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"Why don't ya just manhandle me then," I said. "I guess that's one way to keep me in line."

Simon raised himself on his elbow and brushed my hair back from my face. He kissed me softly on my cheek.

"You're just lucky I love you, Marcy."

I tried not to let him see me blush, or to let him feel how fast my heart was beating.

"Yeah, well... someone has to. Guess you got stuck with the job."

"You don't mean that. You're just being petulant."

"So? M'allowed."

Simon gently guided my arms and legs away from their protective positions around my torso. I let him move me back into a more typical lying posture. He was delicate with me, but firm at the same time. I could have resisted him enough that he might have let me be, but I didn't.

"It's late," he said. "We should sleep."

"What fun would that be?"

His hand returned to my tummy and started rubbing small circles on my bare skin. I tried not to be too obvious about stretching out and sticking my belly out a little more prominently for him.

"Go to sleep, little sis."


Simon sighed. The circles on my tummy got bigger.

"Do I need to sing you a lullaby? Read you a story? Get mommy to tuck you in?"

He nuzzled my neck from behind, his chin bumping against my shoulder. He needed a shave. His rough stubble scratched at my smoother, softer skin. The contact made me shiver.

"Sing for me," I said. "That'd be good for a laugh."

"I'm sure it would. But if you start laughing it's not gonna help you get to sleep."

"What if you make me laugh hard enough that I get all tired out? That could work."

"Somehow I have reservations about that plan."

Simon pushed my shirt higher up my body, exposing more of my skin to the night air. I felt like it was getting warmer inside the tent instead of cooler.

"Tell me a story then," I said.

"I was joking, Marcy. I don't intend on going to get Mom so she can tuck you in either."

"You shouldn't have made the offer then."

"I know. I'm cruel, aren't I? What are you ever going to do with me?"

He nipped at my ear, not biting down hard enough to hurt. I arched my neck instead of shying away from him.

"There's nothing I can do. You're stronger than I am. I just have to put up with you."

"Oh, is that what this is? So when you begged me to share the tent with you, that was actually just you putting up with me?"

"I... shut up."

"Or what?"

Simon's hand brushed the bottom of one of my breasts. I wasn't sure if he'd done it on purpose or not. His warm breath on my neck was distracting me from focusing on what his hand was up to. He kissed me softly just below my ear.

"Maybe you were just the lesser of two evils," I said.

"Harsh. And here I was trying to be nice to you. Maybe I shouldn't bother."

His hand left my tummy, then moved under my shirt to my breast before I could react. He pinched my nipple hard, making me gasp.

"You're being bad," I said.

"I thought we'd established that already."

"This is different."

"Better or worse than before?"

"Neither. Just... different."

I pushed his hand away from my chest and he went back to my tummy. I doubted he'd stay there for long.

"You confuse me sometimes, you know that?" he said.

"In what way?"

"Well... like how you complain about me being bad when you're always the one encouraging me."

"That doesn't make any sense. You're older than me. You're supposed to influence my behaviour, not vice versa."

"I see. So I'm looking at this all wrong, am I?"


Simon kissed my neck again. I felt his teeth on my skin, nipping at me but not biting down all the way. I was going to have to tell him to stop that. I couldn't just let him keep doing whatever he wanted.

His fingers slid up my body and under my shirt. I put my arm across my breasts before he could get there, blocking his access. He was undeterred. Instead of trying to force his way through, he simply maneuvered his hand into the small valley between my breasts where I wasn't able to stop him as easily. I gave up and moved my arm away.

Simon cupped one of my breasts in his palm. I pretended to ignore him, even though there was no way I possibly could. I hoped he couldn't feel my heartbeat. It would destroy the illusion of calm I was trying to project. He could probably see through my facade anyway. He knew me better than anyone.

"So what you're saying is that you should listen to me," he said. "If I'm supposed to influence you and all."

"Only if I thought you were a good influence. Which you sometimes are. I just have to know when to listen to you, and when to ignore you."

"I get the feeling that it's more a question of whether or not you think there's anything in it for you. You're happy to listen to anyone who's saying what you're already thinking. Not so much when they're saying something you don't want to hear."

"So I'm independent. That's a good thing, isn't it?"

"Arguably. I've heard worse words to describe that sort of behaviour. 'Independent' puts a nice spin on it."

He squeezed my breast gently, then moved to the other one. He was in no hurry now that he didn't think I'd try to stop him. I could have protested just to make a point, I supposed. I could have pulled away from him and wrapped myself back in my sleeping bag. He would have left me alone if I did.

"You think you know everything about me, don't you?" I said.

"Maybe not everything. A lot, but not everything."

His hand moved away from my breasts. I was disappointed until I realized he wasn't stopping at my tummy again. His fingers slid delicately over my skin down past my waist.

"I know a lot about you too."

"I'm sure you do. You know how to get what you want from me. Don't think I haven't noticed."

Simon's fingertips traced down the front of my panties. I held my breath as I felt his touch all along the length of my pussy. He wasn't actually touching me, not directly, but it was more than enough to get a reaction from my body. If he kept it up there was going to be a damp spot on my panties before too long.

Something poked my butt. I pushed my hips back a little and heard Simon groan softly. He was getting hard. I shouldn't have been surprised. It would have been disappointing if he'd been unaffected, given the way he was touching me.

"It's not like I ever wanted much from you," I said. "It's not like I'm always trying to manipulate you or anything."

"I wasn't trying to say that you did. I just meant... you have a bad habit of falling asleep next to me, for instance. Or not falling asleep, as the case may be."

"I like being close, that's all. You're more fun to be around than most people I know."

"More fun, huh?"

I had to stop myself from whining in frustration as he moved away from my pussy. I was tempted to start rubbing myself down there as a substitute for his touch, but I knew it wouldn't be the same.

Simon adjusted himself behind me. I could hear and feel him moving, but I couldn't actually see what he was doing. A moment later I felt his penis poking me again, only this time I was pretty sure his boxers were no longer separating us. I reached behind me and found that I was correct in my assessment as my fingers encountered his bare cock. He drew a sharp breath as I took his shaft in a loose grip.

"Someone's a little handsy," he said.

"You're one to talk. 'Sides, you're the one who got it out."

I stroked him with more or less the same amount of force as he'd used on me. It was enough to tease him, but not really get him anywhere. He let me toy with him for a couple minutes without trying to take control back from me.

Eventually Simon's hand returned to my tummy. It trailed slowly downward, this time slipping under my panties instead of over them. I squeezed his cock harder involuntarily as I felt his fingers directly on my pussy lips. I could sense his smile without needing to look. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

"Sometimes I think this is what you wanted from the beginning," he said. "Every time you fell asleep on me, every time you made me carry you, every time you let me see you in your underwear..."

"You're delusional."

I stroked Simon harder, and he returned the favour. The more I worked his shaft, the more attention he gave to my increasingly wet slit. He must have been able to feel how turned on I was. He'd probably tease me about it, but I hoped he wouldn't. We both knew what kind of effect we were having on the other. He didn't need to say it out loud.

His lips trailed soft kissed across my neck while he played with my pussy. My hips betrayed me and started rocking in almost imperceptibly small motions. Maybe he was right. Maybe this was what I really wanted from him. The way he was holding me, and touching me, and caressing me... it made me feel good in a way nothing else ever had. It annoyed me slightly to admit how well he understood me.

Simon pulled his hand out of my panties and brought it up to my mouth. I kept my lips closed. I felt my own wetness against my skin as he tried to gain entry.

"Open," he said.


"Come on, open up."

I rolled my head away. "Don't do that. You just want to see if you can make me do anything you want."

"Isn't that what we're both doing?"

He gave up and went back to my panties. He pulled them down instead of continuing to work around them. I kicked them off once they were past my knees. My bunched up shirt that was barely covering my breasts was the only piece of clothing either of us was still wearing.

His penis poked me in the butt again, then lower. I lifted my upper leg and let him slide between my thighs. His shaft rubbed against my pussy, then stayed put. When I lowered my leg again his cock was trapped, nestled against my slit. He could easily get away if he wanted to, of course, but I liked the idea that I was in control and his penis was temporarily mine to do with as I pleased. He deserved it for trying to get me to taste my own pussy. He was such a weirdo sometimes.

"You're gonna want to put this inside me, aren't you?" I asked.

I circled a fingertip around the head of his cock. I liked the way it peeked through from between my legs. He probably wouldn't like it if I told him how adorable it looked with most of its length hidden by my thighs.

"Do you want me to?"

"Maybe. It'd be kind of a bad thing for us to do, you know."

"I'm aware."

"If I was any kind of sister I wouldn't even think about letting you."

"You're a good sister, Marcy. It's got nothing to do with that."

Simon took my chin and tilted my face toward him. I closed my eyes and pretended I didn't know what he was going to do. His lips brushed mine for a second, then pressed against them more firmly. I laid there unresisting and let my brother kiss me. I waited a moment before kissing him back. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea and think that I'd been waiting for it.

He resumed playing with my pussy before breaking off the kiss. It was as though he thought all he had to do was get me horny enough and I'd let him do whatever he wanted. He was probably right.

"You have to be gentle," I said.

"I know."

"And you can't cum in me."

"I know."

"And you can't tell anyone."

"God, you always worry so much. It's like you don't trust me or something. I would have thought I deserved a little more credit than that."

"Admit it; you wouldn't find this half so much fun if I made it easy for you."

Simon chuckled. "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Catering to your every whim isn't quite as enjoyable as you might think."

He kissed me again before I could respond. It was probably a good move on his part. Ordinarily I couldn't just let him get away with comments like that.

I felt my brother's cock pull back between my legs until the head was sliding along my slit. He pushed forward again, but only managed to tease the outside of my pussy. He tried again a few times before I gave in and subtly shifted my hips back to give him a better angle. Instead of continuing to miss, he managed to find his target and the tip of his erection spread my pussy lips apart.

Simon obeyed my instructions to keep his movements gentle once he was inside me. His cock penetrated me agonizingly slowly with a constant, steady force. It was the most delicious mixture of pleasure and anticipation that I could ever remember feeling. I knew he'd be all the way in me soon and I wanted it so badly, but waiting for it just made his progress that much more exquisite.

"Fuuuck, Simon," I breathed.

"See, we both knew you wanted this," he said.

I shook my head, but I wasn't sure what I was denying. Not that it mattered. He wouldn't have believed me regardless.

A faint moan escaped my lips as Simon got deeper and deeper inside me. I covered my face with my pillow to stifle any further noises, but I couldn't stop all of my body's reactions. My hips began to move all on their own, rolling back against my brother in an attempt to get more from him. I'd said I wanted him to be gentle, but I hadn't expected him to listen. I wanted him to give me more. I needed it.

Simon finally buried his shaft all the way in my pussy. His movements were so relaxed and unhurried. Of course they were. He had what he wanted so he had all the time in the world. He played with my breasts as though it was something to pass the time while he began thrusting oh-so-gently in and out of my needy body.

"Harder," I whispered.

"What?" he asked.

"Harder," I repeated in a louder voice.

"I thought-"

"I know. Shut up."

I could feel him smirking. He had yet another victory over me to celebrate. He had the nerve to tell me I always got what I wanted, but he was even worse about that sort of thing than I was.

Simon pulled almost all the way out, then slammed his cock back inside me. I arched my back and hissed in pleasure. All of my negative feelings vanished. I couldn't believe I'd thought any of them were important. My brother fucking me, his hands roaming my body, his breath on my skin... those were what mattered.

I took his hand and squeezed it. I loved him, I really did. Sometimes I forgot how much.

Eventually I let go of Simon's hand. Instead of going back to my breasts, he went to my shoulder. He nudged me a couple times before I got the hint. I rolled onto my stomach and he followed me, not pulling out of my pussy for even a second. He had a better position and better leverage now that he was on top of me.

His thrusting got harder and faster, and I could hear his breath grow increasingly ragged. His weight pressed down on me, though I could tell he was holding himself at least partly on his arms. Now that I'd surrendered myself to him, I somehow felt more free. He had me pinned and at his mercy, but I was too consumed with lust to care. I wanted him to have control. I wanted him to use me for his own pleasure.

I tilted myself up as much as possible to meet his thrusts. My body complained about the uncomfortable position, but I ignored it. All that mattered was my brother's cock. I needed it like I needed oxygen.

"Keep going," I moaned. "Don't stop."

"Why... would I... stop?" he asked breathlessly.

I wasn't listening to him. I was in my own little world of illicit pleasure. I buried my face in my pillow to keep from screaming out loud. Every inch of my body coursed with sensations too powerful for me to handle. Simon, my brother, was the source of all of them.

An orgasm ripped through my body, tearing down what little self-control I had left. I thrashed underneath Simon, moaning and mewling into my pillow. He kept pounding me mercilessly as he worked toward his own release.

Simon thurst his cock as deep inside me as he could just before cumming. His semen erupted into my pussy, driving me crazy all over again. I couldn't take all the feelings and emotions that were inside me. Not only was I having sex with my brother, but he was cumming in me. It was what I wanted, but it was too much for me all at once.

I wasn't sure when it started, but I suddenly realized I was crying. I couldn't stop myself. I was so happy, so sated, but the tears kept coming. My body shook uncontrollably, and all I could do was try not to let Simon see my face.

"Marcy," he whispered.

I shook my head and pressed it more firmly into my pillow.

"Look at me," he said.

His cock slipped out of me and I felt a sudden pang of loss. I curled up in a ball like it would help somehow. He forcibly rolled me over, then took me in his arms. My tears ran down my cheeks and onto his chest, but at least it felt like they were slowing down.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked.

"No. God no. It wasn't you," I said.

"Then what?"

"I... I don't know."

Simon hugged me and rocked me gently. I slowly calmed down. Having his arms around me holding me so tightly helped.

"It's okay," he said. "Everything's okay."

"I love you," I whispered.

"Me too, Marcy. You know that."

"I do. But... you're gonna go away again after tomorrow. We're always apart for so long. I hate it."

"I know. I'm sorry. Life sucks sometimes."

"Yeah, it does."

Simon rubbed my back a little, which reminded me that I was half-naked. I couldn't bring myself to give a shit. He made things so complicated.

"Let's leave," he said.


"Let's just go. Me and you."

"Where would we go?"

"Doesn't matter. Anywhere. Maybe to my place."

I wiped my face with the back of my arm. I didn't think Simon would really follow through, but I couldn't help getting excited at the idea. It was stupid, of course. We'd get shit from Mom, not to mention that I had to go back home tomorrow because of school.

"Do you mean it?" I asked. "You always tell me I'm not allowed to run away and live with you."

"That's because you're never serious about it. You only ever want to run away when you and Mom are fighting over something."

"And this is a better reason?"

"Probably not. Are we going or what?"

"Right now?"

"Sure. Why not?"

I looked around the tent. I had a grand total of one outfit, my phone, and a little money with me. The rest of my things were in the house or back at home. I started getting dressed. I could live without them for now.

"Get dressed," I said.

"Is that a yes?"

I put one of my hands on Simon's cheek and kissed him.

"You wouldn't have made the suggestion if you thought I might say no."

He grinned. "You know me too well. And vice versa, I suppose."

We got dressed and snuck out of the tent to the road where Simon had parked his car. I giggled like a little girl doing something naughty and he had to keep shushing me. I looked back several times as we drove away. I almost expected someone to notice us leaving, but no one did. The drama would pick up in the morning when Mom found out her children had abandoned ship together.

I shook my head and cleared those thoughts from my mind. There was no point in worrying about it until I had to. I leaned my head on my brother's shoulder and enjoyed the drive.

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hiddenagenda876hiddenagenda876about 2 months ago

Holy shit, I could read a full length novel of them. I love how they interact

usaretusaret3 months ago

It was almost, perhaps is, reality.

Client8Client84 months ago

A very tender story. Loved it

BruceS1949BruceS19496 months ago

Wow, I really enjoyed this story!

kaotic2kaotic26 months ago

I loved this so much.

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