Glory Hole Ch. 03

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Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/12/2020
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All characters in the story are above 18; readers must also be above 18.

This Chapter 3 would be best enjoyed if read after Chapters 1 & 2 of Glory Hole story.

It is a long story with an underlying Incest theme, and lesbian love.

It is a story about Helene, Ernst, and Peter.

If you are intrigued to know more about Sara and Adam, who are also part of this story, you might want to read Kama Sutra, though not necessary to enjoy this story by itself.



Sara went back to LA to an anxious Adam.

Adam, amused at her prolonged stay back in Germany, asked, "Mom, hope you enjoyed your stay."

"yes, indeed," Sara replied, almost blushing. Trying to get herself to sound normal, "Helene and Ernst are the best friends I have met in a very long time. I just loved their home. They were very hospitable, friendly, and loving. Helene didn't want me to come back even now."

"mmm...hmm," responded Adam cheekily.

Laughing Sara responded, "don't be a brat, Adam. I came back for you and you should know better."

They both hugged and kissed. While discussing Helene, Adam could see the glint in his mother's eyes, and the tone changed as soon as she spoke of Helene. Adam could make out Sara had found a deeper connection with Helene than just a friendly dalliance.


Helene morbidly obsessed over Sara's departure. She wracked her mind, as to what had made Sara go away.

She missed her like nothing she had ever felt before. The only other feeling that came close to what she felt was, was when Peter had gone to college. At the time, she had gone into silence for a couple of weeks, before slowly Ernst worked with her and got her to come back to normal. But the emptiness she felt, this time around, was harsher.

Helene gave up on her earlier routine before she had met Sara. She did not attend the office, nor did she go out and meet friends. She stayed back at home and spent long hours in her bedroom. In between, she would go to the garden near the trees, where she had spent innumerable hours every day with Sara. She would sit under the trees, and her thoughts would linger on to remembering what she and Sara would do if they were together.

Helene spent hours deciding what to wear and then would simply sit in her undergarments or her gown, remembering how it did not matter with Sara around what they wore because they were very comfortable with each other's bodies. They would spend hours hugging, kissing, and holding each other, each day.

In the shower, she remembered one day, how Sara had filled the bathtub with milk and made Helene bathe in milk along with her. She added some rosewater to the milk and water in the tub, and it became a wonderful perfumed milky treat. She had loved soaking in it. Helene had felt her skin feel soft until many days after that. Sara had licked her every nook and corner of her body and had licked the milk from off her body. Sara had enamored her with the therapeutic quality of their milk-bath but besides that, it was erotic as hell for Helene. They had showered after that together. Every time she entered the bath alone, she remembered their daily showers together.

Helene spent many hours of the day in the bed with her eyes closed, remembering the perfume on Sara, remembering Sara's kisses on her body, remembering Sara licking her all over, remembering them making love. She cried for hours each day and stayed stone silent on other days.

Helene was lugubrious and felt abandoned, forlorn, and depressed. She felt sad and hopeless most of the time.

She missed their proximity and their talks. They would spend hours talking about random stuff, another set of hours talking about intimate stuff. Often cuddling, embracing, or just lying down together. Helene was in awe of Sara, not only for her beauty but also for her brains too. Helene remembered one of their conversations and smiled.

Sara, "what are the odds that I would meet a goddess on the cruise. It is like we were destined to meet."

Helene surprised, "If anything, it is me who is lucky to have met you." returning the compliment to Sara.

Sara smiled and lightly trailed her hand across Helene's face, "you know we almost didn't make it to the cruise. Come to think of it. I would have left this forsaken life without having met you."

Helene countered, "I thank God a thousand times each day that we took the cruise and that I met you."

Sara had kissed her more times than Helene could remember now. They made out heavy.

Sara changed track to tell her, "Helene, did you know in Sanskrit your name almost literally means "the shining one" or "made of gold". Your name Helen derives from 'suelena' or 'svarana'. For me, you are worth your weight in gold, my love."

Helene was dumbstruck and almost mocked, "I did know my genes went way back to India." She continued, "I almost thought my name had this twist on Helen, like the Helen of Troy, or something like that."

Sara smiled, "Either way, your name, as also your soul, is that of a goddess. Greek, German or ancient Indian."

Helene now inquisitive, asked, "So what does your name mean in ancient Sanskrit?"

Sara smiled and kissed Helene. Laying in Helene's arm, she replied "as a matter of fact, my name Saraswati is also a goddess' name. Goddess Saraswati in India is considered a goddess of knowledge, arts, and beauty."

Helene virtually assaulted Sara, "Hell yes." and both the goddesses had made passionate love after that.

Helene remembered their long love sessions and missed her every hour of every day.

It was like both she and Sara were in a spell when they were together and something, or someone, had broken that spell. She was trying to figure out what had happened. The more she thought about it, the more she blamed Ernst.

There came a time she even stopped talking to Ernst. He became worried and tried to talk her out of her stupor like state. He brought her gifts, he bought her lingerie, he sent her a spa masseur at home to cheer her up. She took it all in an attempt to move on, but every time she fell back harder. Remembering how it would be like if Sara was with her.

One day, out of desperation Ernst called Adam to speak with Sara. He did not have Sara's number with him, surprisingly.

"Hi, Adam, it's Ernst from Germany." Ernst on the phone.

Adam responded, "Oh Hi, Ernst. Good to hear your voice. How are you doing?"

Ernst, "yes Adam. I'm fine." he said slowly.

Adam sensing some issue, "Hope everything's alright?"

Ernst, "Yes, yes. Everything is good." Then after a brief pause, reckoned he had to come up with a reason for the call, added, "Hey, I wanted to talk to Sara and I do not have her number. By any chance, if she is around, can I talk to her?"

Adam said, "No. Ernst. But I can forward you her number and you can call her. I am at the gym. She must be at home at this time and might be leaving for work soon."

Ernst, happy to get the number, "yes, please. Do forward the number to me."

Adam, "Are you sure everything is ok? How's Helene?"

Ernst breaking down a little, "Helene has been missing Sara a lot. And that's what I wanted to talk to Sara about. How has she been doing?"

Adam said, "Don't get me going, sir. She won't stop talking about you guys. She talks about Helene all the time. I mean all the time. Helene this...Helene that. Not a day goes by without her referring to Helene in our conversation..."

Ernst laughed on the other side, almost interjecting Adam.

Ernst clarified, "It's the same with Helene. She misses Sara very much. When Sara was here, she and Helene were inseparable and Helene hasn't been herself ever since Sara left."

Adam, "I'm sure she will come through soon. Sending you the number."

Ernst, "Thank you, Adam. Tell her I'll be calling her." He allowed her to decide if she wanted to talk to him.


Ernst spoke with Sara within a few minutes of receiving the number.

Sara, "Hi, Ernst."

Ernst, "Hi Sara. How are you doing?"

Sara responded, "I'm fine Ernst. How about you? How's Helene?"

Ernst responded, "Sara, I wanted to talk to you about Helene. Ever since you left, Helene has not been herself. She does not go to the office. She does not get out of the house for days together. She has not been exercising. She barely eats."

Sara, "oh my god. Why?"

Ernst sharing, "She misses you tremendously. I think she blames me for making you go away. She has not spoken to me for a week now. For the last two months, I have been trying to do everything I can to get her to cheer up, but she keeps going back into long bouts of silence."

Sara, "I miss her so much myself Ernst, I can't tell you. You know you are not to blame for anything."

Ernst sighed, "I am relieved that you don't think that. You know, Sara, she has started sleeping in Peter's room for the last couple of weeks. She won't let me come near her. I am worried."

Sara did not reply; she felt so much pain in her heart that she started crying for Helene. The fact that Helene was in trouble was overwhelming for her. She choked while responding to Ernst.

Ernst could sense Sara was crying. He was not expecting Sara to cry, but now he felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry Sara. I didn't mean to upset you. I thought it'd be good if you could talk to Helene and give her some cheering. I had no intention to burden you as well."

Sara could not respond, tears rolling down on her cheeks. Voice had left her throat and her lungs were panting for air instead.

They both remained silent.

After a long pause, Sara eventually gathered herself and said, "I will call her immediately." She did not know what to say to Ernst.

Ernst, "I'm sorry again for bothering you with this. You know both of us loved having you here. We both miss you equally." To lighten her mood, he added, "You know I had told the plane to not return without you and the poor fellow is still at LAX waiting for you to jump back on board."

Sara gave a light fake laugh, catching the humor and giving him the acknowledgment he wanted.

They bid goodbye and assured each other to talk again. Sara told him to call her back soon to report about Helene's health.


Ernst was not aware, there was not a day in her life that Helene was not speaking with Sara. They would often speak two or three times a day, with time gap allowing. As a matter of fact, the reason Helene was sleeping in Peter's room was to chat with Sara late hours of her time in Germany when Sara would be available to talk.

The things Sara was not aware of, and she had discovered through Ernst, was of Helene not eating well, not exercising, not sleeping well, not going to the office, and cutting Ernst off. Now she felt guilty on account of Helene not keeping well. Helene, on her part, had somehow managed to keep her new lifestyle to herself and not burden Sara with it. She could not bear to make Sara unhappy in any manner.

Sara did not know how to mend this situation instantly. That Helene was not her usual normal self, sent a dagger through Sara's heart. Such was their love.

But Sara started slowly. She resolved to counsel Helene one day at a time so it did not feel like preaching, but she would goad her to normalcy, nudge her here-and-there. The love she felt for Helene was so strong that she would often run conversations in her own mind for hours before discussing them with Helene.

She felt very strongly for Helene. She could not wait to see her again. She had been coaxing Helene to come to visit her in California.

While on one hand, Sara was doing her part, Ernst was helping Helene as well. At the beginning of October, it was Helene's birthday. Sara called her early in the morning around 1 AM in Germany to wish her. She had organized flower's bouquet to reach Helene early morning around 5 am. From then on, she ensured that flowers reached Helene every hour that day, forgetting the fact that if she did this, Helene, after a few bouquets, would anticipate the same for the rest of the day and might not step out of the house. Her urge to bestow her love on Helene was such that she wanted to be in Dortmund herself if she could at that moment.

Every hour a bouquet reached Helene with German precision. Helene remained on a high the entire day. With every bouquet, she would call Sara and thanked her for it. Sometimes not hanging up until the next one had come.

Ernst had taken a holiday from the office for his wife's birthday and saw her cheerful. He noticed the flowers from Sara made her happier than the ones he had gotten her. He was glad that Helene felt joyful on her big day, and he was happy that she was happy. He stayed out of her way until she decided to have dinner with him.

On his part, Ernst had called Peter over to take a couple of days off from college and join them - stretching his holiday from late in the week until Sunday so he could spend four days with them and hopefully cheer up Helene. By the time his reinforcements arrived, in the form of Peter, Helene was her normal, chirpy self.

Peter, on seeing some fifteen bouquets, remarked, "Dad, impressive!" then added, "How do I compete with this?"

He handed his Mom the bouquet he had got for her and wished her, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM." almost shouting.

Helene hugged him tight and was over the moon, seeing Peter, surprised. "Thank you, Peter.' she exclaimed.

Helene's day was improving by the hour. "So good to see you here. Thank you for surprising me."

Helene and Peter hugged longer than usual, and they sat in the living room on the ground floor. All of them talked animatedly for a long time. Ernst was happy to have things normal with Helene.

Peter, clueless to what was happening in their lives over the last four months, went on about his college stories, and he was glad returning home for a brief unscheduled holiday. Helene was gushing, looking at her son after many months. He had not returned home in summer as he was doing an internship in Berlin and started college directly thereafter. In fact, him not coming home back in the summer was the reason Helene and Ernst had gone on the cruise for a vacation on their own. They were meeting Peter after six months.

Helene could not help but comment, "Peter, aren't you eating enough. You have lost weight."

Peter just laughed, knowing his overprotective mother, "It's just that I couldn't get home food, Mom." he quipped. And they all laughed.

Both Ernst and Helene loved Peter very much and doted on him, especially Helene. She had cared for him over his every need, and his every whim and his every desire. She had helped him study, guided him as he went on to become a fine young man. He was going to turn twenty-one in a couple of months, and this was his time in life.

While he was home, Peter noticed small changes around the house. For one, his mother had taken over his room. He could not but be surprised by this. With her friend gone, why was his mother still sleeping in his room? Fearing the worst, he felt there was trouble in his parent's marriage. He did not dare ask. On other changes, there was furniture in the house that had been moved about. A large sideboard rack from one of the bedrooms of the ground floor had been moved out in the hall, and it felt out of place. The garden and pool were not cleared of autumn leaves, and this had never happened at their home.

Ernst would tell him later, that his mother does not let the gardener or cleaner in the house anymore. Only when she is not around, he gets it done from a cleaning service agency, and she has not been going out lately. Peter found it strange.

Later that evening, everyone went out for dinner to celebrate, and by the time they were back, another two sets of bouquets were on their doorsteps. Helene picked up smiling and holding them next to her, entered the house first.

Before the night was done, she had twenty bouquets. The last one had a note that said, "You came into my life twenty weeks ago. Each of these bouquets with seven flowers in them represents each day of each week that you have brought me joy, love, and happiness. I have never met a more loving soul than yours. I wish you a long and happy life. Happy Birthday again. I miss you very much and am counting days till we meet again. Until then, love, Sara."

Helene almost cried with joy reading the note and went into her room. She sat alone and called Sara thanking her, crying along with Sara with tears of joy in having found someone she so deeply loved and cared for. Despite all the crying, the day had lifted her spirits.

Ernst and Peter were relaxing in the first-floor sitting room, worried about Helene and her somber mood. Ernst had hinted to Peter about Helene missing her friend from LA but had not given too many details.

Helene joined them in the sitting room, they all relaxed for the next half an hour, over a final drink for the night. It was past midnight. Turning in for the night, Helene went back to her bedroom with Ernst, and Peter took back possession of his room.

Helene had also received an audio message from Sara, and her message changed everything. Helene was most certainly not herself after listening to the audio message.

The next day, Helene and Peter stayed at home and relaxed, while Ernst went to work. They strolled in the garden, she cooked Peter's favorite dishes and doted on him while they talked and chilled at home.

In the evening, they were unwinding in the sitting room on the first floor when Helene decided to start dinner. He tailed her and came downstairs along with her, not leaving her side for long.

While his mother cooked dinner nearby, he stayed with her; chatting, sitting on a kitchen island chair. A while later, he retreated to the sofa in the sitting room. He was playing around on his phone. When he got a call from some friend from Berlin, and he spoke as friends would, though nothing in general. His mother could hear him talk, and he knew that. When the conversation turned to some girls, his tone softened, he stood up absent-minded, and walked around the room - then slowly walked to the hallway towards the back and strolled aimlessly, while talking on the phone. He was trying to avoid his mother listening in to his friendly banter.

Some change in furniture arrangement had caught his eye the previous day. A large sideboard table from one of the rooms had been moved out in the hallway and he was wondering why. While talking on the phone he walked into the room. The room had a change of paint, and a fresh wall had been constructed, and the room seemed smaller in size. Near the new wooden wall - where the side-board was originally placed - he looked around closely, though without thinking much of it. His mind was still in the phone call, but he was now intrigued by the new wall.

When he came near the wall, he saw it had a door-sized crack on one end. He pushed, but it did not budge. He pushed harder, and it still did not budge. While still on the call, he looked around and could not find a keyhole or a door-handle. He finished his call - still looking at the wall and the door. He figured the back room might have an answer. He shuffled into the room on the other end of the old wall. These were still guest rooms for the family. No one had used them for years. Even an occasional guest, who had stayed in their home, had used the bedroom opposite the room where he was standing. His grandparents usually occupied the guest room on the first floor whenever they stayed over.

When he reached the room behind the intriguing wall, he was surprised to see that even this room had also shrunk. He stood stumped. Why had two adjacent rooms in the house shrunk? It was kind of obvious there has been a new storage room or a rec-room that has been carved out in between. He could not understand, if there was a rec-room being created, why wasn't he aware? On this side of the wall, there was another door, but this one had a door with a click-lock. There was no door handle, but this door had a keyhole but was unlocked.