Georgia Plays The Game Ch. 04


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"Wasn't joking back there. You on the pill?"

She shook her head as she looked intently into his dark eyes.

"That's good. Little white slaves shouldn't be taking no birth control. It's for their man to decide when to breed them. That's what being owned means. Just so's you know - I ain't going to be pulling out. Now you know the rules you can make your decision."

He removed his hand and held his hard cock up for her again.

He watched with satisfaction as she eased forward and took hold of his shaft. Her eyes were fixed on his cock now - proving how hungry she was to feel him in her. Georgia edged up onto her tip-toes and held the cock up to the entrance of her pussy. Only then did she hesitate a little before pushing her body down. She grunted as his first couple of inches entered her. Her pussy was very receptive but he was a big man. Together they worked on getting him deeper and deeper into her womanhood

"Yeah - thass right. Look down there and see that white cunt of yours finally getting what it needs and deserves. Never seen a little white bitch better suited for riding Big Black Cocks. Feels good don't it."

"AGGGHHHHH..." Georgia couldn't speak. Maybe it was his dirty talk or the situation or the realization that she was fucking a Black man that did it. Maybe it was that big Black pleasure pole that was plundering her pussy and reaching places her ex-husband had never even come close to. Maybe, though she only wondered about this much later, maybe it was the effect of her piercing in magnifying the pressure where it would do the most good. Whatever the cause Georgia's world seemed to explode in a mighty orgasm that picked her whole being up and swept it away on a great wave of pleasure.

She barely felt his big hand grab her right breast and hold it hard as he began to power his cock up into her pussy. Her second orgasm came crashing in before the first had receded and she knew that nothing could ever be the same again. Old Josh Hawkins had fulfilled his pledge. He had ruined her for white men FOR EVER. Not every Black man would be able to make her feel like this but she'd never stop looking for those that could now that she knew what sex was supposed to be like. She'd wasted so many years - had denied herself for so many years. No longer. 'The game' had been a growing part of her life but from now on it would BE her life. Josh had transformed her. She was no longer a woman who happened to desire Black men. From now on she was just what he had called her - a slut for the Black man. Everything else would be secondary to hunting the next big Black cock which could make her feel like this and she would find enough that she could never break her new addiction.

Her Master had told her that it was unacceptable for a white woman to tease a Black bull if she wasn't ready to put out and he had ordered her to fulfil her promises to the custodian who worked under her at the school, a man fifteen years her senior and with a big old beer gut and a grizzled crop of hair. She now realised just how wise her Master had been - how much better he knew what was good for her. She would never have thought of giving herself to a man like Josh without her Master's prompting and then she would never have experienced this amazing high. Maybe it would have been as good with a younger or more handsome man but then she wouldn't have learned a valuable lesson. Black men of all kinds could bring her pleasure. As the weekend wore on she would learn an even more important lesson. Seeing the pleasure that she gave to a man like Josh was a massive turn-on for her. A re-affirmation of her femininity and her sexuality.

Just now Josh was very intent on proving to her how much she turned him on. He pushed upwards from his chair and his strong legs easily lifted her smaller body. She bit her lip and clung onto him as he marched her across to the table and laid her down on it. His powerfully thrusting cock didn't seem to miss a beat as it powered in and out of her. One strong hand held her body in place while the thumb of the other teased her piercing.

Georgia felt the firmness of the wood under her body. She laid her head against the table and lay with her mouth open, gasping for air. Josh was using her for his pleasure, let there be no doubt about that, but he was doing it in such a way that he was playing her body like an instrument. Her eyes were wide as they stared up at his face. She saw the sweat on his brow, the determination of his eyes as he worked on making her his. He leaned down and she felt him suck at her tit. His tongue then flicked at her hard nipple before he raised his head again satisfied by the livid red mark he had left on her pale flesh.

Josh powered on - breathing heavily now. She knew that he had to be close even before he grunted out, "Look up if you wanna see how I keep my promises." She lifted her head off the table just in time to get a close-up view of a Black man coming in her unprotected white pussy. Josh gave a fierce last three strokes and then just held himself in place as his hips twitched forward - making sure that every possible drop of his seed was planted deep in her. It was the most intense moment that Georgia had experienced since the time she had found out she was pregnant with her daughter.

She started to get up but Josh laid a black hand onto her body. "No running away - you gotta stay still so my seed can find your egg." She obeyed him - lying there and imagining how she would feel if she didn't know this was a 'safe' time. It had been intense just playing out the fantasy - how would it feel to do it for real? She had a pretty good idea. She knew how her mind worked now. She knew how incredible she would feel as a Black man, or Black men, tried to breed her. She knew that once she had felt that intensity she would want it again and again and again. She only had to think about Jess, her cousin, to know where that path would lead. The maternity ward and a Black man's baby in her arms. Pregnancy had thrown her life off course once so she knew the implications. She knew that she couldn't take such risks. And yet...


Josh fucked her again that night - but this time in the rather more comfortable bed. The next morning she got up first and started hunting round for the makings of breakfast. Josh found her there and took her again - this time from behind as she stood holding onto the kitchen counter.

While she was fixing lunch he came up behind her again. His hand reached under her dress and found her pussy. She held herself in place and happily gave him access. "I been thinking," he growled into her ear, "maybe I'm getting too old to keep a young woman like you satisfied. I could call my friends - make sure you get as much Black cock as you can handle."

Georgia appreciated the 'young woman' bit - a nice compliment for a woman with a daughter at college! She turned and kissed him. "I don't think you better had - I've got all I can handle just here," and she gently cupped the front of his pants with her hand. His smile told her that despite his offer he hadn't really wanted to share her. Maybe if this wasn't just a two day thing it might have been different but she wanted him to be jealous of every moment he had with her. His moustache tickled her as he kissed her again.


Sunday was their last day together and Georgia let Josh take some pics to 'remember her by', as he had euphemistically put it. She'd already posted pics on the net for her Master so she had no objection so long as her face wasn't shown in any compromising shots. So he had a full picture of her in her little black dress finery but her naked pic and the pics of her sucking and fucking were carefully selected not to show her face clearly. His fourth picture was a close up of a gaping white pussy filled with cum and a Black cock with a drop of semen at its tip as it withdrew from her.

"Gonna be good to look back at these when I'm out West," said Josh with a chuckle. "Once I'm out there I'll mostly be playing the role of grandpa so it'll be good to remember I could once get a woman as fine as you. Like to complete the set tho."

"What do you mean?"

He moved his hand to her belly as they lay together on his bed. "Like to have a pic of this filling out with a Black man's baby."

She swatted at him playfully. "You're terrible..."

"I'm serious," he said, "think you'd look damn fine carrying the proof of your blackening in that lily-white womb of yours. I'm pretty sure that won't be down to this weekend tho - we both been around the block long enough to know having kids has to be for a lot better reasons than just that it makes us horny. You got a daughter - that's right ain't it?"

"Yes, who's now a very grow up young woman at college." She reached for a phone and showed him a pic of her and Charli together.

He whistled. "Damn, she almost as beautiful as her mom. You just got the one..."

Georgia nodded.

"Don't have to be that way does it?"

She turned to him with a serious expression. "I don't want to deceive you. I know I've said some stuff but it's not a time when you're likely to get me pregnant."

He chuckled again, his big belly jiggling on the bed. "Shit, you think I didn't know that - not that I didn't appreciate the fantasy! But I know something else too..."

She looked at him wanting him to continue.

"I been looking into those eyes of yours and watching you close when you talking about it. I'm thinking you're a lot more interested than you likes to admit or let on."

Georgia processed his words. Could he really have read her right. Charli had not been planned and had come when she was way too young and not really been prepared for it. Her daughter was the most precious thing in her world but that pregnancy had derailed her whole life in many ways. That time sometimes seemed only yesterday but was actually half her life ago. Since she'd become an 'empty nester' she had wondered how she would do things differently now. It had been a safe idle thought since her marriage was ending and there was no man in her life. Things were rather different now...

His voice broke in on her thoughts. "Just promise me one thing - if you decide to go that route make sure to send me that fifth picture."

Georgia felt a movement against her leg and knew before she looked that he was tapping her with his hard Black cock.

"I know you're thinking you not going to get pregnant but I know that's never 100% for certain and I want to make sure to keep you good and full of my seed just in case."

Georgia's response to his words was almost instinctive now. She lay on her back and eased her knees up and apart to leave her pussy open to him. A moment later she felt the weight of his body as he covered her and his hard cock take its rightful place in her wet and welcoming pussy - just as nature intended.

The Joy of Risk

The film clip was of the usual questionable quality. It definitely wasn't helped by the dark conditions, the movement of the camera and the sound of the wind on the microphone. This clip had clearly been recorded outside.

The camera showed the backs of jean-clad legs as they walked up a dirt path.

"Thought we woz fucking not going for a route-march," came a gruff deep voice.

"She's worth it - we had to put her out here so no-one would find her first." That sounded like the voice of her Master. Georgia could already guess who the 'she' was - the Girl in the Hood.

Georgia knew what to call her now. This video hadn't been sent to her by her Master as the others had. Instead she had been given a link to a Pornhub account which contained all the clips she had seen already and others besides. They all featured the same girl and in all of them she wore the same leather hood. The account was called 'The Girl in the Hood' and Georgia immediately saw the double meaning in that. This clip was the most recently posted.

If the account details were to be trusted then the girl was 19, based in the Capital and 'lived for Black cock.' The clips confirmed the last part at least.

"Oh yeah, thass what I'm talking about." The men had turned a corner and their flash-lights now illuminated a metal gate of the sort used to block off a farm road. Stood by the gate and attached to it by a cord was the girl wearing the leather hood and her cape of dark material.

The camera moved close to show the cord and the padlock attaching it to the gate. The other end of the chain ended in a padded cuff around the girl's wrist.

"Key," said the voice of her master and a gloved hand was held out to the girl. With her free hand she unfastened a key clipped to her cape and handed it to him. "Turn round," he ordered and she turned her back to the men and held out her free arm. Its wrist already bore a cuff and one of the men drew up a second cord from the gate and padlocked it securely. Now she was attached to the gate by both arms and though she could still stand upright she could not turn to see the men behind her.

"Care to do the unwrapping," said her Master and one of the men stepped forward and took a firm grasp of the cape by one of the holes made in it earlier. He gave a firm tug and the cloth ripped. Once started the man found it easy to tear the flimsy garment apart and soon it lay in two pieces at the now naked girl's feet. Her tattoo of black and white faces united in a kiss as the yin and yang symbol was momentarily visible before four dark-skinned Black men, all still clothed, moved in around her. Their hands moved over her body and sought her firm large young breasts and her tight shaved pussy. They knew that she had been provided as their sexual plaything. A bearded man with a shaven head leaned forward to kiss the girl via the mouth-hole on her mask. Through it all she stood still and only eased her legs apart as a black hand sought to cup the mound of her pussy.

"Did I lie - isn't she just about perfect?" came the voice of her Master.

"No lie - she worth every fuckin' penny," was the gruff response of another of the men, his voice heavily accented. Was he Jamaican? "Back home she be real popular. Make a man some real bank. Interested in selling her?"

Watching the clip Georgia saw the girl shiver. The men seemed to have paid for her services - would they really be able to buy her too? The girl didn't try to escape or protest though. If anything she edged her legs further apart and arched her back a little so that her big firm breasts were shown to their best advantage. She seemed to be inviting their interest - Georgia could only imagine how the girl felt, could only imagine how she herself would feel. Would she be screaming for help or, like the girl on her monitor, would she be ready to accept that her Master knew what was best for her and would protect her if he felt it necessary. Georgia had heard the pride in her master's voice when he had talked of the girl and again she felt jealousy, unreasonable but fierce.

"This young lady's only for hire not for sale," the Master's voice was firm and drew expressions of disappointment from the men. "Do have a little treat for you all tho. Had to make special arrangements because it's a very special day. Ain't it girl?"

"Yes Master," came the girl's voice, again disguised by both the hood and some audio post-production.

"You see," her Master went on, "this little snow-bunny is primed to breed tonight and she's been wanting to try some preggo-risk fucking. That's right ain't it girl?"

"Yes Master."

"Heard that before - generally ends in a house-full o' little niggas," laughed the bearded man. He placed his hand under one of the girl's breasts and seemed to weigh it. "Good titties - well suited to feeding Black babies. Good breedin' stock. Looks fertile as fuck too," he moved his hand down her body. "After tonight this fine belly soon won't be so tight and flat. Be showing her first Black baby - provin' what a little white slut-ho she be."

The girl gave a little moan. Georgia realised that it was a sound of arousal rather than despair. The turn of events had set Georgia's mind racing on her own past and her own early pregnancy. She hoped the girl knew what she was doing. But at only 19 how could she? Again the instinctive side of her brain made itself heard too. At her current age Georgia herself certainly knew the implications. If her Master wanted her to do what the girl was doing would she agree to it? Her brain knew the right answer but her body had already reacted to the mere idea of being placed in the girl's position. She felt the heat of her desire and knew that her body wanted it. Wanted to make new life. She shook her head but as she watched on her fingers continued to play with her pussy.

The camera moved over to a bag by the gate. "Just checkin'," said the voice and then he found the small box. He opened it and gave a chuckle of approval. "All present and correct." He showed the men the contents, the girl's diaphragm. "This here is her only birth control. She ain't using it so she can experience the ultimate in raw Black fucking. Tell these men what you want girl."

The voice was muffled but quite clear enough, "I want them to use me - that's what I'm here for. I want potent Black men to fill me with their seed and breed me. Make me carry their strong Black babies. Show the world what I'm good for."

One of the men laughed. "Trained this one good. I figure we can give her what she's after. Time she used that mouth for something better than talking." He pulled down his jogging pants and put his hand on the base of the girl's neck. The cords were long enough to allow her to lean over and take his hard Black cock into her mouth.

"She not on the pill for true?" The Jamaican asked.

"Who the fuck cares," growled the bearded man, "if you're doubting I'll go first. If he sez she's fertile then the bitch is primed. Don't much care myself - just here to get my nut in a pretty little white girl. If it knocks her up thass her problem."

As he spoke the last of the men pulled down his pants and revealed about nine inches of hard Black cock. Without any preamble he walked up to the excited girl and started working the head of his cock on her pussy lips. "Fuck that - gonna knock this little bitch up. All these white sluts are good for. You want that little bitch? You want me to fuck you hard and put a little nigga in ya?"

The girl didn't answer. Her mouth was busy with the big Black cock of the bearded man. The Jamaican was on his haunches with his mouth latched onto her swinging right breast. The other man was waiting his turn slowly stroking his already hard Black cock, a cock already wet from the girl's oral talents.

The man behind her didn't wait long for an answer. "Who gives a fuck what you crackas think anyway - we know what's best for ya. Now let's get this breeding party started." With that he pushed his nine inches of hard Black meat home into receptive wet pussy. In a couple of powerful strokes he was in her to the balls - her white flesh yielding submissively to his potent Black invader. His hands moved to her hips and held her hard as he began to give her what he had promised. First he fucked her hard - leaving her struggling to keep the bearded man's cock in her mouth as she was pounded from behind. Then, after a short but frantic session, he grunted and shot his load deep into her.

Georgia couldn't see him nut in the girl but the sound of that grunt was unmistakeable. The man gave another couple of slower strokes and then withdrew wiping the head of his cock on the girl's leg. The bearded man took his place and the others moved to take advantage of her mouth and tits. The Girl in the Hood was there for their entertainment that night and they intended to take full advantage.