Georgia Plays The Game Ch. 01

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White MILF discovers a world of interracial desire.
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Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/07/2019
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The cursor blinked on the lap-top screen. Georgia took a deep breath and waited. She still wasn't sure that she shouldn't just close the lid of the machine or even simply break the connection. She wasn't worried about anyone catching her doing this but she knew that it was massively out of character with her previous 35 years on the planet. On the other hand she could feel the impact that the flashing cursor was having on her. Her heart was beating almost out of her chest, her breathing was quick and her whole attention was focused on that tiny area of screen. She was excited and it seemed an age since that had been true.

She forced herself to look away and up to the clock mounted on the wall. The minute hand eased around to indicate eight PM and almost at that moment the first text message appeared.

M: "Here we are - talking. Just like you requested. So tell me what brings you here."

G: "I heard about what you do and it intrigued me,"

M: "Where did you hear about us and what we do? We don't exactly advertise."

G: "I got a referral to you on a website chat zone and when I followed it up the guys at a reddit sub-thread pointed me to your e-mail I mailed and here we are."

M: "You realise most on that thread are just white boys getting a cheap thrill don't you."

G: "I guessed that from what some of them wrote. But how do you know which thread I mean?"

M: "I don't - it's true of all of them."

G: "Well I don't know who YOU are after all - you are just words appearing on my screen."

M: "That's very true. We'll be addressing it in due time. First, what do you know about what we do here?"

G: "It's called 'the Game' and isn't it a challenge to spice up life? Is that right?"

M: "So far as it goes. Does your life need spicing up?"

G: "Oh God yes!"

M: "Well then we may have some business to do together if tonight's conversation goes well. You want to know about the game - well it can be a naughty little diversion or the most serious thing you've ever done in your life. You will decide that as you decide whether and how far to progress."

G: "OK. Tell me more."

M: "I am the Master of 'the game' and you will call me sir until you have earned the right to call me by name. Got that?"

G: "Yes sir."

M: "Good. At each stage of the game I will issue a challenge which it will be for you to fulfil and to prove that you have fulfilled. Once you have asked for a challenge you WILL be expected to perform it."

G: "What if I don't?"

M: "There will be consequences. At first it just means expulsion from the game - with no second chances and no right of appeal. Later, as my investment of time and interest in you has grown, the consequences could be more serious."

G: "I'm not sure about that."

M: "They will not involve physical harm - I will pledge that. Remember you can always withdraw from 'the game' simply by not asking for another challenge after you have fulfilled one. When you ask for a new challenge you commit yourself to play. If you chose not to request a further challenge then no harm and no foul."

G: "I'm still not sure."

M: "There is no game if there is no risk, no consequences. You want to break the humdrum boredom you feel - something easy can't achieve that."

G: "Perhaps."

M: "There is no compulsion. It is for you to decide whether to play."

G: "How do I play?"

M: "You want your first challenge?"

G: "I think so."

M: "Not good enough. You need to ask appropriately."

G: "May I please have a challenge sir."

M: "That's more like it. So let's get down to basics. I will send you specs to set up your system for ease of communication. You'll need a private space to operate and a good quality webcam. I'll send you a link to our preferred version of Skype. Then we'll meet to talk properly next Thursday at 8 PM if you have fulfilled your challenge."

G: "Which is?"

M: "Very easy but a very necessary proof of eligibility and commitment. I need two images. The first a full-length photo - clothed is fine. Then I need a close-up of your face with you holding your photo ID next to it. Send them to me by e-mail before next Thursday at 8 PM and you'll have begun to play."

V: "I see - I don't like the idea of sending you my ID. Is that really necessary?"

M: "You are right to be cautious - though caution may have to be discarded if you progress far enough. For the moment all you need to know is that you must fulfil my instruction and complete my challenge if you are to proceed. You have until Thursday to check my bona fides at that website chat zone you mentioned. Ask one or two of the verified members over there about us. You'll soon find out we don't play games - except 'The Game' of course. Until Thursday..."

V: "Hey, wait, what do I win if I beat the game?"

M: "You can't beat the game but the game will bring its own rewards. Until next week..."

The connection closed.

How It Came To Be

Georgia Johnson scrolled back up her screen and then quickly read through their whole conversation again. Her heart was beating, her skin was prickling and her mind was racing - she felt so ALIVE!

Georgia shook her head. It was ridiculous - she felt like a love-sick teenager and she knew from experience how dangerous THAT particular feeling could be.

She had grown up way down in the deep South of the country in a good Christian household and had gone to a decent school. She'd had no siblings but she had a cousin who was 8 years younger than her and who she'd helped raise almost from the start.

Which turned out to have been useful experience. When the hormones had started to rage and young love had come a-calling then Georgia had found it irresistible. Which proved a rather large problem since the two of them had only received 'abstinence-only' sex education. Love, lust and desire in two teenage minds had no problem overwhelming one little prohibition and massive mutual ignorance of human reproduction led to Georgia getting a crash course in it of the most personal kind.

She had been young, MUCH too young. In some states or European countries someone could have gone to prison. To be fair, though, her boyfriend had been just as young and just as stupid as her. In their state no-one got arrested but a prospective father-in-law could turn up on a doorstep with his pump-action and/or horse-whip as seemed appropriate.

One thing was for sure the A-word was most definitely NOT an option. You made you bed and then you had to lay in it - as her Mom had said. Her parents had been disappointed for a time but heck hadn't they raised her to be a good Christian wife and mother. She'd just got there a little earlier than they had expected.

As it was, young Buchanan had manned up and married her without any coercion. He was a decent boy and he'd tried to be a good husband to her and a good father to little Charlotte when she came along. Her Mom had helped raise the girl while Georgia finished her schooling but of course College was off the board for her.

The problem, in the long run, was that who you love at fifteen may not be the one you love at twenty, let alone at thirty. She and Buchanan had kept civil and kept friends and kept together long after any love or passion had burned out. They hadn't really been man and wife instead they had been friends who lived together to fulfil their role as parents to Charlotte.

Georgia glanced at the photo on the back-wall of her study. She couldn't regret how her life had turned out - not when she looked at that image of her daughter. She had grown into a smart and beautiful young woman. She'd started pre-med at college and she was a young lady who could decide what she wanted from life and then reach out and take it. Georgia knew that she and Buchanan had done a great job in raising their only child - despite that unfortunate start.

But that was just the problem. They had done their job and their reason to stay together ended when Charli went up to college. There was no acrimony or jealousy. They had been very civilised about it. Buchanan recognised that she had sacrificed many of her career opportunities while he had been able to pursue his. He had gone into his family timber business and fortunately they had been able to agree a respectable settlement for her and, much more importantly, a college fund for their daughter.

No, she could not complain about her husband, her ex-husband she should say now. He had even waited until they had agreed to separate before beginning his new relationship. How long had he waited to do that? He was a good and decent man - he just hadn't been her lover in any real sense for more than ten years.

Once Charli had gone to school Georgia had been able to take up a part-time course at Community College and had got along well. It had been bitter-sweet as she realised how much she loved learning and the process of education. Sometimes she wondered if it would all have been wasted on her if she had gone to college at eighteen. Would she have really appreciated it?

Now she was an administrator at their local school and since September she was alone. She didn't have to look after anybody, she didn't have to please anybody, except herself. She was amazed to suddenly have so much free time. What was that saying about the Devil finding work for idle hands?

She had enrolled in dance classes and taken out a gym membership but there was only so much time you could spend on that. Being a teen mom was not the best route to a beautiful body but she had always tried her best to keep in shape. She took a little satisfaction in observing many of the women around her. They might have had the start on her but now she had a lot of them beat! It had still come as a shock to her, however, when she realised that, without a husband or daughter in tow, she could attract some male attention. It gave her a little thrill to be appreciated but there was a problem.

To go further meant dating and dating was something she had never really done. It was also the case that the men she attracted seemed not to do much for HER. She didn't need a life-partner; she needed desire, she needed passion, she needed to NEED a man and for him to NEED her. None of the men at the Gym or in town seemed likely to give her that. Well that wasn't exactly true - there were men she felt desire for. But obviously they were out of the question...

She had gone to the hair salon and idly picked up a magazine while she waited for the mysterious arts of her stylist to work their magic. Inside there had been a two-page spread on an actor who had performed the almost unknown feat of crossing over from the world of, well you know, 'blue movies.' He had a few years on her but he had a strong physique, handsome regular features and a winning smile. You could see how he looked good on a movie screen - he was magnificently tall, dark and handsome. Actually he was very dark, about as African as African-Americans got.

Georgia suddenly realised that she was staring at the magazine and wasn't sure how long she'd been doing it. She closed the publication quickly and had a subtle check around her. No - no-one seemed to have noticed. Taking too much interest in the wrong sort of man wouldn't have gone down well where she grew up and, liberal college town or not, she's wasn't sure how it would go down round here. She sneaked another peak and began reading the article...

"He's a big old hunk of a man, ain't he," said Darcy her stylist, "shame he's Black really. He was in that movie last summer. Pretty good actor considering where he came from." She giggled.

Georgia closed the magazine and laughed along with her. It seemed the safest option. However, she tucked the name of the actor and that website the article mentioned away in her memory.

Apart from her one momentous early lapse Georgia had always been a 'good girl'. However, it had been creeping into her mind recently that perhaps she had been TOO good, TOO safe. There was a danger that the years could just drift by and her life drift right along by with them. She was determined that wasn't going to happen. She needed to step out of her safe zone and experience life.

That evening she did what she'd never even thought of doing before. She looked up the actor on the internet and switched the 'safe search' off. The result was, it seemed, thousands of pictures of the star, most of them displaying the proof that he was indeed 'a big old hunk of a man.' It was also clear that, as you might expect in one of his original profession, he was extremely gifted in one certain department.

'Oh my gosh', thought Georgia. 'How can he even get that thing hard?' It didn't take much research to find that the actor seemed to have no difficulty doing just that with a bewildering array of female co-stars of varying ages, races and nationalities. Georgia soon found a video clip - presumably advertising longer movies for purchase elsewhere. Jackson Hammer was fucking, she almost blushed at thinking such a word but it was the only possible one to use. He wasn't 'sleeping with' or 'making love to' the young blonde woman. No, he was fucking her and he was fucking her with real intent.

Georgia watched the five-minute clip with rapt attention but also a feeling of unease. She saw the big Black cock pull out of the girl and then shower her with six strong streams of semen. Georgia's eyes widened as she saw just how much was shot over the girl's face and breasts. What a mess! But it wasn't the mess that made her uneasy. It suddenly came to her that the girl on screen had a similar hair style and body type to Charli and couldn't be much older than eighteen. Thinking of her daughter being with a big virile Black stud wasn't something that Georgia needed to contemplate.

She soon found another clip - just a little longer. This time Jackson was romancing an older woman, one perhaps only a year or two younger that Georgia herself. Now that was more like it! Jackson kissed the woman's hand and handed her a rose. Then he rose from their restaurant table and speechlessly invited her to follow him. The image dissolved in a cut and Georgia pressed the pause button.

She had an idea what was coming next and she decided to enjoy it fully. She stood up and took off her slacks before easing down her panties. She had known that what she was watching was having an effect but she was still surprised by the state of her sex. It was wet and ready. Poor old Buchannan would have had to work on her for hours to get her half as ready for sex! But then Jackson Hammer had several advantages over her ex-husband!

Georgia knew what she wanted to see when she clicked the play button and it just so happened that she wasn't disappointed. A very large and very hard Black cock was lined up ready to enter a neatly trimmed pink pussy. Georgia's hand found her own sex and pleasured it as she watched the Black man penetrate his co-star and then set a steady rhythmn.

Georgia's fingers worked in and out of her body as she watched Jackson take his partner in a number of different positions. She gave a little moan of, "Cum for me Jackson," almost before she realised it. She wanted to see that big cock shoot its load again. This time, however, Jackson didn't pull out. Instead he gave a few more powerful stokes and then collapsed onto his partner, his lips finding those of the white woman. After a long kiss Jackson disengaged and the camera moved in to capture his seed starting to flow from a well-used white pussy.

"You gonna take that home to your husband," Jackson asked his co-star.

Georgia turned the video off with one hand and closed her eyes as she steadily brought herself to a nice little climax while contemplating sneaking out of her home to a sexual rendezvous with a man looking very like a certain cross-over African-American porn star!

Almost as soon as she came Georgia began to analyse what had happened. She knew that she had most definitely got turned on and she also knew why. It didn't come as a complete surprise to her - she'd known how attractive she found some Black men for a long time. Some African-American men just had 'it', sex appeal, raw presence, call it what you liked. She'd always known that.

Coming from where she did, the Deepest of the Deep South, if a white girl was unfortunate enough to think that way then she had better keep it to herself. Which she did - helped in a funny way by being a mom and married so young. There'd been no time for idle musings on the sexual potency of a dark-skinned African-American. Just occasionally a picture of a sports star or movie actor or musician would trigger her interest but that had been as far as it went. She'd been too busy to do anything about it even if she'd dared.

But she wasn't in the Deep South any more. When she'd separated from Buchanan she'd found a job across the country. It just seemed best to make a clean break and it took her near to where her daughter had won a scholarship, but not so close as to cramp her daughter's freedom. Her new home had still been on the losing side in the War between the States and it could still have its hairy moments but it seemed an awful lot more relaxed up here, especially in what was basically a big college town.

And she wasn't short of time any more. In fact she was exactly the opposite. Once the rush of moving and getting settled into her new job had passed she found she had quite a bit of spare time. She'd made a few friends but not so many as to keep her busy. Charli came back to stay a weekend every month but that only really impacted on those couple of days. You could only go to the gym or dance classes so much - especially once you'd got yourself looking pretty good for a Mom half way through her thirties.

She needed a hobby, no not a hobby. Was it a distraction she needed - no, that wasn't right either. She needed a 'pursuit.' Yes, that was it. Something to keep her interested and feeling alive. Or was it just a man she needed?

Almost involuntarily Georgia thought of the magazine article. He'd do just fine as a bit of a distraction! Maybe not just him though - what about that website the article had mentioned.

The website wasn't particularly pornographic - at least not on the surface. It had pictures of what her parents would have called 'mixed couples' of all races and varieties and some of them were nude or semi-nude but that was as far as it went. The website seemed to basically be a place for people interested in the interracial side of erotica.

There were articles, images, stories and forums. Over the next couple of weeks Georgia would come home from work, eat her meal and then immerse herself in the site. She'd gone to the forum at first but found it disappointing. Most of the threads were dead or pretty uninteresting. There were thread titles that intrigued her and posting stats suggested they were pretty active. However, they all had the same marker. 'Entrance restricted to verified registered members only.' That was frustrating but at least she could enter the stories section.

She read voraciously and picked up on the various themes of interracial erotica. There were genuine romances - they were OK but if she wanted a Harlequin romance then she could go to Amazon! The biggest category seemed to be 'cuckold' stories. She found them a little surprising. Her husband, despite his background, had not been a prejudiced man. However, she somehow doubted he would ever have licked her black lover's seed from her fertile pussy. In fact the very idea almost had her die laughing!

A lot of the stories were pretty short and it didn't take a genius to work out that they lasted only long enough for a man, she suspected a white man, to get off. But then there were the longer stories, the ones that she liked, the ones she spent almost two weeks worth of evenings reading late into the night. They were the stories with cheating wives or divorcees or widows who went in search of a Black lover or who found themselves seduced by the Black man. It wouldn't be true to say that she masturbated furiously to every sentance but she found a good story could give her a pleasant glow and some 'food for thought.' Some of the things that she liked came as a bit of a surprise but the body doesn't lie.