Georgia Plays The Game Ch. 10


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Charli winked at Stephanie and then, unseen by Grant, beckoned to her. Stephanie paused, considered and then moved across to join the beautiful leather-clad blonde. An arm came out and drew her close to Charli. Charli smiled and momentarily arched her eyebrows. It was an invitation and Stephanie did not reject it. She felt as if she was almost on auto-pilot now - in sensory over-load after all she had heard and seen. Charli beckoned again and Stephanie leaned down towards her, felt her heart beating suddenly fast and insistent as she did so.

Charli leaned forward so that her lips touched those of Stephanie. A moment's contact. Then Charli repeated but left her lips in place a moment longer. Finally on the third contact, Charli felt Stephanie's lips part. Charli eased her tongue into the brunette's mouth and let it gently contact with its counter-part there. Again just a moment's hesitation before Stephanie responded. Charli leaned back and made strong eye contact with Stephanie. She smiled and her eyes sparkled with amusement and mischief. Stephanie almost shyly smiled back and then leaned in to renew their kiss.

Charli ground her behind down onto the face of her slave. Grant found himself trapped between her firm buttocks and for a moment was engulfed in that sweet pink flesh. Not for one moment did he hesitate but kept desperately licking and savouring the pussy that almost threatened to stifle him. However, as the girls kissed above him he suddenly realised that there was no almost about it. He could not breathe. His arms and legs jerked but were held in their restraints. His face was trapped by the flesh of Charli's butt. He gasped for breath into the sweet but unrelenting flesh of his Mistress.

Then, as he almost thought he would pass out, he felt the pressure lift from his face. He sucked in oxygen and then he saw both women looking down on him through the wide gap in the chair.

Stephanie looked down at her fiancé. His face was red and wet with saliva and pussy juice. His eyes were wide and his mouth open as he gasped for breath. She had never seen him, never seen any man, look so excited. The doubt was just entering her mind when Charli fore-stalled it.

"It's your turn."

She had been about to wonder where her place lay in this new secret world of her fiancé. Charli had answered it for her but the answer really was obvious. Her new position was to be on top. Stephanie undid her tight skirt and let it slip down her legs. She moved up to the chair and saw Grant looking up at her. She smiled when she recognised the desire in his eyes. She had a feeling she could make this work. She let her panties follow her skirt down to the floor and then stepped up to take her seat. Even as she sat she felt Grant's tongue seeking out her most sensitive areas. She gasped and then bit her lip. She looked up and saw Charli looking down at her with a broad smile. Now they could really get started.


Stephanie sat and savoured the sensations. She occassionally gave a little exploratory wiggle of her hips. Each time Grant responded. A girl could get very used to such treatment!

Charli stepped off stage and then returned with a bright yellow rubber glove looking incongruous against the rest of her outfit.

"What you have to understand Stephanie is that all those idiots have ever told you about how things are meant to be were wrong. At least for you and Grant. The man of the house is supposed to be dominant and in charge? I don't think so? Just arch your back a little and see what happens."

Stephanie tried it and couldn't help but giggle. Grant's tongue had darted up and licked at her butt-hole. She explored with moving her bottom a little and found his tongue chasing her - he was apparently desperate to perform his new task. She glanced down and saw his cock give another twitch as it still stood hard against his belly.

"Hmmn - this little thing." Charli reached down and flicked at his penis with her gloved hand. Stephanie felt rather than heard Grant gasp before he resumed rimming her.

Grant's dick could be called many things but hardy 'little'. He was a proud seven inches and thick with it. Stephanie was to learn that Charli had rather different standards where these things were concerned.

His Mistress held Grant's cock between two gloved fingers with an expression of vexation on her face. "Just look at this - how is something so pitiful ever going to please a woman?"

Stephanie felt Grant gasp beneath her. She saw his cock twitch again. The signs were unmistakeable.

Chali had seen them too. She swiftly produced a container and held it in front of Grant's cock. Her latex-clad fingers gave two experienced strokes and...

"Ohhhhhhhh," moaned Grant.

Spunk shot out of his cock and into the container. He had clearly been VERY excited. Seven heavy spurts thudded against the plastic as Charli expertly milked him.

Once he was finished Charli held up his penis between her two fingers. Grant's hairy balls were exposed to view. She flicked one with her finger.

"You see - these things look weak and harmless but they can still cause problems." She reached behind the chair and produced a box with a biohazard symbol on it. Grant's spunk was deposited inside and the box sealed. "Come here Stephanie."

Stephanie dismounted from her chair, if rather reluctantly. Charli reached behind the chair again and produced a small metal object.

"Clearly Grant here needs to be kept under control so he can't make nasty messes like that last one. Perhaps you'd like to be the one that fits this so Grant understands he has two Mistresses now."

Grant watched, helpless in his restraints, as his wife leaned down and applied a small metal cage to his penis. It locked with a small key.

Charli produced a small chain and expertly threaded the key on. Then she carefully hung the chain around Stephanie's neck.

"There - now everyone knows who is in charge. You and I have lots to discuss regarding his training and what all this can mean for you."

Grant watched as the two women kissed again. He wasn't entirely sure what had just happened but he did know that it made him as horny as fuck. He felt his cock start to stiffen only for it to immediately meet the cold restraint of his new metal cage. It seemed he was going to have to get used to things being a bit different from now on.


"I have just interviewed the young lady, Stephanie Thornton, and she seems absolutely perfect for the role. Freshly qualified with the highest honours - very motivated and eager to assist in our social programs - an excellent interviewee. I was extremely impressed and with continuing professional development I think she is perfect for our team."

The voice, with its distinctive East European accent, sounded from the phone. The device's owner furrowed his brow a little. "Wasn't that the position we had ear-marked for young Charli Johnson?"

"Indeed yes, my friend, but Charli would not qualify fully for at least two years. This young lady is a friend of Charli's - was in fact recommended by Charli. I understand she herself has transferred her studies to physiotherapy - you know we will soon have a vacancy there. Delphine is heading for retirement."

"Well, Dr Nikola my old friend, it's your clinic and I'm as always happy to be guided by your expertise. Thanks for the heads-up."

When the connection was ended Taylor leaned back in his study chair and steepled his fingers. He had made the arrangements for Charli, as requested by Kali. However, he had insisted that it not go ahead until Charli was fully qualified so that she could fill the coming vacancy at Nikola's clinic. The work there was vital to the community. It had to take priority.

He sat for a few more moments and then shrugged his shoulders. Well, he had expected her to fill the vacancy and she had - if not in the way he had expected. Maybe he SHOULD have expected that - the young lady was always full of surprises. It didn't take a mind-reader to know why Charli had gone to such trouble. She was impatient. Well, so be it. He picked up his phone again and hit a number on speed-dial.

"Cassius - the little matter you, I and Antwan discussed..."

Putting On A Show

Georgia Johnson studied herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. It really wasn't that long since the first time she had read about 'the game'. Was it really not much over a couple of years? Back then she could never have imagined where she would be now - let alone what she was about to do. Life was like that perhaps.

She took a long moment studying the woman in the glass. Looked into her own eyes for a sign of regret or anxiety. She couldn't see any. She knew that she had moved on beyond that long ago. If there had ever been any doubts then the arrival of little Kanesha had swept them away. So beautiful and such a little darling. She dropped a hand to her belly, a belly already swelling with Kanesha's little brother or sister. There really wasn't much doubt about Izeye's potency - as if you couldn't tell that by one glance at him. She was pleased that both her new family members would share him as a father. She smiled at her reflection in the mirror. Two children by the same father - that almost made her a prude in some circles!

Talking of which. She saw a familiar figure approach her in the mirror and lean down so her face was level with Georgia's own. "You OK, GeeGee?" Jessica was smiling but Georgia noted that her cousin's eyes were watching her closely.

"For the beached whale convention? Yeah, as I ever will be. Do you think he knows what he's getting?" Georgia smiled - eager to show Jessica that all was well. Her cousin, above everyone, had an idea of how difficult this day could have been for her. She wanted to let her know that she was more than reconciled to it, that she understand that this was how it should be, how it had to be.

She watched Jessica's smile move up into her eyes. "Oh that gentleman has wanted to get me dancing here ever since I first met him. Add in my condition and my co-stars and I don't think he'll be complaining. He'd best not - this is his one chance!"

Georgia didn't respond. It was going to be a big evening. She still had trouble getting her head around it totally sometimes.

Jessica held her shoulders and spoke soothingly to her. "She's going to break all sort of records you know, that beautiful daughter of yours. She'll make my viewing figures look very weak sauce. Even after our host's cut is subtracted it's going to be a tidy contribution to the Foundation. You're OK aren't you?"

Georgia looked again at her face in the mirror. Her life had taken some amazing turns, just like her daughter's and just like her cousin's and just like so many others. It wasn't what she had expected but it also wasn't anything that she regretted or would reverse, even if she could. Charli had come to her and pointed out that her lifestyle probably wasn't the best for a putative Doctor and that if one thing had to go then it wasn't going to be a close decision. Being a physio would be much more compatible. Well, in the end, it WAS her daughter's life and if she was happy and fulfilled then Georgia would be happy to accept that.

She nodded into the mirror and saw Jessica smile in response. Georgia continued, "Just so long as once my part is done I can slip away. She IS still my little girl you know, she still will be to my dying day."

"Don't worry," reassured her cousin, "your friends have arranged a little something for you..."

Georgia looked over at her Jess and saw that familiar mischievous smile. She had a pretty good idea what the 'little something' would be and that it wouldn't turn out to be so 'little' after all!


The four women danced on the small stage - showing their bodies off to full effect . Each wore a skimpy bikini decorated with that ever more prevalent 'Queen of Spades' symbol. The viewers didn't really need to see the bikinis to tell them the self-identification of the women. Their baby-bumps were pretty eloquent on the issue. The timing had been fortunate. Jess and her friends were all big enough to be clearly pregnant but not quite so big that it hampered their moves too much. Either way their audience were ready to make some allowances.

The usual segregation applied at a time like this. The performers were all female and white. The audience were all male and Black. A mix of Cassius' clientele and regulars from Antwan and Hoss's establishments. It had been a seriously hot ticket in their particular little community.

The crowd were appreciative - whooping and applauding each move of the girls on stage. Jess tried some of her more sinuous and seductive moves on a big bearded hunk stood next to the stage. One of Cassius's security. The big man laughed but she noted that his eyes were rooted on her, taking in every move and every inch of her fair-skinned body. As with most of the men here her current condition clearly wasn't a turn-off. Quite the reverse in fact.

Cassius had always wanted her dancing for him. Frankly, she doubted she would make too much difference to the takings at one of his clubs but she knew he would get a serious kick out of getting his lawyer up on stage. He'd not made much of a secret of that. Even after Antwan had made her an 'honest woman' and the chance of getting her in his famous back office had receded. Receded - but not quite disappeared. There was always the hustle, always a deal to be made and Jessica had always been curious about Cassius's reputation. He was supposed to be very good. Well she could compare him with Antwan and Shaka - it promised to be fun seeing whether he could 'measure up.' The arrangement had been made to prepare the way for tonight. Jess was booked in to perform a weekend at Cassius's most prestigious strip club once she was back in more orthodox dancing trim.

It was understood by everyone what 'dancing' for Cassius would mean. On the Friday evening Jessica would be staying over with him. Antwan would not have suggested that but he wasn't like the husbands from her old life. As he put it, "Shit - I've known Cassius since was growing up together. He may think he's getting one over on me but he'll soon learn. He's gonna find out the best he ever had is just my beck and call girl. He'll be eating himself up over that for years!" Jessica loved his confidence and knew it was well-placed. It didn't matter how good Cassius turned out to be - Antwan was her man for so many reasons beyond that. He knew he would win any comparison. It was like giving a friend a chance to drive your new Ferrari. They'd enjoy it but their Nissan wouldn't seem the same afterwards!

Taking it in turns three of the women would take places round the stage and allow the fourth to solo. There weren't too many dramatic moves, let alone pole-work, but they had the audience's attention none the less. Each exposed belly was eloquent of the potency of the Black man - eloquent of how 'woke' these women were to the real sexual hierarchy. For many they were just sexy bitches dancing for their pleasure. For some each growing belly was a little victory against 'the man.' Whatever - the crowd weren't shy about showing their appreciation.


Georgia watched on from the back-room. It was usually the base for security. Cameras covered the main hall and the dozen or so small cubicles where the real business was done here. Best not to think too much about that. The real nature of this place where she was about to hand over her daughter. She knew that Charli would be getting a kick out of it though.

She risked another glance at the woman sharing her 'duty' today. She was so striking - her dark skin and those proud features. Like a classical ancient Egyptian statue or perhaps a Nubian one. Timeless beauty and an underlying strength that made quite a combination. It wasn't hard to see why her daughter was so smitten. Let alone those eyes - feline and almost amber.

Kali seemed to sense she was being watched. She let her eyes meet Georgia's and allowed a little smile to play across her lips. Her confidence was obvious, confidence proven by her words.

"We just lending her for a night or two you know. She only ever gonna have one momma and she only ever gonna have one me."

They were words of reassurance and words that both women knew were rooted in reality. The young woman they both loved, though in very different ways, would be under-going a 'rite of passage' in their community but that didn't mean they were losing her. Quite the reverse.

The Main Event

Glasses and pitchers had been refreshed. The stage had been cleared of dancers. It was time and the buzz of excited conversation proved it. Time for the main event.

Well someone had a sense of humor and an entirely unexpected knowledge of 'old white man fossil rock.' Maybe they'd just googled for something appropriate but Georgia doubted it. Cassius tended to plan these things out very carefully and it undoubtedly was quite deliberate that their 'walk-on music' was 'Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter.' Yes indeed she had heard enough about Cassius to know that it had his finger-prints all over it.

"Fuckin' Cassius." That was from under Kali's breath - it seemed she'd come to the same conclusion.

Charli joined them as soon as the music struck up. She looked amazing, so beautiful. She wore a black latex bodysuit that wasn't skin-tight but that also didn't hide the promise of the curves hidden beneath. At her wrists, ankles and neck there was the stark, delicious, contrast between the Black vinyl and her pale skin. The beauty of her face seemed magnified by contrast with the stark darkness of her body. Look closely however and you saw the zips in the suit - the promise of what was to come. It was all she wore - save for her So Kate 120s, their scarlet soles only visible when the club lights flashed and caught them.

They moved forward as the music roared out of the speakers. The sea of dark faces all turned towards them - all craning to see the spectacle put on for their entertainment, for their satisfaction.

The women looked forward and saw that the stage was no longer empty. In its centre stood one man - his arms crossed and his gaze fixed on the women, more accurately on Charli. Cassius was here to claim his prize.

'So pick up your foolish pride

No going back

Nowhere, no way, no place to hide.'

That was what today was really all about - that was what they were doing here. Kali had never taken a backward step for anybody. Georgia was a satisfied and stable feature of the world that moved around and within the Taylor Foundation. Now her daughter was making that same commitment, obvious and irreversible. The people they loved would approve. Those that hated it - well their opinion didn't matter anyway. Hadn't mattered since that moment when mother and daughter, quite separately, had both decided to play 'the Game.'

They reached the stage just as the speakers blared out,

'Let her go, let her go, let her go.'

The two women released their hold on Charli's arms and gently helped her climb up and onto the stage.

As she stepped up the two woman shared a moment. Then it was over. Kali turned to make her way across to the bar where a couple of her assistants had made a place for her.

It was time Georgia was gone. She just saw Cassius beckon and her daughter go to him. He placed a hand on her shoulder as the music rang out,

'So get down on your knees, honey

Assume an attitude

You just pray I'll be waiting

Cause you know, you know I'm coming soon.'

As Charli sank to her knees in front of Cassius Georgia turned around and found herself surrounded by three powerfully-built young Black men. They were handsome and perhaps ten years her juniors. They were also looking at her with an expression that she knew very well. She'd seen it on a lot of hot Black men's faces over the last couple of years.