Girls' Night Out Ch. 15

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"Kylie" does some thinking.
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Part 15 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 10/26/2022
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Kylie stood in line at the DMV and waited. Because she had time her mind began to wander. "You know," she thought to herself, "It really wasn't as difficult as she thought to create a new me." She got herself a credit card, both personal and business, and opened up a checking account and got a debit card. After just a few questions, she got a new SS card. She wasn't sure why she needed one but it might be useful. Today she was trying for a new driver's license and this one might not go so well. Cary had a Real ID and Kylie was going to attempt to keep it.

That is what brought her to her next thought. People see what they want to see, not what is actually in front of them. The people of the town see Kylie Stevenson, a bright young lady that has spiced up a humdrum gallery and added some extra things to it. They see a woman who has gotten involved in the community in various activities, church and local, and seems to be very sweet and caring. She had worked hard to create this person had they see.

She was putting it on the line today. Dave McQuinn worked here at the DMV. His sweet wife, Betsy, had attended classes at the gallery and Kylie and her had worked together on the church bazaar. Kylie had met Dave numerous times and he seemed to a nice guy. He always had a compliment for her when they met.

Kylie dressed a little different today and hoped it might work. Tight yoga pants to which she added a little padding to enhance her ass and a cropped top that show both some cleavage and her navel was part of the plan. A short puffy jacket helped ward off the cool air but it was warm in the building so she took it off. She hoped it would distract him just enough. As she approved the window, she smiled and turned on the charm.

"Hi, Dave," she smiled brightly. "I hope you can help me. I lost my license, actually misplaced it."

"Good morning Kylie, you are looking nice this morning. Let's see if I can help."

Kylie leaned forward with her elbows on the counter. It had the effect of pushing her breasts together as she did. It also caused that little glass bobble she always to pop out. She noticed Dave gave a glance. "I have old license number if that will help?"

Dave cleared his throat. "It might. Did you fill out the form?"

"Yes, Dave I have it right here." Kylie handed it to him. If he studied it he would have noticed Kylie's name changed and sex from M to F. "Can I just renew it now instead?"

"Sure, Kylie, it might be easier. Do you have a bill with your name on it? We need it for your address"

"Sure, Dave, right here," she slid the electric bill to him. "You know, Betsy said you would be a big help in this and make sure I saw you. How is Betsy?"

"She is doing well. She was excited to hear you were offering another class." He kept typing on his computer. "She said you were a very good teacher."

"Tell her thank you," Kylie said, again with a smile. She tossed her hair back. "Perhaps you would to join in? We need some men in the class."

Dave laughed. "No way. I can only draw stick figures. Now stand in front of the screen. Big smile!" He spun the computer around. "Picture ok?"

Kylie and laughed. "Don't know if I want to look."

"Kylie, I think you would look good in any picture," Dave smiled. "The amount is on the screen. Make the check out M/DMV and you are on your way. It will arrive in the mail in 3 to 4 weeks."

Kylie handed over the check and smiled. "Thank you so much, Dave. You made this so easy. It was a pleasure. Thank you and say hello to Betsy."

She turned and Dave watched her walk out the door. He smiled and shook his head.

As she drove to the gallery she continued to think. She thought back to when this all began. Angie laying down a challenge and she agreed to it. It was hard in the beginning, behaving and acting like a woman, walking in heels and even thinking like one. She compared it to learning a foreign language. She was fluent in French and pretty in German but still when conversing in the language it was hear it, translate into English then back into French. It always took a few seconds to do all that. Once she got into the conversation it went well. It was the same as becoming a woman. At first it was think what would a woman do. Stand, walk, move, and even go to the bathroom required some thought. Now 8 months later, there is no thought, no lag time, she just did it. There was a lot of male baggage that she had to overcome but it was like a door had been slammed shut. She just embraced her femininity. It came naturally.

The gallery was closed but even if it were opened there would be no one stopping in. It was definitely the slow season. The next holiday was Valentine's Day, not Kylie's particular favorite, but she felt like she should something. She thought about going over the lingerie shop and buying something special to wear. She leaned back in her chair and though about how good that silk shortie gown Angie gave her felt on her skin. Perhaps she would buy one for Angie. She was sure it would just be the two of them that night as Cassie would most likely be out with her boyfriend. Dinner would be a must.

She held her hand up and looked at the ring. She still could not believe that it was true. She had to pinch herself to convince herself she wasn't dreaming. Even though she wasn't dreaming, it was a dream come true. Everything was coming together.

Suzi and Kylie talked about making wedding plans this weekend. Suzi said she would help pick out the dress and she was coming down soon to do it. She talked about a weekend and possibly going up to Boston to look. Kylie didn't want a traditional wedding dress. She thought that was a little much. She was looking at summer gown, one that was dressy and fit the occasion but was understated. She had to admit that this wedding was not your every day wedding. With that on her mind, she was going to make it seem like one.

Suzi and she also discussed on how to let the other three sisters know about it. Kylie thought it could be a problem but Suzi said she had a plan.

"First, let's get a good picture of you, maybe a couple," she said. "Then I'll write them each a letter with the pictures enclosed. I'll explain everything. After that I'll call them. By then I think you should call."

"That sounds like it might work," Kylie said, "I really want them to come. I was hoping it would just be my sisters, not everyone. It might be easier that way."

"I think they will be ok. All four of us used to dress you up as our little baby sister. Mom was so busy working and putting bread on the table that she believe it was fine that we all chipped in taking care of you." She paused for moment. "You don't think we did this to you, do you?"

Kylie hugged her sister. "No, in no way and if you did, thank you. It has all been for the better. I love you, Suz. Of all my sisters, I feel I am the closest to you. It was you I told about this because somehow I knew you would understand and you would have my back. When I see you and Jack and the girls and how happy you are together, it fills me with such joy. You are the best sister anyone could ever have."

Angie was home when Kylie got there. "My, you are home early. Everything ok?"

"The housing market is a little slow right now so I came home. I thought I'd some American chop suey. It's simple, comfort food. I bought some bread."

"Sounds good to me. I don't have to cook!"

Both girls got dressed in their pj's to eat supper. Cassie had called to say she was having dinner at her mother's and wouldn't be home till later. The two settle down to a hot bowl of meat, sauce, and pasta, some bread and a nice red wine. It really was a comfort food meal.

"Sweetie, there is something we need to talk about before it gets too big," Angie said putting down her spoon.

"What's that?" Kylie asked.

"Chrissie!" Angie replied.

Kylie sighed and took a sip of her wine. "You know, in the middle of the night she rolled over and put her hand underneath my nightgown."

"No!" Angie gasped. "What did you do?"

"At first I froze," Kylie said, "Then I waited to see which direction she went. When she went up towards my boobs, I relaxed. She just held one and snuggled up close. Nothing more."

"And if she went in the other direction? What were you going to do?" Angie asked in all seriousness.

"Just glad she didn't," Kylie said, taking another sip of wine, "But I agree with you. We have to do something. And by the way, you were not very helpful."

Angie acted surprised. "What did I do?"

"A young girl is talking about touching her pussy and how good its feels and she wanting to play with herself, you not only agree with her but you say that you're lucky that you have someone who takes care of you. You basically told you and I play with other!"

Angie started laughing. "Really? Chrissie said she was a little naïve but I'm pretty sure she knows what goes on between two women."

"Yes but I never came right out and told her!" Kylie wasn't laughing.

"I'm sorry," Angie said truthfully. "But I think that is just a small part of all this. You have to tell her."

"Why?" Kylie asked, "Why does she have to know? What if the situation never comes up and we don't find ourselves in that position?"

"You're right but if it does, what are you going to say? Remember you said it was ok for her to visit you here, on the Cape. I'm afraid if she does, you are going to have to have a plan. You handled telling Cassie well."

Kylie shook her head. "I think this one will be totally different than with Cassie."


Tuesday Night

"All right, ladies and gentlemen, let's get started," Kylie said in the middle of the circle of the artists. "First things, this class meets every other week for two hours. There will some nudity. There will be homework." There was some laughter. "No, I'm serious. You will be expected to practice some."

Cindy raised her hands. "You mean on someone naked?" There was more laughter.

Kylie smiled. "Yes I do. Ask your husband, your wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, your mother." There were some groans mixed in the laughter. "Even yourself. Sit in front of the mirror. Try it. Also if any one of you want to model for the class, don't be shy. I pay good money."

"How about you, Kylie?" Mike asked which was backed with a number of yeses, and how about its.

She waved her hands in front of her. "No, no, the instructor is the guide on the side, not the nude on the stage!"

Kylie explained that they would first some refresher activities then 20-30 minute warm up poses followed by quick poses and finally a longer pose. Some skills that they would be covering were drawing the figure without looking at the paper and drawing the space around the model. "We are going to challenge you in this class but remember there are no right or wrong drawing. Be yourself."

Tonight Kylie invited Beverly and Kim to pose. She figured Kim could start off on some of the easy poses and Bev could do the longer ones. Kylie talked to both of them before and seemed ok with it. Kylie said that for the first one she didn't have to totally nude. Kim agreed and began to remove her clothing.

Kim's light olive skin was flawless. Her long black hair hung down her back and framed her face perfectly. Her breasts were small with large areolas. As she walked ahead of Kylie, she showed a fine muscle tone in her back. She was perfect for starters.

Kim seated herself in front of the students. For this activity, Kylie rearranged the seats so Kim was on a stage and all the students had the same view. After seeing Kim's back, Kylie asked her to sit with her back to the students. It was a good pose to begin with.

Bev and Kim rotated posing for the next hour. Bev was totally naked while Kim wore a silk wrap around her waist. Kylie assumed it was because Kim was nervous about being nude in front of a strange group of people.

They took a break around the end of the first hour. Kylie spoke to the two models.

"You will need to hold the pose for about 20 minutes. You might want to recline on the couch. It might be easier. Back or front to the students, it doesn't matter. I would like you to be totally naked but Kim, if it is a problem..." Before Kylie could finish, Kim whipped off the wrap.

Kylie gave an involuntary gasp. There between Kim's legs hung a small penis. Perfectly formed, it was uncircumcised and delicate looking. It appeared to be childlike but balls that hung below proved Kim was no child. Kylie looked at Kim and then at Beverly.

"I thought you said..."

Bev smiled. "I said you might find it interesting. Nothing more."

"You're right," Kylie said. "Who am I to judge?" Turning to Kim she said. "You're on."

After the students left, Kylie took Bev aside. "You could have told me she was he."

Bev laughed. "You mean like you could have told me New Year's Eve? But seriously would it had made any difference?"

"No," Kylie said with a smile. "Out of curiosity, how come?"

"It seems Kim been a woman for a long time. Something about being an orphan and the easiest way to get her adopted was to say she was a girl. I don't know."

"One more question," Kylie said.

Bev knew the question before she asked it. "Yes it works and it's so darn cute!"

As Kylie locked up, she thought about Kim. She decided that Kim was much braver than she was. She was not at that stage where she could just say 'here it is!' Thinking it over, she wondered if she ever be, well not here in Sandwich, Massachusetts!

After Bev and Kim left, Kylie sat in her office. There was only the soft light from the floor lamp and other than the small night light in the gallery, she sat in the darkness. As she looked at the finger on her finger, she realized that she had been doing a lot of thinking lately. Kind of taking stock of her situation. It wasn't about doubt or regret, it was why she felt the way she did.

Since becoming Kylie, she truly felt that she had become who she really was. This is who she is. Looking back she now understood that she wasn't comfortable being Cary. She tried to fit in but could never quite manage to pull it off. Now it comes so easily, no more trying to be something she wasn't. Because of this, a sense of freedom had come to her.

She loved the freedom that she no longer had to hide the idea of wearing women's clothing. She wore panties in high school but had to hide it from others. Only Suzi's help allowed her to do it. In college and even with Angie, she fought the urge. Now she has the freedom to embrace it. Truth be told, there were a lot of choices out there to try on and wear.

The other day stepping out of shower, she looked at herself in the mirror. She liked what she saw. Her hair, her breasts, the smoothness of her skin, her legs, and even her ass looked good. She stepped back and smiled. Even her cock looked like it belonged.

It wasn't just her who liked her body. She noticed some of the glances she got from men, even some women. Tonight the request by the students for her to pose nude made her feel excited. The young man she danced with New Year's Eve, Cassie's friend Rick, and others, including that letch, Frank, had hit on her and that made her feel good. That the fact that Ingrid, the most sexual person she had ever met wanted her still seemed unbelievable. That she felt it was all right to flirt with Dave at DMV to get what she wanted made her smile.

Finally she felt that people around her had accepted her as she was. People who knew, Angie, Cassie, Suzi, Bev and Ravenna, all had made it so easy to continue. They showed a genuine acceptance, not 'I feel sorry for you' type of acceptance. The people who don't know also have allowed her to keep her lifestyle and have accepted Kylie as who she is.

Before she turned off the light, she thought about what Kim did tonight. Kim showed herself with grace and ease. It was if she didn't care. It was who she was. Kylie thought about that and wondered if she would ever be that confident.


Valentine's Day

Kylie slid the long thin blue box across the table to Angie. "Happy Valentine's Day, babe."

Angie slowly opened it. "Oh sweetie, it's beautiful!" She took out a diamond tennis bracelet. "You shouldn't have," she said trying to put it on.

Kylie reached over. "Here, let me help," and she fastened the clasp. "There, let me see."

Angie held her hand out and Kylie took it. She looked closely at it and smiled. "Like it?"

"Of course, it's beautiful. Now it is my turn." Angie slid a similar shaped box across to Kylie. Kylie opened it. "Is it the same one?" she said with a little laugh.

"All most, sweetie. It is an ankle bracelet." It was very similar in shape and size but this one was sapphires instead of diamonds even though there were some diamond chips between the stones. "I think we should wait till we get home to put it on."

"Why?" Kylie took off her heels and put her foot in Angie's lap. "Put it on," she said handing it to her.

"Here? In the restaurant? Now?" Angie asked in a whisper.

A few people looked and smiled but most ignored the going-ons.

Angie did the honors and when she finished, Kylie leaned over and kissed her. "Thank you, babe."

After a great meal the girls drove home. Kylie held Angie's hand as she drove. "This might sound terrible but I'm glad Cassie is at her boyfriend's tonight. I don't want to share you," she said.

"I know what you mean, sweetie," Angie sighed. "I want tonight to be special." She squeezed Kylie's hand.

They went straight to the bedroom where they began kissing. The hands moved quickly, undoing zippers and releasing clasps.

Kylie suddenly pushed Angie away. "Wait," she said breathlessly. She hopped off the bed. She quickly returned with a wrapped box. "Here, there is something for you."

Angie gave her a quizzical look as she opened the box. She found a black silk nightgown there.

"Surprise!" Kylie shouted. "It is just like one you bought me and." She reached under her pillow. "Ta dah! Just like this one only mine is red! I hope you like it."

"Of course I will. Let's get out these clothes and put them on. I can't wait to feel what it is like," Angie said hopping off the bed.

Kylie ran her hands over Angie's silk covered body as the two snuggled on the bed. Angie moved up closer and Kylie could feel the heat through the material. Her heart beat faster and her breathing ragged as her body responded to the sensations. Angie moved her body back and forth causing the silk to rub against Kylie's breasts. The feeling caused her nipples to harden and Kylie to sigh.

Slowly they kissed, running their fingers through each other's hair. The kiss was unhurried but passionate. Each girl wanted to take their time tonight and give their lover all of their love.

Angie pushed her crotch against Kylie's and rubbed. The silk against her cock caused it grow and harden. Angie whispered in Kylie's ear. "You love the way it feels against your cock, don't you?" She then stuck her tongue in Kylie's ear.

Kylie gave out a long "yes" and pressed her hard cock against Angie.

Angie pushed Kylie onto her back and then placed one of her legs between Kylie's. She took her hand and began to knead one of Kylie's breasts. She kept her hand on the outside of the gown, knowing how it made Kylie feel. She pinched one of the nipples hard.

The sensations Kylie was feeling were beginning to cloud her mind. She arched her back, raising her hips as if her body was begging for more. Angie's touch was sending small electric shocks to her brain making her squirm under her.

"What do you want me to do, sweetie? Tell me," Angie asked.

Kylie couldn't think straight. She wanted more of everything.

"Do you want me to stroke your hard cock?" Angie asked as she grabbed it and began stroking Kylie's silk covered erection.

"Yes," Kylie mumbled.