Girls' Night Out Ch. 06

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"Kylie" is here to stay.
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Part 6 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 10/26/2022
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Day 16

"Ok Cassie, you all set?" Kylie asked as they set off. "This is Angie, our guide for the day."

Angie gave Cassie a little wave of her hand as she drove the car out of town. "Pleased to meet you. Kylie has said a lot of good things about you. About time for you to go back to college, isn't it?"

Cassie moved the middle of the back seat. "Pleased to meet you too. Kylie has me about you too. Thank you for the help. I'm not exactly going back to college.

Kylie turned quickly in her seat. "Whoa! What are you saying? Not going back?"

"Relax, I'm going to commute and take on-line classes to finish up. Save money on room and board. I should be able to finish in one or semesters." She patted Kylie's arm. "That way I can work at the gallery on weekends."

Breathing a sigh of relief, Kylie said, "Yes, I'm thinking of cutting back hours, maybe after Halloween, definitely after Veterans Day. Keep the gallery open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. See how it goes."

"Yes, and Peggy is going back to school this week. Starts field hockey today," Cassie added.

"Better watch those gas prices, girl," Angie laughed. "Might cost more than room and board!"

"So where are we going first?" Cassie asked.

"Right here," Kylie said as the car pulled up in front of the hair salon. It was the same salon the girls used on Kylie. "Let's go." She said hopping out of the car.

Ravenna greeted them as they walked in. "Angie" she said as she gave her a hug. "And Kylie. Let me look at you."

Kylie spun around, twirling her white dress. Today she wore a white dress with colored swatches on it. Again with the square top which revealed some cleavage with an empire hemline. Angie and she agreed that it showed off her figure best. Most of the time when she went out in public, she wore the padded panties to fill and round off her hips and ass. She also didn't have to tuck when wear a dress like this. The panties held her in. She had tried to appear very feminine every time.

"You look marvelous, girl," Ravenna said. She flipped Kylie's hair. "I think I can do more with your hair. Perhaps a little more color. It's getting longer." Ravenna was the only one outside of Alexa and Angie who knew Kylie's secret. She figured it out the day she met her. Knowing whom Kylie was made her look all the more remarkable.

"Not today. Perhaps another time," Kylie said with a smile. "Today it is Cassie's turn. Cassie meet Ravenna. She can do wonders. Now nothing too much as we girls are going shopping after this. She is all yours." Kylie turned to Cassie. "We'll be back. Enjoy the experience."

They made a quick run to Dunkin's and then headed back.

"We have a little time. Let's park and sit by the water," Kylie suggested.

Angie parked the car and they walked over and sat on a bench. They sat quietly, Kylie sipping her tea, Angie her coffee. Kylie slowly moved her hand over and took Angie's in hers. After a few moments she said, "You know, I couldn't have done any of this with you."

Angie looked at her. "It has been my pleasure, sweetie. I can't believe how it has turned out. You are truly remarkable."

Really? You think so? I'm not exactly very manly looking to begin with. Must have been living in that sea of estrogen with my sisters."

Angie had to agree. Kylie didn't have broad shoulders or a deep voice. Her hands were small and delicate. Ravenna had done her hair that accented her soft looks. Between Alexa, Kylie, and herself, they chose the correct clothing for her too. One thing Kylie had were great legs and with the padding in the ass, she looked amazing. One thing that wasn't about the looks, it was the way Kylie moved and acted. She walked and moved like a woman.

Kylie moved closer and rested her head on Angie's shoulder. "You have made it so easy to do this. You have helped and encouraged me all the way. I love you so much, babe." She squeezed Angie's hand. They sat together quietly.

Ravenna had worked another wonder. Cassie was no longer this plain Jane of a girl. Ravenna had given her hair some color and the make-up brought out features that no one knew were there. Even the right shade of nail polish added to soften her hands. Angie and Kylie were impressed.

As Kylie paid the bill, Cassie kept looking in the mirror at herself. It was if she couldn't recognize the person reflected in it.

"Ravenna, thanks so very much," Kylie said. "You are the best"

"Give me some time with you, girl. I think I could really make you look good!" Ravenna said standing back.

Kylie laughed. "The next time I'm coming in I want my navel pierced."

"And tattoo, right." Ravenna laughed too. "I know just the place."

"We'll see. Thanks again."

Angie drove the car up to the Natick Mall where they went the last time. Like the last time their first stop was Victoria's Secret.

"Why do we need to go in here? Cassie asked hesitantly.

Angie laughed. "Because sexy under things made you feel good. Right, Kylie?"

"That's right, Angie," she replied taking Cassie's arm. "Just a few things will do it."

Kylie and Angie picked a few bras first. Cassie appeared to be about Kylie's size but when asked, Cassie confessed, "I'm more a DD. Sorry."

Kylie gave Angie a look. "No need to say you're sorry. Here we go." She picked out three different ones for her.

All three girls walked to the changing room.

"I'll just wait here," Kylie said.

"No!" Cassie blurted out. She grabbed Kylie's hand. She said nothing but her look said volumes.

"Ok then, here we go."

Cassie took off her blouse and unclasped her bra. Her boobs dropped out. She was right about one thing; they were bigger than Kylie's.

Angie cleared her throat and handed her the first bra.

As Cassie started to put it on, Kylie stepped over to her. "Here, let me help." She clasped the back and adjusted the straps. In a move that surprised even her, Kylie cupped each of Cassie's breasts in her hands. They were full and heavy. She squeezed them gently, feeling how soft they were.

"How does it feel, Cassie?" Angie's voice brought Kylie back from where her mind was going.

"It feels great. I really like the lace too." Cassie said. "Let's try the black one."

This time Kylie let Angie do the honors.

Cassie was happy with the two. "If is not too much bother, I would like to try one of those flowery sheer ones we saw out there."

"Great," Angie said, "I'll go pick one out. I'll find some panties too." She stepped out, leaving the two girls behind.

Cassie moved up closer to Kylie and took her hands. "You were right, I do feel better already. It's nice to feel this way, kind of girly. Thank you." She looked into Kylie's eyes and they both knew what was going to happen next.

Angie opened the door. "Ok here we are. I think I got the one you wanted. Matching panties too. I think you better pick out the other panties you want, Cassie."

Cassie removed her bra and tried on the new one. It was a sheer flowery demi-cup, which barely covered her nipples. She turned around. "Kylie, can you help me?"

Again Kylie clasped the back and adjusted the straps, making the bra fit.

Cassie turned and looked in the mirror. "Oh, I love it but not much support," She turned to Kylie. "See." She pushed her chest towards her with a look that was saying, "touch them.'

Kylie quickly handed Cassie the panties. "Here, try these on."

Dropping her jeans, Cassie stood before them in plain light blue cotton panties. She had a little tummy that rolled a bit over the waistband. She removed her panties and slid up the new ones. She wiggled them on.

"I'm not use to wearing a thong. My ass is a little big." She turned around and bent over a bit. "See." Two white creamy orbs pointed towards the girls.

"I don't think that is a problem but," Angie said.

"Yes, Cassie, turn around," Kylie said taking her by the shoulders. "That is." She pointed to Cassie's crotch where red pubic hairs poked their way around the material.

Cassie's face turned bright red. "I never thought about it."

Kylie stepped closer and kneeled down. "You could tuck it in, like this, for now." She ran her fingers along the edge of the thong, pushing the hairs in. They felt soft to her. Cassie unconsciously moved her hips slightly. "There that looks better." Kylie stood up.

"That will do it then, 3 bras, those panties, and a package of some others," Angie said taking Kylie by the arm. "You get dressed and we'll wait out here." With that she took Kylie out into the store.

"What were you doing in there?" Angie asked through clenched teeth.

"Nothing," Kylie replied with a slightly confused look.

Angie shook her head. "Don't give me that. You know what you doing in there."

"Alright, yes I touch her and I wanted to." Kylie said. "It is all your fault."

"My fault? What are you saying?"

Kylie moved close to Angie and whispered, "You have gotten me so turned on the past two days and then you mentioned a threesome with Alexa. I thought about that this morning. Now this girl is undressing in front of us. Come on, didn't you just want to grabbed her."

Angie smiled. "I know, its been pretty crazy lately but not in the dressing room at Victoria's Secret."

Cassie came out and handed the clothing to Kylie. "I'll just be a minute." She started to walk away and then stopped. "It is okay that I wanted these things, right? I can pay if you want."

"No, that's ok. Consider this your bonus for the month."

They continued shopping; stopping into some stores to purchase shoes, skirts and pants. They bought less than the late time they were here but it was enough. They didn't just buy for Cassie as both Angie and Kylie got some new outfits and of course new shoes. Overall it was another great shopping trip and lots of fun too.

On the ride Cassie was so excited that she couldn't stop thanking the two girls for all their help. She said it was the first real time she ever did something like this and she was going to go straight to her sister's house when she got home. She wanted to show off all the new purchases.

"Ok Cassie," Kylie said turning around. "You have to take care of your bush. You have to do something. Wax, shave, trim, something."

"What do you guys do?" she asked, "Because I never thought of it."

"I wax, fore and aft," Angie said.

"It's called a Brazilian, Cassie, and you're totally smooth," Kylie explained. "The feeling is amazing."

Angie added, "It might hurt a little the first time. I would suggest trimming it way down first."

"Who does such a thing? It sounds a little creepy."

"Ravenna does waxing at her shop," Kylie said. "Ask your sister what she does. If you're interested, I set up an appointment for you."

Cassie replied quickly, "Only if you go with me, Kylie."

Angie gave Kylie a look.

After they dropped off Cassie, Angie spoke up as they drove home. "Ok what are you going to do about her. She is getting kind of close, you know. You can't just surprise her. Ta Da! I have a penis!"

Kylie shook her head. "I don't know. No ideas yet. Do you have any?"

Angie shook hers. "Nothing yet, sweetie but we better come up with some thing."

"Well the fact the gallery will have less hours and she is going to school may work to our advantage. By the way, have you talked to Alexa?"

"Not yet," Angie answered, "So you are good with it?"

"Why not? It seems I've done many different things the last two weeks. What's one more?"


DAY 17

Kylie sat cross-legged on the carpeted floor of her office. She had completed recording all the transactions and balanced the books. She checked with the bank about Mr. St.Laurent's check and found it had been deposited Monday and should clear by the end of the day today. She prepared Cassie and Peggy's paycheck so that was done.

In front of her were some copies of ads and flyers she was finishing up. If they were dropped off at the print shop by 3 o'clock, she could pick them up by 3 tomorrow. That would be good as this weekend was the Labor Day weekend, which could be very busy. She was planning staying open on Monday to take advantage of it.

She came to work dressed pretty casual. Black yoga pants with a white shortie top was good enough for today. She had taken off her shoes and wiggled her toes in the soft carpet.

No matter how she tried she had trouble concentrating on the job at hand. There were so many thoughts running through it.

Angie talked to Alexa when they got home last night. Kylie could only hear Angie's side of the conversation but when she got off the phone it seemed that the weekend after Labor Day was a good weekend to get together. By get together she meant that the three of them would go out and then come back to the house. Alexa would then stay the night. So it was going to happen. Her first threesome! She didn't how it would even work.

From there, her mind wandered to what she was going to wear that night. Yesterday she bought a short coral colored ruffled dress. It had 3/4 sheer sleeves and it resembled a baby doll nightie. It seemed like a good idea at the time but now she had second thoughts.

She also thought about what Angie said about attracting older men. She had to admit it was fun to flirt with them and it was fun to see their reaction. She was amazed at the power she actually had. There was no way St.Laurent would have made that deal or Costello given them a free meal if she was a plain Jane! She really enjoyed the fact she had fooled them. One thing that was clear, she wanted nothing to do with men!

The thought that kept coming back over and over again was Cassie! Yesterday in the dressing room she really liked touching Cassie's breasts and when she helped tucked in her pubic hairs, the softness of her pussy caused her cock to twitch. She noticed Cassie moved her hips when it was touched by Kylie's hand. When they were alone in the little room, it was about to go a little crazy.

Kylie realized that if it did, there would possibly be some serious results. How does she explain this? Does she really want to cross that bridge? If it goes well and Cassie accepts it, then what? There were too many questions. She thought back when she thought, "This is going well, what could go wrong?"

Sitting on the floor, she chewed on the arm of her glasses trying to focus.

"Damn, girl!" Kylie shrieked, "Scared me."

"Sorry" Cassie said standing at the office door.

"What are you doing here?" Kylie asked as her breathing calmed down.

Cassie moved towards Kylie and proceeded to sit on the floor. She was wearing a light summer dress, one she bought yesterday. She sat on her side, leaning on her hand and stretching her legs. She took off her sandals and tossed them aside. "I thought you might need some help."

"I could need it. Which ones? And how many?"

The two girls moved around on the floor and looked at the ads lying there. Kylie thought she might offer a buy 1, get one half off on some items. On a few items she was going to reduce the prices.

"I thought we could raffle off this." She showed Cassie a ticket that offered one night at the B&B they stayed at in Provincetown. "What do you think?"

"That sounds great. Can employees get involved?" Cassie sounded excited about it.

"That doesn't seem right," Kylie replied with a frown. "Get your sister to buy one. Then you can go."

Cassie sat now facing Kylie. She pulled her knees up and hugged them with her arms. Her dress slipped down revealing a lot of thigh. Plus from the way she was sitting, she showed her panties. She was wearing the new thong and it was up tight in her crack. Kylie couldn't help but notice.

"I had a great time yesterday," Cassie said moving her legs a little wider. "You were right. The right underwear can make you feel good." As she talked, she noticed Kylie looking up her skirt. "Also I thought about what I needed to do about, you know." She got up on her knees and waddled over to Kylie. She lifted her dress. "See I trimmed it a lot. I think I want to wax it."

"Christ!" Kylie thought. "She showing me her pussy, right here." She sat there stunned.

Cassie slid her hand in her panties. "It feels better too. I can't wait to feel what a smooth one feels like!" She leaned forward, placing her hands on Kylie's knees. "Maybe I can get that chance soon." With that she forcibly kissed Kylie hard upon the mouth. She pushed her tongue against her lips, which yielded, to it. Kylie passionately kissed her back.

Things were moving very fast. Kylie thought she would have time to think of an explanation to tell Cassie. Instead Cassie had forced the issue upon her. It was the moment of truth. Kylie made up her mind.

"Oh, Cassie," she said, breaking the kiss. "It feels so good but not now, not today."

Cassie leaned back with a confused look. "Why? Did I do something wrong?"

Kylie stroked Cassie's cheek. "No, no," she said, 'It's just not right. It's just that, er, it's..."

A light went on over Cassie's head. "Oh. Oh! I get it."

Inside Kylie felt relief but she also felt guilty. She lied to Cassie and was unable to admit the truth to her. It wasn't right but what could she have done at that moment? Cassie deserved better. Kylie hugged her. "No, you did nothing wrong."

In her own head Kylie told herself, "But maybe I just did."

On the off chance, Kylie gave Ravenna a call. "Hi, it's Kylie. Do you have an opening for a waxing today? Cassie, the girl from yesterday, would like to give it a try."

"You're in luck," Ravenna answered. "Someone just canceled. How about 4?"

"Great, we'll take it," Kylie replied. "Also I decided I want my navel pierced. Can I make an appointment for that?"

"Why don't you come in with Cassie and I'll see if I can fit you in?"

"Ok then, see you at 4."

The girls picked out the ads and flyers they wanted and dropped them off by 3. The man behind the counter was very friendly and said there would be no problem getting them done by tomorrow. With two good-looking girls in his shop, how could he resist?

They grabbed something to eat and then headed off to the salon. Cassie was very quiet as they drove.

"Everything ok?" Kylie asked. "Nervous?"

"Just a little." Cassie answered. "It's going to hurt, isn't it?"

Since Kylie had never been waxed, she had to remember how Angie described it. "It might be a little uncomfortable the first time. I'm sure Ravenna will be kind and gentle. Relax and ask her questions. She will help you through it."

Cassie lapsed back into silence.

"Are you sure it isn't something else?" Kylie reached over and squeezed Cassie's knee.

"I almost made a fool of myself, didn't I?" Cassie said looking straight ahead. "I never did anything like that before."

"No, Cassie, no. It was very sweet. It just caught me off guard." Kylie said to her. "I enjoyed it though."

Cassie turned her and smiled. "Thanks."

Ravenna took Cassie under her wing as soon as they arrived. Darlene took Kylie with her.

"Relax," Darlene said. "First I'll just numb the area. You should feel a little prick, a little worse than a bee sting. Then I'll put a gold barbell in. Not much more than that. It will take at least 4 to 6 months to heal. Ready?"

Darlene was true to her word except it hurt a little more than a bee sting. When she was done, she held a mirror so Kylie could see it. It looked good and she was pleased she decided on it.

It took less time than Cassie's waxing so she waited. Darlene and she talked.

"You know, Kylie, you look really good but I agree with Ravenna, I think we can do more for you. What about hair extensions?" With that she picked one of the many wigs that were around the salon. "Come over here."

Darlene fitted the wig to Kylie's head. It wasn't a good fit but that didn't matter. It was the effect she was going for. The wig was blonde with long curled tresses that fell over her shoulders and on to her chest. The look changed everything about Kylie. With her current style she looked soft and feminine. This hairstyle still made her looked feminine but it added an overt sexually to her. Darlene gave a little whistle as she stepped back.