Ghost Writer Ch. 03


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Janneke gasped deeply as exploring fingers found their way to touch the patch of dark hair that covered her willing mound, loving how the fingers tugged slightly on those hairs, urging her to open her legs a little wider.

Fingers probed tenderly for the vulnerable area between Kachina's thighs. She was so caught up in the whirlpool of senses, for all she knew it could have been her own fingers, seeking to urge her forwards in to the realm of ecstasy they were both becoming enveloped in.

Needing to feel Janneke's body closer to her own, Kachina wrapped her free arm around the Valkyrie's neck, letting her soft hands gentle stroke the thick muscle between the woman's wings, loving how the touch, incited tremors in Janneke's body that were felt by her other hand buried deep between ridged thighs.

With her wings holding Kachina close to her own body, Janneke allowed one of her hands to tease a pale pink nipple while the other sought out the wispy blonde tufts that were pressed against Janneke's stomach.

Kachina hummed softly as Janneke's battle hardened fingers cupped her sex, then teased open the slick softness. As delicately as possible, Janneke rubbed the mystic's pleasure nub, while she sought the hidden treasure buried deep inside Kachina.

The swell of climax began for both women simultaneously, their minds bonded so deeply there was no way one could have reached that point without the other.

Kachina gasped for breath, partly due to the building wave inside her, and partly due to Janneke's wings squeezing the breath from her lungs. Feeling a scream about to burst from her mouth, Kachina placed her teeth on a muscled shoulder and bit down.

Pain lanced through the sensations of pleasure coursing through Janneke's taught body, endorphins mixing in a swirl of madness that threatened to drown. She could feel the climax building inside both of them, and relished the feel of Kachina's breasts pressing against her own, the feelings of their sensitive nipples rubbing against each other, adding sugar to the cream of their love making.

With a final cry, Janneke burst in to tender orgasm, feeling Kachina stiffen and then tremble in a prolonged judder as she also crested, their cries and screams coming one after the other as each pushed the other further past where they thought possible until their passions and energies were exhausted.

As their bodies slowly relaxed, Janneke gently enfolded Kachina in her wings, rocking her soothingly back and forth while the Fae girl sighed contentedly.

Night was falling as the pair walked silently back across the meadow towards the farm. Kachina had cast a small healing spell on Janneke's shoulder, as the bite mark was a little too tender to have her armour laced over it.

Their hands were clasped tightly in each other's, and thoughts drifting from the brief moment of passion they had shared back to the task they had been entrusted with.

Eons had passed in Asgard and they had existed side by side, neither knowing anything of the other until Odin's call. Now with the end of their known world beckoning, they had found love in each other. It seemed a cruel twist of fate, that their time together was going to be so fleeting.

With their thoughts now shared due to the blood bond, each could sense the others pain, and each gave the others hand another squeeze for reassurance.

As they approached the farmhouse Lif, and Lifprasir were sat by a small open fire chatting quietly and Lif stood to greet the pair of warriors. His broad shoulders and honest face a beckon in the growing twilight. The four shared bread and ale whilst they sat around the fire, then later Lifpasir stood and sang. Her sweet voice carried the words of a ballad sung between warriors and their lovers before a battle.

Kiss me tomorrow, and close your eyes.

For remember I love you,

A love reprise.

Kiss me tomorrow, my heart enfold.

I gazed upon you

My soul unfought.

Myself I give to you,

My blood and yours.

My Soul, your heart,

My sadness apart.

Kiss me tomorrow, your blade I guide.

I am at your flank

My love abide.

Kiss me tomorrow, your blood is plied.

My flame is gone.

My heart has died.

Kiss me tomorrow,

Abide my love, abide.

While Lifprasir sang, her voice carried the emotions of the parted lovers, until Kachina began to sob quietly, and even the stoic Valkyrie became misty eyed.

To comfort Kachina, Janneke wrapped her arm and wing around the mystic's shoulder, holding her tightly, and Kachina rested her head on Janneke's firm shoulder.

As the evening wore in to night the two humans bid their protectors good night and returned to the farmhouse. Janneke remained awake, continuing to hold Kachina long after she had fallen asleep.

As dawn broke over the meadow, Kachina awoke, she felt warm and comfortable, but didn't remember getting in to her bedroll. Slowly she opened her eyes as the sun began to warm the skin of her face. Instead of her blankets she was wrapped tightly in Janneke's wings, her back pressed tightly against the Valkyrie's chest.

"Good morning." Janneke greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

From where she was positioned, Kachina looked up in to the Valkyrie's eyes, the dark hazel orbs warmed her soul and she smiled. "I slept very well, it is nice and cozy wrapped up in here. Did you hold me all night?"

"Well you looked happy, so I kept you warm and safe." Janneke replied her expression caring.

"What you didn't sleep at all?" Kachina asked, surprised at how honored she felt to have had Janneke watch over her all night.

"I am Valkyrie." Janneke told her with a shrug, as if the statement explained everything.

With a struggle, Kachina extracted herself from the feathered comfort. "Well you rest here and I will fetch you some food to break your fast."

As Kachina got to her feet, the ground shuddered as if it was in pain, and a second later a rumble rolled across the meadow, disturbing the wavering grass, and stirring the leaves in the trees.

Concern dropped like a mask over Janneke's face. "I don't think we have time for food." She said forlornly.

Anguish flashed across Kachina's features and her eyes sought Janneke's once more, seeking reassurance. "What do we do?"

"The Valkyrie stood tall and spread her wings, looking in to the distance. "We do our duty." She answered quietly, then added slightly louder as a feint dark line appeared on the crest of the hills. "Awake Lif and Lifprasir. We must leave now."

Before Kachina could move, the two humans appeared in the doorway of the house, concern etched on the face of Lifprasir as she clung to the tall Lif.

"What is that?" Lif asked as the dark line became more pronounced.

"Part of Hel's Horde." Kachina replied, her voice uneven with fear.

The group of four moved as swiftly as they could. Kachina leading, and Janneke bringing up the rear, constantly watching behind them.

They had always thought they would have plenty of time to reach their destination, as they were supposed to be far away from where the battle would take place, but somehow, Loki and Hel had discovered Odin's plan and intended to disrupt it.

Fortunately, the distance to where Kachina could open a gate to Yggdrasil wasn't great, so there was little risk of Hel's undead catching them if they kept their pace.

Something niggled in the back of Janneke's mind, she wasn't sure if it was Kachina's fear she was feeling through the Blood Bond, but there was something not as it should be.

"How far?" Janneke called out, she couldn't see any of the undead, but their scent was being carried on the air, which added to her unease.

"Nearly there." Kachina replied, her breathing laboured. "The clearing is just ahead."

Janneke glanced behind her once more, her visibility diminished by the thickness of the trees and the shadows their branches cast. The scent was stronger, almost as if instead of away, they were heading towards the undead...

The realisation of Loki's plan slammed in to Janneke. Loki would know the location of all the places a gateway could be opened, so why set a chasing horde with no hope of catching the prey, when you knew where your prey was heading.

A scream cut between the trees, and pain bloomed in Janneke's mind. Shaking the feelings away, Janneke forced her way through the last few trees and in to the clearing. Kachina was stood facing four of Hel's demons, one hand clasped to her side through which blood was seeping, and the other forming a warding shield to keep them at bay.

Janneke swallowed hard as she noticed despite her fears and injury, Kachina had ensured she was between the demons and the two humans.

Anger reared its head within her body, mixing with the feelings of Kachina's fear. Swiftly, Janneke let it rise and evaporate as she descended to the calm spot at her centre. Her sword, which had been useless in the tight confines of the forest, slipped out of it sheath with a whisper that promised death.

Janneke became fully Valkyrie.

The first demon didn't have time to register that Janneke had approached when the Valkyrie's sword cut across the black scally skin of its throat, severing all but vertebra.

Wings unfurled and Janneke's feet skittered over the ground as she spun in mid stride, her arm extending within the spin, adding her momentum to the force behind the strike.

The second demon dropped next to the first, its head bouncing away disgorging yellow gore in its wake.

The two remaining unborn switched their attention from Kachina and on to Janneke, hissing fetid breath as they bared their yellowed teeth and swiped at her with blackened talons.

Janneke, her mind in the serene condition of the warrior, backed away, drawing the demons away from Kachina, whose pain still fluttered around the edge of Janneke's conscious. Each step slow and graceful, feeling for uneven ground before fully taking weight.

The pause in the fight seemed to last hours, but in reality it was less than a dozen heartbeats. The left hand demon lept forwards, intending to impale itself on Janneke's blade and leave her vulnerable.

As it was, it was Janneke's booted foot that caught the monster full in the face, while her sword lanced to her right and took the second demon in the mouth, bringing an end to its undeath in an instant. The first demon fell backwards, but not before it raked its filthy claws down Janneke's leg, shredding skin and leaving ugly red lines.

Tearing her sword free and ignoring the burning of the pain, Janneke stabbed downwards, running her sword in to the chest of the ugly creature.

With the demons slain, Janneke pulled her attention back to the glade. Kachina was still clasping her hand to the wound on her side, the pale skin of her face a little more pallid. Lif was stood to one side, a woodsman's axe in one hand and the other holding a petrified Lifprasir.

Janneke wanted nothing more than to run to Kachina and bid her wound, but an unearthly howl echoed through the forest, betraying the presence of the closing undead horde.

"Are you able to open the gate?" Janneke asked, trying to keep her concern for the mystic out of her voice.

Kachina nodded, her jaw clamped against the pain, and her eyes reflecting her trepidation for the Valkyrie.

With Kachina and the humans in the centre of the glade, Janneke positioned herself so that she could defend the trio whilst Kachina completed her incantation. She was well aware blood was seeping freely from her wound, but daren't break her concentration to bind it. Already she could see shadows flitting between the trees as the faster moving amongst the undead approached.

"How long Kachina?" She called out.

"Soon." Came the short reply, edged with a gasp of pain.

Realising the approaching army would reach them before the gate opened, Janneke opened her mind to the path of clarity once more, sending out one single thought to her pale skinned mystic before she did so.

'I love you.'

The first of the undead broke through the trees, a grey skinned thing running on all fours that met Janneke's blade edge on.

With her wings wide, to give her balance and take the weight off her injured leg, Janneke became a dancer. Every movement flowing in to the next, graceful, balanced and deadly. The bright silver of her sword never stopping, even when it ran yellow, black and green with the blood of her foes, and bodies on undead and demon alike littered the open space of the glade.

Something dark flew through the air and buried itself in Janneke's wing.

Her concentration shattered, Janneke's dance stuttered, and a handful of claws raked across her chest armour tipping her balance.

A curse escaped her lips as she landed heavily on her wounded leg. Loss of blood added weight to her blade now, and the speed it had once move with dropped away.

The stink of undead pressed in on all sides, and Janneke spared a glance towards the centre of the glade. The gateway shimmered in glorious life and Kachina was already bustling Lif and Lifprasir through the opening.

Janneke smiled as her eyes locked on to Kachina's. Their duty was fulfilled, and her only regret was she wouldn't hold Kachina in her arms again. She closed her eyes, welcoming the glory of a good death.

Kachina was aware of the slaughter Janneke was performing, ensuring she had time to complete her task. As quickly as she could her fingers traced the outlines of the gate with the complicated symbols that would open a path to Yggdrasil.

When the mental message had come to her mind, Kachina's fingers had stumbled and it took a moment to gather herself as tears stung her eyes, but she continued her casting, determined not to fail. A strange feeling of calm descended over her, and it took a moment for her to realise that it was Janneke's clarity that was helping her concentrate. With the added serenity, Kachina traced the runes and symbols faster than she thought possible, then spoke the word of power that bound them. The air inside the ring of fiery symbols shimmered, then stilled, revealing the majestic beauty of the Tree of Life.

Kachina pushed Lif and Lifprasir through the opening, as she turned to call Janneke, pain flared in her head dropping her to her knees. Slowly she lifted her head to see Janneke fall heavily, staggering as her bloodied leg failed her.

Their eyes met briefly and grief filled Kachina, as she knew Janneke was prepared to die so that she may live.

Pain, anger and fear flooded Kachina, mixing in a turbulent flood with her love for the Valkyrie. All these emotions fueled the mystic and energy dammed her body rapidly.

Janneke felt Kachina's grief before the buildup of energy. It was like a huge wave drawing back from a beach, sucking everything in to itself then holding its breath.

More out of instinct than anything else, Janneke dropped to the ground as the wave broke.

From where she lay, all she felt was a sudden rush of warm air that carried away the ring of undead that encircled her.

As the shockwave died away, silence descended. Janneke struggled upright, her wing throbbed and blood coated her side from wounds to her flank and leg.

The glade was littered with the bodies of the undead, and Kachina was on her knees wheezing as she tried to recover from the destruction she had caused.

Wearily, Janneke clung to her sword as she regained her feet, and half crawled to Kachina where they fell in to each other's arms.

For a long moment they just held each other, thankful for the chance to be in each other's embrace one more time.

A spine-chilling howl dragged them away from each other's thoughts.

"Many more are coming." Janneke said her eyes towards the forest.

"Quickly the gate." Kachina indicated, as she half dragged Janneke to her feet. "Before it fails"

The pair limped and staggered, as quickly as they could, towards the gate that was already flickering in and out of existence.

A tidal wave of undead broke from the forest, salivating for the blood Janneke and Kachina had left on the grass and that still ran in their veins.

Janneke felt a little resistance as Kachina helped her past the threshold of the gate, almost as if the portal was resisting their entry. Then with a final grunt of pain the pair fell through to land on the multi-hued path between the glade and the space occupied by Yggdrasil.

Janneke glanced back to see the undead creatures clawing at the gate as it flickered wildly then closed.

"We need to move now." Kachina cried in anguish, desperately trying to get Janneke back to her feet. The Valkyrie's breath caught as the opening at the far end of the path began to flicker out of existence.

There was no way they could reach it.

Janneke grasped Kachina's arm and pulled her close. "Our souls are entwined." She whispered breathing in the scent of Kachina's hair on more time and wrapping her wings around them.

"In life and death." Kachina replied as tears stung her eyes, glad she was in Janneke's arms.

The second gate closed and the rainbow hued pathway crumbled under their feet.

Light faded to dark as the two lovers dropped in to the space between worlds.


A metal cart rammed in to Jan's leg returning her mind to the grocery store. For a brief second Jan wanted to flex her back and stretch non-existent wings and reach for a sword that wasn't there. The feeling confused her, it was as if she was in someone else's body. She settled for glowering at the woman, who had guided the cart with the accuracy of a missile, in to her ankle.

Every now and then Jan would push herself to experience the normal world outside of her apartment, and she would visit the large grocery store close to where she lived, to pick up some shopping. She didn't hate shopping, or people for that matter, unfortunately she did hate the two at the same time.

Usually, within seconds of arrival she would be cursing under her breath at the inability of people to plan where they were going and what they were getting. They would wander down an aisle then for no reason, other than complete incompetence, they would decide they wanted to go in the opposite direction causing total mayhem, and Jan loathed it intensely.

Today she was here at Kasper's request, it had been her idea to get Jan out more and because she loved Kasper she said she would play along. Kasper had written out a list of things they wanted to get and told Jan they had to remain in the store until they had everything off the list. The sweetener was that Jan was holding on to a small fob, that when activated would make the small pad in Kasper's panties vibrate. Kasper's plan was that whenever Jan began to get impatient, she would activate the controls for a moment, sending the most intense vibrations through Kasper's sweet spot. This way Jan would experience enjoyment out of the act of shopping. Although since she had lost sight of Kasper, all she was experiencing was the need to commit mass murder of the stores occupants.

A familiar scent entered her consciousness. Jasmine and patchouli, the scent of Kasper

The kamikaze cart pushing occupants of the store faded away, now nothing existed but that scent. Jan suddenly felt an odd hunger rise inside her, it felt slightly animalistic and really rather good.

"A falcon amongst pigeons." She said under her breath.

Moving out of the cereal aisle the huntress followed the scent. In the back of Jan's mind there was a feeling of flying down each aisle on wings she didn't have, enhancing the feeling of the hunt.

Women with screaming children in their carts, made ridiculous noises to their offspring, that had no effect at all, mixed with men pushing carts groaning under the weight of 'beers for the big game.' They all jostled for space in an unorchestrated swirl of chaos.