Gift From A God Ch. 09


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She had a bra that opened from the front so I didn't have to break the mood by sitting her up and taking it off the hard way. I was in no rush to get her naked; it was fine for her to be in the half-undressed state that I had her. I unclasped the bra and slid the two sides off, exposing her breasts to the air and moved my hand up between them until it was around her neck. I closed my fingers over her throat gently but firmly, and then pulled my hand back between the two mounds of flesh to her midsection.


"Shhh... Not yet." I said quietly. With my hand resting lightly over her warm skin I focused on her and went about fulfilling her request. I moved into her mind and began to manipulate her senses. She was flooded with warmth and in the wake of that I gave her the sensation of fingers running lightly down her spine. I coupled that with kisses on her thighs and nibbles on her ear lobes.

Her body responded in kind. She was rolling and undulating on the bed as she tried to make sense of each new sensation. The tickle of her back, the caress of her inner thighs and the earlobes were all fighting in her mind for dominance, each demanding to be enjoyed. One was more than enough to get her going; all three of them together were pushing her into slow state of ecstasy. I let her simmer for a few moments while I basked in the feelings coming back to me from my link with her

*Do you think you could handle more?*

Her face twisted into a playful smile. {I can handle anything you want to give me.}

*You think so, huh?* I teased.

"Try me," she taunted.

"As you wish." I increased the pressure and gave her the feeling of my mouth on her lips. It was easier now. I remembered before trying to hold this much activity in my head and conduct it had been extremely difficult. It's like walking, chewing gum, rubbing your stomach, patting your head and reciting all the states in alphabetical order, all at the same time. No easy feat. I think the most I cold manage before was three different sensations before my head began to pound. Now, however, this was coming easy. I had the feeling that I could have added five more sensations for her and juggled chainsaws one-handed. That was something to ponder.

Kristel was panting and a string of moans issued from her mouth as I continued. I'm a giver, that's what I am. I smiled and moved my hand down to the hem of her panties, gliding my fingers across it, taking my time. I could smell the dampness coming from her pussy and it made my mouth water and my lips tingle. I brought my finger down the fabric and immediately felt the heat and wetness growing there. I pushed my finger in, finding the crevice between the lips of her pussy and slid it slowly up and down. Kristel felt that cried out.

"Oh god! Ohhhhh my god!"

"You like that?" I teased.

"Uh-huh," she panted. "Ohh fuck, what are you doing to me?"

"Oh...a little of this, a little of that." I gave her nipples a mental nibble, making her twitch and groan.

"Don't stop!"

"Oh," I assured her, "I have no intention of stopping."

I grabbed the sides of her panties and tugged them down. She had enough presence of mind to raise her hips up slightly and I got them all the way down around her ankles, pulling them off and tossing them aside. Her pussy was all in shadow, the candle light glinting softly off the top of her little racing stripe and descending down into that delicious darkness. My fingers danced along her thighs, inching closer to their target as Kristel lost herself in the sensations I was fed her. As fun as this was, I wanted a more hands on approach. Pun intended.

I cocked her right leg, bringing it up to my face, and kissed the inside of her knee. Watching her body bend and sway, I moved my hand between her legs and placed the tip of my finger at the bottom of her drenched pussy. Her eyes opened and she watched me with a smile as I moved it up and down, moistening it. I circled her clit, which brought a little gasp from her, and slowly eased my finger into her pussy. She welcomed me with a long sigh, pushing her hips forward trying to capture more of it.

"Ooo, that's nice." She whispered to me. Her eyes closed and she began to move her hips in time with the little thrusts of my finger. I moved my thumb over her clit and pressed downward, making her whimper and move her hips faster.

"Yessss. Stephen, make me cum! Harder!" she commanded.

She was on fire. I slid a second finger into her snatch and made little circle movements with my thumb. She pushed into my hand and her chest began to heave as she approached her orgasm. Everything happening to her at once was sending her over the edge. My "lips" were still on her nipples, the nibbles on her earlobes, the kissing of her lips... she was brimming over. It was like having every member of an orgy focus totally on one member.

"That's it! Right there! Yes!" A long groan issued from her mouth, followed by several pants as her chest pumped up and down. "Uh...Oh god! Stephen I'm cumming!" The way she said it, the 'ing' drug out for three or four seconds and built in pitch. I held my hand still, letting her cum, as her muscles clenched, her pussy gripping my fingers, and her back drawing up a few inches from the bed until, like a wave crashing on the shore, she collapsed and lay shuddering. Bit by bit I pulled back from her mind, letting her swim in the pool of her ecstasy as I sat beside her caressing her legs.

Just when I thought she might be falling asleep on me, she brought her leg up and kicked me in the arm. Hard. "Ow! What was that for?"

Her face curved into a scowl that didn't reach her eyes, which were twinkling playfully in the candlelight. "For not seducing me months ago, ya' big idiot."

"I couldn't do all the things I can do now months ago."

"Yeah, but you could have still been doing that. You've got great hands." She told me.

"I had to do something," I told her. "I'm not that good looking, so I found other areas to excel at."

"I think you're cute." She sat up and pulled me to her and kissed me hard. Her tongue invaded my mouth as her hands clawed at my back through my shirt. She broke away as she tugged the shirt over my head. "It's my turn now."

"Well, I wasn't keeping score–"

"Shh!" She commanded. "You talk to much sometimes."

*If you say so* I winked at her.

"Hey!" she scolded. "None of that either. Just sit back and enjoy." She pushed me backwards onto the bed and straddled my hips, pushing down on my cock that had long ago gotten hard, and rubbed her hands over my chest. She leaned down, her tits dangling like the most delicious fruits god ever designed, and kissed me. She didn't stay in one place long, she kissed my neck and my shoulder, biting lightly as she went. The way her breath tickled my skin was probably the best part. It flowed warm from her mouth and sent shivers to all my extremities.

Kristel clawed lightly down my chest with just the right amount of pressure to hurt and feel good, drawing little red lines up from my flesh. Her shirt still hung open and loose on her, creating the sexiest darkness in its folds. The flaps draped around her as she leaned forward and continued to massage my chest. God, she was beautiful. I'm happy now, but sometimes I wonder what would have happened if it had been Kristel and not... Well, that's for later.

Kristel's eyes were in shadow as well, but I could see the glimmer of light from deep under the cascade of her hair. She watched me as her hands moved downward to the waist of my pants and she pulled at them, snapping the button free with ease and scooting back to slide the zipper down. She slinked down to her knees in front of me and pulled my pants down, leaving the boxers on, where my dick tented prominently underneath. Her hand quickly worked into the hole in the front wrapped around the middle, giving it a firm squeeze, drawing out a gasp from me.

(Ladies, never underestimate the shear pleasure a guy feels just from having your hand around his dick. It's awesome. Sure, we grab it all the time, but it's like trying to tickle yourself: It's just not the same unless someone else is doing it.)

Anyway, continuing on.

Kristel pulled her clenched hand up slowly, rounding her fingers around the head of my dick, and sliding it all the way to the base where she gave it a tug and popped it through the front of my shorts.

"Mmm, that feels good." I told her.

"You're not the only one with a few tricks, you know."

"Of course not."

She moved in slow, bending her head and letting her hair fall over my dick, and moved it in circles sending shivers down my spine. I felt something warm and soft slide over the head of my cock, followed quickly by the quick strike of a tongue before she moved on. Kristel's head turned a bit and she began to kiss the side of the shaft downward and when she got to the base, moved to the other side and kissed her way back up. She moved slowly, taking pleasure in the act, drawing it out, making me suffer in the most wondrously tormented way.

Her free hand moved up and grabbed my balls and began to massaging and tugging at them, and her other hand began it's slow slide up my cock. I was in agony. I don't think I'd ever wanted to cum so badly in my life and she was somehow keeping me on the cusp. I told you she was good.

"Kuh! Kristel, oh my god!" She hadn't even swallowed me yet and I was so turned on my legs where shaking. I wanted nothing more than to grab the back of her head and push her mouth all the way onto my cock, but that's not my style. Instead I let her go on her own, but told her that whatever she was going to do, to do it fast.

She clicked her tongue at me. "Aww, my poor baby. Does he want me to suck on his cock?"

"Uh-huh" The tremor that was in my legs was moving up to my waist and stomach as her hand traveled with geologic slowness up and down the shaft of my dick. I couldn't resist, I had to do something. I started to bring my hands up to her head, not to force her, but to maybe gently persuade her to go where I wanted.

"Ah ah ah" she said, backing away a little bit and shaking my hands free from her head. "If you interfere I stop and you'll be left to finish up on your own. You don't want that, do you?" The hand around my balls squeezed enticingly.

"But, but–" I sputtered.

"That's the deal. Hands back at your sides if you want me to continue." She smiled sweetly at me.

I hesitated a second to long and Kristel started to release the base of my cock. Getting that she was serious, I dropped my hands back to indicate my submission.

"Okay, you win. I can't take to much of this though."

"Don't worry babe, I'll take good care of you." She said in a voice that moved over me like silk; heavy and slick with promise. I threw my head back and could only moan as she started again.

Her hand wrapped itself back around my twitching cock and she began her slow journey back to the top. Her mouth was close; I could feel the breath swirling around the tip as she breathed. I shoved a pillow under my head to prop myself up just in time to see her bend my cock towards her face and rub the tip over her lips.

"Kristel. Ohhhh Christ!" I grabbed a fistful of sheet in each hand and tugged. Her head dipped down and her tongue swirled around my balls, probing and curling around each one individually, her hand still working on my cock that was now shiny with precum. I felt her close her lips around one and suck, pulling outward and stretching it until it was pulled tight, then relaxing and pulling the other one in her mouth to repeat the process.

"I think you're ready now." Kristel whispered up to me. "And I hate seeing you suffer so much. Look at you, you're shaking so hard you're going to fall off the bed."

I don't know if it would have gone that far, but it did feel like I was shaking something loose. My dick was swollen and pulsing, and I was breathing in pants.

"Kristel," I pleaded, "let me cum. Please let me cum!"

"All you had to do was beg." She gave me a wicked little grin and at long last, brought her lips to my cock. They parted like the gates of heaven and her tongue snaked out and swirled around the head of my cock, collecting the moisture it found there and adding a bit of its own. Her luscious, fabulous, delicious lips molded themselves around my dick and she sunk down and brought heaven with her.

I pushed my hips up and groaned and felt myself close to cumming already. Under normal circumstances I would have felt a little self-conscious about that, cumming so fast, but the woman had done unnatural things to my cock and there was just no avoiding it. Kristel knew it and was prepared. Her head started to pick up speed and she tightened her grip as her hand worked in conjunction with her mouth. Her cheeks caved in on the upstroke and I felt that delicious suction on my cock.

Kristel took her mouth off and jacked it quick several times, using the moment to catch her breath. "I like this part," she whispered to me before her mouth resumed its work.

Her lips closed back around my cock and she slid down, her teeth catching slightly in a way that I felt was deliberate. The extra sensation made me jump and it hurt a bit, but her tongue quickly soothed the sting and I fell deeper into the world of my ecstasy.

My orgasm was building with a quickness. The muscles in my thighs began to contract, my toes curled in on themselves and my breath became ragged. Kristel's pace picked up and her hand tugged at my balls, rolling them softly in her fingers. She came about halfway down on my cock and stopped, applying pressure and working it with her tongue as her other hand moved up and down beneath her lips. I couldn't handle it anymore and with a loud cry I exploded into her mouth.

My hips pushed forward, Kristel's head moving up in response, and my body began to twitch and spasm. I felt her mouth working to swallow the seemingly endless amounts of cum that came shooting from my dick. God I love that feeling. It's more mental than physical. It's like the knowing what she's doing heightens the otherwise mundane feeling. Then there's the soft swallowing sounds that soon follow. I heard the slurping noises as air was drawn in form around her lips as she worked to get all of it down and the mental picture of her was enough to draw one more spasm out of my sexually tortured body.

She kept going, long after my balls had been emptied and I held out as long as I could before I couldn't stand it anymore and had to pull away. I lay breathing heavily as I felt Kristel get up a moment. I heard her sink come on and a moment later she was back. Her body came down softly next to mine and I opened my arm to her, cuddling her in my embrace.

"Sorry, had to get some water." She said.

"No problem." I told her, "I like it and everything, but you don't have to swallow if you don't like it."

"Oh I like it," she said. "I mean I like how it makes me feel and I like how it makes you feel, but that doesn't mean it tastes like honey."

"How does it make you feel?"

"Mmm, kind of naughty," she said. Kristel turned in to me and brought her leg up over my waist and draped her leg casually between mine, her calf pressing pleasantly up against my cock.

"Well you're welcome to it anytime you like," I said with a grin.

"Har har," Kristel said, chuckling. "I bet I am."

I turned my head slightly and kissed her forehead and luxuriated in her warmth. My breathing began to slow as my heartbeat resumed its normal beating and I felt the same in Kristel. Her hand had stopped its slow caress of the hair on my chest as she slowly settled in to sleep. Sleep came to me like a slow tide on a moonlight night and for the first time in days I was blissfully free of dreams.


"So, who's Katie?"

I rolled over slowly, stretching my arms out over my head, before promptly burying my head back into the pillow. It was too early to be up. Around noon, but still much to early.

"Whmph?" is all I mumbled by way of reply.

"Katie," Kristel repeated, "Is she a friend of yours?"

I turned over and slipped up beside her, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her close, so we were spooning. "Yes, a friend. I met her right before I left a couple of weeks ago. She called?"

"Yes, a few times. She sounded kind of upset that you weren't calling her back." Kristel didn't sound mad, not like jealous, I think she was just a little surprised that I'd apparently had someone else on the side. Maybe she was just curious about how she would fit in with Katie also in the picture. It was taking a lot of self-discipline not to read her mind, but a promise was a promise. I hate being so damned honest.

"I met her at Gameworks, we spent the night together at the Hilton."

"You took her to theHilton?" Now she was jealous.

"I'd have been happy to take you babe, but it was when you were taking the time to think about my proposal. I took Carlos and Brandon out for some fun and met her along the way."

I pushed my nose into the folds of her hair and breathed deep, feeling sleep tug at me again. Her nude body fit so nicely against mine and she smelled so good. She was made for relaxing next to. I stroked her arm idly and kissed her shoulder a few times for good measure. Kristel responded by scooting back into me wrapping her arm around where mine was draped over stomach.

"Just as long as you take me, I guess I can forgive you."

What? That didn't work. To much shit had happened there, I'd never stay in a Hilton again, not ever.

"Um, I don't think that's such a great idea." I said slowly. I was awake now. I'd been doing okay putting it out of my mind until then, but the thought of going back, even as an idle comment, I couldn't handle that. I pulled away from her warmth and got up to go take a shower.


I left her room without responding and went to my bathroom, shutting the door. I was all stirred up now; I needed a few moments to myself. I turned on the shower and stood under the steaming water, shivering in spite of the heat, and tried to calm myself. It helped some, the water worked to relax some of the muscles in my back that seemed to get tense all of a sudden. I soaped up, rinsed and got out, feeling a little guilty that'd I'd been so short with Kristel.

I went to my room and put on some clean cloths and knocked softly on Kristel's door.


I pushed it open and walked in, staying near the doorway. I could tell she was upset with me; I didn't need to read her mind to figure that out. She'd been through a lot the last couple of weeks while I was...indisposed, and was not happy that I wasn't letting her in on it. Then abruptly leaving as I had earlier, that didn't help either.

Kristel was sitting up on her bed, the remote in one hand and idly channel surfing. She had put on that little blue dress and an empty bowl of cereal was sitting on her nightstand. She didn't look at me as I came in. I leaned against her vanity and tried to go about apologizing.

"I'm sorry about just now, Kristel. And about leaving like I did."

"Oh, are you?" she said, with an exaggerated tone of disinterest.

"Look, this isn't easy for me."

"Guess what Stephen: Not everything is about you. I didn't ask for you to include me in all of this. So much shit has happened that I still don't know if I believe it. Do you have any idea howunbelievable it is? Have you ever stopped for a minute to think about the stuff that you do? I start thinking that maybe there really is a devil because you must have sold your soul to him."

"No, it's nothing like that?" Although I was beginning to wonder if that wasn't the case.

"Well what then; some super-secret government project? Genetic mutation? Have you been playing out in the desert by Palo Verde? Aliens? What am I supposed to think? You tell me. Put yourself in my shoes and tell me what to think about all of it." She tossed the remote and stood up to face me. Her face was set and her eyes were glaring. "And then you just leave. No note, no phone call, no nothing. You get back and I can tell something's wrong with you, but you won't talk to me, so I'm even more in the dark. Goddamn it, talk to me! Tell me something that makes any kind of sense. Please!"