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A man's wish is fulfilled in an unlikely place.
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Douglas Martin wiped the sweat form his brow and surveyed his work as he stood in the middle of his basement. Moving all those boxes from his attic by himself had taken him considerably longer than he wanted and as a result, worked up quite a sweat.

Douglas reached under his shirt and brought it to his face to dab at his eyebrows a bit. The basement was small but big enough to stand in without hitting his head on the ceiling. All around him were cardboard boxes full of things he had kept throughout his twenty nine years.

Douglas stretched a moment and reminisced about some of the things he'd collected while living on his own.

There were boxes of old comics, collectible cards, and even some family heirlooms. He smiled surveying his cache of boxes proudly.

Every box had been put away and stored. He loved collecting things. It was his one true love. His collection had helped him get through the long, lonely years of solitude.

Every box except that one in the far corner.

Douglas walked over to it curiously. He looked it over carefully.

The box was more decorated than he had ever seen. It was colored brought gold not the usual drab brown cardboard color. As he scanned the sides, he noticed a small flap bout six inches wide cut in the top.

What an odd thing, he thought. It definitely wasn't something he remembered having. Had it been here long, he wondered?

Douglas combed his memory trying to recall if perhaps someone had given it to him. No. No one had given him such a box. Then perhaps someone had left it here? Perhaps someone who had lived before him, he thought.

Yes that had to be it, he decided. But why hadn't he noticed it before? He had been down in his basement at least a dozen times. Surely he would've noticed it then.

Douglas shook his head. It didn't really matter now, he decided. What mattered was what he would do with it. There was after all a small hole. There would be no harm in peeking in to see its contents. Besides it was in his basement after all.

Leaning over the top, he carefully opened the small flap with his thumb and forefinger and peered down inside.

No sooner had he done so, when a bright light flashed from the inside blinding him.

Douglas reeled and fell back wards, landing hard on the cold concrete floor.

"Ow!" he groaned rubbing both his eye and his bottom. "What the hell was that?"

A bright green ball of pulsating light dropped down right in front of his good eye.

Douglas blinked both eyes. Was he seeing things? He rubbed both eyes then looked again. The glowing green ball of light still hovered in front of his face.

"What the-?"

Douglas watched the bright green ball dim slowly until the light faded and in front of him floated a six inch tall female.

A six inch female dressed in what looked like green silk. She had long dark hair that flowed beyond her shoulders. And she had wings!

And they were moving!

Douglas couldn't believe what he was seeing. There was a small person flying in front of his face.

"Okay what the fuck is going on?" he stammered in disbelief.

"That's exactly what I said when I saw you peeping in on me," came a tiny little reply.

Douglas blushed at being reproofed. " c..can talk?"

"Duh," the female replied. She crossed her arms in front of her tiny chest. "I am right now aren't I?"

Douglas sat there dumbfounded.then finally got the nerve to speak. "Are you a ..fairy?"

"Yes I am," said the fairy proudly. She smiled but still glared at him. Her wings buzzed with emerald light as she hovered. She flew a quick circle around him then lit on the top of his head. "Are you a human?"

"Yes I am," he blurted, still rather flabbergasted. His eyes narrowed as her face lowered down between his eyes.

"Ah that explains it," the fairy said, putting a finger to her lips in thought. She nodded in affirmation. "Only humans are so rude as too look into a fairy's home uninvited."

"I was not being rude!"

"Oh but I didn't ask you come in, did I?"

"Well no but--"

"See. You were being rude. And in typical human fashion , you can;t even admit to it," she shook her head then dived of his head into a full twirl then rise up again to hover mere inches in front of him. She shot him an accusing look.

"Well I didn't even know you had a home...Let alone even existed!" He protested.

"Ignorance is no excuse for rudeness," the fairy said. She made a tsk tsk sound with the waggle of one tiny finger.

Douglas sat there not sure what to do or say. He blinked and watched the fairy hovering there chastising him. His cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment. How had things gotten so ridiculous? Here he was feeling guilty for being rude to some imaginary creature.

"Well I'm not sure what to say," Douglas said softly," I guess I should apologize?"

"Oh I most definitely think you should. At the very least!" the fairy replied. She watched him, her foot taping the air as if waiting impatiently.

"Alright then," Douglas conceded. " Then I apologize for..Looking in on you."

"Apology accepted," the fairy said with a wide smile. "you know maybe there is hope for you humans after all!"

"Well we aren't all bad," Douglas said.

"That remains to be seen young man." she rubbed her nailed against her chest then blew on them lightly. Her eyes locked with his. "What were you doing looking at me anyway?"

"Oh! Um, well you see I live here. I mean in this house. This house is in my basement."

"Hmm I see. Likely story." she said sounding unconvinced.

"Well you are. What are you doing here anyways? Aren't fairies just part of someone's overactive imagination?" Douglas asked.

She shot him a hurt look. "First you apologize then you insult me? how typical!" She humphed and turned her head up at him.

"Oh no no I mean no offense," Douglas held up his hands and scrambled to heal some of the damage he'd inflicted. " Just's not every day you meet a fairy in your basement."

The fairy turned her back on him still hovering in mid air. "Well I wouldn't be here if you hadn't wished for me," she admitted.

"I didn't. I've never wished for a fairy."

"Of course you did. Oh but now just in typical human you insult and call me a liar. " She replied as she slowly began to float away from him back toward her cardboard abode.

"Wait!" he pleaded, "I honestly don't recall ever wishing for a fairy. I'm not calling you a liar."

She sighed and peered over her tiny shoulder at him. "Of course not. but that's another thing about humans. They're so forgetful. forgetful..And rude."

"Well okay I am forgetful, He admitted, "but please. Can you tell me what I wished for? Help me remember? Please?" Douglas said sincerely.

"Sure," she said, coming to a stop." But would owe me one. And when you owe a fairy..You Always repay it. Or else"

Douglas gulped. He didn't like the sound of that.

"Or else what?" he asked meekly.

"Or else the hounds of darkness will come and drag you into abyss to torment and torture you for all eternity," the fairy said rather matter of fact.

Douglas paled and a cold knot formed in the pit of his stomach. That was not something he wanted to experience. "That doesn't sound nice at all. what is it you want?"

The fairy beamed and Douglas swore he could see two rows of shiny white pointed teeth.

"Oh not much. Just my freedom." she said.

Douglas looked at her confused. "Your freedom? You mean you can't just leave?"

"Afraid not," she sighed. "Once someone makes a wish, a fairy is summoned to them until the wish is granted. Only then can the person who wished grant that fairy their freedom after the wish has been granted."

"Haven't you granted a wish before?" he asked.

"Oh yes. Thousands of them but they always chose to send me back to Fae. I have yet to have someone choose to free me."

Douglas thought over her request. It seemed fair. After all the fairy had come because of him. It was not right of him to keep her a slave.

Besides, what harm could there be in freeing her?

"Okay, I'll grant you your freedom if you help me remember my wish," he said.

The fairy literally squealed joyfully, throwing herself into several loops in the air before coming back to her original spot in the air. She wrapped her arms around herself and gave herself a tight hug before drifting down to his knee and sitting down on it. She sat there in silent thought.

Douglas watched and frowned. "Don't tell me you forgot what it was too!"

The fairy rolled her eyes up at him. "Of course not. I just wanted to make it seem authentic. I know what you wished for. You wished to end your loneliness when you went to bed last night, didn't you?"

Douglas nodded. He had indeed wished for that. He had been a bachelor and sadly a virgin all his life. Even though he dressed nicely and had a comfy job at the local bank, his love life had always been disappointing. Though at the time of the wish, he didn't actually believe anyone was listening.

"Yes i did wish that. Can you do that?" he asked the tiny fairy.

"Of course. I wouldn't be here if I couldn't." her glow intensified briefly.

Douglas watched her as she sat on his knee glowing." And how can you do that exactly?"

"Simple just watch me and relax."she said. Her green glow grew brighter until it almost engulfed her body again.

Douglas sat there and watched, thinking it was part of her magic. His eyes stared right into the beautiful, emerald green glow.

"That's right sweetie. Just watch and relax. Look into my beautiful green glow and relax. feels so good. I'm so beautiful, aren't I?" came her soft voice from within the light.

Douglas nodded slowly, watching the green glowing ball on his knee.

"Yeah...beautiful." his voice came out slightly monotone as he watched.

"Good boy. That's right. Just stare into the pretty green glow. Let all your loneliness and worries go away. Listen to my voice. feels so good doesn't it?"

Douglas began to feel so very relaxed. The light made him feel calm. Her voice was so soothing. he couldn't help but think how lucky he was that this fairy was helping him. His breathing slowed and his eyes felt a bit heavy as he sat there watching.

"Very good. just relax deeper. watch the light. such pretty light. so soothing. so relaxing. All your loneliness melting away. No need to worry or even think. Just listen and watch.."the fairy cooed softly.

"So worries.." he droned on. His body began to feel heavy. His head felt like it was sinking into a heavy fog.

"Yes, just watch the pretty green glow. No need to think just listen and watch me. Good boy," the fairy continued. Her light began to pulse slowly.

"Watch and listen," Douglas moaned. His body felt so relaxed. Her light and voice were all he could focus on. His eyelids drooped a bit. The fairy smiled from within her light , seeing the effect she was having on him.

"Very good boy. Listen and watch the light. Obey the light. Listen and obey my words," she instructed.

Douglas sat there mesmerized by the pulsating light. His jaw had grown slack and his eyes had already become glassy. he let out yawn. her voice was making him so sleepy.

"Yes I know you're getting tired. Just let your eyes close. Let your heavy eyes close. Sleep for me. Sleep and listen to my voice. So easy to do that."

"Tired. So easy to listen to your voice, he breathed."

Douglas yawned again . His eyes slowly dropped closed. The glowing ball and the soothing voice were the only thing in his mind. It felt so good to listen. Why not just close his eyes and rest like the nice fairy said?

The fairy smiled seeing his eyes close and his head slump forward. She watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. She could tell he was deep.

Now all she needed to do was to make him hers. His wish would be fulfilled and her freedom would be hers. His freedom would also be hers of course but he didn't know that. She giggled to herself and continued to lull him into her control.

"Just listen and obey"she said softly.

Douglas was barely able to move his head to nod. She flew up to his shoulder and leaned in close

to whisper in his ear.

"Very good. Now just listen to me. All you need to do is Listen and obey. You want to listen to me. I am fulfilling your wish. You will be lonely no more. I will be with you. All you need do is listen and obey."

Douglas let out a weak whimper.

"That's right. Listen and obey. You're no longer lonely. You live here with me. This is my home. You serve me." the fairy whispered.

"Live with you ..Obey you.."he answered slowly.

"My words feel so good. They make you feel so aroused to listen to them don't they?"

"Uh huh," he moaned. his body shivered lightly, feeling the effect of her words. His skin tingled feeling her breath blow over his ear.

She looked down and licked her lips seeing his cock tent in his khaki pants. She leaned in and gave her next suggestion.

"It feels so good to listen to me. The more you listen the deeper you go. The deeper you go...The more aroused you become."

" good..aroused," he groaned. His cock twitched with each word she spoke. He couldn't help but get an erection. His breathing began to quicken.

"Good boy. Pull out your cock and stroke for me, "the fairy told him. " You like being told what do don't you?"

"Oh Yes!" he gasped. His hands opened his pants and freed his stiff member without hesitation. He felt so good all over. How could he not do what she said?

"You will stroke until I tell you to stop. Each stroke makes you feel so docile. So obedient."

His hand wrapped around the base of his cock and eagerly began to move up and down. He gasped, feeling himself grow more erect and aroused as he obeyed.

"It feels so good to obey me. Say you obey Mistress Lirana. Say my name when you stroke,"she commanded.

"I obey Mistress Lirana."

Lirana licked her lips, pleased with her obedient new toy. "Very good. Say that each time you stroke. Go deeper every time you do."

Douglas did as told. His cock began to throb as he repeated the words. His mind began to sink deeper and deeper until all he knew was obedience and pleasure. All his other thoughts and cares disappeared into the mindless bliss his Mistress gave him.

Lirana wrapped her legs around his neck and ground herself against his bare skin. She moaned into his ear, watching his hand move up and down his now throbbing member.

Douglas writhed feeling the pleasure flow through him. His cock ached but his hand kept stroking.

He kept repeating the words like a mantra.The words slowly being drilled into his mind. He was hers and he would obey. No longer would he be lonely. He had his mistress to obey after all.

Lirana panted and forced herself to calm down. This human would be hers. She had never in four thousand years found a human so easy and willing to submit and now she would have her freedom and a new slave. All she needed to do was bind him to her and she would be free to live in the mortal realm.

"Tell me boy. Who do you obey?"

"Mistress Lirana," came his reply.

She smiled. "Tell me. have I fulfilled your wish? Are you lonely?"

Douglas let out along moan as his hand kept rubbing up and down his hard, aching cock.

"No. Not lonely. Obedient..horny..docile. Mistress Lirana fulfilled my wish."

No sooner had the words left the man's mouth, a chorus of bells rang in her head. She leaped into the air and floated just above his body in triumph. She felt a surge of warmth through her and suddenly she began to grow.

Douglas sat there, stroking himself deeper and deeper into her thrall. His hand mindlessly ran over his now sensitive and stuff shaft. His lips moved,repeating the words in his head over and over.

Lirana watched with glee as her body grew into that of a fully sized human female. She straddled his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck and wove her fingers tightly together. Leaning in closer, she breathed over his face.

"Open your eyes. Look at your Mistress pet,"she commanded. Her voice was sultry and hot, fulling desire.

Douglas opened his eyes obediently. His mouth opened wide. Before him was a lustful, beauty. Her lips were a deep green. Her eyes deep pools of endless green.

Her lightly tanned skin felt softer than the softest silk. Her hair was the color of midnight. He moaned feeling her move in closer and take him within her. His breath caught and all he could do was tremble.

"Yes pet. I have you now. Bea good boy and fill your Mistress," Her lips captured his mouth and she drove her hips down fiercely, impaling herself on his hardness.

Douglas moaned into her mouth, unable to resist. His hips rocked back against hers, giving her his body as he had his mind. His body convulsed on the verge of orgasm several time but not once did he cum. His eyes shut as his mind was overloaded with the pleasure from his goddess.

Lirana rode him harder than anyone she had before. She could feel his aching rod within her tightening walls. She knew how much his body ached for release and that excited her even more.She broke the kiss breathlessly and nipped hungrily at his lips.

Douglas screamed in agonizing pleasure. His balls threatened to explode they were so full. He looked to his mistress with pleading eyes for release.

As much as he wanted out of her, He couldn't ever think of not being within her. She made him feel such wonderful delight. He never wanted it to end.

Lirana grabbed a handful of his brown locks and stared him hard in the eye. A wide wicked grin played across her face. She could see the torment on him

"You want to cum don't you slave? Tell me what you'll do for release,

"Yes Mistress! Please! I'll do anything!" he begged in torturous ecstasy. No matter how much he ached or sore he became, his body would not stop pumping into her. His body was no longer his.

Lirana rode him mercilessly. "Yes! Swear yourself to me!

"I swear! I swear myself to you!" Douglas screamed helpless.

Unbeknownst to him, thunder rolled and lightning struck the ground outside, binding his words with the magic of the fairy world.

"Excellent. Now cum my slave!" she howled, Her glow once again grew intense.

His mouth opened in a silent scream as the green light drained away his mind. His eyes dilated and reflected the emerald shone into them. His body bucked and thrust into her on pure obedience.

Lirana reveled in her conquest of her new human slave. She felt his body sink down into unconsciousness. She let out lustful cry as she milked every last drop of warm seed from his body.

"Poor thing all tuckered out," she pouted.

"Don't worry," she whispered into his ear. "This is just the beginning for us my pet." She cradled his unconscious form tightly to her.

Lirana smiled and began to plan out in her head how she wanted to spend eternity with her new slave.

-The End-

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

this was wonderful

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
wonderfully entrancing

Such a wonderfully entrancing story.Hoping to find my own box in my basement.

MagykMagykover 7 years ago
The man

The man is drawn in and while he may protest he is loving every minute of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Mistakes have consequences..

Very interesting story; boy did he make a mistake!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Very Hot

poor man had no choice but to Obey

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