Gift From A God Ch. 07


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[She comes.]

Before I could even figure out what that was I heard a soft splash behind me. I spun around, ready to defend myself, but found that my mind went slack instead. A woman was in the pool with me. If woman can even be used to describe the form of liquid sex that moved effortlessly through the water. She was nude, that much I could tell through the water’s surface, and her skin was a dark amber color. Black hair trailed behind her, long and luxurious, dancing along the water and over the smooth skin of her back. She completed her lap of the pool and then kicked off from the far wall and glided towards me under the water. It didn’t look like she was kicking her feet or moving her arms at all. The way she slipped through the water it looked like it was carrying her. I couldn’t decide if I was scared or horny or both.

She continued towards me, never breaking the surface and just when I thought she was going to run into my legs she shimmered out of existence. I knew I hadn’t imagined it because I felt the wake from her body run into and around me. There was something sensuous about how the water moved between my legs and over my stomach that gave me goose bumps. I didn’t know what I’d just witnessed. I was saved the trouble of having to think for myself when she spoke to me.

*Hello Stephen*

I turned and saw her head floating just above the surface in the shallow end. Her hair hung heavy down the sides of her perfectly shaped face. Where it met the water it spread out like a patch of black silk. Her almond eyes reflected the rippling light of the pool and added an otherworldly shimmer of their own. Her lips were full and twisted into a playful smirk. She looked to be of some Mediterranean origin. Her skin was flawless and a deep golden brown. The rest of her body was underwater, curled up with her knees to her chest as she rested on the floor of the pool. She wasn’t a god, I could tell that immediately. I was in no way an expert at that point, but I could tell by her aura. It didn’t shine with the blinding intensity of the Divine. She was something other then human though. Her aura was bright, but not God-like. I was still on-guard but the longer I stared at her, the less I could remember why. I just wanted to kiss that liquid skin, to bathe in the radiance of her. That was the plan, obviously.


*Ow!* She grimaced and gave me a reproachful look.*Let us not speak in your harsh language, the sounds it makes hurts my ears. I much prefer this way.*

“But aren’t-” I stopped myself.*But aren’t we still speaking it here, just in our heads?*

She let out a little laugh that trickled from her like rain drops off rose petals.*Silly mortal. You think I am speaking your English?* She stretched herself out and moved swan-like through the water towards me.*When you speak the words come to me in the language of my home, even though you know not how to speak it. When I speak, you hear the language of your land, even though I would never utter such a base tongue.*


She drew closer and the water seemed to heat up a more then a few degrees as she neared me.*Poor thing. They really have been neglectful of your teachings, haven’t they? But then, that has always been the way of the Greeks: Jealous, deceitful, spiteful and treacherous, all of them. My master would never see you so ignorant of your abilities. The more you know, the better you could serve him.*

I said nothing, the part of my brain that organizes my thoughts into speech wasn’t working right. Her body was like lust poured into the mold of a woman and given life. Sensing my troubles she continued on without a response from me, her impish smile deepening. She swam in slow circles around my unmoving body, tightening the loop like a noose on each pass.

*The reason is because your mind does not need to understand the words to understand the meaning. This form of communication goes beyond language. It makes it unnecessary. Thank the Gods for that, otherwise I might have to actually learn how to utter your profane speech.*

*Oh.* My mind worked sluggishly as I tried to piece together what she was telling me. Somewhere, something clicked.*I don’t serve anyone.*

The night was filled with the sound of her delicious laughter again. It ran like kisses down my spine.*Is that what you think human?* She stood up behind me, close enough that I could feel her nipples brushing my back.*We all serve someone. Even the Gods have masters, although they don’t like to admit it. No, young one, you serve Zeus. He is your master. But...*

She let the thought die on her lips as she slunk away and back into the water. I turned and watched as she floated effortlessly away from me.

*But what?*

*But, you don’t have to serve them. You could serve another.* She moved back to me again, standing in front of me and circling her hands around to my back, embracing me. I shivered at her touch and the cloud in my head thickened. She pressed her stomach against my stiff cock and gave a small wiggle, winking at me in the process. Her voice in my head was low and seductive, filled with promise.*One who would show you the boundless possibilities that come with your gifts. One who would not shelter you and keep you ignorant of the true depth of your powers. And, one who would grant the one thing that the Greeks would deny you: Immortality.*

Deep down beneath the fog that had enshrouded my mind something was fighting to remain free. It kicked and fought against the stupor that was taking hold of me. I knew I should resist her, this whole thing stank, but I couldn’t find it in me to care.

[Fight her, you worthless fucking skin-bag! Fight!]

*Who are you? Who is your master?*

The woman kissed my shoulder lightly and my knees buckled. Strangely however, I did not fall. The water held me in place a moment before lowering me until I was floating on my back without any effort on my part to stay afloat. We were still in the deeper end of the pool, her head barely broke the surface. She didn’t let that stop her though. As I watched she rose several inches up from the water, enough for the perfection of her voluptuous chest to emerge into the night air. Her flesh called to me, begged me to devour her. I was in a daze as her hands moved over my chest.

*My name is Tetisheri. I am what you might call a water sprite. The Greeks call my kind Naiads. To others, a fairy.*


*My master, my lord, is Set*

That name rang a bell. I pulled my feet under me and stood as if moving through molasses. My voice sounded slurred, even in my head. I pushed my feet against the floor of the pool and started to move myself away from her.*No!*

“No, Set...he wants to hurt me. He told me...he said that I needed to be afraid of him. To tell someone” I struggled to pull the name up from my clouded mind. “I’m supposed to tell Hermes if…if I see Set.”

Her eyes lit from within with a deep blue fury and the water pushed her forward.*Who! Who told you to be afraid of him? Tell me! *

*Who?*Answering questions seemed to difficult for me to master at the moment.

*Who warned you of my master?*Her tone softened along with her eyes, the angry blue receding. She flowed towards me, all warmth and promise again.

[Do not tell her!]

“Don’t tell her?”

Tetisheri cocked her head and then looked around the pool, studying the darkness. When she brought her gaze back to mine her eyes were narrowed and they bored into me. There was a push in my head.

*Tell me, mortal! I demand it.*

I felt her begin to dig in my memories and I started to panic. She had stopped trying to cloud my mind and it was becoming easier to think for myself. I tried to push her out, throwing up walls where I could, but she just laughed at my feeble attempts and barreled through my defenses.

The water was holding her at eye-level with me, only inches away. I tried to move away but the water that was so fluid around her was suddenly holding me firm. I might as well have been incased in concrete up to my chest for all the movement I was allowed. I began to get seriously scared as I felt her rampaging through my mind. Her eyes burned into mine and I couldn’t even look away.

[Want my help now?]

Tetisheri’s eyes widened in surprise. I felt the water around me start to give as she lost her concentration.

*What was that,* she demanded, although there was a tremor of uncertainty in her voice. As for me, I had no idea what or who the voice was, but it offered help and I needed some.

*Yes! Help!*

[About fucking time. Why don’t you wait until we’re half-dead next time. Now, sit back and shut up so I can deal with this fairy bitch.]

I felt like my mind was straddled all of a sudden. Whatever this new presence was it was riding me. Rage coursed through me like electricity down a power line. I was saturated with it. My vision was actually tinged red. With a powerful shove I/we pushed Tetisheri from my mind. She recoiled as if slapped and her face was a mask of fear. The water released it’s grips on me and I surged upwards until I was floating above the surface of the pool. The world around me glowed with life and beneath me Tetisheri cowered. Seeing her terror fed my rage. My nostrils swelled, breathing in deep the stink of her fear.

Realizing the gig was up she gathered her power to her and prepared to jump away. I sensed it all. I could feel her concentration grow as she pulled herself together and felt the power begin to build. It took less then a second but that was more then enough time for me.

“Oh no you don’t river-whore.” With someone else pulling the strings I reached out, my hand pulsing with a radiant white light and I gripped her with my will. I felt her own powers drain away and she cried out as I lifted her, struggling, from the water. She screamed at me in some other language and after a second I realized it was Egyptian. The words translated themselves in my head and I discovered that she wasn’t screaming at me, she was calling for help.

“Yes, call for Set, bitch. Let him come.” My voice was overlaid with something deeper. Like I was speaking in more the one octave. I felt Tetisheri push at me with her power, trying to break free, but it was nothing more then an infant trying to break free from it’s parent.

“What’s wrong, cunt! You’re not so cocky now, are you.”

*Please!* She cried out, tears of terror coursing down her amber cheeks. It came to me then that she had never been afraid before. That made it sweeter. It drove my hunger for her pain to new levels. I wanted to see fairy blood. This new entity in my head, its desires became my desires.

With a thought I flung her into one of the palm trees surrounding the pool. She struck with enough force to make the trunk explode, passing through it and hitting the iron fence on the other side. The fence posts on either side of her were ripped from the ground with an explosion of dirt and concrete and the fence wrapped itself around her, many of the smaller railings snapping free with a loud, metallic clang. The top portion of the palm tree fell with a crash, slamming through a pavilion and smashing several of the deck chairs and tables. She had stopped struggling after she hit the fence and her body lay limp in my grasp. I forced the fence to unbend around her and brought her unconscious form back to me. I surveyed the scene and it looked like a bomb had gone off.

[Now we kill the bitch. We show them what happens when they fuck with us.]

Yes. I hungered for her death. My body tingled with the possibility.

The sky split above me and a beam of light came shooting down. It stuck the ground with a low boom and as it dissipated the form of a man stood there.

“Hermes! So good of you to come. You’re just in time to watch me kill this bag of puss with tits. It does seem a shame to waste such a fine pair though, don’t you think?” I brought her unconscious form close to me and sucked her left nipple into my mouth and releasing it with a pop. “You want a taste?”

Hermes gazed at me, his face as blank as a block of stone. I felt him push gently at my mind, but whatever was calling the shots wasn’t having any of that. It pushed him back hard. Hermes stumbled back a step and when he regained his footing his aura darkened with anger.

“Release her, Stephen.”

“Stephen? Like this worthless human could have done this. He is weak. He does not even possess the strength to keep her from ensnaring our mind. You should have seen him; Drooling and tripping over his own tongue like some kind of fuck-zombie. If I had not stepped in she would have us. He would have us. Then what would you do, huh? What would you tell Big Daddy Zeus? You should be on your knees, thanking your lucky stars that I pulled his ass from the fire.

“As for this bitch,” I gave her body a shake. “For punishment I’m going to stake her to the desert floor and when the sun comes up, watch her burn. Water sprites don’t do well away form their source for long. I’ll bring some marshmallows and chocolate and make s’mores over her flaming corpse.”

Hermes walked the perimeter of the pool slowly, eyeing me with a calculating look. “It would seem Hypnos was right about you. I must say, I doubted his assessment. He’s not the most reliable of sources. You haven’t transcended yet however, that remains to be seen, though it’s obvious that you have it in you. The fault does not lie with me; there is no way I could have known. Still, despite what powers you may yet inherit, they are not yours at this time.” His voice took on the unmistakable tone of threat. “You would be wise to heed my warnings, Stephen. Release her now. You will not kill her.”

I cast Tetisheri aside, feeling my face stretch into a feral grin as her lifeless body rolled across the concrete and into a large stone planter. It cracked in half as she struck it and dirt poured out across her chest. She uttered a small moan but did not awaken. I squared off with Hermes, my rage reaching new levels.

“You know what Hermes? Fuck you. I’m tired of your shit. You stand there looking all faggoty in that black leather jacket and your sunglasses at night, and you think you can tell me what to do. I’ve got the power now.” I brought my glowing hand in front of my face and waved it at him. “Look real enough to you, mother fucker? So you can kiss my ass.”

I reached out for him like I had with Tetisheri when I grabbed her, but all I got was a fist full of air. He was behind me.

“Overpowering a God is a lot different then overpowering a Naiad, human,” He snarled in my ear. “You were warned.”

He grabbed me before I could react and with a flash I found myself staring at a huge cactus. Hermes took a hold of my arms and swung me hard. I was flying through the air and crashed into a large boulder. In my head I knew I should have been dead. I’d struck hard enough to liquefy my major organs, but instead of my body breaking apart on the rock I flipped over it and landed with a thud against the ground.

Just because I wasn’t dead didn’t mean I didn’t wish I was. The pain of a hundred broken bones roared into my mind. I let loose a scream of agony as my body started to re-knit itself. Looking around I saw I was out in the desert, no way of telling where. The pain passed after a moment and I struggled to my feet, a little shaky. I walked around the side of the boulder and saw Hermes standing there, his aura alight with rage.

“Had enough?”

“Get bent, you winged-footed ass clown!” I looked at the boulder, about the size of large truck, and willed it up. With a cry of triumph I threw it at Hermes, who simply watched it come. Just before it hit him I gawked in disbelief as an explosion of light from his eyes hit it and turned it to dust that flew around and settled on the ground. He didn’t even get dirty. Before I could calculate my next move his fist glowed a fiery red and he punched the air in my direction.

A train hit me in the chest. I blacked out and when I opened my eyes again I was staring at the stars. I heard footsteps approaching. I struggled to rise but found I couldn’t move. Hermes’s face broke into my vision and he looked down on me with contempt.

“What did I tell you, human? You could not hope to stop the weakest of us.” His eyes glinted and I felt my ribs break. I couldn’t even scream. “Don’t let your confrontation with the Naiad fool you into thinking you are anything more then what we made you. The only reason you’re alive is because Zeus says not to kill you. He worries what might happen if your life was truly in danger. I will obey Zeus for now, but if I feel you’ve outlived your usefulness I’ll take my chances with the old man and send you from this life screaming. I will banish your soul so deep into Hell that even the demons will pity you.”

He spat at the ground in disgust and disappeared with a flash.

My body was released and I flew up from the ground with a cry of rage. I was not through yet. The thing that was riding my mind wanted to kill someone. Be it God or mortal, it was beyond caring.

It took me back to my apartment and I was staring at Kristel’s door through a haze of insane rage.

*NO! *

[What did you say to me?]

*I’m not going to hurt Kristel.*

[You’ll do what I tell you!]

He reached for the door but I fought him. My hand started for the door but stopped midway as I struggled for control. We went back and forth like that for a few minutes, him filling my head with curses and trying to exert his control. My resolve was weakening, I didn’t know how long I could fight him, but I guess he was getting just as tired.

[Fine! Not her, you say? I’ll just find someone else.]

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
You REALLY need an editor

The story is great but please, please, please get an editor. The spelling is atrocious.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Your writing is amazing. You should consider writing a book for sure!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
could have gone differently

i was half expecting a rage fuck of the water fairy from stephen. could have pulled it off too, infuriating Set for soiling his girl

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
No words

Don't stop writing. Ever.


Kai KenobiKai Kenobialmost 19 years ago
pure exellence

i have to say your writing is exellent i couldnt stop reading. Now i have read many stories on literotica and other sites but yours is by far the most likley to succeed

i personally think they are just as involving as any other Anne rice book

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