Ghost Writer


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"If it will make my two bestselling authors a little less grumpy, and save my dress, then I will get it done." Sara agreed happily.

Kasper stepped closer to Sara and planted a light kiss on her forehead. "Thank you Sara." She said simply, before holding out her hand to Jan. "Where were we?"

The two women walked slowly back to the shade of the trees, whilst Jamie and Cob laboured under the weight of the improvised beer cooler.

Jan did note that the large Cob glared menacingly at anyone who even looked sideways at Kasper and herself, and she smiled at the gentle protectiveness the Australian showed.

"You know it was because of you I approached Sara to publish my books." Kasper admitted to Jan as they returned to their secluded spot under the trees. "There was something about your stories that pulled at my heart, and I thought that if someone with your talent chose that house, then it would be plenty good enough for my work."

"Shamefully, I haven't read anything by you." Jan admitted.

"That's okay." Kasper told her as she lifted the sunglasses to reveal her earnest blue eyes again. "I forgive you."

"Are you working on anything currently?"

Kasper gave a secretive smile. "I do have the beginnings of a story. It is about a temptress with a high sex drive who seduces a Goth woman at a garden party."

The familiar flutter of excitement stirred inside Jan, and her breath caught in her throat. "Sounds interesting. What happens after the seduction?"

"You want to jump straight to the interesting parts?" Kasper asked smirking.

"Why not?" Jan replied eagerly. "The majority of the readers will."

Once again Jan was rewarded with Kasper's delightful laugh that felt like a cool breeze on a hot day.

"Well." Kasper began. "The temptress entices her chosen victim in to a secluded part of the garden, and slowly breaks down her inhibitions. Then when she has fallen under her spell, the temptress ties her wrists to the wooden bench they are sat on."

Kasper moved Jan's arms in to the position she described in her fantasy story, and Jan felt her heartbeat increase in response to the imaginary act. While the act of bondage wasn't exactly new to Jan, she hadn't considered it as a form of seduction, but the way Kasper was spinning the story, made her rethink, as her body rose up in response to the words.

"Now the woman is helpless." Kasper continued. "Our temptress slowly covers the woman in kisses, drinking in the taste of her skin. The more aroused the woman gets, the further the temptress goes."

Jan felt herself carried away on Kasper's words, as she imagined the soft kisses caressing her skin.

"The temptress slowly eases the black lace dress off the woman's body." Kasper whispered as she kissed Jan's ear softly, causing Jan to shudder in delight. "The woman is unable to stop her from removing the matching lace underwear, and if she could, she doesn't want it to stop. All she can think of is wanting the temptress."

A soft cool hand traced a gentle line from one of Jan's shoulders, across her chest, dipping in to Jan's cleavage, then on to the other shoulder, and Jan breathed deeply at the sensuous touch.

"The temptress knows the woman wants her, but instead of carrying on, she steps back admiring the helpless nude form before her. Then she adds more rope, attaching one to each of the woman's thighs, forcing them apart. The woman knows she is going to be ravished, but in reality she doesn't care. All she knows is her love for the temptress."

"One question." Jan interrupted breathlessly. "Where do all the ropes come from?"

Kasper snickered in amusement. "She has a group of especially trained squirrels that weave them for her."

The resorting outburst of giggling derailed the fantasy, but still feeling the heat of her arousal, Jan slipped another kiss on to Kasper's lips. Again Jan sensed a pause from Kasper, before she gave herself to the contact.

"What do you want to do in reality?" Jan asked, wanting to understand the woman she was rapidly falling for.

Back towards the house music began to play. A song Jan recognised as one of Ed Sheeran's that featured one of her favourite singers, Andrea Bocelli. "I love this song." She commented humming the tune.

"Me to." Kasper replied after a second. "How about a slow dance? Like in the words, dancing on the grass, listening to our favourite songs."

Jan placed her arms around Kasper's waist. "I can't really dance you know." She said as she gazed in to Kasper's eyes again.

"No problem." She replied. "Neither can I."

"Do I look a mess?" Jan asked unable to stop herself from echoing the songs words.

A beautiful, gentle smile graced Kasper's lips. "No you look perfect." Then the smile was replaced by a slightly naughtier one. "Although I wonder how you would look in that dress without the underwear."

Red stained Jan's cheeks as she flushed again. "If you ask nicely, I'll show you." She retorted with bravado she didn't really feel.

Kasper's pale lips brushed against Jan's neck, stimulating the fires of her arousal. Teeth nipped at her earlobe and Jan moaned in response.

"Nicely." Kasper whispered, running the tip of her tongue down Jan's neck.

A delightful shiver ran down Jan's spine in response to the caressing touch of Kasper's mouth. "How about, I'll show you mine if you show yours?" Jan muttered jokingly as she returned the gentle kisses. "That way I know it isn't just you wanting to get me nude, like in your story."

Kasper's arms unwrapped from around Jan's waist, and her fingers began unbuttoning the white shirt. "Can I tell you a secret?" She asked, her eyes unable to meet Jan's as the confident demeanor of Kasper drifted in to a slightly demurer one.

"Of course." Jan answered. Her eyes fixed to the flesh slowly being revealed by the unfastening buttons.

"When I write about a woman being seduced and restrained, I always wanted to be the one who is helpless."

Jan managed to look away from the gentle swell of Kasper's breasts as they rested in a white satin bra, framed by the sharp white linen shirt that was now open all the way, displaying a very defined set of abdominal muscles. "Do you want that to happen now?" She managed to ask as she wondered just how deep Kasper's kinks really were.

Shyly Kasper lifted her eyes once more. "No, I just wanted you to know there is more to me than meets the eye."

There was a soft rustle as Kasper shed her shirt and handed it to the speechless Jan, who could only watch as her boots were pulled off and dropped to the ground. By the time Kasper's jeans slipped down her legs, Jan was fairly sure there was a lot more to Kasper than had initially met her eye, most of it she was looking at now.

Smooth, firm legs matched the rigid abs, and told Jan that Kasper spent a great deal of time keeping in shape. A little shame crept in to her soul that she never managed to keep to a decent level of self-discipline that would enable her body to look that way.

The jeans joined Kasper's shirt on Jan's arm, as her mind screamed out for her to tell Kasper to stop, that she didn't need to do this, while at the same time, she so wanted it to carry on.

"Okay." Jan finally managed to say as Kasper reached to undo her bra. "You don't have to go any further, you win."

A look of puzzlement crossed Kasper's face. "I win?" She asked. "It wasn't a competition, I wanted to show you my body because I enjoy it. The same way I would enjoy it if I was stood holding your clothes." The same slight smile Jan had first seen on Kasper's lips returned. "Do you honestly want me to stop?"

Again Jan wanted to say yes, but deep inside she hadn't felt this aroused in her life. It wasn't that Kasper was undressing just for her benefit, although it was very entertaining, or that they were only just hidden from view by a few trees. It was something far more intense.

"No I don't want you to stop." Jan admitted. "But, before you carry on, I want to join you, so I feel less of a peeping tom. Let's just move a little further in to the trees first though. I'm nowhere near as brave as you are."

A mellow laugh trickled out of Kasper's mouth as she partly covered it with her hand. "Come on then." She insisted as she offered Jan her hand.

A few moments later, Jan felt a little safer, for the both of them, and she halted, taking a brief second to give Kasper a quick kiss again, before draping Kasper's clothes over a low branch.

"Tell me." Jan asked as she once more ran her eyes over the lithe body before her. "Do you get naked outside often?"

"No." Kasper replied. "It isn't much fun on your own. Which is why I wanted to make the most of this."

Tasking a breath, Jan pushed the lace of her dress off her shoulders, then eased it over her ample breasts. Trying to make the action as seductive as possible, Jan edged the clingy garment over her hips and down her legs.

Happily, she caught Kasper gazing lustfully, so she wasn't as self-conscious as she thought she would be. By the time her dress joined the other garments on the branch, she was stood with her hands casually resting on her hips, wearing small black lace bra, panties and a pair of stockings.

"Do you like what you see?" She asked Kasper, who was still staring intently.

"Very much so." Kasper admitted as she stepped closer. "Do you mind?" She asked as her hands snaked over Jan's exposed skin to the fastener of her bra.

"Thought you would never ask." Jan replied quietly, as silky lips began kissing the exposed skin of her breasts and rapidly moved on to excite her nipples as their lacey covering came away.

"Gods Kasper." Jan exclaimed as the feel of Kasper's mouth and tongue poured fuel on the feelings that had been glowing deep inside her since their first touch. "That feels fantastic."

"Thank you." Kasper replied pausing for a second. "I've had a fair bit of practice. Although I've never wanted to please someone as much as I want to please you."

Jan's fingers fumbled at the fastening of Kasper's bra, wanting to return the sensations raining down on her own body. This just seemed excite Kasper further and Jan winced as sharp teeth nipped at tender parts of her skin. The white satin garment slipped over Kasper's arms, as Jan felt strong fingers tug at her panties.

There was a sound of tearing fabric, and Jan gasped as Kasper literally tore her last item of clothing away. All thoughts of modesty and control evaporated, as the desire within Jan ignited an animalistic passion within Kasper.

The music from the house changed. Switching to a more upbeat tune that drove the cavorting couple in to something that was more frenzied than sensual.

Their lips mashed together, making the passionate kiss near the house seem like a chaste peck. One of Jan's hands tweaked a large firm nipple while trying to push the satin pants over Kasper's hips, and she groaned in ecstasy.

The same strong fingers that had ripped her underwear off, entwined in her pubic hair searching for the source of the wetness that soaked Jan's thighs, teasing and provoking a building reaction within.

Jan wasn't sure who was the first to sink to the dusty ground, but as they sank, Jan rolled on to her back, raising her knees and parting her legs, wanting Kasper to fill the space between them. She had winced at the nibbles to her breasts and chest, but she yelped in surprise as the same teeth nipped at the inside of her thighs, then cried out as Kasper's energetic tongue snaked between her legs and flicked at the sensitive point that triggered her first climax.

The tremors that signaled Jan's orgasm, had the same effect as dripping blood in a shark's pool, and Kasper was a very hungry shark.

Kisses, licks, and tiny bites poured over Jan's skin, each one carrying another surge of climax washing over her. She tried desperately to hold on to the little bit of self-control she had left, but when Kasper's fingers penetrated deeply in to Jan, then crushed their bodies together once more, lifting Jan upwards in to a swaying embrace. Jan surrendered to the storm.

Somewhere in the middle of the enfolding clinch, her world went supernova as Kasper's exploring fingers sent her far beyond anything she had experienced. She just prayed that this moment would last forever.

Slowly the storm abated and the heat generated by Jan's most intense climax dwindled away to a warm glow.

Kasper was still kneeling on the earthy ground, holding on to Jan whose legs were wrapped around Kasper's waist. Their breasts were pressed against each other and the slight movement of Jan moving, aroused tingles in her extremely, post climax, sensitive nipples.

"Sorry." Kasper whispered. "I didn't mean to lose so much control."

Jan felt a tiny sigh from Kasper, and she realised the woman was crying softly. As gently as she could, Jan placed a light kiss on Kasper's bare shoulder, tasting coppery blood from a bitten lip as she did so, although she wasn't sure just who had done the biting.

"Hey no need for tears." She told Kasper as she let her fingers trickle down the woman's spine. "And no need to apologize. That was the most intense experience I've ever had."

The tight grip Kasper had on Jan lessened and She managed to ease away enough to look Kasper in the eyes. Carefully she brushed a tear away from Kasper's cheek. "No one has ever done that to me before." She said. "It was so intense. Are you like that every time?"

A weak nod was followed by a sniff. "I get carried away, too caught up in the passion."

"Wow. I can't wait to see what happens next time then." Jan said without a pause.

Kasper stiffened. "Next time?" She asked with a look of joy laced with doubt. "You want there to be a next time?"

"Christ yes." Jan replied. "I want to see what happens when you climax."

The pale skin of Kasper's cheeks reddened. "I hit climax when you first touched me." She confessed. "That's why I lost it."

"Seriously?" Jan asked, not understanding how that could work.

"Yes, I always hit orgasm really quickly." The embarrassed woman admitted. "After that I go a little wild. It isn't easy keeping a regular partner after I draw blood."

"No fears there." Jan grinned, wanting to experience the mad rush that had carried them both to another world. "I wonder what would happen if I chained you up?" She mused as she absent-mindedly brushed her hand over Kasper's breast, pinching a nipple as she did so.

Kasper moaned softly and closed her eyes as a shudder ran through her body.

"You really are sensitive aren't you?" Jan whispered. An imagined scene played through her mind where a very nude Kasper was restrained then tickled and teased, while Jan tried to keep her from climax as long as possible.

Jan realised for the first time since she had left her apartment in London, she didn't have a headache. She sighed happily, she wasn't sure just how she was going to get Kasper calmed down enough to dress her, but she was fairly sure as soon as they were decent, they were heading back to the privacy of her rooms to experiment further.

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FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 1 year ago

This is a so perfect creation like creating a party ........ The train ride, the head ache, the very british being getting sunburnt in a second or so headache too, the like for beers and so much more ...... Then thise two shameless creatures, kissing touching in front of normal standard people and yeah the aussie, with the simple down to earth mentality, can you fix my truck while talking to girl in a lace dress, thats a really good one ..... lol

This screams for a second or third or more chapters


Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

Nice story, very erotic.

But the writing is a little clunky.

The word is "teetotal". And when some has a little look, it's a "peek". So a bit of editing wouldn't have gone amiss.

Looking forward to the next part.

alexwatson62alexwatson62almost 5 years ago

Personally I love the "slow burn" type of stories, and this first part definitely started out that way.

But then it kicked up 10 gears at once and wow did you do it well.

A lot of stories that go from nought to 60 in seconds fail spectacularly, not yours.

Brilliant, off to read part 2

JodiHutchinsJodiHutchinsalmost 6 years ago
Friendly ghost

There has to be more to Kasper than meets the eye, though she’s a very interesting character to begin with. I can’t wait to see where the story takes these lovely ladies.

HiddenInTheOpenHiddenInTheOpenalmost 6 years ago
Very nice story!

Quite enjoyable, and the characters were well written. Thank you for sharing this with us!

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