Girlfriend Wears My Sister's Panties


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We came simultaneously, it seemed, as my semen shot out and she gushed into my free hand. She immediately fell forward into a pool of my cum and began panting. For my part I sat there on my knees enjoying the sight and logging away this fantasy for future use. Elise flipped over and smiled at me. "Fuck, two nights in a row it's that good? These panties are DOING IT for you! I think we're on to something."

"You may be right," I smiled hugging her close to me.

"Yeah, you really seem to go for them! I guess it's the new styles. I've never really worn these styles for you, so it must get you good."

"Yeah... that must be it." I offered lamely, thinking of my secret. God, what if Elise knew? If she knew ONE of the thoughts I've had in the past two nights... Jesus, that'd be the end.

"Yeah. I'm glad I picked these two styles. I know the first one was a little on the big side, but I think this one fits pretty fucking well." She snapped the triangle against her pubis as she showed me how tight it was.

"Hah, yeah, it was NICE and snug." I said with a grin. "I was getting IN there though."

"Fuck, I know," she smiled back. "I wonder if they fit Chelsea the same," she pondered.

"What," I asked, not sure where this was going.

"You know, she's a bit curvier than me so I wonder if it was tighter on her or something."

"Yeah," I said, "Probably."

She smiled at me.

"Oh well," she said, rubbing her mound gently to calm it. "I like how her stuff fits me. It's great feeling like I've got a whole drawer of panties just waiting in the other room in case I need them."

"Yeah," I said, "No complaints here!" I smiled in agreement. She looked at the ceiling and considered it a moment.

"She's got so many different varieties in there. It's amazing."

"Great," I said, "Lots of things to play with!" I was nervous to throw out this vague suggestion that this panty borrowing would continue, but fortunately Elise didn't seem fazed.

"Yeah, there's some cute boyshorts, some really cute teddies that nearly fit me, and so much satin. She has so much satin in there." It was weird to be having this open conversation about my sister's panty drawer with my girlfriend, but she seemed like she was just really pleased to have found something I liked so much. Would we really keep taking this borrowed panty thing further?

I found out the next night that the answer was a resounding yes. We ended our Sunday on the couch as we finished a TV show. We smiled at each other and snuggled, both anticipating what was to come for our last night without my sister in the apartment. We finally decided it was time, and I led her down the hallway, and to the left. But before I could pull her across the threshold into our room she stopped me with, "Hold on, hold on. Let's go decided together what you want me to wear for you tonight." She pulled me to the right before my mind could comprehend what she meant. But in a moment we had crossed the line into my sister's room and Elise was leading me to the foot of Chelsea's bed, sitting me down.

"What?" I said, feeling like I was just coming to.

"Just let me know if you want me to try one on," she said, apparently repeating herself.

I looked as she opened a drawer and soon had her hands buried in layers and layers of silk, satin, lace, and fluff. My girlfriend's hands were in my sister's panty drawer. My girlfriend was sifting through my sister's panties, searching for ones to put on for me! My girlfriend was dressing up in my sister's underwear for me. So many pairs of panties that had been worn, so much contact with those forbidden lips. And now those lips basically pressed against my girlfriend's pussy lips? What a meeting of my worlds, now not imagining my girlfriend as my sister, but imagining my girlfriend WITH my sister. Oh god, her acknowledgement of my fantasy for my sister. Jesus, hearing her talk about it... that'd be fucking hot.

"Nick! Come on, do you want me in one of these?"

I looked up and Elise was holding two pairs of panties in her hands, a pair of blue boyshorts, and a pink string bikini. "I know you like the string bikini look on my ass," Elise said, "Do you want me to slip these on?" She held up the pair of underwear and I shook my head to clear it. "Sure, yeah." I said to appease her.

"Do you not want me to?" She asked, looking a little concerned. "I thought you'd be excited at a new pair."

"No, no, I am." I promised. "You can put those on."

"Well, you just don't seem super interested. Does it bug you that they're Chelsea's? I don't know if that's weird for you."

Ummm, how to answer this question. Of course that didn't bug me. It's fucking hot that you're wearing my sister's panties! I like that! Certainly I couldn't say that to her...

"No, no. Of course it's not." I said quickly. "I don't mind. It's not a big deal."

"Not a bid deal that her pussy's been in these?" She asked, holding up another pair.

"Whatever, they've been washed, I'm sure."

"That's true." She said. "All right, if you don't mind, that's all right. So what do you want me to put on?" She said.

"Well, let me come take a look," I said, joining her at the open drawer. I gazed down into the gauze and saw so much color. So many places where my sister's cunt had touched. Elise sifted through them, being purposefully "sexy" with her finger.

"Which ones..." she said in a singsong to me.

"Fuck, these are so hot," I said as I took in all of Chelsea's lace. "God damn these are hot."

"Woah, take it easy." Elise joked at me. "I'll put them on! Just give me time." She stepped into the boyshorts and modeled them for me, pulling a closet door mirror open so she could reflect on both sides. I admired her ass in those shorts got on my knees briefly to have her ass cheeks suffocate me for a moment through the cotton. She wiggled her ass and pulled away, and as she did I opened my mouth wide clamped onto her butthole through the material, blowing hot air out as I did so. "Oh god!" She jumped, "Take it easy! Chelsea's butt has been in these too you know!"

"I know," I said with an easy smile.

"And it's no big deal?" She said.

"And it's no big deal.

She changed in and out of several pairs of panties, always posing and bending for me and then returning them to the drawer from whence they came. She was pulling out another pair, and at the same time I picked up one soft pair with a white ruffle. As Elise examined her pair I brought the panties up to my face and sniffed in the perfumed scent. "Yep, I guess you really don't care." Said Elise with a straight face. "You REALLY don't care." She looked at me weird and I just brought the panties down and opened them for her.

"These are sexy as fuck. You can't blame me." She seemed to like this answer, smiling back.

"Yes, I get that you REALLY like these panties. I just thought that you'd like ME in them!" From her smirk I could tell she was joking, but she was certainly hinting at something, throwing it out there, but then letting it rest. "Come on," she said let's pick which pair of your sister's panties I'm going to wear while you fuck me."

Well that got me going. I lunged into the drawer, searching for the perfect pair, my dick growing noticeably in my pants. Elise noticed and laughed, digging in with me. She seemed to shrug her shoulders a bit but didn't say anything. "Let me see what's in the back," Elise said as she reached into the darkness of the drawer. "Whoops," she said, "don't think I want to find out what that is." She said this in a singsong voice. "Oh man, THIS you're not going to want to see." She chuckled and paused her hand.

"What?" I asked, not understanding.

"You said you're comfortable with this, but I think this might tip the balance and make you not." She said with an awkward smile. "I don't know if you should see it."

My face was nothing but questions, as I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Maybe just pick a pair?" Elise said with hesitation.

"No, what'd you find?" I asked, now curious. "What is that?"

"Nothing," she said. "Nothing."

"No, come on. Now I want to know."

"You sure?" She teased me, pushing her hand deeper in the drawer. "You think you can handle it?"

"Come on!" I said, and she shrugged as she slid her hand out from the drawer, a medium-sized pink vibrator clutched in her hand.

"Hah!" She said, as she saw my eyes widen at the phallus. "Think you're comfortable with that?!" She was throwing this at me as a challenge, I could tell. "You think that's no big deal?"

"No," I said, "That's fucking sexy." And as if I were in a trance I reached out, grabbed my sister's vibrator, and put my mouth directly on it. First I kissed the side of it, my lips making contact with the bright pink plastic that had known my sister's depths. I stuck my tongue out and ran it up the length of the prong, being wet and wild with my muscle and getting saliva everywhere. I sucked the tip of it in past my lips, imitating the pussy that this dildo travels in and out of, making my mouth the muscles of my sister's pussy.

I opened my eyes as I pulled her toy out of my mouth and I saw Elise staring. She was sort of shaking her head in disbelief, a faint smile on her lips. "Wow," she said, "I guess I was right, you do like her panties. Like, because they're HER panties." I looked at the dildo, knowing I was screwed and totally caught. I held it in my hand and looked up at Elise. "I don't know." I said, as impossible as that sounds.

"You don't know," Elise asked, her voice not rising, but sounding a little incredulous. "You just sucked off that vibrator after I pulled it out of your sister's panty drawer. Is that not a big deal?"

I didn't know what to say, so I just kept holding the vibrator.

"I mean, it's not a big deal to me," she said, shrugging again. "It's just that it is to a lot of people, so I'm surprised."

"Well, okay..." I admitted as she stood there at the panty drawer and looked at me. "Yeah, I do like all these panties, and I like them because they look good on you, and I like them because Chelsea's been in them."

"What do you mean?" Elise asked as a real question and not an accusation.

"I just started thinking about it while we were fucking in them, and it's hot, I guess." I explain in the most basic of manners.

"Man, that's a big taboo," said Elise, sighing. "Crazy."

"Yeah, well, it's new to me." I said. "Like literally this weekend."

"Oh yeah, I know. I know." She said to calm me. "I know that. But it's just a big one! You know!"

"Yeah," I said.

"Man," she said with a nod, as if she'd decided something. "That's crazy. Okay, so what's hot? You like that she wore these? You like that they've been on her pussy?"

"Yep," I nodded in agreement. "That's about it."

"So you like to look at these little crotch areas," she asked me, "And picture Chelsea's pussy in them."

"Yeah," I answered. It's, uh— it was my sister's pussy that was in them, so I guess that's wrong and hot."

"Yes," she agreed. "Wrong and hot. So you like these?" She asked as she picked up a lacy purple pair. "You like that her pussy was here?" She exposed the crotch of the panties and held them up to me. "Your sister's pussy was right there?'

Holy fuck, how did this happen? How is my girlfriend talking to me about my sister's pussy?

"Yep, I bet they pressed up against that fabric right there. Her lips," I said, "Chelsea's pussy lips."

"Yep, your sister, Chelsea." She grinned. She seemed to be enjoying this as much as I was. "Well, Chelsea's pussy was right here," she said, holding the panties up. "Do you want a taste?"

"Fuck, yes." I said, "Yes I want to lick those."

"Okay, come here, " she said. "Come and lick your little sister's panties.

I leaned in and prepared but she stopped me saying, "Hold on, I want a taste too." She saw my eyes go wide. "She's your little sister, but she's my best friend. Let's both taste her." I was in shock as we both leaned in and began licking the gusset of my sister's panties. Elise's lips were open and she laughed wickedly as our tongues touched. We met with the panties between us, basically beginning to make out around the underwear. My tongue interceded with the panties, entered Elise's mouth, and twisted around with a phantom taste of my sister.

We came up for air and Elise was all smiles. "Fuck, you're right. It is hot." She said.

"Really?" I asked, incredulous.

"Well, yeah!" She said, "Fucking wrong and hot! I mean, it's not like you're ever going to fuck your sister, but we can fantasize about it all we want! She'll have no idea." I couldn't believe this. Fucking seriously? "I mean, we can do all sorts of stuff. I can try her stuff on, you can use her name, we could do stuff right here in her room."


"Yeah, why not? Here, get on the bed." I got onto my sister's bed and immediately felt weird. This was her little sanctuary that I never came into. Elise pushed me back on the bed and pulled my shoes and pants off. Feeling my bare skin against Chelsea's quilt gave me a chill and definitely had me convinced. Elise headed for the panty drawer again. She tossed a frilly red pair at me, and then dug in for one more. "Oh fuck, you might like this." She said as she hid something behind her back. "Chelsea had another surprise for us!" She whipped her hands from behind her back and showed me a small, silver butt plug she had found in the back of the drawer.

"Fuck," I said, rolling my eyes in anticipation.

"What... are we gonna do... with this?" She asked in her singsong voice. She climbed up on the bed over me, pulling my underwear off and straddling me in her yellow panties. She waved the butt plug in front of me and shamelessly smiled. "Think you'd like this?" She asked, making me say it.

"Oh fuck yes," I answered. "Yeah, I want that."

"It's been in some tight places," she teased, "Where do you wanna see it now? Want to taste this too?" Before I could nod Elise gently pushed the metal past my lips and into my mouth. I lay there, swirling my tongue around it as Elise said, "In your sister's butt, and into your mouth." She grinned as she pulled it in and out of my mouth a little bit. "And I want a taste," she said, plucking it from my mouth and sliding it into hers. "Well, just make sure this toy does all the rounds." She turned around on me, into a 69 position and tossed the plug back to me. "Okay," she said, "Pull aside your sister's panties and plug that little bum." I couldn't wait to do as I was told and I reached up to swipe away the soft yellow material.

"Now look at that ass," Elise told me, "Can you picture your sister's ass up in the air, hovering over your face, pussy lips spread like this?" Her face was sideways on the mattress, and she looked back at me.

"Oh, yeah," I told her, "I'm pretty much seeing Chelsea's ass right now."

"Perfect," she purred, "Now imagine she's putting on a little show for you. Little Chelsea putting on a nice little show for her brother Nick." Oh, fuck this was good. "Now give me that butt plug," she said in almost a baby voice. "I want to show my brother a tight little hole." I did as she asked and lay back as she took the toy, wet with our saliva, and bumped it up against her anal sphincter. "Ooo, a little cold." She giggled. "But it's worth it to turn you on, Nick." She gave my dick a tight squeeze as she said this, almost making me explode.

"Okay, take these panties," she handed me the frilly red ones she had grabbed. "Bring them to your face and sniff her while I play for you. Take a good sniff of your sister's pussy in your face as you imagine her butt getting toyed with." I inhaled and watched the show. Elise began to push the small tip of the plug into her ass. It was a tight fit and she complained, "Damn, Chelsea, you like to be stretched!" I moaned at this and Elise laughed. "Yep, your sister must be fucking dirty to have this thing up her butt."

I was beginning to lose it.

"And she has two toys! Think she does double penetration? Oh, god!" Elise moaned as she pushed the butt plug into her own ass. It stretched her to its widest point and then her anus closed over it as it settling into place, pressing against her butt crack. "Mmm." She wiggled her ass in my face. "That gives me an idea." She reached out and grabbed the pink vibrator we had found earlier. She twisted it on and the buzzing filled the room. "I'm just going to let this buzz you a little." Elise sat up with her ass in my face, reached down, and with both hands she held the vibrator and my dick side by side, lining them up perfectly.

Elise looked back at me. "Okay, let's go for a ride, Nick. Smell those panties. Get them on your face. Your sister's pussy is on your face! And at the same time look up at my ass. Your girlfriend's butthole is spread around your sister's toy! Jesus, give me a lick!" I reached my face forward and traced the edge of the plug, feeling Elise's wrinkled skin beneath.

"God damn it, God damn it, God damn it." She said rapid-fire. "Yes, lick that, and now feel this!" Elise began jerking my cock and the vibrator up and down, the vibrations driving me crazy, and her asshole dropping right back into my mouth. Coupled with the pair of my sister's panties that were over my face, I reached climax. There was nothing more I could do. I shot sky high, making Elise shriek and laugh as she continued to smother my face. The ropes of semen slowly stopped erupting from my cock, and Elise climbed off me, lying by my side.

"Well, it's gonna be a big, fun thing to play with," Elise sighed. "Your little sister fantasy. Glad we figured it out."

"Yes," I agreed. "This will be fun."


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well that was just plain dumb...... really????? Guess weirdos will drum up anything to suggest a make up imagination of how they are having an intense sex event. So trivial of a story, nothing out of the ordinary going for sex but, wow did it really do something mind blowing - seriously really having to dig deep to make this an event to celebrate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story. Years ago my really erotic girlfriend made me put the crotch of her sisters panties in my mouth as we were fucking, turned us both on.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great Story For A Panty Perv...

...and having an accommodating Perv Girlfriend made it even better. Thanx for the Read, and keep up the good writing.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 4 years ago
Panties and more panties

Never can get enough panties but this story came close. Glad he didn't let his imagination get him in trouble with his girlfriend. It was just too bad the story ended before we found out if there was more with the two of them and the sister. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Wrong category! I don't think your girlfriend putting on your sister"s underwear is incest/taboo.

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