Girl Goes Native

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A hot girl in a land with evil spirits. What could go wrong?
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A Hot girl in a land with Evil spirits. What could go wrong?

This is a longish story. It takes a while to get to the action. If you give the story time to unfold you'll find anal, group sex, incest, non-consent, oral, and regular sex.

Most of the details in this story about the natives are true. I incorporated the beliefs of the Tapirape people concerning the sex lives of pregnant women and not having more than three children into this yarn.

My thanks to deltablonde for editing this story.


Late May

"Do you think Brock likes me?" Raquel asked her friend Karen forlornly. The two high school seniors were speaking over the telephone.

Raquel was feeling blue. She was worried that she might have lost her mojo. Her long-time boyfriend, Winston, the guy she had given her virginity to, had cheated on her. Of course, she broke up with the bum even though the prom was only two weeks away.

She and her best friend were trying to line up a prom replacement date. It wasn't just because Raquel had already bought the dress. Damn It! She wanted to show everyone that she was okay and had moved on.

"Yeah. Totally. Billy said so," Karen answered. Billy was Karen's boyfriend.

The garage door opened noisily. That sound was followed by a voice calling out, "Raquel."

She hollered back in response, "I'm in the family room." Then she spoke into the phone, "Is Brock going to ask me to the prom?"

"Maybe. It would be cool to go to the prom together, just like we had planned," Karen said. Raquel could hear her BFF's smile and enthusiasm through the phone. It made her feel better.

Raquel's parents came into the family room. They paced anxiously and kept glancing at her. She got the hint and said into the phone, "Karen, I've got to go. My parents want to talk to me."

"I'll get Billy to work on Brock. Bye."

Raquel hung up the phone and asked, "What's up?"

"We have fantastic news," her father, Henrik, said. "Our grant request has been approved. We are going to the Amazon to study the Tapirapé people. They are an indigenous tribe who has had nearly no contact with the modern world!"

"We leave the week after you graduate. Isn't that terrific!" her mother said gleefully.

Inwardly Raquel groaned. She responded with much less enthusiasm than her parents, "Yeah. Great."

Her parents had been talking about doing something like this for years. It was their dream, their 'white whale'. This was a unique, career-making opportunity for an anthropologist and both her parents were university professors of anthropology.

Raquel knew what this meant. She had no possibility of a summer romance with Brock.


Late June

The Larsson family, Henrik, Barbara and daughter Raquel, traveled by plane, train, automobile and eventually canoes to make it to the isolated village. Along the way, the parents discussed how to approach the natives and integrate themselves into village life.

"So let me see if I have this right," Raquel said. "The same parents who forced me to change because they thought my skirt was too short to go to the mall, and who nixed my choice of a prom dress because they felt it showed too much cleavage, are now telling me I will be buck naked in a village with a hundred strangers?"

"Dear," her mother responded earnestly. "We want to assimilate and to be accepted by the community. They do not wear clothes so we will not wear clothes."

"Oh this gets better and better," Raquel said sarcastically. "I get to see my mother and father nude 24/7."

"Being naked may be a little awkward at first, pumpkin," her father said, "But you'll get used to it and the lack of clothing will make the heat and humidity more bearable."

Raquel was momentarily overwhelmed by the proposition. Then she was struck by the absurdity of their conversation and she started to laugh. When she caught her breath, Raquel said,

"At first blush, the idea of us being nude in the jungle seems bizarre, but I do understand the reason. The goal is to be accepted by the tribe so you two can learn as much as possible about every aspect of their lives. Intellectually, I get it."

She said that with conviction, but she still was troubled by the idea. To convince herself, she added,

"Dad is Swedish. Our family has adopted his casual attitude towards nudity. Mother and I have been to European beaches and gone swimming topless and au naturel. And in our home, it is not unusual or a big deal to see one of us walking naked to or from the shower. I'll be okay."


As their guide brought them to the village, he explained his plan.

"I have visited and traded with these people a few times. I will introduce you to the main members of the tribe and vouch for you. I will explain that you are good people who wanted to spend some time with them. You should give them gifts. If all goes well, they will invite us to share a meal."

That was how it went. Through hand gestures and stilted conversations in languages neither party completely understood, rudimentary ideas were expressed. The villagers were amenable to letting the Larsson's stay. They found them interesting. No one in the village had met a white female before and no one had ever seen someone with blonde hair like Raquel's.

Henrik walked the guide back to his canoe and said, "Thank you for your help."

"You're certain you want to stay here with your family?"

"Yes. These people are simple hunter/gatherers, not a war-like tribe of cannibals. We'll be okay."

Henrik sent the guide on his way. He returned to his family and led them to the center of the village.

"This is the moment that will make or break us. We need the tribe to accept us," Henrik said. He added, "As we discussed, we should undress."

"Yes," his wife agreed. She began to unbutton her blouse.

"I can't," Raquel cried. "I know I said I could. I agreed with you that it was necessary. But now that the time has come to actually get naked in front of strangers, I'm scared. All the people are staring at me. I can't. I just can't."

Raquel burst into tears and hugged her mother. Her mother understood her trepidation. She comforted her. Speaking softly she said, "You cannot let fear limit you otherwise you'd never leave the house. Remember when you were six and you were too scared to ride your new bike? After you learned how to ride, we couldn't keep you off it."

"Yes," she said skeptically.

"And the time we moved and you were scared about going to a new school? Within a week you had three new friends, good friends that stuck with you through all the drama of high school."

Raquel nodded. Her mother continued,

"You learn and grow from every experience. You wouldn't be you, my strong, courageous, confident girl if you hadn't faced your fears. You've overcome them in the past, you will in the future.

"We Larsson's aren't cowered by our fears. We understand it's a normal part of life. Something to be overcome.

"Life is a series of crossroads. Let reason be your guide and the knowledge that a life well lived is one where you challenge yourself.

"Raquel, we are at one of those crossroads. You understand and have accepted our reasons to get undressed. Take a long, deep breath and settle yourself. I have a question for you."

Barbara paused and waited for her daughter to exhale. Then she put her hand on Raquel's chin, and lifted her face up so they were looking into each other's eyes and she asked,

"What'll it be, daughter? Do we go big or go home?"

Raquel thought it over. She said, "I've been afraid before and battled through it. Funny, once I've overcome my fear, it was never as bad as I'd imagined. This means so much to you guys. We've traveled so far. I have to do it. I CAN do it."

Raquel kissed her mother on the cheek. She stepped back and pulled her top off. She nimbly undid her bra. As her clothes fell to the ground, she said,

"You're right Mom. Sometimes you just have to do the thing you think you can't do."

She continued to disrobe. Her shorts, shoes, and panties soon joined her other discarded clothes on the ground. Her parents smiled; proud of their brave girl. They quickly undressed. Then, the nude Larsson clan sat cross-legged in the village square.

The whole tribe came over and chattered about the newcomers. They made quite a fuss over Raquel. She dealt with it. The villagers were intrigued by her blonde hair, the carpet as well as the drapes, and her pretty pink nipples. No other woman in the tribe had light colored areolas.

Raquel had overcome her initial fear of being nude in public and had undressed. However, some of her anxiety returned as the villagers examined her. She sat with one arm draped over her breasts and a hand covering her crotch. Her parents sat relaxed and fully exposed. They weren't concerned about their state of undress. They were focused on the tribespeople and their behavior.

When yet another person stepped up close to her and studied her blonde locks, Raquel asked nervously, "Mom, are you sure someone will invite us to live with them?"

"You are quite the attraction, daughter. Someone will be proud to have you in their house if for nothing more than to make their neighbors envious," her mother explained.

One of the village matriarchs came forward and motioned for them to follow her. Barbara said, "There, just as I said. Now we can get a look at the inside of one of the houses."

Henrik said, "Yes. They look to be simple structures. I'd estimate 12 feet wide and 35 feet long. The walls and roof are constructed of palm leaves."

Their hostess led them inside. It was an open design with no internal partitions. Four to six families might live in one house. They would discover later that all the women of a house were related -- mother, daughters, granddaughters. Their husbands and kids lived with them. Each family occupied a section of the house.

Late July

The next month passed quickly. Their housemother integrated them into village life. Barbara and Raquel were included in whatever task the village women did. Henrik went with the men.

Gradually, the Larsson's learned the native's language. It was based on the Tupi language. As scholars, Barbara and Henrik, were familiar with it. Raquel had a natural gift for learning languages. She didn't become as fluent as her parents, but she picked up enough to get by.

Barbara and Henrik were very pleased to be in the Amazon. They were learning a lot about how the tribe lived. They believed their research paper would further the world's knowledge of indigenous peoples.

Raquel was getting along okay. It wasn't nearly as bad as she had feared that day when they first arrived. In a few days, she overcame her dread of being naked. The saving grace was the tribespeople didn't make a big deal about it. They were interested in meeting her and learning about her, but no one sexually harassed, gawked at or made fun of her.


One night after dinner, Barbara braided Raquel's hair and said, "You seem to be making friends."

"Yeah. I've clicked with Bora and Kaba. It so odd that everyone my age is married and has at least one kid."

"There are no other choices for women here. If the tribe is to survive, they must have children. A female here is considered a woman and eligible to be married as soon as she menstruates. In this village, it isn't unusual to find girls of twelve and thirteen who are married."

"Old enough to bleed. Old enough to breed," Raquel said crudely.

"That is crass, but accurate," her mother responded. "These are simple people. Clothes are not needed because it's warm all year long, so they don't wear any. Children are necessary so when a female is capable of producing them, she does.

"They marry and have their children young. But in a sense, they have to. The average indigenous Amazonian dies in their thirties. You've noticed there are no sixty, seventy or eighty-year-olds in the village. A fifty-year-old person is considered ancient here."

"Yeah. They have very few elders."

"This is an unforgiving world. Have you noticed that at most families only have three children? They think that a man cannot support more than three children," Barbara said.

"I"m surprised they can manage that without birth control pills."

"From the beginning of time, women have had to come up with strategies to prevent unwanted pregnancies. These women are no different."

"But, how? They have no technology."

"There's always the usual means, coitus interruptus, and the rhythm method . . ."

Raquel laughed and interjected, "Isn't it funny that guys think it's so hot and that you're doing him a big favor by letting him blow his load on your face or tits when really you don't want it in your cooch because it's a bad time of the month!"

"Yes. The things we women do to keep our men happy. Speaking of which, what do you think of the tea all the women drink?"

"It's very bitter."

"The women here have discovered that a local plant, the Common Rue, is a natural contraceptive. They put the flowers in their food and make their bitter tea from it."

"Wow! They are pretty smart. Hey, I've had their tea. Are you saying I'm protected?"

Her mother nodded. "Also the women sometimes insert a barrier to block sperm. They use cotton dipped in honey to prevent the sperm from getting into their uterus. And they dip the cotton in something acidic to make their vaginas less hospitable to sperm."

"So they make their own cervical cap and spermicide."

"Yes, they do."

Raquel's thoughts went back to something her mother had said earlier. "Mom, you said they restrict their families to three kids because that's all one man can support. I know of no family in the village with more than three children. No contraceptive is one hundred percent . . ."

"Infanticide," Barbara said gravely. "They strictly enforce the three child rule. Additional children are killed."

"That's . . ." Raquel was about to say 'horrible', but knowing the difficulty of living as stone age people in a hostile environment, she substituted "tough" and her eyes watered at the thought of killing a newborn infant.

"They live in a harsh world. Resources are scarce. Now you understand why the women drink the bitter rue tea and do the other unpleasant things. They are small inconveniences compared to the trauma of killing a child.

"They do love and take care of the children they have," Barbara said. "They avoid having them close together. A new mother will breastfeed for three years. This delays the return of her period. The parents also refrain from intercourse for this span.

"Unlike some cultures, pregnant women in this tribe do not refrain from having sex. In fact, they encourage it. They believe a man's sperm actually makes the growing fetus stronger and healthier. They believe in this so much, that the pregnant woman will have sex with men other than her husband."

"Whoa!" Raquel exclaimed.

"Of course we know that idea is nonsense, though it does actually provide some benefits to the child. Every man the mother has sex with is considered to be the father. The men take that role seriously. They bring food and gifts to the mother-to-be and look out for the child after it is born. They view it as one of their own."

"Ah . . . Ah," Barbara was embarrassed and stammered. "Dear, this brings up a delicate subject. The men of the tribe are not that big. They range from five feet to five feet six inches in height. Your father is over six feet tall and he is bigger and stronger than the indigenous men.

"The pregnant women have asked and I'm sure will continue to ask him to have intercourse with them. They hope his size and strength will be transferred to the child. He has accommodated them."


"Daughter, it is an honor to be asked and it would be rude to decline."

"You condone his philandering?"

"Yes. In fact, I encourage it. It shows how well we have been integrated into village life. And while we are on the subject of sex, I too will engage in coitus. We are here to study and learn. The sexual mores and practices of the tribe are just as important a subject as their religious beliefs and the social and economic aspects of their culture."

Raquel was flabbergasted, but the feeling faded. She knew her parents loved one another. She also knew that they were so dedicated to their profession that no sacrifice would be too much for them to bear. Look at what they had been willing to do so far? They were here, naked, in this hot, bug-infested, hellhole.

Barbara continued, "Honey, I am telling you this not to freak you out, but so you won't be shocked . . ."

Raquel finished her sentence. "When I see you two having sex with villagers? Thanks. I understand and I appreciate you telling me. Seeing people have sex is one of the weirder things about being here.

"They don't go out of their way to make a spectacle of themselves when having sex, but still it is mildly shocking. I get it. There are no private rooms or even doors to close. It's the whole communal living thing. Still, it surprises me when I see the villagers having sex."

"You don't have to deny yourself while you're here. Have a dalliance or take care of yourself."

"MA!" Raquel exclaimed in a whiny fashion. "I'm still embarrassed about the discussion we had when I was twelve and you told me that masturbation is natural and normal. We don't need to revisit that topic."

Barbara smiled and teased her embarrassed offspring. "The men here would be glad to lay with the blonde princess."

Raquel covered her ears and she made a loud nonsensical noise. "La la la la." Then she said, "I can't hear you," as she walked away quickly.


A few days later, over dinner Raquel asked her father, "What's up with Achuchi? He's creepy."

"He is the village shaman. He may seem odd."

"He's often intoxicated," Barbara chipped in.

"Well, yes," Henrik said. "He doses himself heavily with tobacco and a homemade alcoholic beverage. He does it to achieve an altered state of consciousness so he can commune with the spirits."

"Right," Raquel said sarcastically. "We had guys like that in school. We called them stoners."

Barbara said, "Their view of the world is different from ours. They believe that it's not just people who have souls. They think some animals, plants, rocks and rivers have a spirit. Spirits exist in thunder and the wind too. And there are also the souls of the dead. They believe spirits and souls are all around them.

"Some of these entities are good, but most are considered evil and capable of causing harm. The people believe Achuchi can speak to and protect them from these spirits. That makes him an important person. They give him gifts for providing protection."

"Oh," Raquel said. "That explains it. I've seen many of the women giving him blowjobs and fucking him. He has insinuated I should have sex with him to gain his guardianship."

"I really don't think that is necessary," her father said softly. Raquel was eighteen and technically an adult, but like many fathers, Henrik wasn't ready to think of his daughter as sexually active.


Raquel woke to the sounds of sex. She opened her eyes to see her father on top of her mother. The two moved rhythmically in the early dawn. Her mother moaned loudly and then, as if catching herself, she brought her hand to her mouth to muffle her groans of pleasure.

Henrik recognized the high state of arousal of his wife. It drove him to fuck her with greater energy. He brought her to a splendid climax and then drove in deep, depositing a heavy load, before rolling off her.

Raquel stared at his messy, still twitching cock. Then she looked at her glowing mother. A massive creampie oozed out of her soiled twat.

Barbara and Henrik rested, shared a kiss and then like giddy teenagers, the two of them ran outside to bathe in the river. Raquel was stunned by what she had witnessed. This was the first time she had seen her parents have sex. It was raw, passionate sex. The scene reminded her that it had been a long time since she had enjoyed the company of a man.