Girls Wear Swimsuits, Boys Go Nude


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Nick pinched himself and continued down the hallway. He glanced into another office, to see another young woman working at her desk in the nude. Her male boss was in a dress shirt, tie, and business slacks, and he too, seemed completely un-alarmed by his secretary's state of dress.

What the hell is going on here, Nick thought to himself.

He arrived at his father's office, and peeked inside, afraid of what he might see. Sure enough, his father's secretary was at her desk, chatting away on the phone in the nude. Nick knocked on the open door to get her attention.

"Oh, there you are!" Albert said, stepping out from the doorway connecting his office to Teresa's. "Glad you could make it!"

"Dad. What the HELL is going on here?" Nick asked.

"It's Nude Secretaries Day!" Albert said.

Nick's mouth dropped open. He remembered now what Caleb had said a few weeks earlier.

"Nude Secretaries Day?" Nick said incredulously. "That's REAL?"

"Yep," Albert said. "I thought maybe inviting you here today might help you feel better about your swim class rules."

Nick looked around the room, dumbfounded. Nothing seemed out of place; Teresa was at her desk as she always was, but today, she wasn't wearing any clothing. She simply sat at her desk with her smooth bare legs crossed while she held her phone between her shoulder and her ear, typing away at her computer as she spoke.

"Nude Secretaries Day is real?" he asked again. "You have this every year?"

"Every year," Albert assured him.

Nick still felt skeptical. He opened his mouth, trying to find a way to ask his father if he'd somehow bribed all the secretaries to strip nude just for today to make some kind of point, but no combination of words made that idea not seem ridiculous.

"How did you get the girls to go along with this?" he finally asked.

"Actually, it was one of them who came up with the idea," Albert said. "Shari Kirshner pitched the idea a few years ago. She petitioned for it until the higher-ups okayed it."

"But how did--" Nick began, but trailed off. He stared at Teresa's beautiful bare breasts and his eyes glossed over.

Albert chuckled. "Why don't we go in my office for a minute until you get your head straight?"

Nick had to agree that was likely for the best. He sat down across from his father's desk, and Albert shut the office door to cease Teresa's two very large distractions from disrupting his son's train of thought.

Albert sat down at his desk, and chuckled at the sight of his son trying to collect his bearings.

"I can't believe this is really a thing," Nick mused.

"It really is," Albert said proudly.

"Are ALL the secretaries here naked?"

"Every one of them!"

"And they don't mind?"

"Women like to feel sexy. Especially when they're being paid well. And we pay these ladies very well," Albert said.

It made sense. Sort of. It just seemed incredibly unlikely. Somehow Nick's hottest fantasy had come true, and he had trouble even fathoming how it could happen.

"Did Teresa know about Nude Secretaries Day when you hired her?" he asked.

Albert shifted nervously.

"Actually, no. You see-" he trailed off, prompting Nick to wonder if his father felt some amount of guilt. He continued, "when my last secretary quit, I wondered if my next secretary would be willing to work nude as well. So when I started interviewing new girls, I told them about our annual holiday right off the bat. Well, wouldn't you know it, the moment I mentioned we had a "Nude Secretaries Day," they were no longer interested in the job!"

"I'm shocked," Nick said sarcastically.

" Yeah, I was too," Albert said in a tone matching his son's. "So, when Teresa came in to interview, I didn't tell her. I just hired her, and decided to wait until the big day to see how she reacted. She was reluctant, of course, but Shari was able to do some convincing, and she got Teresa to go along with the holiday for two years now."

"Shari must be awfully good at convincing!" Nick remarked.

Albert nodded. "Shari is... the best."

He gathered up some sales reports on his desk, tucked them into a folder and set it to the side. With his desk cleared off, he looked his son in the eye.

"So, why don't we talk about why you want to quit school?"

Nick sighed. What seemed so simple before now felt impossible to talk about. He glanced around his father's office, looking at his framed family photos, printer, and wall calendar before finally looking him in the eye working up an answer to his question.

"Well, it's just- I feel like I'm spinning my wheels there, and-"

Nick was cut off mid-sentence by a knock at Albert's door.

"Come in," his father said.

Albert's office door opened, and Teresa sauntered in and placed a sheet of paper on the desk in front of him. Nick froze; becoming uncomfortably aware of just how close to him Teresa was standing.

"Green Gate faxed this over," the beautiful nude secretary said. "They want a budget increase on the Mackenzie project that they need you to sign off on."

Albert put on his glasses and inspected the document.

"Where am I supposed to sign?" he asked.

"Right here," Teresa said, bending over Albert's desk to point at the line for the manager's signature. As she did, Nick's eyes drifted to his left, and admired the succulent round ass just inches from his face. He could even make out the tan lines in the shape of a very tiny thong between her cheeks. He saw no such tan lines on her back, suggesting she spent her time in the tanning bed in her panties but not her bra.

"Ah yes, there we are," Albert said. He grabbed his fountain pen and signed his name on the line. "Just bring this to David and see if he wants any changes made. Otherwise, you can fax it back to Green Gate."

"Sure thing," Teresa said, smiling at him.

"Oh, and could you be a doll and grab the Mendez report from my printer? David needs to see that as well," he added.

Teresa walked to Albert's side of the desk and bent over to retrieve the Mendez report. As she did, Albert, like his son, also took the opportunity to admire her lovely round behind.

"I'll get these to him now!" Teresa said, holding both documents together.

"Great, thanks toots." He slapped her on the butt and she walked out of the office. Nick looked at his father in disbelief.

"Did you really just do that?" Nick asked.

"What? Oh, the butt slap? Yes, we do that around here sometimes. It's just how this office works."

"Dad, you always told me never to touch women that way!" Nick exclaimed.

"And normally, you never should," Albert said. "But things work a little different in this office. And I would encourage you to take advantage. You won't get this opportunity in many other places."

Nick stopped.

"You mean, I can-"

Albert smiled.

"You absolutely can. The girls here don't mind."

Nick sunk into his chair.

"I don't know if I could."

"Ahh, go for it! You deserve a treat. Just take some time walking the halls of this place for a bit. I think this environment will make you into a new man."

Nick shrugged.

"I guess I could do that."

He got up from his chair and stepped out of his father's office. There was something poignantly surreal about this company. As he made his way down the hallway, catching glimpses of nude women working in their offices, he felt almost otherworldly. He wondered if it was his medication. His arousal had spiked to a level he'd never before felt; his penis had grown to a full erection that he felt powerless to tame.

He blinked. For a split second, his eyes were closed, and all he could hear were the sounds of an office building. Phones ringing, fax machines beeping, copy machines whirring. And when he opened his eyes, he saw nude women walking about, brushing his shoulder as they passed him. He pinched himself, but didn't wake up from what had to be a dream.

He passed by Katie Cooper, the CEO's secretary in the hallway. He peered behind him after she passed, to admire the way her round bare cheeks wiggled as she walked. He thought about taking his father's advice; he thought about reaching out and grabbing one of her full ass cheeks and giving it a squeeze- but he couldn't. He played the scenario out in his mind, to the torture of his throbbing penis, and painfully tore his eyes away from her body as she got too far down the hallway to see clearly enough.

He arrived at Judy Sanders' office, and his heart skipped. He remembered Judy. He was only nine years old when his father brought him into her office for the first time, and Judy had let him take a big handful of Jolly Ranchers from the glass bowl on her desk.

Now Nick was nineteen, and Judy still had a bowl of Jolly Ranchers on her desk, but today she was naked. And Nick wanted a handful of something that didn't include Jolly Ranchers.

She was on the phone when he walked into her office, and smiled at him as he entered. He looked at her hungrily. She noticed his stare and responded by sliding her glass dish of Jolly Rangers toward him.

Defeated, he took one of the green apple flavored candies from the dish and walked out. He wished he had the balls to do what his father, or Caleb could do. But something stopped him- something convinced him that laying his hands on a woman's body would not produce the results he desired, and he dared not act on his impulses.

He turned to go back to his father's office, to tell him this "real world therapy" if that was what his father had in mind, wasn't working. Nick just wasn't that type of guy, and the sooner he accepted who he was, the better. This was nothing to be ashamed of, he told himself.

He was on his way back when he caught side of a voluptuous redhead walking towards him. She was short, probably only 5'2 though she appeared taller with the extra tall heels she had on, with piercing green eyes. Nick knew exactly who this was. This was Shari Kirshner, the woman who'd introduced Nude Secretaries Day to this company.

Nick's gaze was transfixed on the gorgeous redhead as she turned to place a paper in the copy machine. She placed her svelte palms flat on the machines' surface and held them there, feeling the machine hum beneath her touch. And when the machine spat out a copy in the output tray below, Nick watched helpless as the buxom beauty bent over to retrieve it.

In that moment, it was as if someone else had taken over Nick's body. His hand reached out, and before he could stop it, Nick grabbed hold of Shari's behind and gave her buttocks a firm squeeze.

Shari yelped and spun around to face him.

"Nick!" was all she could say.

"Hi," he said back. He didn't shake, he didn't stammer. He played it cool.

She smiled at him.

"Are you enjoying Nude Secretaries Day?" the redhead asked cheerfully.

"I've got to say, it's got its upsides."

"I'm seeing one of those upsides right now," Shari said, eyeing the bulge in Nick's pants.

"Oh. Yeah," Nick blushed, and adjusted the front of his pants, but with little success concealing his enlarged man parts.

Shari chuckled. "It's okay. I like that I turn you on."

She cupped her hands to her large, G-cup breasts and pinched the nipples. She winked at him and he blushed again.

"I'd better let you go masturbate before you explode in your pants," she said.

"Oh, no worries about that," Nick said.

"No?" Shari asked, as if she'd been challenged. "Even if I do this?"

She bent over and pressed her behind against his groin, and wiggled her hips side-to-side. His heart spiked- the feel of her full cheeks rubbing against his manhood through his clothing excited him enough to make him feel his penis might rip through the front of his pants.

She turned to face him, and stepped close enough to him that her breasts touched his chest.

"How did that feel?" she asked bewitchingly.

"Good," Nick said flatly, feeling his mouth go dry.

"You don't think there's ANY chance you might cum right in your pants?"

She pressed her groin against his and wiggled her hips again. He knew she could feel his bulge poking her, but that only seemed to encourage the wily seductress.

"I have a condition," Nick said. "I'm taking medication for it, but, no, I don't think I'm going to cum. Even though you are really damn hot."

"What medication?" Shari asked.

Before he could answer, one of the managers passing through the hallway caught sight of Shari as she was pressing Nick against the wall with the front of her body, and decided to sneak up on her.

"Duck duck goose!" he said, and slipped his middle finger and thumb between Shari's cheeks and nipped her butt hole.

"Ooh!" she yelped, and Nick had to admit, the way she jumped and momentarily pressed her body even tighter against his had him questioning, just for a moment, if it might be possible for him to orgasm today.

"Gotcha!" he boasted.

Shari looked at him and scowled.

"He gets me every year!" she remarked.

"What's that?" Nick asked.

"The duck duck goose game," Shari said. "Every year on Nude Secretaries Day, if the guys catch us with our back turned, we get goosed."

"Oh, I'll protect you then," Nick said, and covered her bottom with his hands.

"My hero!" Shari exclaimed facetiously, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Just doing my gentlemanly duty," he said, and pressed his palms tightly against her lower buttocks.

"Mmm, I feel so safe now," she said. She looked him in the face again. "So what were you saying? About your medication?"

"Oh, I take Tristerol-B6."

"You take TB6?" she said in surprise. "Well, you should have no trouble cumming then!"

Shari was quite familiar with Nick's sexual performance drug. As it happened, her boss David Carter had gotten a prescription a few months back. Among Shari's daily duties as his secretary were to enter his office each morning and place two pills and a tall glass of water on his desk.

When David's wife had become uninterested in satisfying her husband's increased sexual urges, Shari was given a few additional secretarial duties: namely, bending over his desk with her skirt raised so that he could empty his balls inside either of her two holes. Needless to say, Shari had become intimately familiar with just how dramatic a change the blue pills could have on a man's semen output.

Nick shifted to a whisper, "well I can't- yet. But I'm working on it."

Shari cocked her head.

"Maybe what you need is a helping hand, hmm?"

Nick felt his grip on her cheeks weaken.

"You'd be willing?" he asked.

"Oh, I am willing," she said assuringly. "Come on, I know a place where we won't be bothered."

She took his hand and he followed her down the hallway to an empty office. She shut the door behind them and invited him to take a seat.

"You sure we won't be bothered here?" Nick asked.

"I'm sure," she said, flipping her hair. "This is Toby's old office. He doesn't work here anymore."

"Why not?" Nick asked.

Shari dropped to her knees and spread Nick's legs apart.

"He was a very smart boy. A lot like you. And he left a while back to start his own company."

"Wow," Nick said.

Share unzipped his pants and took out his fully erect penis.

"Now, let's see if we can get this guy to shoot some goo," she said.

With that, she squeezed his penis between her breasts and rubbed them up and down. Nick felt his stomach sink as he clutched the armrests on his chair and let her pump away her massive breasts against his organ.

"Oh it's sooo hard!" Shari remarked. "You'll be cumming in no time, I guarantee."

Nick had to admit, her tits felt amazing on his cock. His penis throbbed under the caressing touch of her enormous mammaries. He grunted and jerked, but his balls remained at bay.

"Don't thrust," Shari said, resting her hand on his thigh. "Let me do the work."

Nick obliged. Yet even with all her pumping and rubbing and stroking, he was as cum-shy as he was at home when he was doing this by hand. He tried remaining quiet and trusting her to do what she seemed to do best, but his geyser remained reluctant to erupt. He let her rub him for several minutes before he grew restless.

"Look, you are amazing," Nick assured her. "But this is a problem I've had for months, I just don't think what you're doing is going to help."

Shari stopped, and glared at him square in the eye.

"Ye of little faith," she said, and continued pumping.

Damn it felt good! Maybe she was right. Maybe tits as large and soft as hers could be what finally break him. He leaned back in his chair and let her do her work.

She pumped, and squeezed, and rubbed, but when she realized that her efforts were still fruitless, she finally stopped.

"I have an idea," she said. "But you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Promise," Nick said.

She climbed up to her feet.

"I'm going to show you where I hide my panties."

Nick chuckled. "Why?"

"Cause the guys are always stealing them. I got to stash them somewhere they won't look. Like in here."

She bent over and opened the bottom drawer of Toby's former desk, and reached all the way to the back. She fished out a lacy pink thong and held it in by her thumbs in front of Nick's face.

"You know the great thing about panties? They retain the smell of a woman's pussy. The pheromones are a known aphrodisiac for men. Especially when she's ovulating."

Shari leaned very close to Nick, and whispered, "I'm ovulating, Nick."

He gulped. She held the crotch of her panties to his nose.

"Smell them," she said.

Nick gave them a sniff and noted that they did indeed smell of vagina. The aroma made his skin tingle.

"This might be a long shot, but let's see if this works," Shari said. She held the crotch of her panties to Nick's nose and mouth, and wrapped the waistband behind his ears. She leaned forward, close enough that her breasts touched his face, and tied the waistband in a knot around the back of his head, making the panties serve as a breathing mask of sorts. She leaned back to inspect her work.

"Okay. Breathe in."

Nick inhaled, and the aroma of Shari's sweet pussy went straight up his nose and into his lungs.

"You just keep breathing and let me do what I need to do," she said, and dropped back onto her knees.

She pumped her breasts onto his penis once again, but now her feminine aroma amplified his arousal. He couldn't deny it had a poignant effect. His penis grew longer, taller, stiffer. The softness of her breasts tantalized his eager cock. It wanted to cum. It really did, it had wanted to for months. But whatever was stopping it was fighting a battle now, a battle it was losing because Shari knew better than most women how to make a man shoot his goo.

Now Nick's penis throbbed with an unquenchable desire. The space between Shari's tits, the vast deep cleavage, was a place few cocks stood a chance at total resilience, and Shari was seeing to it that Nick's penis was buried between the thick billowy folds of breast on either side. Each time he could see the head of his cock pop up into view, it would then disappear completely back inside an abyss of pleasure.

"Ooohh, Nick!" she cooed, feeling the sticky precum leaking out from the tip of his penis.

He could feel himself edging closer. He was closer to orgasm than he'd been in months. This couldn't be it, could it? He couldn't imagine that this could be what finally broke his spell. Or could it? He stared back at Shari's enormous breasts. They were beautiful, there was no doubt.

"Mmmm, come on Nick! Cum for me!" she urged.

She squeezed her breasts around his penis tighter. He breathed faster, inhaling her sweet, sensual aroma.

"Yes! Breathe in...." she said softly. "Breathe, and let it all go. Squirt a nice big load for me!"

How he wanted to. And he was almost there. He could feel himself on the brink.

"Do it, baby! Let it out! Paint my big titties with your cum!" she urged. She rubbed her breasts against his penis faster.
