Getting It Right


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Friday, Hannah informed me that Daphne was coming to lunch on Saturday to meet me. I asked about her.

"She's quite unique. You'll have to experience her for yourself."

"Is that good or bad?" I asked.

"She's nice enough, but very demanding, very insistent on things being a certain way."

"I'm used to that. Anything else."

"Yes, I'm already jealous of her, jealous that you're going to be working with her."

"Why? She can't be that young, can she?"

"She's my age, I think."

"Trophy wife," I glibly remarked.

"Well, that she might be. She's very attractive."

"Honey," I said, wrapping Hannah up in a bear hug, "You know that doesn't matter to me."

"No, I know honey, but...well, you'll just have to see," she replied, a bit cryptically, and with a little cynicism in her voice.

On Saturday, Hannah went to pick up Daphne while I got lunch ready - filets, baked potatoes, white asparagus, green beans for the girls, and green salads.

When Hannah arrived with Daphne in tow, I was setting the table on the patio.

"Honey, we're here," I heard from the house, and headed to the back door.

When I entered the house, I was greeted to the sight of two Hannahs - one slightly taller than the other, with longer, but similar chestnut-brown hair. It was almost freaky. They could have been sisters.

I walked up to shake hands, "So nice to meet you, Daphne."

"Yes, I've been looking forward to meeting the famous Mr. Trevor," Daphne said, flashing a bright smile, then immediately wrapped me up in a genteel, but full-on hug.

"When my husband told me whom I was going to be working with, I was pleasantly surprised. I've been dealing with self-important, stuffed-shirt architects, and pencil-necked college boys that don't know their...bottoms from a hole in the ground. He said you were a real man, no nonsense, and very sharp. I can't tell you how excited I am that we are going to be working together," she practically fawned.

I was left embarrassed and flustered, "Um, yes, thank you. I'm looking forward to a successful collaboration, and designing something both you and Charles will be pleased with."

"Yes, darling, and I know we will achieve just that."

"Well, I am ready to put the filets on the grill if you are ready?"

At that moment, Barb and Amy entered from the backyard, dogs in tow.

"Oh what magnificent animals!" Daphne remarked.

"Yes," I said, "they're terrific, and the dogs are very nice, too."

Barb walked up, grinning, and smacked me on the arm. Daphne laughed, and not a delicate titter, but a genuine laugh.

"So, you young ladies must be Barbara and Amelia. It's good to finally meet you."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am," Barb replied.

"Hello. You look like my mom," Amy remarked.

"Well, thank you. I'll take that as a compliment. Your mom is very pretty. And I have to meet these beautiful dogs."

Barb introduced them, "This is Kody; he's the boy, and this is his sister, Kayla."

"My, what handsome dogs you are, and so big!" she cooed as she petted them.

Well, she likes dogs, so she can't be all bad.

"So, Daphne, how do you like your filet?"

"Medium rare, please."

"Okay, everything is ready. I'm going to get the steaks going. I hope it's okay that I set us up outside. It's a nice day..."

"Oh, this is perfect. It is a lovely day," Daphne reiterated.

I couldn't get over how much she looked like Hannah - an inch or so taller, with a slightly angular face, and more dramatic looks. Of course, some of the 'dramatic' owed to a more liberal use of make-up. Though tastefully done, she used more than Hannah. Her lips were done in a darker red, and subtly outlined. And she used more mascara around the eyes. Her hair had a body wave in it and was several inches longer than Hannah's, but almost identical in color.

Shape-wise, she appeared to be similar to Hannah, perhaps a little slimmer in the hips, and a little fuller in the bosom. Her snug blouse revealed she was a little more on the 'top-heavy' side.

After a pleasant meal, chatting and getting acquainted, we went in and sat at the dining table with my laptop. The afternoon was warming up, and there was too much glare for the computer screen. I showed Daphne the general theme I'd come up with for the house design - five wings, each on its own level at slightly varying elevations, and all situated around a central hall. The rudimentary, geometric representations were only meant to convey the general design theme. Each one-story wing was a large rectangular space, covered with a vaulted, mono-pitched roof, the vaults all rising outward towards the surrounding views. In my prelim, the exterior 'view' wall on each wing was a curved glass wall. Of course, all this could change, but it was a starting point.

"Oh, I love the concept! You came up with this quickly."

"Yes, I had the initial idea when your husband was here, did some brainstorming the last few days, and this is what I came up with as a starting point. Of course, when we survey the site, we may have to make some conceptual changes, but I have a feeling this theme will work."

"When are we going to the site?" Daphne asked.

"The sooner the better. I've looked at the plat map, and studied the site on Google Earth, but we need to do an on-site appraisal before we proceed any further. I was planning on us going up on Monday."

"Sounds good. Now, where are we going to work out of. I'll be honest, I don't want to work out of your office."

"Well, it's either there, or I have an office at my home..."

"Or, I can set you up at my house," Daphne interjected.

"Oh, well, that would be nice, but I use a very large drafting table plus a large work desk/computer station..."

"No problem. I can make that happen...I'll tell you what, you order what you need to set up an office at my house, and we'll check out your place. We can work between those. As much time as we are going to have to devote to this, I would like an element of comfort, and some privacy - no distractions."

"Of course. That makes sense. Monday morning, before we head to the property, I'll order what I need to outfit a design station in your house. Um, Monday, you'll need hiking boots and long jeans or cargo pants for the site visit. I don't know if you brought anything like that..."

"No, but if Hannah can take me by a store on the way home, I'll pick up something...Hannah, I promise, you won't have to ferry me around much longer. I'm getting a car on Tuesday. Thomas got his car salesman to get me an SUV and it will be delivered Tuesday morning."

"Daphne, it's no inconvenience for me. I'm happy I am able to help you," Hannah replied.

"Well, you've been terrific this week. I couldn't have done it without you. I needed the help. My assistant and my housekeeper will be down in another week, so I'll be set, then."

Monday, I met Daphne at her home, and we scoped out a room in the house that was large enough for the design office. I ordered the computer, desk, and drafting table I would need, then we headed to the build site. It was a two-hour drive from her house. We stopped and got breakfast on the way. The road to the build site was rough, rutted, and twisting. Tom would grade and gravel a better construction road, but until then...

When we arrived at the summit, Daphne was impressed.

"Oh, this is beautiful. I've only seen pictures and video. They don't do it justice. So, what do we need to do?"

"I have to shoot some grades, get some measurements, and take some pictures. I can use your help with that."


"I need to develop a basic, construction site-map. Then we'll discuss the views, which ones you want from which wings. I know what the basic requirements are from your husband; I just need to know where we are going to locate each wing, so I can orient the overall structure. I know the helipad is going to have to go over there, and we'll need to situate the house around that knoll, but everything else, we'll have to decide on as we go."

We spent over two hours gathering the information and pictures I needed, and brainstorming possible layouts. Daphne wasn't going to be as difficult to work with as I was anticipating. She was sharp, could think on her feet, and had a reasonable ability to envision things three-dimensionally, something a lot of folks have trouble with. By the time we were done, we were both starved out. I'd brought a cooler with water and sodas, but no food. We headed back to town for a late lunch/early dinner. We stopped at a chain restaurant and ate.

"Your girlfriend, Hannah, is lovely - smart, sweet, and quite beautiful."

"Don't I know it."

"So, what's the story with you two. I know she's a widow, and that you are divorced. Are you two going to tie the knot, or am I being too nosy?"

"No, that's fine. Yes, we were taking it slow, and we haven't talked about marriage, yet, but there is no doubt that is where we are headed. We only met a few months ago, and have really just become a family, recently."

"Yes, Hannah told me how you met - amazing. You carried her daughter over a mile, she said. You're obviously very strong."

I shrugged it off, "Amy didn't weigh that much."

"You're modest. I like that. And I can tell I'm going to enjoy working with you. Tell me darling, how old are you?"

"I turn 35 in two months."

"Hmm, I thought you were younger, judging by your looks..."

"I've always been kind of baby-faced."

"But I assumed you must be older, based on how you carry yourself. How old do you think I am?"

"I'm not touching that," I joked, "I want to keep my job."

She laughed, "I promise, your job is safe, and you won't offend me...well unless you really miss the mark."

"Honestly, if I have to guess, I would say you are in the same age bracket as Hannah, so mid-thirties?"

"Good, you didn't overshoot. I'm 43, darling."

"Well, like Hannah, you look amazing for your age."

She grinned, "I am amazing for my age."

I tipped my glass in a toast.

After eating, she asked what was next. I told her I was going home to plug in all the data I collected and get set up for tomorrow.

"Well, after they deliver my car tomorrow, why don't I join you at your place?"

"That will be fine, but I won't have anything of substance to show you for a couple days, then only some preliminary outlines."

"Oh, that's fine. Will it make you nervous if I watch you work?"

"No, I'm used to that."

"Besides," she said, "I'd like to see your place. Hannah says you have a nice stream on your property."

"Yes, I have what we call in these parts, a 'bold creek', that runs along my property line for about a quarter mile."

"Sounds, lovely, darling."

I didn't like her calling me 'darling', but I guess that was her way.

"My car was promised before noon, so I could bring lunch with me."

"Sounds great. I'll have to give you directions. GPS only gets it partially correct."

I dropped her off at home, then called Hannah and let her know I was heading straight home to work.

"How did it go, today, honey," Hannah asked.

"It went well. I don't think Daphne is going to be that hard to work with, but of course, we'll see as we go along. Give my love to the girls. Love you, baby," I signed off.

After feeding myself and the dogs, I holed up in my office and worked till almost one a.m., then called it and got some shuteye.

Daphne called me at 11:30. She was going to pick up deli sandwiches and took my order. She arrived right at one p.m. in her new, Audi SQ-8 SUV.

When she exited her vehicle, she was wearing a pullover, cap-sleeve, ivory, stretchy top that did nothing to hide her large bosom...I noticed - hard not to, especially when she greeted me and mashed her big, soft globes into my chest. And she had on a pair of snug-fitting shorts in a slightly darker ivory, which showcased her long, shapely, tawny-hued legs. Again, I noticed.

"This is lovely here, Trevor. Oh, I hear the stream. I love that sound. I hope you're hungry. I'm starving."

"Sure, let's eat, then I'll show you around."

She greeted the dogs, petting each one. I took the deli bag and we headed to my kitchen nook. I got us sodas and we sat to eat.

"I'm surprised by your house. I was expecting something smaller. You live here by yourself?"

"Yes. I bought it a little over three years ago. I got a deal on it and couldn't pass it up."

"Well, what a lovely setting. It's like a park here."

"Yes," I smiled, "it's been described that way."

After lunch, we toured the property, walking along the creek and following my trail around and through the woods, with the dogs in tow.

"Okay," she said, "I don't want to keep you from your work."

"Nope, time is going to fly, and we have a lot to accomplish over the next few weeks."

"Well, I want to help however I may, and if at any time, I'm in the way, don't be afraid to let me know."

"Will do. And thanks for lunch."

She smiled and patted my shoulder.

"You're solidly built, Trevor. Do you work out."

"No, I used to do construction work, and still do, sometimes, but mostly, I just run to keep in shape."

I took her to my home office, and got to work. I explained what I had done, what I was doing, and what I hoped to accomplish by the end of the week. She paid close attention and asked intelligent questions along the way. By seven p.m., I was ready for a break.

"I'm going to take a break and make some dinner. Do you want to get going or join me..."

"Oh, I'll join you, and I can help. I'm handy in a kitchen, not that I spend much time in one these days."

We made chef's salads, and she helped with the slicing and dicing. After eating, we sat on the back deck, listening to the katydids, looking at the stars, and sipping a couple beers.

When we got up to go inside, she asked, "So, are you done for the night?"

"No, I'm going to work a little while longer."

"Well, I'll get out of your hair. I have several things happening at the house tomorrow, so I'm going to skip tomorrow and see you on Thursday, okay?"

"Sounds good."

"Thank you, darling, this has been a pleasure," she remarked and wrapped me in a not so genteel hug, pressing her big, soft breasts into my chest, again.

I saw her to her car and said goodnight. I went back in and got to work. At ten, I took a break and called Hannah to say goodnight.

Over the next two weeks, we made a lot of progress, developing the basic floor plan, and refining the overall design - the look of the house. Briefly, the house would consist of five wings connected to the main entrance by a grand hall, fronting in a large atrium and terminating in a smaller atrium. The five wings are as follows: The main wing - housing the kitchen, two dining rooms (formal and informal), living room, a library/study, and an entertainment room with theater, bar and other amenities, and a powder room; the master wing - with two master suites, two offices, and a sitting room; the guest wing - with four en-suite bedrooms, a tv room/sitting room, and a study with bar; the recreation wing - which would include a large exercise gym, billiard room and bar, and an indoor lap pool (which is sealed from the rest of the wing); and lastly, the servants' wing - with three en-suites, kitchen, dining, living room, laundry and other facilities. A detached four-car garage; a utility garage with space for a resident work truck with snow plow equipment, grounds maintenance equipment, workshop and storage areas; a waste maintenance shed; and an electrical utilities shed with emergency generators, round out the structures included on the property. Other than the helipad, there were no other outdoor amenities - no tennis courts or such. Each wing, except the servants' wing, would incorporate large, covered and exposed decks. That's a thumbnail sketch of what was for me, my largest, and most challenging project to date.

Over our first two weeks, things went well - long hours spent configuring floor plans, and refining architectural elements. We ended up on a schedule where Daphne would work with me one day, usually at her house, then I would work alone at my house on the subsequent day, incorporating decisions and changes agreed upon the previous day. I worked six days a week for the most part, Sunday being my designated family day. It wasn't till the third week that things got a little dicey.


Tuesday of the third week, instead of doing our usual review at Daphne's, we did it at my place, as we'd spent Thursday through Saturday at hers, hashing out a lot of stuff. I spent all day Monday incorporating updates, and Monday night when I called her, Daphne said she would come to me.

Around nine a.m., Daphne arrived at my house for our usual review. Nothing 'usual' happened after that.

Let me preface this Tuesday's events by saying Daphne had been touchy-feely with me from the beginning - putting a hand on my shoulder or neck, sometimes lightly massaging when I was sitting at my desk or drafting station and we were going over something. Sometimes, when she would lean down, she would press a breast into my shoulder - all distractions, but I had eventually become mostly inured to these physical familiarities, but not totally - I'm not that jaded.

When I heard her drive up, I went and opened the door. Daphne came bounding up the steps, obviously in an upbeat mood.

"Morning, darling...Oh, you look tired," she greeted me, pecking me on the cheek, then wrapping me in a boob-crushing hug. This was also the usual, but this time it seemed like she lingered before releasing me.

"I was up a little late getting the mock-ups finished. My computer was being uncooperative."

"Poor dear...Have you had coffee, yet?"

"No, but I could use a cup. How about you?" I asked.

"Yes, love one, but I'll make it."

I went in the office and cued up my mock-ups, then organized my plan drawings, and started thumbing through them, reviewing. I was standing at my drafting table when Daphne walked up behind me and put her hand on my neck.

"Coffee's brewing,"

I turned to thank her, and she planted her lips on mine, pulling me to her with her hand on my neck, and wrapping her other arm around me.

I instantly went to protest, and when my lips parted, she thrust her long, warm tongue in my mouth and crushed her body to me. For a moment, we were kissing...yes, with me kissing her back. I was so caught by surprise, and it was so much like kissing Hannah, that I initially got caught up in the moment. Her hands were all over me. When one found my crotch and she grasped my cock through my jeans, I snapped out of my reverie.

I grasped her shoulders and pried us apart, "No, no. Stop. Daphne, I can't, we can't..."

"Are you sure, darling?"

I was caught completely off guard and left quite flustered, "Um, yeah, I'm sure."

"Well, if you're sure," she replied in a noncommittal tone.

"Sorry, um, I just can't..."

"No, I'm sorry. I thought you were attracted to me. I guess not..."

"Are you kidding. That's not the issue. I'm in a relationship..."

"Yes, look, forget it...I'll get the coffee," she said, turned and left the room.

I was left standing there, flustered and aroused. I focused back on my work.

After some silence and awkwardness, we returned to my drawings and mock-ups and eventually completed our review.

Wednesday, I worked at my place again. I was close to having a finished product. It just needed some finishing touches and a couple minor issues addressed. I called Daphne that evening.

"Hi, Daphne. I'm ready to go over changes with you. What time do you want me at your place?"

"I have to do a few things in the morning, and I'll be out, so I'll just come to you. I should be able to be there around 12:30. I'll bring lunch, okay?"

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

Thursday morning, by eleven, I had everything ready for our review, so I decided to get a run in and take the dogs out. They hadn't been getting much time with me, lately. I got back a little after 11:30 and headed to the shower. I took a long, hot shower, then got out to dry off and get ready for Daphne to arrive.