Ghost Seekers - The Three Ladies


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I should have found it embarrassing, standing with my breasts exposed to the room, but I was too fascinated by what was happening to me. She looked down at my feet and then smiled at me. I understood what she wanted, and kicked off my shoes. I felt her warm hands slide along the waist of my jeans and the button slip from its loops. The dark haired beauty leaned forward and kissed me again as she pushed down on my jeans, sliding them and my panties down my legs. I was finally devoid of my clothing, as naked as the spectral beauties that surrounded me.

The woman pulled away, then took me by the hand and guided me toward the middle of the room. I felt awkward as I watched her float gracefully in front of me. I knew where she was taking me and fear began to rise inside my chest. She drew me closer to the chair, with its infernal straps and sinister design. I didn't resist her, I couldn't resist her, but she sensed my hesitation. She turned and as she continued to walk, her free hand rising to stroke my cheek. Her touch was calming, and I knew that these spirits meant me no harm.

I felt no ill will from the women, but still felt uncertain about the chair. What would they do? Did they understand that my physical body might not be able to endure whatever phantasmal game they wished to play? Perhaps this was what the doctor did to them. Had they spent the rest of their lives and now deaths bound by what happened in this room?

I wanted to speak but I couldn't. I had lost control over my own body. The tanned skinned beauty turned me and guided me into the chair, goose bumps forming on my skin as my naked body touched the cool leather. The two other women stood on either side of me, and I watched in a daze as they reached out and began stroking me with their soft hands. They chased the chill away as their warm hands caressed my skin. My mouth opened in a silent moan as they cupped my breasts, rolling my stiffening nipples between their fingers.

The two ghosts at my sides continued to explore my body while the other lifted my legs into the stirrups, pulling them wide and exposing my now-dripping vagina. This was beyond anything I had ever experienced or hoped for. So much was happening that I couldn't think straight. I tried to regain my focus, but the hot breath of the dark skinned beauty playing over my exposed pussy caused me to swoon.

The soft fingers of the Sapphic specter spread my sticky pussylips. My breath caught in my throat as her warm tongue licked at my delicate pink folds, and my vaginal sheathe contracted, forcing milk from my excited hole. Only a couple of my ex-boyfriends came close to being good at oral sex, but none as good as the raven-haired woman who was masterfully manipulating my girl-flesh. I didn't know whether it was the awareness of a woman or that of a ghost, but she knew exactly what to do.

I shuddered as two fingers slid deep into my throbbing tunnel, and felt my pussy milk ooze down to pool in the iris of my ass. My two other companions were each focusing on my breasts. They stroked and squeezed my tender orbs while applying an ever-increasing pressure to my nipples. The force they were using on my nipples bordered on painful, but it blended with the pleasure I was feeling and the heat rolling through my body.

My ghostly seducers quickly brought me to the brink of orgasm. As if sensing my impending climax, the dark skinned beauty withdrew her fingers, causing me to shake at the sudden emptiness in my heated vagina. I thought she was teasing me, but I soon found out that until now this had only been foreplay. I looked down just as she leveled the thick metal cylinder with my lubricated and waiting pussy. I felt feverish, unable to recall her taking the cylinder from me. A part of me wanted to scream. There was no way my little slit could accommodate such a weapon, but an equal part of me couldn't wait to try.

I watched as the ghost pressed the head of the cylinder between my lips, and felt it start to stretch my opening. I couldn't stop her and I couldn't scream as I felt the pressure begin to build. I would surely tear if she continued to force the tube into my tight pussy. Maybe this was a punishment for having disturbed them? My eyes widened in a brief moment of panic, but grew even wider as I felt the cylinder begin to slide into me. The tight opening of my tunnel stretched in defeat, and I felt the warmth of the hard shaft slowly sink into my body.

Time seemed to hold still as the heavy tube forced apart the walls of my pussy. No cock or dildo had ever filled me so. She kept pressing until the blunt head pressed firmly against my cervix, my cuntal shaft filled. My pussy felt bloated and ready to burst, the sensation almost overwhelming me. I felt some relief when she began to withdraw the tube, but she only pulled it out an inch or so before sliding it back in.

The woman began slowly fucking me with the cylinder, slowly sliding the tube back and forth in my tight hole. My muscles eventually adjusted to the large invader, and my lover began increasing the depth of her strokes. I could soon feel the entirety of the smooth tube sliding sensually into my moist cunt. The steel shaft pumped into my vagina as if we were both part of some machine. My pussy cream flowed freely, the rod churning it into a frothy butter that oozed out from my stretched vaginal lips.

I could see my lower abdomen bulge every time the thick shaft filled me and didn't know how much more I could take. My body was burning up and sweating so much that I closed my eyes to shield them from the stinging droplets that flowed down my face. The muscles in my legs and stomach began to tighten, and I could feel my orgasm approaching. I prayed the dark skinned woman wouldn't stop. The women at my sides bent over me, and I felt their mouths close over my tormented nipples. They suckled my aching nubs, their hot tongues swabbing over the sensitive skin. Oddly, that was the moment I realized something.

Their mouths were warm, but also dry. It was the same way when the other woman kissed me. She was soft and warm, but the moisture of the kiss came from me. It was a strange time to think of such a thing, but I quickly pushed it from my thoughts. I felt the mouth of the dark-skinned woman close on my solid clitoris. Her tongue circled over my swollen flesh and then she began sucking. It felt as if she were drawing my orgasm from me as the sensations in my stomach built to a climactic pitch. My body shook as I climaxed, my clit providing the focal point for all the energy.

I gasped for air as the walls of my pussy rhythmically gripped the steel shaft, sliding up and down its smooth surface. This continued until I felt I would die if they didn't stop, but I was still unable to protest. The convulsions wracking my body were bordering on pain and I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness.

I couldn't have been out for long and woke to hands softly brushing my face. I opened my eyes to see the two women staring down at me with obvious looks of concern in their eyes. I tried to tell them that I was all right, but to my frustration still wasn't able to talk. The dark skinned woman was still kneeling between my legs, and she rubbed one of my thighs as she slid the until-now forgotten steel cylinder from my sore but satisfied pussy.

I felt empty more than anything once the cylinder made its exit, and felt a rush of contained milk pour from my gaping slit. The dark skinned woman surprised me by leaning forward and pressing her mouth to my well-fucked hole. The warm heat of her mouth was soothing and I soon realized that she was diligently collecting my copious sex juices. I watched mutely as the two other women left my side and joined their companion. They sat on either side of her, and I watched as she turned to each and kissed them, sharing the cream she had licked from my pussy.

After the thorough fucking I received, I could not believe it, but my clit was pulsing and stiff. Still unable to move, I watched the three ghosts as they shared the results of our Sapphic encounter. Once satisfied, they rose from the floor and stood before me. It was then that I discovered that I could finally move again.

"Thank you." I said, not knowing what else to do. What do you say to a group of spirits who took you on a sexual adventure and gave you the most intense orgasm of your life?

The women nodded to me and smiled, so I guess I said the right thing. The dark skinned woman knelt down and picked up the cylinder, and to my surprise, brought it to me. She sat it in my hand and gently closed my fingers around it. Was she giving me the dildo as a gift? I began to speak but she silenced me with a finger to my lips. She pointed across the room to a large padded table before slowly backing away.

"Do you want me to sit on the table?" I asked, unsure about what she wanted. The ghost shook her head, and to my dismay began to vanish.

"Is there something in the table?" I asked frantically. Now I could see through the three women.

The last thing I saw before they disappeared was a smile and a nod, leaving me to think over what had happened. I finally slipped from the bench, fully aware of my nudity, and that Bill or another team member might come back at any time. After dressing, I decided to return the steel rod to its bracket, but the bracket was gone. I searched the entire wall before I gave up, now sure the women intended for me to keep it.

I searched the table the ghost had pointed to but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. I was about to give up when one of the metal studs that adorned the corners slid inward as my finger passed over it. I quickly circled the table, pressing all the studs and pushing in the ones that I could. When I pushed the final stud, I heard a click and saw a small drawer slide open on one side.

The drawer held three books, and I couldn't believe what they were. Each was a diary kept by one of the women. From what I quickly read, the historians were only half correct. The women did offer sexual services to the upper class of New Orleans, but only to the upper-class women!

The women were all immigrants the good doctor had abducted under the pretense of hiring them as housekeepers. Once in his house, they became slaves to his sexual experiments. He kept them chained and gagged in the attic, and they would have stayed so except for his failure to diagnose his own medical problems. During a vigorous session in which he was buggering one of the women, he clutched his chest and died. It took the women hours before they could get the keys from his dead body and free themselves.

They were poor immigrants but not ignorant, and though free they had no place to go. They searched the house and found the doctors safe. Luckily he didn't believe in banks and had amassed a considerable sum of money. They disposed of his body under cover of the night, letting it sink into the swamp where the alligators surely claimed it. The women hid the money and returned to the attic. The police needed to see them as victims if they were to escape any questions.

The plan worked without a problem. The police believed the doctor fled for some unknown reason, and the empty safe gave weight to the theory. The city of New Orleans was working hard to shake its reputation as a haven for the disreputable, so the local constabulary kept the entire affair out of the public eye. The three women were free to go, but the experience with the fiendish doctor bound them tighter than sisters.

The doctor had unintentionally imbued them with a mistrust of men, and his kinky experiments had awoken an appreciation of the female body in each of them. Even if they were so inclined, they had nothing to attract a husband but their supple bodies. Men would want them, but never as a wife. The plan came to them easily, and they used some of the doctors' money to buy a small house.

The women prostituted themselves, but only to other women. Husbands sought them out to watch their wives with another woman. One day, they caught word the city was selling the doctor's house. They felt oddly tied to the house, and bought it for less than half of the money the doctor had left. From there, they set about turning it into a secret and exclusive brothel, using the doctors' furniture and devices for the ultimate of lesbian pleasures.

This was more than an account of what the women endured. The books contained the names of clients and, if married, their husbands. Some were famous and a few were politicians.

I couldn't believe it. The ghostly experience was far beyond my dreams, and I now had historical evidence of what occurred in the house. This was amazing, but I soon realized my problem. The cameras were not working so I had no evidence of ghostly activity, but considering the nature of the activity, I was somewhat happy about it. I slipped the steel cylinder into my purse as I knew it was a personal gift from the three ghosts. The diaries were different. The diaries would let the world know about these women, who were true pioneers in their own rights.

"How's it going Kim?" Came Don's from my walkie-talkie. I had forgotten about the show.

"I'm fine, but I found something you have to see," I said, "I will bring it down."

"Great, let's wrap it up for the evening. The cameras in the attic didn't come back online so we will have to work with the audio." Don explained.

It was a relief but a disappointment as well. The biggest find in paranormal research and we didn't have any evidence. It had been a fantastic evening for me, but wasn't what the show needed.

I brought the diaries down to the doctor and the rest of the team. I gave them a brief and innocent version of my meeting with the three spirits. I explained how the spirits guided me to the table and how I found the diaries. Everyone seemed excessively concerned for my well-being, but I explained that I was not only well, but excited.

"Doctor James, you said the physical harassment by the ghosts ended after a month or so, but you've heard them since then?" I asked.

"Yes, about a month." He replied, his head turning with curiosity.

"Did you start doing anything different then?"

"I had only moved to New Orleans when I bought the house. I think I saw my first patient around the end of that first month." He said.

"Can I ask what for?" I asked.

"I work at University Hospital. I counsel women who have been victims of abuse." He explained.

Now it made perfect sense to everyone. The three women had been hostile toward him until they found out about his work. Maybe he helped ease the suffering they felt at the hands of their tormentor.

Doctor James agreed to let the show use the diaries. He also told us he would be contacting the New Orleans museum of history and sharing the diaries with the community. I think the three spirits would like that.

Breaking down the equipment proved to be as long a task as setting it up, and we didn't finish until almost five in the morning. The team went out to breakfast before heading back to the hotel. I collapsed in my bed, exhausted and ready to sleep for days. Unfortunately, I needed to be up by two that afternoon to help review the audio and video footage of our investigation. Dreams of my encounter with the three ghostly women filled my sleep, and my thighs were sticky from excitement when a knock on the door woke me.

"Hey Kim, you awake yet?" It was Don calling from the other side of the door. I quickly glanced at the clock and found that it had just turned noon. Why was he waking me so early?

"Yeah, hold on a moment." I told him as I slide on my jeans, the fabric sticking to my thighs and reminding me of my dreams.

I rubbed my eyes as I opened the door, where and not only Don was waiting, but Bill as well.

"Can we come in?" Don asked, sounding anxious.


The guys sat down at the table in the corner of my room, and that's when I noticed the laptop Bill was carrying. He sat it on the table and flipped it open before looking nervously at Don.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked, beginning to wonder what was going on. I had checked the handheld camcorder before leaving the attic. The unit had sat facing the wall throughout my entire time with the three ghosts, and I could only hear the occasional faint sounds of my wet pussy. I was sure they wouldn't be able to determine the source of the sound, could they?

"Well, we need to tell you something." Bill said. "But first, I hope you realize how much the show and what we do means to all of us."


"We haven't been able to get much solid evidence during our investigations. We've had plenty of personal experiences and some proof, but nothing concrete." Don said as if Bill wasn't talking fast enough.

"Right, so why are you telling me this?" I asked.

"Doctor James had four female assistants leave the house because of very specific experiences." Don explained. "We not only picked you because of your paranormal encounter, but because you're a woman."

"The cameras were not displaying on the monitors, but the recorders picked up what happened during your investigation." Bill blurted out.

I didn't know what to say. The cameras had worked. I hadn't been too concerned about it the night before, but now found it quite distressing during the daytime hours. I could only stand and watch as Bill clicked a button on the laptop, which began playing the four video feeds from the attic. The clear video of the three ghosts seducing me left me stunned, and my pussy throbbed at the sight of the ghosts taking pleasure from my body.

"It glitches out in a few spots for some reason, but most of your experience is here. We do understand why you didn't tell us everything." Don explained.

"So, you set me up?" I asked.

"We didn't know this would happen, but we thought the ghosts might respond to another woman. The doctor has heard noises but has never had a visual encounter like his assistants." Don continued.

"So what does this mean?" I asked, still trying to sort all of it out in my mind.

"What does it mean? It means we have real proof of a haunting!" Bill said excitedly, his hands waving in the air.

"We have proof if you allow us to use the footage. We don't need all the footage, just up to when they...stripped you." Don explained, his face reddening.

"No one else has seen the recording?" I asked.

"No, just us. We started reviewing the footage early," Don explained.

What could I say? We had video proof of not only one ghost, but three. The show could end without the use of this footage.

"Let's use it, but only until when they get...frisky." I said finally. "I can't begin to imagine what my parents would say if they saw the full thing."

"Great. Now we need to talk to you about some future cases." Don said.

"What about them?" I asked, feeling there was something special about these investigations.

"We've been reviewing our new cases as well as some previous ones. There are a few that may benefit from a female investigator," Bill explained.

"You mean there might be some horny ghosts?" I asked, understanding what they were really saying.

"I wouldn't put it like that, but there is the possibility," Don said.

It took me a few minutes to think about it. I've already said that I'm no prude, and the meeting with the three ghosts still had my pussy wet. From the smile on my face, the guys knew what my answer was before I said it. Maybe we could eventually change the name of the show to 'Ghostfuckers'.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Do you know how a vagina works at all?

"Vaginal sheathe"? "Cuntal shaft"? "Milk from my excited hole"? If you're talking female ejaculate, that comes from the urethra--NOT the right hole for sex! If you're talking lubrication, it varies from female to female, but I've never heard of it described as "milky". Nor do we orgasm milk. And if by some stretch of the imagination (and it's a pretty big stretch), the act of penetrative sex does reach the cervix, it's not going to be pleasurable. That's a fucking bodily organ we're talking about, how do you think it's going to feel to have something touch it? But hey, give yourself a pat on the back for actually including the clitoris, even though most females need clitoral stimulation to even begin to have an orgasm, not just have it tacked on at the end of build-up. The fact that this is a story about ghosts is more realistic than how you described the mechanics of female sex.

menatvmenatvover 15 years ago
Very hot!

I love stories like this that use the supernatural/ghosts/hauntings, etc. And while I'm a male, I do have fantasies of being a female and getting seduced like this. VERY HOT! Really REALLY enjoyed this story. Very similar to a lot of fantasies I have. MenaTV

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

I loved it! The mood was perfect. I'd love to meet these three ghosts!

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