Girls' Night Out Ch. 19

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"Kylie" opens new doors and pushes the boundaries.
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Part 19 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 10/26/2022
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Gettysburg College

The cream colored convertible Mini Cooper sped down Rt. 79 through the built-up area of eastern Pennsylvania. Exits for Allentown and Bethlehem were passed as the car continued on its way. It was the last week in April and despite the industrial buildings and urban sprawl, there were enough open spaces to show that spring had finally arrived. It was spring in New England too only it was struggling to gain a foothold.

Kylie and Chrissie were off to visit Gettysburg College.

Kylie was excited to be going. After reading "Killer Angels" in high school and then seeing the movie, she found herself be very curious about seeing the battlefield. Her favorite movie was "Gone With The Wind" and the setting, the story and the costumes, especially the dresses, made her fall in love with the time period. What better place was there for her to visit? She had to admit she knew very little about it and didn't pay attention when it was taught in high school.

Chrissie was looking forward to it also. She had visited the College before and now that she had been accepted for the next fall semester, she had no real reason to go again. She did feel that this time it was important to meet with her advisor and get her classes set. She was also going to meet with other officials such as the financial office just to make sure that everything was done correctly. One thing about Chrissie as a student she was organized and driven.

It was in other areas that her life was a mess. That is until she met Aunt Kylie. Ever since that Thanksgiving, Chrissie has felt her life had turned around. She was able to address problems with her family and discover who she was, both as a person and sexually. She didn't have all the answers and she actually had many more questions but she felt she could relax with Kylie. She was hoping they could just talk on this trip.

She also thought long and hard about Kylie. It was quite a revelation that night. Chrissie was surprised at her own reaction and since then had thought about it. One thing she couldn't deny was that night was the most exciting night she ever had. She once read that if you never had sex you could live without it. When you did have and it was done right, you couldn't live without it. That night, Chrissie believed, it was done right.

Since that night Chrissie's girlfriend and she had tried a few things. They had kissed, and touched each other breasts but one time they took it a little further.

"Come on, Lindsay," Chrissie said as the two girls lay on Lindsay's bed. "You know you're as horny as me."

Lindsay shook her head. "What if my mom comes in? I don't know."

"We'll turn the music up some." Chrissie started unzipping her pants. "Come on, don't be afraid."

"Alright," Lindsay replied.

Soon the two girls were naked. Chrissie was slowly stroking her bald pussy while Lindsay hesitated. "Touch yourself, you know you want to," Chrissie said smiling at her. She rolled on her side and took one of Lindsay's breasts in her mouth.

She sucked on it, causing Lindsay to exclaimed, "Oh fuck, Chrissie, that feels so good" as she slipped her hand down to her pussy and began fingering herself.

The two girls talked quietly as they continued to play with themselves. It was so relaxing yet the tension built, as they got closer. So the talking stopped as each one concentrated on their own pleasure. They had done this once before it and it was so awkward. Now it was just damn good!

Chrissie watched Lindsay get closer to cumming. She was close herself but she decided to do something she had not done before to her. Continuing to work her own pussy she rolled over to face Lindsay. She began to kiss her ear, running her tongue around it and then nibbling on her neck.

Lindsay moaned, "Oh fuck, Chrissie, what are you doing?"

"Like it?" she whispered.

"Fuck, yes," Lindsay moaned again.

Hearing Lindsay moan in delight and watching her fingers move faster on her pussy, Chrissie forgot about her own pussy. She continuing to kiss her way down Lindsay's chest and upon reaching her breast, she took her nipple and began to suck on it. Lindsay's moans turned to deep groan. She pulled her knees up and then let them fall aside.

Chrissie placed her hand on top of Lindsay's. As Lindsay's fingers moved faster, Chrissie pressed her hand on top of Lindsay's, adding more pressure. This new feeling rocked Lindsay's body. "Oh fuck!" she yelled out. "Oh fuck!" she repeated. Her body went rigid as her orgasm swept over her.

"Oh my God, Chrissie, I never came like that before!" Lindsay said trying to catch her breath.

There was a sudden knock on the door. "Lindsay! Girls! Are you alright?" It was Lindsay's mother.

"Yes, mother," she replied, "Never better." The two girls giggled.

"So, excited about going off to college, Chrissie?" Kylie asked as they drove along.

"Excited, yes but also nervous. Was it like that for you too?" she asked.

"Of course," she smiled, "They're lying if anyone says they not. You'll do fine." Kylie grabbed Chrissie's knee and gave it a squeeze.

They drove a little further without talking when Chrissie asked, "Do you care if I ask you some questions? You don't have to answer them if don't want to."

Kylie laughed. "I think we are way past that, Chrissie. Ask away."

Chrissie nodded, "Right! Ok then when was the first time you had sex?"

"You mean intercourse, right? Lost my virginity."


"The summer before I went to college. I got a job doing yard work for my mom's friend."

"You mean an older woman?" Chrissie gasped.

"Yes," Kylie replied, "Anyway her husband was away a lot so one day she invited me in and one thing led to another."

"So it was just a one time thing?"

Kylie shook her head. "Oh no it lasted all summer. She was more than a lover. She was a teacher and I was her student. I owe a lot to her. Plus she was the first person outside my family who knew about my secret."

"Really?" Chrissie gasped again. "How did that happen?"

"By that time, I was wearing panties all the time. School was out so there was no reason to hide it."

"Panties? Who's?"

"Suzi's. She let me wear hers. So when I dropped my pants, let's say Mrs. Johnson was surprised. She didn't seem to mind plus she wanted what was inside them. She later bought me a matching set of chemise and panties as a going away to college present. Said I should have my own set."

"Wait a minute, you mean that Aunt Suzi knew all about you all this time." Chrissie whistled, "This gets wilder all the time. How did she find out?"

Kylie blushed. "Don't you dare tell anyone else. Promise?"

"Promise," Chrissie said raising her right hand and laughing.

"I'm serious," Kylie said, "Suzi couldn't figure out where some of her underwear was disappearing to. I was taking it. She felt she needed to ask me so one day after school, she burst into my room to confront me. She found me masturbating with a pair of her panties wrapped around my cock."

"Wow!" Chrissie turned in her seat to look at Kylie. "What did she do?"

"She was cool with it especially after I came right in front of her."

"No! Oh my God!"

Kylie gave Chrissie a slight smile. "That's why you can't say anything to anyone. Later when she went shopping she would always buy extra pairs and give them to me. When I decided to become Kylie she was the first family member I called. She is the only one who knows. None of my other sisters know."

Chrissie turned back around and sat quietly for almost minute. "Let me get this straight," she began. "You lost your virginity to your mom's older friend. You used to wear Aunt Suzi's panties. Now you're a woman! I'm so confused."

"Totally understand," Kylie said, "Here is the whole story from beginning to end. We have time. Want to stop? Get something to eat? Bathroom break?"

Getting back in the car, Chrissie laughed.

"What's so funny?" Kylie asked starting the car.


"Me? Why?" Kylie asked.

"We just walked into the ladies room together!"

Kylie smiled then laughed. "Where else would you have me go? And yes, I sit to pee."

As they drove through Harrisburg and got closer to Gettysburg, Kylie told Chrissie the whole story.

"I was raised by my four sisters. Dad died right after I was born and our mom had to work two jobs just to make ends meet. They changed my diapers, gave me baths, and dressed me. Since there were only girls in the family, the only hand me downs were girls' clothing so I spent a lot time in their clothes. Only when I started to go to school did I get to wear mostly boys' clothes. Even got my first hair cut just before I went. A number of people thought I was just another girl in the Stevenson's family. There were still a few times I went to school wearing one of my sister's panties and thinking nothing of it. It was only as they got older did that begin to change. Since Suzi is only 5 years older than me, it was hers I began to take."

"So even through high school?" Chrissie asked, "That must have rough because I know how high schoolers can be."

"Yes, and look at me," Kylie continued, "Not the real manly type. Not counting my boobs, this is all me."

"I know and that's what makes it so amazing!" Chrissie said, "Your hair, your face, hands, you have a great figure. The way you move. Everything about you screams a woman."

"Well sometimes I add a little padding to help, but to continue. I had a good group of friends, played sports, was a pretty good student plus everyone knew my sisters so it was ok. Had a girl friend who really just a good friend. High school was ok."

Chrissie shook her head. "You had a girl friend? You dated girls?"

"Hey, I'm not gay! I love women, always have."

"Ok sorry." Chrissie apologized.

Kylie tapped Chrissie's knee. "No need for that. It's pretty confusing. I love women for sure. I might be a little bi- but I don't think so. So while in college, I decided to stop all this. No more women's clothing, none of that. Looking back that may have been a mistake but never the less, I met Angie. We decided to live together as boy and girl friend and now here we are. Any questions?"

"Just one for now," Chrissie asked, "Why do you think stopping in college was wrong?"

Kylie thought about her answer for a minute. "Because in college, you get a chance to be who you really are. People don't know you like back home. You can find groups that like similar things, have similar taste. I could have had the freedom to wear what I wanted, express myself. Instead I tried to conform and fit in. There was many times I just felt out of step with myself. Talk to Angie, she'll tell you. I'm a totally different person than before and not just on the outside. I'm more in tune with myself."

Chrissie reached over and touched Kylie's arm. "I'm glad for you," she said. She added, "And I'm glad I met you."

The car pulled up in front of a quaint looking B & B. As they walked in an older lady greeted behind the desk. "Welcome," she said.

Kylie gave her her name and waited.

"I see you picked one of our better rooms. Things aren't as busy now but things will be picking up soon. Here visiting the college?"

Kylie nodded. "Yes my niece will be attending in the fall. Just making a quick visit."

"Good for you. Here's room key. The room is in the annex. Just park in back," the lady said, "Oh by the way will you be wanting breakfast?"

"I'm not sure," Kylie replied, looking at Chrissie. "We might just be wanting something light. We'll be sure to let you know."

"Very good, enjoy your stay."

"Wow!" Chrissie said entering the room. "This is awesome."

The room was decorated in the 1860's style but will all the modern updates. It had a small balcony with table and two chairs that gave them a beautiful view of South Mountain. Chrissie threw back the heavy dark red curtains to reveal it. There was a dark wood dressing table to one side and marble top sideboard on the other. The bed was a queen sized brass bed. "Oh my God, look at this bed," Chrissie flopping down on it. "Come on join me."

Kylie fell onto the bed next to her, "You like it?"

"I love it!" Chrissie crawled up to the head of the bed. She sat on the pillow and spread her arms out, holding on to the bars. "This bed is amazing. Just think a big brass bed for the two of us."

"Glad you like it."

"And it is out here in the annex," Chrissie said, "I bet it is extra quiet too." She hopped off the bed and went into the bathroom. She quickly came out. "Kylie, look, there is a two person Jacuzzi in here!"

Kylie got up and walked towards her. "I know. I thought you might like it. That's why I picked this room."

Chrissie wrapped her arms around Kylie's neck. "I knew some how this was going to be great!" Then she kissed her.

Over dinner Kylie asked, "Ok what's the plan for tomorrow with you?"

"I have an appointment at financial aid at 10 and then one with my advisor at 10:45. I should be done by 11:30, 12. I have phone so I'll call you when I'm done."

"I think I'll walk around the square. Do some shopping and looking. Then I'll pick you up, have lunch and then go to the visitor's center. It sounds dumb but I'm really excited to see the battlefield. I bought this guide book and this should help," Kylie said, flipping through the pages.

Chrissie smiled. It was funny that Kylie was so excited about seeing the battlefield. One of the reasons Chrissie chose Gettysburg College to go to was because of its location. History was her love and now she might be able to share some of that with her favorite aunt.

After dinner the two walked the street, looking and stopping in some of the shops. They were the usual tourist traps but they were interesting to walk around in.

"Look, Chrissie," Kylie said excitedly, "Ghost tours! We have to go on one. I always was curious about them."

Chrissie was surprised. She never took Kylie for one of those people. "Ok but not tonight. I'm a little tired. How about we go back and relax in that Jacuzzi?"

"Sure that's a great idea."

Chrissie smacked Kylie's naked ass as she walked by. Kylie, who was bent over testing the Jacuzzi water, squealed. "Hey, that hurt!"

"I couldn't resist," Chrissie said, "You have such a cute butt."

"This feels heavenly," Chrissie said, leaning back in the tub.

"I agree," Kylie added, "But it is a little cozy."

Chrissie leaned forward and rubbed her hands on Kylie's knees. "I would call it imitate, wouldn't you?"

Kylie gave her a smile. "Yes."

Chrissie looked down and there between Kylie's legs was her cock. It was small, pink, and moving slowly with the motion of the water. She reached and tickled its head. "It's so cute!" she said laughing.

"Thanks! A girl really needs to hear that!" Kylie's look said it all.

"No, I really mean it." Chrissie realized that she might have said the wrong thing. "Yours is the only one I ever seen in person. I think it is amazing. When I play with myself I always think of it and that night. It was so fuckin' hot."

"Really?" Kylie's tone sounded doubtful.

"Yes," Chrissie said, "That night really opened my eyes on how wonderful it could be. I never felt like that before. My girlfriend Lindsay and I go to her house some days after school. There we go to her room and take off our clothes. Most of the time we just talk about things but other time we masturbate together. It gets pretty hot." As she talked, she unconsciously played with Kylie's cock.

"Good for you." Kylie shifted in the water.

Chrissie looked to see Kylie's cock starting to harden. "Sorry."

Kylie smiled. "That's ok, just keep doing it. It feels good."

Chrissie got up on her knees. Continuing to stroke the growing cock, she leaned forward and kissed Kylie. Kylie's lips yielded to the pressure of Chrissie's tongue and soon the two were kissing passionately.

"Let's get out and move to bed," Kylie whispered.

Reaching the bed, it was Chrissie who took charge. She pushed Kylie hard onto it. As she climbed onto it, she pushed her leg between Kylie's, spreading them apart. She kissed her hard, causing Kylie to moan in her mouth. Breaking the kiss, she grabbed Kylie's wrists. Pulling her arms towards the head rails, she said, "Hold the bars, Auntie, hold them tight."

Holding her arms above her head, it raised her boobs higher and tightened the skin around it. When Chrissie began to suck them, it sent an extra jolt through her. She squirmed on the bed.

"You like that, don't you, Auntie?"

Kylie nodded.

"How about this?" Chrissie grabbed Kylie's cock and began to vigorously stroking it.

The feeling was too intense for Kylie. "Whoa, slow down. Not so fast. Gently." She removed her hands from the bars.

Chrissie let go of her cock and took Kylie by the wrists. She pulled her arms up again and had Kylie grip the bars again. She returned to stroking Kylie's cock. "Like this?" she asked.

Kylie sighed, "Yes, like that."

Chrissie continued stroking Kylie's hard cock while sucking on her breasts. Kylie wanted to lower her arms and touch Chrissie, to feel her body but every time she did, Chrissie would stop her manipulations and shake her head. A sense of frustration was building up inside Kylie.

Releasing her breast from her mouth, Chrissie slowly kissed her way down Kylie's stomach. She stuck her tongue in Kylie's navel causing her to laugh. "That tickles," Kylie giggled.

She put her mouth over the head of Kylie's cock while continuing to stroke it. Kylie moved her hips and groaned, "Fuck!"

Chrissie moved her hand and began to fondle Kylie's balls. She had done her homework as Lindsay and she had searched the Internet looking at how to give a blowjob. Obviously judging from Kylie's reaction she was doing something right. She started bobbing her head up and down the shaft, sucking it lightly and making it wet.

Kylie quietly moaned and said over and over, "So good." As the sensations began to build in her cock, she began to slowly thrust her cock in and out of Chrissie's mouth. "It feels so good, don't stop, baby," she moaned.

Chrissie had other ideas. She was not going to let Kylie cum her mouth! She let go of her cock and straddled her. Reaching between her legs, she took Kylie's cock and positioned it at the opening of her pussy. Rubbing the tip over it, getting it wet, she thought, "It's now or never." She began to take it in her."

Kylie's mind was focused on the feeling coming from her cock and being so close to cumming that it took her a few seconds to realize what Chrissie was doing. When she did her eyes opened wide and her hands let go of the bars. "Chrissie! What are you doing! Stop!" she yelled.

Chrissie smiled at her. Grabbing her wrists she pushed Kylie's hands back to the bars. "I'm fucking you, Auntie." Chrissie pushed down on the cock. She felt a little discomfort, which quickly passed, and she settled down on Kylie. Having taken all of the hard cock, Chrissie caught her breath. The feeling was unlike anything she had felt. She had inserted a finger or two before but it felt nothing like this. She slowly began moving up and down.

Kylie moaned and then quickly said, "Stop Chrissie, we shouldn't."

Chrissie put her hand over Kylie's mouth, "Sshh!" She leaned forward and placed both her hands beside Kylie's shoulders. This position changed the sensation of the cock moving inside her for the better. Her clit rubbed against Kylie adding more. It felt like nothing before. She moved faster.

Despite her initial resistance, Kylie began to move with Chrissie, enjoying the feelings. Chrissie's virginal pussy gripped her cock tightly, causing Kylie to groan, "That's right, baby, fuck your Auntie, fuck me!"

Chrissie responded by moving faster and increasing the feelings surging through her. Suddenly, without warning, she came. "Oh my God!" she yelled. It was like no orgasm she ever experienced. She leaned back and grabbed her breasts, pinching her nipples. She moaned loudly, "Oh fuck! Oh fuck!" over and over. A second one hit just as hard causing her to scream out again, "Oh my fuckin' God!"