Girls Gone Wild


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She touched a kiss to his lips and whispered, "I have never been this impulsive, but I really want to spend the night with you, Giorgio."

For a moment, he just stood and stared into her blue-blue eyes, wondering if he'd heard her right. "I can't believe this. You're like a dream come true. And I would really love to the spend the night with you."

He took her by the hand and led her to the doorway, and they both laughed when he lifted her into his arms and carried her down the hallway to his room. Making her feel like a bride on her wedding night.

And she thought it was sweet that they didn't jump straight into bed together as soon as he closed the door behind them.

Tenderly touching her face, he brushed his lips to hers and whispered, "I don't want to rush, because I want this to be good for both of us. Since we're only going to have this first time together, once."

Touched beyond words, she had to swallow past the lump in her throat before she could even tell him, "You're a very sweet man. And I am so glad I've met you."

"Hey, don't cry," he said, wiping away a tear with his thumb, trickling down her cheek.

"You don't understand. This was just supposed to be fun. A 'girls gone wild' kind of thing. We were all bored to tears, sitting around the pool at our hotel, just wasting away our holiday, and I wanted a little adventure. But I never imagined that I meet someone like you, Giorgio. This morning, just for fun, I even picked up some condoms, and we all took a few."

When she noticed he looked a little confused, she laughed. "But I honestly never planned to use them. I think I was just trying to get us out of the funk we were in. I'm a principal at a school and we all work with kids. And being widowed grandmothers, we don't exactly lead exciting lives."

"And yet, you're willing to take a chance on me?"

She nodded and looked into his eyes, cupping his face in her hands. "I am, because I already know I can trust you. And I really want to know what it would be like to spend even just one night with you."

He grinned. "Be careful what you wish for, because I've got a feeling that one night together will never be enough to satisfy either of us."

"Guess there's only one way to find out," she said, with a cute little smirk as she took him by the hand and led him over to the bed.

He sat down at the edge of the mattress and drew her between his legs, and softly brushed his lips across her soft, warm breasts, before he looked up into her eyes. "It's been a while for me, and I just hope I don't disappoint you."

"You won't. Even if we don't make love. It'll still be nice just to hold each other while we sleep."

He chuckled. "Believe me, sweetheart, we're going to be doing a lot more than cuddling. I just wanted you to know that it has been a while for me. Though I'm pretty sure it's like riding a bicycle, and it's something you never forget how to do..."

When he pulled her down onto the bed and kissed her, with more passion than she'd ever dreamed of, she realized he was right. He had not forgotten a thing. And she was glad, too. Even if they only had this one night, she knew the memory of what they shared would stay with her forever. The night she made love with a perfect stranger, who she already knew she could fall for so easily.

"I'm clean, but if you want to go look for those condoms, I'd be fine with that, too."

She smiled, tracing a finger around his beautifully shaped lips. "Well, I know I can't get pregnant anymore. And since we're both healthy, I don't think have to worry about using protection."

"Okay, but before we go any further, I've just got to have a taste of you. Your scent has been driving me wild all night. And I want to taste you on my tongue before we make love."

Since her late husband was never really into getting down and dirty with her, she wasn't about to object. Her entire body was trembling and her hands flew into his hair the moment she felt his lips trace a path over her belly and press a kiss to her quivering sex. "Oh, yesss!" she quietly hissed as he licked her up and down, teasing her with his tongue.

"You're even sweeter than I imagined," he whispered against her flesh, licking an erotic path around her swollen clit. Till she began tugging at his hair, and softly moaning as he brought her closer and closer to the edge.

"Oh wow! Giorgio, I never knew it could feel this good," she cried out as he penetrated her with two fingers, still suckling on her clit. As he sent her crashing over the edge, she tossed back her head, and started squealing like mad.

Watching her fall to pieces, she just looked so beautiful, shivering in his arms. Then she looked down at him and met his eyes. "Wow!" she mouthed again, still slightly quaking, making him chuckle.

Crawling his way up her body, he dropped little kisses as he went, brushing his lips over her luscious breasts and along her collarbone. Until he took her face in his hands, sank his tongue between her lips and kissed her, long and slow.

Clinging to each other breathlessly, she stroked a hand over his hair as he spread her legs, took hold of himself, and gently eased his swollen tip inside her.

"Oh, you're not exactly tiny, are you?" she said with a satisfied smile as he carefully flexed his hips and thrust, filling her up a little more with each stroke.

"God, you feel incredible," he whispered, hardly able to wrap his mind around what they'd found in each other.

Careful not to lose their connection, he rolled onto his back, so he could smile up at the look of wonder on her face as she rode him. "You know, you really are beautiful," he told her, smoothing his hands over her hips as she happily smiled into his eyes.

It wasn't long and he could feel the pressure mounting as he got closer and closer. Digging his hands into her hips, he growled as he thrust up to meet her, both of them shuddering as they reached the peak together and climaxed.

Sure that he'd had never come harder in his life, he knew it had to be her. Which also made him realize that one night with her would never be enough.


In the morning, there was no sign of their sons. Seems they all headed to the beach bright and early. Probably, so the couples wouldn't feel embarrassed about having spent the night together.

The men all decided that it would be nice to serve the ladies breakfast, while trying to outdo each other over who could be more attentive.

"How did you ladies sleep?" Ginger asked, looking back and forth between her friends while stirring some cream into her coffee.

Maryann laughed. "I actually don't remember getting much sleep last night. Not that I'm complaining."

Their cheeks all had a rosy glow from the way they were blushing, when the men came back with glasses of fresh cut fruit in sparkling wine.

"We were thinking we could go out on the boat today," Dom suggested. "And we could cruise along the coastline and stop somewhere for dinner later."

The girls looked down at themselves and broke out laughing. "I hope the restaurant is clothing optional, because we don't have anything to wear," Donna said, pointing at herself. "But we could go back to our hotel and change."

Looking them over, Mike smiled. "We're so used to seeing you ladies like this. I almost hate to see you cover up."

"Or we could just hang out here," Giorgio suggested, pointing over at the big kidney-shaped pool. "Then no one has to get dressed and worry about what to wear."

Smirking, Maryann reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. "That sounds like fun, too."

"And it's Nude Day today. Not that it matters around here." Nick mentioned, showing them the caption on his phone.

"Then I guess we're celebrating in the right place with the four of you," Carol said, chuckling as she eyed them.

Mike came up and brushed a kiss to her cheek, and said, "Let me get you some more tea."

"Thanks, Sugar Bear," Carol said with a smile, as he winked and left with her teacup. The other three brothers followed behind him into the kitchen.

When Dom noticed his brother Giorgio lean against the counter, and close his eyes, he asked, "You okay?"

Giorgio nodded. "Yeah, I just got a bit of a headache."

"In the same spot as before?" Mike asked, looking a little worried.

"Yeah, same place, at the back of my head."

"When are you going for those tests, Giorgio?"

"When I get home, I've got an appointment with a specialist."


Out on the patio, her three friends, eyebrows raised, said, "Sugar Bear?" looking a little surprised, since Carol was never overly gushy.

"It's our thing," she told them with a shrug.

"And what does Mike call you, Carol?" Maryann asked.

"I'm his Honey Bear," she said, with her cheeks flushing.

"Oh, god, she's in love," Donna said, looking shocked as the other two laughed.

"The four of them are just so sweet. I think they'd all pretty easy to love," Maryann said, heaving a disappointed sigh. Knowing they didn't have much time left together before they had to catch their flight back home.

The guys noticed the women were fairly quiet when they came back to top up their coffee.

"Everything okay?" Giorgio asked as he refilled his new lady love's cup.

"We were just thinking that we're going to be leaving in a few days to head back home. School is back in on Monday, so we'll have to leave here on Saturday."

"We're still here for another week," Giorgio said. "And I really wish all of you could stay a little longer. We could travel around and show you the sights. It's nice down here this time of year in spring."

"I wish we could stay, too," Carol said.

"Well, we can still keep in touch," Mike suggested.

Reaching out, brushing a lock of Giorgio's hair back from his forehead, Maryann agreed, "Yeah, we could do that."

Leaning in, Giorgio whispered, "I'm really gonna miss you when you're gone."

She laughed. "Well, I'm not gone yet. So, while we're still here, I think we should do all we can to enjoy our last few days together."

"Or, I could just kidnap you, and keep you here with me," he said, with a playful wiggle of his eyebrows.

"I wouldn't tempt me if I were you, because I wouldn't put up much of a struggle," Maryann said, laughing as she reached for her coffee.

They'd become so close, they all agreed that the girls should move in with them for their last few days together.

Maryann loved curling up at night with Giorgio's big, muscular body wrapped around her. He was just so affectionate and so insatiable; she realized she'd have to catch up on her sleep once she got back home. Although, she didn't mind, considering she was enjoying every single minute they spent together.

He was staring up at the ceiling when he finally told her what he was thinking. "You know, we couldn't be further apart if we planned it. With our family in New Jersey and you in California, we're about as far apart as we could be," Giorgio said, sighing as he thought about the distance.

"I know, but we can still keep in touch online face timing, or with zoom calls."

He pulled her onto his chest and wrapped her in arms. "It would be nice to keep in touch, but I wouldn't be able to hold you online."

To take his mind off the fact they were leaving the next day, she flashed him a naughty smirk as she slid her way down his body.

When she took him in her hand and started stroking him up and down, she laughed when he said, "And you'd never be able to do anything like that online with me."

"Or this," she said, sliding him past her lips and into the heat of her mouth.

Groaning, his hands flew into her long, blonde hair, as he thrust up his hips. "God, I'm going to miss you so much."

She smiled, licking all around him and teasing the tender spot on the underside of his crown with her the tip of her tongue as she stroked him in her fist.

"I know what you're trying to do," he said, twisting a fistful of her hair between his fingers, still flexing his hips.

"Put a smile on your face?"

He chuckled. "Well, you're sure as hell doing that. But I know you're trying to take my mind off the fact that you're leaving tomorrow."

She let out a startled yelp when he pulled her off him and flipped her onto her back. Holding her hands over her head, he parted her thighs and eased just his tip inside her. "I wish I could keep you with me like this forever. Though I know we've got responsibilities back at home."

"You know, you could try convincing me a little harder."

He smiled. "You mean like this?"

When he pushed in a little deeper, and started giving her some nice, deep strokes, she sighed. "Oh, yeah, just like that. When he let go of her hands, she slid her hands through his thick, dark hair, gazed into his big brown eyes, and told him, "I just love being this close with you."

It was on the tip of his tongue, and he almost told her that he loved her. But not sure how she'd take it, he held back.

Since there wasn't much more to say, they made love till they fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

In the morning, Giorgio woke up and made a face as he felt around the bed. Normally, he was used to her being tucked up nice and close. But the sheets were cold, and she was gone. And already he hated the idea of sleeping without her.

Lifting his head, he heard the shower running, and knew she was getting ready to go.

Slipping into the bathroom, he made her laugh when he stepped in behind her, took the soap and started washing her, without saying a word.

At least it was one last thing they could do together.

When he tipped up her face and kissed her, he could tell that she'd been crying, though she was trying to put on a brave face, her bottom lip was quivering.

"Sweetheart, we're going to see each other again," he told her, before he wrapped her in arms and held her, with the warm water pelting down on them.

"I know. It's just that I'm really going to miss you, Giorgio."

He just nodded, afraid that his voice would crack if he tried to tell her just how much he was going to miss her.

Whenever they showered together, they liked to dry each off. Giorgio made her laugh when he dried her breasts, then took a moment to lick her pretty pink nipples.

"You know, I've still got to get on that plane, no matter how aroused you've got me."

"Just trying to put a smile on your face, sweetheart."

"Well, then you're doing a good job." She pulled him in for a hug, and gave him one last kiss and told him, "I'd better get dressed, or we'll miss our flight."

"We've got a van coming to take you to the airport."

She pulled back and look at him. "You didn't have to do that."

"We wanted to make sure you got off okay."

She grinned. "Well, you've been doing a pretty job of that all week."

Smirking, he bent and gave her pussy a little lick. "If we had time, I'd love to send you off with the biggest smile you've ever had on your face."

Now that he said that, she wished they had time, too.


It seemed funny that everyone had clothes on, including their sons, when they came out to say goodbye when the van arrived.

"You ladies have a safe trip," Antonio said, giving them each a hug.

There were even more hugs at the airport, with the four brothers saying goodbye to each of them.

"We'll talk soon," Giorgio promised Maryann, before he gave her one last lingering kiss.

Watching them leave, the guys just kept waving, till the doors closed behind them, and they were gone.

Once the ladies had left, the four of them decided they might as well head back to New Jersey, leaving their sons to enjoy a week on their own.

Especially since Giorgio had an appointment with a neurologist for a biopsy, since they'd discovered a small mass that had to be investigated.

When they shaved his head for the procedure, Giorgio was leery about face timing with Maryann. Since he knew she'd want to know what happened if she saw that his hair was gone.

Until he had the results, he decided it was probably best not to let her see him.

He was groggy after the biopsy, and he never heard his phone when she tried to call him that night.

When she tried again later, she let it ring for a while and finally gave up, wondering if something was wrong.

When she tried one last time before she went to bed, she had an odd feeling, and knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep till heard his voice.

Not sure what to do, though it was late, she called her friend Carol for Mike's number so she could ask if Giorgio was okay.

Maryann noticed Mike sounded a little nervous when she called him. Till she finally said, "Mike, just tell me what's going on, because I'm worried."

"Okay, just don't get upset. But Giorgio had a procedure done today. And I think what they gave him knocked him out, and he's still sleeping."

Clutching the phone, she asked, "What kind of procedure?"

He looked around the room, ran a hand through his hair and finally just spit it out and told her the truth. "They found a mass, and they did a biopsy today. But the doctor said it wasn't very big, and thankfully, it doesn't seem to be getting any bigger."

Her voice shaking, she said, "Oh my, God. Mike, please tell me how to get there."

"Maryann he's fine. He's just resting."

"I lost my husband to cancer, and I can't believe this is happening again. I just want to be there with him, Mike, please."


When she walked into his bedroom in the morning, he just looked so vulnerable, with his eyes closed and his hair gone.

When she noticed he was naked, she took off her clothes and carefully slipped in beside him. With the sheet bunched up around his waist, it was pretty easy to tell from the way his morning wood was poking at the sheet that he wasn't wearing a thing.

Sensing someone was beside him, he peeled open his eyelids and smiled into her eyes. "Is that really you, or am I dreaming?"

Touching her lips to his cheek, she whispered, "I'm here. How are you feeling?"

"Kind of groggy. But I'm okay. How did you get here?"

"After I talked to your brother Mike, I called the airport."

"You didn't have to come all the way across the country just to see if I was okay."

"Yes, I did."

She gently stroked a hand over his head. "It's what you do when you love someone. I just had to see you with my own eyes, to know that you were alright."

He grinned. "Did you just say that you loved me?"

"Yes. Because I do. But why didn't you tell me what was going on?"

"Until I know what they've found, I didn't want to worry you, in case it's nothing."

She curled in beside him and wrapped her arm around his chest, praying that it was nothing they had to worry about.

When she let her hand slide down over his abs, he chuckled. "You know, I'm feeling better already, just having you in bed with me."

She reached down and stroked him in her hand. "Yeah, I'd say you're feeling pretty good."

"You know what would make me feel even better?"

She smirked. "I have a pretty good idea."

"All I want is a kiss."

When she leaned in and tenderly kissed his lips, he slipped his arms around her and pulled on top of him. "I love you," he whispered, gazing up into watery blue eyes. "And I'm so glad you're here."


They were having lunch out on the back terrace of his house when his cell phone chimed.

He looked at the call screen and told her, "It's the doctor."

Maryann had to put her waterglass down because of the way her hands were shaking as she watched him answer his phone.

When she saw him nodding his head, she let go of the breath she'd been holding, when he gave her the thumbs up, smiled, and said, "Thanks, Doc. So, I guess I'll see you again in six months."

He shrugged when he hung up. "He said it's benign. But they still want to keep an eye on it."

She told herself she wouldn't cry, but she burst into tears when she realized that he'd be okay.