Getting Tate Off Ch. 01


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Tate hung up the phone not sure what happened. Shit. Why did I tell him that Aaron wouldn't be home until late, she thought.


Right on time, Jack knocked on the door. Tate pulled it open and looked around outside. "Quick. Come in. I don't want anyone to see you here."

Jack laid the food down on the table and pulled out the containers. "I got your sweet and sour pork, kung pao chicken, broccoli beef. All the basic food groups."

"I should have told you I'm vegetarian. Doesn't matter. I'll fix something."

"More for me. Or you could pick the meat out."

"It doesn't work that way. Never mind." She went to the refrigerator and tossed leftover tofu stir fry from the previous night into the microwave.

"You look good dressed like that." Tate wore an over-sized worn-out T-shirt and gym shorts.

"Cut the shit, Jack. I intentionally dressed down for you."

"Well, thanks. It's the little things that count."

They made small talk about the apartment and the gym while they ate. Tate got more anxious as time went by trying to figure a way to bring up what she needed to talk about. She knew Jack held the secret to saving her sex life with Aaron. She finally blurted out, "I want to talk about that party."

"I knew it. Gives me wood every time I think about it."

"Cork it, Jack. I just want to know what you did to me?"

"What I did to you?"

"Don't play dumb with me. It's not cute. It's stupid. I want to know how you knew...or what you make know."

"Cum like a geyser? Hey, I can make it happen for you any time. Right now, in fact."

"We're not doing that do you know you can do it?"

"I just can. OK, let's make a little bet."

"What? I don't bet...what kind of bet? "

"Just listen. Give me 15 minutes. Anywhere. Say, right over there on the couch where it started. And I'll make you cum like that at least once."

"At least once?"

"Sure. If you hadn't run off the other night, you might have cum two or three times in a row like that."

"You're full of shit."

"Fifteen minutes. If I can't make you cum like that, I'll walk out the door and never bother you again. You can even keep the Chinese leftovers."

"Seriously? And if I do...uhh...cum like that at least once? Then what? What do you get out of it?"

"You're joking, right? That will be reward enough...for now."

"Oh my god...will you teach me the trick? You have to or no bet."

"There is no trick, Tate. I know what I'm doing. I'll show you what I know."

"Can anyone learn it?"

"You mean like your pencilneck boyfriend?"

"Don't talk about him like that or you can forget the whole thing."

"OK, OK. Yea, he might be able to learn it from you, but I don't guarantee it. Some guys are just not that tuned into women. But I showed you that I am, and I'll do it for you any time you want."

"Fuck...fuck, fuck, fuck...OK. Prove it. 15 minutes." Tate jumped up and set the kitchen timer.

"Jeez, no pressure or anything. Make it 20 minutes so that we have time to settle down and I get the full 15 minutes to get you off."


They walked over to the couch where she first learned what she was capable of.

"You might want to grab a big towel, you know, for the couch."

"Oh yea, thanks." She grabbed a towel from the hallway closet and laid it on the couch.

"I'll sit here where I was the other night and you lay down the same way you were."

"Is that the only way it works?"

"What? No. I just want you comfortable now, that's all. Give me a couple of minutes to get you relaxed."

"The clock's ticking for you, not for me, Jack."

Jack began by rubbing her feet. She seemed to get into foot massage at the party, and Jack figured it was worth the small investment in time. After a couple of minutes, he switched to working on one foot with one hand while he explored her leg with the other. This girl really dug foot massage. She was already breathing irregularly.

He switched to massaging her calves, then let one hand run inside her thigh from her knee almost to her pussy. She was trembling ever so slightly in his hands. He slowly ran both hands along her inner thighs, then up to the waistband of her shorts. He pulled them down, she lifted slightly and he pulled off shorts and panties in one motion. She was huffing like a little freight train.

He continued stroking her inner thighs. "Comfy?" he asked.

"A strange guy is feeling me up and staring at my bare pussy. What do you think?"

"I think after the last time, I'm no stranger." He continued to stroke, made sure she was lubricating well, then firmly shoved two fingers into her pussy."

She wasn't expecting that, and loudly moaned, "Oh god, Oh no."

Jack continued to work his two fingers into her pussy, and when she got used to that, he pushed hard, felt for her g-spot and began to massage it vigorously, not gently. She was losing control. She thrust against his hand as he thrust into her. She seemed to stop breathing, but continued thrusting. Then she grabbed his wrist, pulled him out and gushed.

She screamed at him,"Put it back in. Put it back in." After only half a dozen strokes, she again grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand out and gushed again.

She didn't even wait for his fingers this time. She furiously attacked her clit, gushed again, but much lower volume, and collapsed on the couch, her chest heaving.

Jack was soaked. Tate was soaked. The couch was soaked. The towel was almost dry. He tried to touch her pussy, but she cringed and rolled over into the fetal position just as the kitchen timer went off. Jack grabbed a blanket off the bed, covered her up and gave her a light kiss on the top of her head.


He let her doze for about 15 minutes, then woke her up. "I gotta leave, Tate. Look, anytime you want me back for more, just let me know."

"Oh no you don't. I don't want you back. I want you to tell me what you did. Teach me, Jack. That was our deal."

"OK, here it is. Most women have a small spot, maybe about the size of a quarter on the roof of their...uhh...vagina. Most of the time, you can feel it if you're looking for it. But it's easy to miss if you don't know what you're doing."

"Where? How do I find it."

"Obviously, with your finger. Let me show you."

"I don't want you touching me again."

"Then I can't help you. See you around, Tate."

"OK, sorry. Just show me. Don't fucking get me off again, OK? We're done with that."

Tate laid back on the couch with her legs slightly spread. Jack inserted two fingers. "Tell pencilneck to use two fingers with his palm up, like this. Then keep pushing in until he feels a slight rough spot with his fingertips. Not like sandpaper. Just, like, tiny ridges." Jack watches her face closely. "See. Right there. That's your g-spot. Got it? Now you try it."


"Yea, you. Are you shy all of a sudden? Stick your fingers up there and feel around where I was. You feel that?"

Tate jumped like she had been shocked. "Oh my god. How have I missed that all these years?" She laughed.

"Don't wear it out before pencilneck gets home."

Jack cleaned himself at the kitchen sink, wiped his hands on a dish towel, then let himself out the back door.

Tate covered herself again, dozed for an hour, then got up to clean up the mess.

That was amazing, but definitely too messy for everyday, she thought. After a shower, she went for a walk around the neighborhood to get a grip on what was happening to her.

It was no fluke. Jack proved that. And true to his word, he taught her the "secret". She felt bad about letting Jack do it to her again, and knew she could never tell Aaron. But if it saved her relationship it would be worth it to both of them.


When Darlene came home from school around 3 pm, Tate went over to talk. She couldn't admit she let Jack get her off again. Darlene might tell Aaron. She didn't want to put her in the middle of anything uncomfortable.

They eased onto Darlene's couch and Tate asked, "How was school today?"

"Not too bad. The kids were a little wild, but they're all excited about the holiday so that's understandable. We put aside most of the lessons this afternoon and just worked on decorations."

"Yea, I remember 3rd grade. It was a lot of fun, especially with a fun teacher like you, Darlene."

"Thanks...what's up?"

"I ran into Jack today."

"Really? Where?"

"Did you know he works at the gym next door? The one behind Denny's?"

"No, really? I thought he worked with Gary downtown."

"Not anymore. He tried to hit on me when I was on the treadmill. He was persistent, so I let him buy me a drink at the juice bar there."

"That must have been awkward for you."

"Yea, a little, but I have to admit, I really wanted to know what he did to me that night. It was like a bomb going off. Like nothing I ever felt with any guy. Oh, don't get me wrong. It wasn't him. It was something he did, and I wanted to know what it was."

"Did he tell you?"

"Yea. He had a giant stiffie the whole time, but he told me everything."

"Oh my god...have you tried doing what he said?"

"Sort of. It's kind of hard to do on myself."

"Tell me. I want to know. I was very worried about you at the party, but I was also more turned on watching you than I have been in a long time."

"Really? You got turned on watching me?"

"It was very powerful and you're the hottest woman I know. I've never been with a woman before, but wow, that was something."

"I never have either, but would, never mind...this probably isn't..."

"What? Tell me. We've shared secrets before."

"Well, ummm...he told me about something called a g-spot that women have. Have you heard of that?

"Yea, in the magazines mostly, but I thought it was a myth or something. I don't know if any woman really has one. Sounds like a magic button a man would dream up."

"We could try to find it ourselves...I mean, checking ourselves, not checking each other...or something...I don't know."

"I guess we could try. Where did he say it was?"

"OK, he showed me a sort of "come hither" gesture, he called it. Like this," and Tate held out her hand and showed her.

"What? That doesn't do anything for me, Tate."

"Well, I would have to stick it inside, Darlene." They both laughed and fell back on the couch.

"Not in me. Try it on yourself, and let's see."

Tate pulled her shorts down and her panties to the side. They were both beet red with embarrassment and arousal. Tate worked her two fingers into her own pussy, but couldn't find it again. She thought it might be deeper and pushed harder. She had long slender fingers and soon found the sensitive, slightly textured area.

"I feel it. I think that's it. Wow, that feels weird. I mean it doesn't compare to when Jack touched it at the party, but I'm pretty sure it's the same place. You try it."

"I don't think so, Tate," she said, staring at Tate's pussy.

"Dummy. Try it on yourself."

Darlene pulled up her skirt, pulled her panties aside and mimicked what Tate had done. Nothing.

"I had to go much deeper than that." Darlene pushed harder, then harder still.

"Nothing. Just real smooth skin."

Without thinking Tate moved over to Darlene and took charge. "Let me try. Move your hand."

Darlene's eyes got wide, then she blushed and turned her head. "Tate...I don't know. I mean we're friends and all, but..."

"Relax. I'm a medical professional."

"You're a fucking dental assistant," Darlene laughed. "My teeth are up here."

"Whatever. I touch patients all day long. Well, not like that, but I can feel mine so I know what I'm looking for and you don't."

Tate inserted two fingers slowly into Darlene like Jack taught her. Darlene had been dripping wet since they began talking so Tate's fingers slipped right in.

Darlene was very agitated about Tate being so close with her fingers in her twat, but resigned herself to the intrusion as she had done countless times with her OB/GYN.

"Ohhh, what did you do?" Darlene grabbed Tate's wrist and tried to push her away.

"I felt it, Darlene. A little sort of ripply patch right where it should be."

Tate pushed in again and lightly massaged the spot with her fingers. Darlene fell back on the couch, gasping for air with each raspy breathe. Tate intensified the massage watching Darlene carefully, but not really knowing what to look for. Darlene's leg shot out, quivered in mid-air, then it happened. She squirted. It was a small, slightly opalescent trickle, like thin watery semen. Darlene's leg was rigid, her mid-section was crunched tightly and her face was contorted and turning blue. Then she screamed and relaxed.

Tate was frightened at first, but soon saw that Darlene was OK. Really, really OK. She laid down over her friend and they hugged until Darlene had fully recovered and several orgasmic aftershocks had subsided.

"Oh my god..."


"Oh yeah. We need to open up a g-spot salon or something."

"Ha ha. We need to keep real quiet about this or we're going to scare our men away."

"And that would be a problem after what we know now?"

"Ask me again when you need heavy furniture moved."

Darlene and Tate held hands and went into the shower together.


When Tate returned to her apartment, Aaron was sitting in his favorite chair, picking out a tune on his guitar. He'd been playing since college, but the last year or so he only seemed to play when he was bothered by something. Most nights since the party, he could be found softly playing, and occasionally humming along. Tate thought he looked more haunted than relaxed when he did this.

Fresh from her success with Darlene, Tate decided to teach Aaron what she learned. She'd been racking her brain to find a way to talk to Aaron about what happened. She wanted him to try getting her off that way, but she was worried about springing this on him. He would surely wonder how she knows so much about it all of a sudden. She needed a plan.

"Aaron...I was talking to Darlene today."

"Really? About what?" he asked, barely looking up from his playing.

"Oh, you know, female orgasm and stuff."

"Aw jeez, what? Isn't anything off limits with you women?" Aaron set the guitar against his chair. Tate used the opportunity to sit in Aaron's lap.

"We're interested in feelings, Aaron. Orgasms with the right man are worth exploring." She was holding his hand and running her fingers over the calluses on his fingertips from playing the guitar. She shuddered a little thinking about how good that roughness felt when gliding across her nipples.

"Uhh, well, OK...I guess, but do you have to talk about it with Darlene?"

"She was telling me about something she and Gary experimented with." Tate figured Gary and Aaron were very unlikely to be talking about experimenting with female orgasms.

"We're not going to talk about Gary and Darlene's sex life I hope."

"Well, only indirectly as it could be about our sex life."

"Like how?"

"OK, she was telling me about g-spots."

"The Gräfenberg Spot, right?"

"Huh? You know about that? Don't tell me it's some fucking ballet position you do or something."

Aaron laughed. "No. It just came up in a Health class I had at college."

"Jesus, ballet, g-spots...what the hell did you major in at college?"

Aaron smiled and shrugged.

"OK, never mind. Darlene was telling me she and Gary tried to find it and actually did." Aaron cringed, but Tate ignored him and went on. "She said it really turned her on. Maybe you and I might want to try it."

"Honey, I would do anything to make you happy and you know it. I don't remember specifics about it from college, but I'll try anything with you."

"Alright. Let's just play around and get in the mood. When we get to the point where we go for the Hindenburg thing..."

"Gräfenberg. Never mind. Just call it g-spot."

"OK, g-spot or whatever. When we get there, I'll tell you exactly what Darlene said they did and let's see what happens."


After two years together, they had a general pattern of foreplay that worked for them. When Aaron stuck his middle finger in Tate's tight little pussy, she said, "Just like that only two fingers. Put two fingers in. Now turn your palm up. No, up. Yea, like that. OK, now push in and feel the inside of my pussy. What does it feel like?"

"Like white hot liquid velvet, my love."

"No, no. Push it in further. Anything?"

"Uh, well, maybe I need a clue."

Goddamn right you need a clue, she thought. Fuck. "OK, push your fingers in and feel for a sort of rippled or rough spot on your fingertips. Uhh...yea right around there. Feel it?"

"Feels the same, babe. What do you want me to do."

"Oh god, you were right there. Try pushing it in again. Feel it?"

"Tate, it feels the same. I..."

"Right there, right there. Curl your fingers back and forth, right there."

"OK, that?"

"You were right there. Where'd you go? Do it again."

"Do what again, Tate. I can't tell what you want me to do."

"Ahh, god...Aaron..." Tate cried. Aaron backed off, completely confused.

"I'm so sorry, Tate. I don't know what to do. I'm so sorry."

"It's OK, Aaron. I guess maybe Darlene's instructions aren't very good. Or maybe I'm just not built the same. I'll have to talk to her again. Don't worry about it." But she knew for a fact she was built the same as Darlene, and they both had a responsive g-spot right where it should be.

"You know how much I want us to be able to share this...I'm so sorry."

"No, really Aaron. You make me so happy just for trying, but it's my fault for not being very clear. Let's forget it, my love. It isn't important." She kissed him for several minutes, then rolled over and spooned with him until she fell asleep. Aaron remained confused and a little mortified. He wasn't sure if he had somehow failed her or what. He slept fitfully the rest of the night.


Author's Note: Chapter 2, the conclusion, is written and will follow in about two days.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The G-spot is up front (typically within about 2 inches), not deep.

TwentysevenTwentysevenover 8 years ago
Good Luck

Tate and Aaron seem like nice young people and their struggles are certainly authentic. I wish them nothing but happiness. To be honest, though, they would be better off looking for a cure for cancer.

gordo12gordo12over 8 years ago
Good laugh

Got a good laugh out of this:

Oh yeah. We need to open up a g-spot salon or something."

"Ha ha. We need to keep real quiet about this or we're going to scare our men away."

"And that would be a problem after what we know now?"

"Ask me again when you need heavy furniture moved."


"How hard is it to understand the the LW section means a married couple?"

Apparently as hard as it is to educate you fucking idiots. If you read the forum you'd know the mods have said girlfriend and fiance stories are good in this section.

Got it?? Good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
what's this story about?

I have to agree with another comment that -- up to now -- the characters' actions do not make a much sense. Aaron's sexual ignorance in particular. Various other details give me the impression that the story is written to satisfy someone with a cuckold fetish. For example, Jack's belittling comments about Aaron. I'd expect that most guys like Jack don't give a fuck about guys like Aaron. They wouldn't waste their energy trying to put them down. The way Jack behaves better fits what a submissive/low esteem guy would like to think - that he's important enough to make someone want to humiliate him.

So I'll wait so see what the rest of the chapter looks like. Maybe the full story will tie everything together.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Think I will wait for the conclusion to rate this story. Does that tell you anything?

Aaron doesn't make sense. The guy is this perfectly fit intelligent sensitive man, but when it comes to sex he seems impatient, selfish, and stupid. A man not caring about a woman's orgasm and pleasure is like a professional chef not caring if people enjoy his food. So you have this huge character contradiction. Actually you have huge contradictions in all your characters. Tate wants to be loyal to Aaron yet she lays on the couch with one friend and one stranger and lets the stranger sexually stimulate her? And Aaron sits there like a dumb ass and just watches? And later the next day, when Tate is sober, Aaron doesn't tell Tate that Jack was going to follow her into the bedroom, because Jack claimed Tate asked him to? And that he and Jack almost got in a fight when Aaron told Jack to back off, and they had to throw Jack out of the apartment? There's more, but it just makes your characters and your plot lame and stupid. Like how does a selfish prick like Jack learn to be so sensitive and perceptive to a woman's feelings and desires. Oh, he's a skilled predator, that's right. But Tate, who can stop traffic with her looks and gets hit on about a dozen times a day, that Tate has no experience discerning and rebuffing predators. Right.

Just get to the point where Jack wiggles his fuck finger at Tate and suddenly she is on her back full of his cock, screaming like a banshee and squirting like a geyser. Yeah, just get to the punch line so we can move on to the next original unpredictable story.

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