs, poor Georgia and Roxy are having to expose themselves."

"Relax Daniella." I replied, "We're not ashamed of our bodies, Ben and Matt have already seen us totally naked and I'm sure that Oliver and Harry aren't complaining. And all the guys can see up both yours and Riley's skirts. Pink and white aren't they guys? It's no big deal, only prudish snobs think that it is and I'm sure that neither you nor Riley come into that categories."

"Well no, thank you, I guess that it'll be okay, after all, we are here to let ourselves go, do things that we would never dream of doing at home."

"Like skinny dipping." Oliver added.

"I guess so." Daniella replied.

"Getting there." I thought.

Anyway, the game got started with lots of boring Truths and boring Dares until Harry Dared me to take off 1 piece of clothing. Judging by what he was looking at when he said it, and including me bending forward in front of him a few times, he knew that the dress was all that I was wearing.

I reached for the hem of my dress and pulled it up and off me. Daniella gasped and started to say something but managed to hold it back as I smiled and threw the dress onto a nearby chair and bent forward to spin the bottle.

It stopped pointing to Harry and I giggled and dared him to take his boxers off.

Now a girl can usually take her bra off under her top but I doubted very much that a man could take his boxers off without first taking his trousers off, and I was right. Harry stood up dropped first his jeans, then his boxers, then put his jeans back on. Daniella had gasped again as soon as Harry's boxers lowered revealing his cock to everyone but I watched her as she stared at it all the time until Harry's jeans covered it again.

"Enjoy the show girls?" Harry asked as he sat down again.

"Nice." Both Roxy and I said.

After that there was a whole batch of people wanting to tell the truth, during which everyone got asked when they last masturbated and even Daniella and Riley admitted that they'd done it earlier that day. Daniella's jaw dropped when Matt said that it was just before the party started and it was when he looked at the photograph that he'd taken up my skirt from outside the coffee house the other day.

I smiled hoping that he'd be taking plenty more of me, more revealing ones.

The bottle stopped spinning pointing to me and after I'd chosen Truth, Oliver said.

"Georgia, tell us a kinky truth about yourself."

"Well, you already know that I like being naked, but I like being naked in public with people telling me what to wear, what not to wear and what to do."

"Wow," Oliver said, "you like being controlled Georgia. Does that mean that you would be happy if any, or all of us were to tell you what to wear every time that you leave this building?"

"I guess so, but only sometimes, I've got to be in the right mood."

"Does that include your hair, below your neck that is?"

"I guess so, but you wouldn't have a lot of choice there, I've had it all permanently removed."

"I was 12 and at the start of puberty when my mother died and it was so traumatic that my body decided that my puberty was finished. Daddy took me to the doctor and a specialist but there was nothing that they could do to restart it. Hence I'm the size that I am."

"So your father didn't give you that drug Puericil-G that is supposed to delay or stop puberty then?" Matt asked

"No, well not that I know of. No, he wouldn't do anything like that to me."

"He likes you looking the way that you are doesn't he?"

"He says that he does."

"So how do you know that he he didn't give you that drug."

"I guess that I don't but I'm 99.9 percent sure that he wouldn't have. Anyway, I like the way that I look and it does have it's advantages, I can get away with things that only kids can."

"Like what?"

"Walking around outside without any clothes on."

"So where have you done that?"

"Ibiza town and lots of beaches."

"Wow, are you going to walk around Bristol naked?"

"I doubt it, unless they have any festivals that girls get naked at."

"What about the naked bike ride?"

"I'd do that, but do they have one here?"

"Yes they do, I think that it's in June. If you enter let us know and we'll come and watch you."

"Oh I'll be entering it, but if you want to see me naked all you have to do is ask, or visit me in my apartment."

"Does all this mean that you'd like to wear that pink collar of yours and a leash, and be led around Bristol and told to do sorts of humiliating things." Riley asked.