Girls' Night Out Ch. 21

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It all comes together.
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Part 21 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 10/26/2022
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The Moment of Truth.

Angie threw her legs over Kylie. She felt Kylie's morning erection poke into her thigh. Reaching down she grabbed it and gave a little laugh. "I love touching you in the morning. It makes me feel good," she said, snuggling closer.

"All for you, babe." Kylie put her arms over her head and stretched. "How did you sleep?" she asked.

"Well," Angie answered. "More importantly, how did you?"

Today was the big day. First she called for an appointment with Ravenna for hair and nails. It seemed a little early but Ravenna said she would do touch-ups on Saturday morning before the wedding. She would definitely help with her final make-up. Then Kylie was driving to Suzi's house. From there it was dinner with her sisters. How it went was going to determine what happened afterwards. She was planning staying over night until Thursday. Friday was the rehearsal dinner so Angie and Alexa would be coming up then and staying over. It was still up in the air if Kylie would drive back to the Cape on Thursday. It all depended on Ravenna. Then come back with Angie for the rehearsal dinner.

"Yes, I did," Kylie replied, "Through all this, I really love sleeping next to you. I love the feeling of our bodies together. I feel safe and relaxed. I wish I could say that during the day."

"What do you mean?" Angie asked.

"After you leave to go to work and I'm here by myself I start thinking and then worrying. When I'm at work and busy, it's not so bad. I love it when you come home. It is very peaceful. When we were in St. Thomas, I didn't have a care in the world. It was just you and me."

"I know what you mean, sweetie." Angie now moved to straddle Kylie.

"What are you doing, babe?"

As Angie took Kylie's cock and rubbed it against her pussy, she smiled. "Relieving your tension, sweetie."

Kylie moaned as her cock slipped inside Angie. "Is that what they are calling it now?"

Angie bent over and took one of Kylie's nipples into her mouth. She began to twirl around it while sucking on it. She lifted her head slightly. "Can you feel the tension leaving?"

Kylie moaned again. "I can sure feel something and it feels real good!" She placed her hands on Angie's ass and began to caress it.

Angie's hips began to move faster, taking Kylie's cock in and out of her pussy. She would stop and grind against her and then start again. Kylie slipped her fingers between Angie's cheeks and rubbed them against her asshole.

Kylie groaned as she murmured, "So good, babe." She could feel the tension build almost begging for release. "Fuck me, Angie!"

"That's it, sweetie, cum for me. Let it go!" Angie moved much faster. Her body slapping against Kylie's. Her pussy clenched against the hard cock. "Yes, sweetie, cum for me now!"

Kylie gave one long moan. Her eyes opened wide. "Oh God! I'm cumming!" she yelled.

Angie could feel Kylie's cock spasm as she came. The sight, the feeling, and the sounds of her lover cumming pushed Angie over the edge. "Oh fuck, I'm cumming too!"

The two lovers lay side by side, recovering. "Do you feel more relaxed, sweetie?" Angie asked with a smile.

Kylie laughed, "Yes I do!" She suddenly sat up. "I have a great idea. Fuck the idea of a wedding. Let's fly to St. Thomas, find a JP, and get married there. It would be so much easier, babe."

"Great idea," Angie said, "Not! You know we can't do that now. Too much has already been planned. What about your sisters? Not to mention all Suzi has done for you. It would have been a great idea 2 or 3 months ago but not now."

Kylie fell back onto the bed. "I know. It was just an idea."

Angie rolled over and hugged her. "Everything is going to be fine."

"I don't know."

"Trust me, sweetie."

Kylie drove the back roads to Suzi's house. It was a gorgeous June day and the warm sun shining on her made her good. Angie was right. Morning lovemaking did take away some of the stress. The real reason it did was it made Kylie realized that she had people around her that loved her as she was. She was driving away from one but headed to another who did. She was leaning a lot on her sister right now.

Kylie pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath. "Here goes," she said to herself.

Suzi waved from the porch and then headed in Kylie's direction. Kylie always felt better when she saw Suzi and it was the same for Suzi. They were always close but since becoming Kylie, the bond had grown tighter. Neither could really explain it but it didn't matter.

"Hey you look good, little sister," Suzi said giving Kylie a hug.

"So do, big sister," Kylie replied, "Any luck?"

Suzi frowned, "Not yet but it is fun trying. I don't think it is going to happen."

"Hey, you're the one telling me to always be positive so I'm telling you, relax and let it happen," Kylie said with a laugh.

Suzi wrapped her arm in Kylie's as they walked to the house. As they when up the stairs, she glanced around as if looking for someone. "Jack bought this book," she whispered, "It has all these positions for getting pregnant, even one's for supposedly having a boy. Some are pretty interesting!"

"A sort of Kuma Sutra for getting pregnant?"

Suzi laughed. "I guess so!"

Sitting on the porch, Suzi went and got some iced tea. Returning she handed Kylie one and then sat down. "Ok," she began, "We'll be meeting with our sisters about 5:30. There is nice little restaurant in Peterborough. It's quiet, good food, casual, and very relaxing. I think it will be a great place. I rented a car for them so they can all arrive together. They are staying in a local B&B too."

"Suzi, let me give you some money towards this," Kylie said, setting her drink down. "You shouldn't have pay for all that."

Suzi waved her hand. "Oh that nonsense. I want to do this plus we haven't gotten all together in a long time."

They sat and talked for a while. Kylie admitted that she was very nervous. "There is one part of me that is saying, 'Get in the car now and go home.'" Another part is saying. 'Deal with it!'"

Suzi leaned forward and put her hand on Kylie's knee. "I understand. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a little nervous too. Whatever happens, I'm on your side 150%."

Kylie squeezed Suzi's hand. "I know and I really can't thank you enough."

"I have to ask this question. What are you wearing tonight?" Suzi asked.

"I thought what I have on now," Kylie answered. She was wearing a black and white top with spaghetti straps and black pants. They were not tight but not loose fitting either. The top did show some cleavage as well. "I was going to keep on my necklace and add some fancier earrings. What do you think?"

"I think you look great," Suzi replied quickly.

"But?" Kylie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I think you should tone it down a little. How about a nice summer dress? You know, light and feminine."

Kylie smiled. "I thought you might think that. I brought my white dress. It goes just below the knee. It is light and summery. One thing is it is higher on my bust, very little cleavage but still some. How about that?"

Suzi nodded in agreement. "That would be perfect."

Kylie stood in front of the mirror. Clad only in her panties, she looked herself over. "Suzi, can you come here?" she shouted.

Suzi opened the door and stepped in. Only seeing Kylie from the back, she still said, "Whoa!" This was the first time she had seen Kylie nearly naked and the sight caught her off guard. She wasn't sure what to expect but not what she saw before her. Seeing her from the back, Suzi was looking at a young lady with long reddish hair halfway down her back, a waistline that flared into a nice ass and hips, and well formed legs. Seeing her dressed only in white panties, she realized how complete the change had been.

Kylie turned around and picked up her dress. "Do you think I should wear a bra with this?" she asked.

"Holy shit, Kylie!" Suzi said seeing Kylie's naked breasts. "They are amazing!"

"They better be," Kylie laughed.

Suzi moved closer. "No I mean it. They looked great. And they fit your shape so well.

"So back to my question. Bra or no bra?" Kylie asked.

"Put the dress on," Suzi said taking a step back as Kylie slipped it over her head. Suzi pondered for a moment then spoke. "I think we to go with a bra. Any other time I'd said you're ok but now."

"Gotcha," Kylie replied pulling the dress back over her head.

Suzi stood behind Kylie, fastening the bra. As her hands touched Kylie's back, she marveled at her softness. "There."

Kylie quickly put the dress on. "So ok?"

Stepping forward, Suzi took Kylie's hands. "Baby girl, I am so proud of you. I don't care what others may say, you have done it. When I see you now, it is all so right. There is no mistaking it." She stepped back, swinging her arms aside. "It is perfect."

As they drove to the restaurant Kylie kept pulling the hem of dress over her knees. Suzi reached over and put her hand on Kylie's. "Would you stop it? You are going to ruin your dress besides making me crazy!" she said sharply.

"I can't help it. I'm so nervous. What if this all goes wrong? What if?"

"Stop, Kylie!" Suzi pulled the car to the side. "Just stop! This isn't doing a bit of good. Where is that confident young lady I know? Fretting about this won't help. Deep breaths, baby girl!"

Kylie stared straight ahead. She said nothing for a few moments, just took some deep breaths. She adjusted her glasses. For tonight she decided to forgo her contacts. She thought it might help her look. "You're right. It won't help and I can't worry about this. What ever happens, I know I got you, Sis."

Suzi squeezed her hand. "Damn right! Plus a lot more than just me." She pulled back onto the road. "Ok, this is the plan." She explained that she got reservations at this small restaurant. She knew the owner so they would have a table towards the back. She told the sisters to be there just a little early and to ask for the table. "I thought I would drop you off and then go park the car."

"Wait!" Kylie said excitedly, "You want me to go in by myself? No way!" She shook her head.

"Yes, just go in and then wait for me," Suzi replied calmly. "Let them see you but don't go over. I'll come in and we will go over together. Let me do the talking at first." She tapped Kylie on the knee. "It will be fine! You'll see."

Kylie sighed. "I certainly hope so."

Anyone taking even a quick look at the three women seated on the table could see that they were sisters.

Mary, the oldest and nearing 40, still looked good. Her hair, a reddish blonde, had some slight grey in it but it only served as highlights. Her figure had filled out but after having four children, it was bound to happen. It was Mary that took over much of the responsibility to help out their mother and it showed in her relationship with her sisters. Ever since Mom passed away, Mary was the head of the family.

Elizabeth, or Lizzy as she was called, was the next in line. Of all the sisters, she was the most serious of the three. She worked hard in school, got the best grades, and was totally focused on her goals. After having two children, she worked out to keep her figure. Most of all she was the one who was most serious and a little less flexible than the others.

Of all the sisters, Bobbi was the one that seemed to enjoy life more than the others. A blonde, she bubbled with enthusiasm over most things. A cheerleader, captain of the field hockey team, and a solid student, Bobbi always tried to put a positive spin on everything. She was the only one of the four that didn't have children but her husband and her seemed content.

"Well, Mary, what do you think?" Lizzy said to her older sister.

Mary smiled. "I don't know."

Lizzy shook her head. "I don't know either. This going to be different."

Bobbi leaned closer. "Come on, we got to give it a chance. Did you look at the pictures Suzi sent us?"

"Yes, I did," answered Mary. "I must say I was pretty impressed."

"Come on, girls, this is our brother we are talking about!" Lizzy said a little too loudly. "I've seen those pictures but I've seen others like it on the Internet. Not very convincing."

"Keep your voice down," Mary scolded her.

"Look you have to admit, Cary wasn't that masculine in the first place. Plus didn't we dress him up in our clothes?" Bobbi added to the conversation.

"Are you saying we did this?" Lizzy said sharply.

"No Liz, I'm saying we need to wait and see. Besides who are we to judge? It sounds to me that it's a done deal," Bobbi replied.

"Bobbi's right, Liz," Mary said. "He, excuse me, she doesn't have to ask for our permission."

Lizzy shook her head again. "We'll see."

Bobbi subtly pointed towards the door. "See that girl by the door? The one with the glasses? Do you think?"

"Oh Good God!" Lizzy gasped.

Suzi gripped Kylie's hand. "Ready, Baby girl?"

Kylie smiled at her and squeezed her hand. She nodded.


The Meeting

No matter how much planning and thought Suzi put into this meeting, it was going to be awkward. They were family, sisters and brother but now that was going to change. How much, really? They were all going to find out.

As Suzi and Kylie approached the table, the three sisters stood up. Even though the four had meet yesterday, Mary hugged Suzi as Kylie stood back, nervously waiting to see what was going to happen. At this moment it was a feeling of fight or flight.

Before Suzi could say anything, it was Bobbi who broke the tension. She walked over to Kylie and hugged her. Then stepping back, she smiled her bright smile and said, "It's Kylie, right?"

Kylie smiled and nodded. "Yes," she said softly. She looked over at Suzi who was smiling from ear to ear.

Bobbi took Kylie's hand. "Come on. Sit next to me."

The conversation was mainly about catching up on things and reminiscing about the past. It seemed that they were avoiding the 800lb gorilla in the room in the room as long as they could. As if they were waiting for it, it was Mary who broke the ice. "Well, Kylie," she began, "I must say I'm totally blown away. I didn't know what to expect but I'm pretty sure it was wasn't this. I have one question. Are you happy?"

"Yes, Mary, I am," Kylie answered. "Extremely happy."

"I guess that is all we should ask for," Mary replied.

Lizzy interjected, "Why? Why did you do this?" Her tone was one of abjection.

"It's kind of a long story," Kylie began, "To make it short, I having always been a little uncomfortable with who I was. This is who I am and I feel good about myself."

"Are you kidding? You're Cary, our brother. You just can't change!" Lizzy was getting more upset.

Mary touched Lizzy's arm. "Calm down, Liz! Let Kylie talk."

Lizzy stood up and threw her napkin down. "No, this is crazy!" With that she stormed out.

Bobbi looked around. "Let her go," she said.

Suzi stood up. "I'll go."

Kylie put up her hand. "No, I'll go. It's my problem." She followed Lizzy out into the parking lot. She found her pacing by Suzi's car. "Lizzy, can we talk? Just you and me?"

Lizzy gave her a stare. "Sure, go ahead, I won't stop you. Nothing seems to."

Kylie wanted to yell at her, to ask her what right she had to judge her but instead she took a deep breath and started. "Look, Lizzy I don't expect you to understand so I won't explain it to you. I made this decision because it right for me. I thought I needed your approval but now I'm sure I don't. I still love you as my sister. That hasn't changed and it won't ever. If you can't see that, Lizzy, then that's not my problem. In three days I'm getting married and it will be the happiest day of my life. I want my family to be there. If you can't, then so be it. I won't love you less."

Looking directly at Kylie, Lizzy said softly, "Did we cause this by the way we treated you when you were young?"

Kylie smiled. "You mean by how much love, kindness, and tenderness you gave me as I grew up. One thing I will always remember is that I always knew I was loved no matter how hard things it got. So no if you mean why I'm Kylie now."

"What do you think mom would say?"

"I think our mom would want her girls to be happy and loved," Kylie reached out and took Lizzy's hand. "Don't you think so?"

Lizzy looked down and then up at Kylie. "I don't know. This is very hard for me. I still need to think about it. I have been thinking since Suzi told me. I thought seeing you would help me decide. I think it has because you look so right. Still I need some time."

"I can't ask for more, Lizzy," Kylie said, "You coming back in?"

"Give me a few minutes then I'll be in," Lizzy replied.

"Love you, Sis," Kylie said walking towards the restaurant.

A few minutes later, Lizzy sat down at the table. "So what did I miss?"

They drove back to Suzi's house after the dinner to continue what was turning into a very good time. Suzi got some wine and they gathered on the porch. Jack had taken the girls to his parent's place to stay over night so they wouldn't be bothered. They could also feel free to talk.

"Ok, Kylie, I guess it is time for twenty questions," Mary said, "You don't have to answer any of them. Also we don't want to put you on the spot, ok?"

Kylie sipped her wine, "Go ahead, ask."

"When did this start? This idea?" Mary said, starting it off.

"Well, I always enjoyed wearing silky under things. It made me feel good. It started in school," Kylie answered.

"Wait a minute," Bobbi interrupted, "Like panties?"

Kylie blushed, "Yes."

"So you were the one stealing my panties," Bobbi laughed, "I thought someone was taking them off the line. Even the pink silky ones?"

"They were my favorite too," Kylie answered blushing again.

"Let's get serious for a moment," Mary said looking around, "Are you transitioning? Taking hormones? The whole deal?"

"No I'm not," Kylie started explaining, "I had top surgery but that's as far for now."

"So nothing else?" Lizzy asked."


Bobbi spoke up, "Kylie, stand up and turn around."

Kylie did what she was asked.

"Now walked to stairs and back," Bobbi requested.

Again Kylie did as she was told.

"Damn," Bobbi said, "I don't know but you convinced me. No padding? No fillers?"

"No," Kylie answered, "It's all me."

The questions now turned to the wedding and plans for that. In other words, girl talk. It was clear that Bobbi was comfortable and accepting with all of this. Mary was definitely on board but she was difficult to read how much. It was like she felt it was a done deal and that was that. It was obvious that Lizzy was still not sure of the whole idea but it was also clear that she wasn't going to stand in the way.

"So, Suzi, how many guests" Mary asked.

"Kylie told me about 25, right?"

"Do they all know the situation?" Lizzy wanted to know.

"No not all. Jack's parents don't and some friends from New Jersey don't either," Kylie answered. "We just feel its better right now."

"How did Angie's parents react?" Lizzy asked.

"They don't know either," Kylie replied.

"They don't know!" Lizzy exclaimed. "You didn't tell them?'

"No, we didn't," Kylie explained clearly, "They think she is marrying a woman. They don't approve of that. Besides they aren't coming anyway.

Bobbi shook her head. "Well that's just wrong anyway."

"So Suzi," Lizzy asking turning to her, "You were the first know? When did that happen?"

"Just before the holidays," Suzi answered, "Kylie reached out to me. She wanted for me to know."

Kylie interrupted, "Look you guys are my older sisters. Suzi and I were always closest. You know that. It was important for me to tell family so I told Suzi." Kylie took Suzi's hand. "She has been my rock and besides Angie, there is no one else that has backed me as she has. She has let me be who I want to be." Kylie looked at Suzi. Her feelings were plain to see on her face.