Girls Night Out, My Version


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Right, I'll annoy them. I phoned Heather. It rang and then went to the answerphone. She didn't even bother looking into her handbag for it, she probably had it on silent. I did it again with the same result. I wandered back to the car and called her again and got cut off straight away. That was it. I was being ignored. I didn't think I could get any angrier. I was wrong. If nothing else she had lied to me. I waited in the car, thinking, and that was not good. It was about an hour or so when I saw them leave the restaurant, I had a plan. I got out of the car and went and stood by the nightclub entrance. I had the envelope in my hand ready to give it to her. I watched them come down the road, but they stopped and walked across the street towards the hotel. Shit, she was going to a hotel with him.

I ran across the road and got into the foyer before them and found myself in a dark corner. Heather was hanging all over corporate lawyer type as he picked up the key card, they walked towards the lifts and that was when I walked up to them, putting my hand out with the envelope with the terms of our separation in it and looked straight into the eyes of Debora.

Her hands flew to her face, and she started crying, "Please don't tell Jeff, please, please."

I was stunned, gobsmacked. Then I felt an arm slipping into mine, I turned and looked, and there was Heather still dressed in the clothes she left our house in. "See I told you you'd get caught Debora. I just didn't think it would be this soon."

"Come on sweetheart let's go, I'll explain everything." She pulled me away.

We got in the car; she told me to head towards Jeff and Debora's place and she would explain everything.

She said to me, "Sorry, I was planning to do this over the phone. But now you're here I can do it in person, it'll be better for Jeff."

We got to Jeff and Debora's house, I followed her to the front door, she rang the bell. The door opened and there stood Jeff; he had a confused look on his face.

"Heather this is a surprise, there's nothing wrong is there?"

"Yes Jeff, I'm afraid there is. I've got some bad news for you. Debora is in the Red Lion with a man." Jeff fell back indoors, we both went in and helped him, we took him into the lounge and sat him on his sofa and then there was lots of shouting with words like, "I fucking knew it, whore, slut." I just sat there. Heather went and put the kettle on for some tea.

When he calmed down, he asked us to tell him the whole story.

Heather went on. She told him how she was messing around with a young lad, but nothing happened, it was mainly flirting and kissing. He told us he knew about that, because that was what made Debora so energetic when she got home.

Heather explained that Debora wanted to try Anthony, who I called the corporate lawyer type. He was in fact an admin assistant in a supermarket, but divorced, she had found out after a little digging.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" he asked Heather.

"I was hoping I could put her off, and if I didn't, I needed proof."

"Do you have proof?"

"No, I don't. Dave stopped me before she got to the room, I don't know what happened after we left."

I could see Jeff thinking for a few seconds. "So you helped her have this affair?" He was starting to look angry. I think he got the wrong end of the stick, but I could understand that. I thought I was going to have to step in when Heather held her hand up.

"She blackmailed me. Listen to this."

She got her phone out, pulled up the recording app, pressed play and laid it on her knee.

Debora's voice came from the phone. "You have to help me, it'll just be the once, he's so nice. And it'll be fun."

"No, I can't. That would be cheating on Jeff," was Heather's reply.

"Come on, you're my best friend, best friends help each other."

"Not for this I won't, and I will have to think seriously about telling Jeff and our friendship."

"You wouldn't tell Jeff; it would crush him."

"Yes, it would, so why are you doing it? You will get caught, you know."

"I just have to, it's just the once, I promise, It's just a bit of fun with Anthony."

I was thinking that up to this point Debora had not mentioned anything about actually having sex with Anthony then Heather pushed it, probably because she knew she was recording the conversation." I assume this fun means sex?"

Deborah laughed. "Of course, silly, I'm going to get fucked by Anthony, he tells me he's got a big cock, and he can satisfy anybody. Jeff's good but Anthony is going to be exciting. He says he will fuck me till I can't walk."

"No, I can't do it, if you want to do this, you'll have to do it on your own without my help, I want to know nothing about it. Jeff will spot something. You will get caught. And I don't want to get dragged into this shit and mess up my marriage. So be warned, I will protect my marriage."

Debora's voice suddenly got harsher "If you don't help me Dave will get to see this video of Anthony grabbing your arse and you not moving his hands and the kiss, from the angle I took it: it looks like a proper kiss not just a peck on the cheek. How much will your precious marriage be worth then? All I have to do is to tell him you're having an affair with Anthony and that will put enough doubt in his mind to mess up your marriage. And trust me I can be quite convincing."

"You wouldn't do that, would you?"

Her voice changed to pleading again. "Yes I would, please I want this, it will save me dropping you in it with Dave."

Jeff was in tears, his head was in his hands, he was sobbing, lives ruined for a bit of fun. Heather put her phone in her handbag.

Jeff looked at me, "How much did you know?" He asked me.

"Nothing until I walked up to Debora, she was dressed like Heather, I thought it was Heather."

That was when the front door flew open and Debora rushed in, she was crying. She had the auburn wig in her hand. I would have thought she would have seen our car parked out front, but from the look on her face when she saw us, she didn't, there was complete shock. "No, No, no" was all she kept saying. "I didn't do anything sweetheart. I don't know what lies they've told you; I didn't do anything."

"But you were going to."

"But I didn't do anything, we were just going to talk, I wasn't going to do anything."

"How can I believe you, you're dressed up sexy as hell and you were going to room with a man. How can I believe you weren't going to do anything if they hadn't caught you. You would be in that room shagging by now."

"No we wouldn't, trust me it was just talking." Then she pulled herself up. "Anyway, you've got no proof. Dave just saw me walking towards the lift with a man. Your family won't believe that."

Jeff looked at Heather, "play her the recording."

Heather got her phone out again, guessed where the incriminating bit was and got it right first time, almost like she knew where it was. And out of the speaker came the damming evidence of Debora saying, "Of course I'm going to get fucked by him, Anthony tells me he's got a big cock and he can satisfy anybody. Jeff's good but Anthony is going to be exciting. He says he will fuck me till I can't walk."

Debora collapsed on the floor crying. Jeff stood up and you could see him physically pull himself together.

He held his hand out to me, I stood and took it. As we shook, he said. "Thanks' mate, I've got this now."

Heather stood up beside me, Jeff gave her a hug, looked at her and said, "sorry I lost my temper with you, but thank you so much. Can you send me a copy of that recording?"

"Of course."

He nodded to Debora, still on the floor, "We've got a lot to talk about before the kids get up."

I got the feeling, no more mister nice guy.

Whilst I drove home she told me that she'd told Debora pretty much like she told me she was going to, you don't do that to friends, you don't cheat on your husband and you don't expect your friends to cover up for you, she warned her that if Jeff found out he would most likely divorce her.

She explained what I heard on the recording.

Debora had told her that she could get away with it if her best friend helped her. It would only be the once, and anyway, if Heather didn't help her, she had a video of the corporate lawyer type grabbing hold of her bum and giving her a kiss on that first night they met him and show it to me. And she would tell me that Heather was having an affair with him. Debora was well aware of my attitude to infidelity.

Heather said she thought about it that night and decided to play along but would put a few safety measures in place. From then on, she recorded all of the conversations she had when she was with Debora.

Debora couldn't get the clothes and shoes out of the house she wanted to wear so she convinced Heather to let her borrow her green dress as they were both the same size. Debora gave Heather a pair of shoes she wanted to wear, but Heather couldn't fit the tall heels into a handbag. So she wore them and put her low heeled shoes in the bag.

She was always going to tell Jeff if she caught Debora having the affair, but she needed proof. But she wanted to give her the chance to call it off at the last minute. What did surprise her this evening was that Debora had got a wig that made her look like Heather. That was when she realised that Debora was setting her up. Not that it made any difference to Heather's plans. She had planned to confront Debora and Anthony as they went to the lift, but I got there first.

Heather told me her plan was once they had gone to the room she was going to come home and give me the best night of sex she ever could. Something I would remember until the day I died, so if anybody told me she was in a hotel room with Anthony, I would know they were lying. She was going to phone Jeff on her way home, he would have to look after himself because she had to protect her marriage. But after I saw it all, she thought we could both help Jeff.

When we got in and I fetched us both a drink, we sat on the sofa, and I came clean and told her I'd been to the nightclub to catch Debora out. So I knew that corporate lawyer type, Anthony, had his hands all over her, but she didn't walk away like she did with the other bloke who got handsy. She explained the previous chap made sexual innuendos, Anthony was very polite and pleasant. When he suggested a little dalliance, she blew him off, telling him that she loved her husband and would never cheat. He respected that and that's why he gave her a kiss on the cheek. She didn't feel his hands on her bum, they were so gentle and soft, as if they'd never done a day's work in their life.

She gave me a quizzical look and said, "where were you hiding? We didn't see you there, mind you we weren't looking for you."

I rushed out to the car and grabbed my disguise, just the jacket, wig and glasses.

"I thought something was familiar, it was the way you carried yourself. But I discounted it as you were blond, had glasses and you never wear a jacket." He smiled at me, "You did look good, we might have to start having date nights with you dressed as my young stud."

Then I could see she had a thought. She took a sip of her drink, "Were you following me, did you think I was having an affair?"

"No, not you, I started arriving early to save time and I noticed Debora all over her young boyfriend, I was worried she was going to cheat on Jeff with him. Although you did worry me once when you came from the crowd late that night."

"I was off looking for Debora, and all the time she was standing at the back of the taxi queue."

Now comes the question that has been bothering me for some time. "Why didn't you just tell me? It would have been so easy to catch her out."

"I didn't want you getting involved. Jeff would have been upset with you if you knew and didn't tell him, Jeff will need a friend when all this falls over, and that's your job. He may take help better from someone not involved. He would ask you why you didn't tell him of your suspicions. And If I had convinced her to call it off, the fewer people that knew about it the better, that's why I didn't tell you or him. Sorry sweetheart, I thought that was the best approach."

We had finished our drinks, and I could tell the last hour or so had drained her, emotionally as well as physically. I stood and held my hand out to her, she took it. As she stood up she said. "Can we just cuddle please, I'm not sure I want to make love after seeing our friend's marriage destroyed."

When we got to bed, the cuddling did turn into gentle love making at her initiation.

I took the following day off with her and we went shopping together, including the lingerie shop. She did give me a night of sex I would remember until the day I died in her new corset.

Heather never spoke to Debora ever again, whenever Heather came into a room, Debora would leave. I still played golf with Jeff; he was very upbeat. He seemed happy he had something over Debora, it appears that Debora's family are quite well off and very moral, cheating would not go down well there, it seemed to work for them.

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deependerdeependerabout 4 hours ago

"We've been talking at work. We've had so much fun and it's nice to get together outside of work. We'd like to go out twice a month. The first and third Thursday of every month. Are you okay with that?"



AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Good writing but what husband doesn't tell a 40 something wife that the dance club is a pick-up joint and he objects strenuously to her going? Take her dancing, ask her to take dance lessons with you so you can go dancing more but slow dances with another man? Nope. I really liked to dance and especially with my wife who is a wonderful dancer but slow dancing is by its very nature the first step to fucking; sometimes it may end up being the second or third step to fucking. And what's with Heather sneaking out a sexy dress to give to Debora whom she knows is planning to fuck "corporate lawyer type."

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 month ago

Nice little story

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 2 months ago

Then I could see she had a thought. She took a sip of her drink, "Were you following me, did you think I was having an affair?"

- His correct response should have been, "Not at first. But you started generating enough smoke it sure looked like there was a chance of a fire."

She might get mad at him for not trusting her but she was the one acting out of sorts and lying to him.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Saw no problems with Heather's actions. Yes she could have been more upfront with her husband but then no story and she had her reasons to wait. And Deborah is an evil bitch. Not sure why Jeff would stay married but probably for the money. But wow a lot of commenters ragging on Heather. Get over yourself. Yeesh. Twist was good. Heather was never going yo cheat and she never crossed the line. Having a guy put his hands on your ass briefly while dancing is not cheating. And a peck one the cheek is not cheating. And after that Anthony did not pursue her as she had told him no, politely but strongly shutting him down. She did nothing to betray Dave's trust. If he flew off the handle watching her on the dance floor, then that is on him. Besides that episode with Anthony was only the first time. Then Deborah became both their targets. 5 stars.

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