Go Big! Ch. 03

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Damn the Torpedoes! Full Speed Ahead!
6.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/22/2021
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My thanks to HighLuster who agreed to edit my ramblings and construct a story written and punctuated in English! This has been a new experience for me, and I can see the positive impact from his efforts. It is amazing what a trained eye can spot and what a trained editor can then correct. He has been able to spot my errors in both grammar, consistency, and calls out any technical BS that slips in. He has made the story better than it would have been otherwise.

I abandoned the story for a while and recently decided to throw ego to the wind and publish all four chapters. HighLuster wanted to do more editing in the last two chapters, but I elected to forego the second cut. Any errors are mine alone.

With that said, this is another Tom and Tonya story and once again, this is a completely different Tom and Tonya from last time. I just like the names!

This is a long story and the resolution comes at the end, so if you we ever get that far you should read to the end, saving most of your comments for then.


Go Big Chap 03

Damn the Torpedoes! Full Speed Ahead!

Previously in Chapter 2

"Oh! Hello Peter," Tonya said thinking fast. "Sorry. I don't have the time for a workout today. I just came by to clear my locker before I'm gone for the week."

"Oh." Peter looked noticeably disappointed but recovered quickly. "That makes sense, I'm sure you have a million things to do before Sunday."

He saw her eyes wander down to his crotch and turned slightly sideways to give Tonya a better perspective. He wore these shorts specially, hoping to be able to show off for Tonya today. To all appearances they were working!

He absently reached out and flicked a non-existent speck from Tonya's shoulder, brushing the top of her breast as he drew his hand back. "Lint."

She smiled and smoothed the offending area absently. "Thanks Peter. Enjoy your workout. See you at the airport Sunday." She waved as she walked out the door."

"Clean out your locker, my ass. Seems like Ms. Andrews got a little flustered after getting an up-close look. I'll just have to make sure she has another opportunity soon. Maybe next week," Peter thought as he walked back to the free weights area of the gym.

"What the fuck just happened?" Tonya said out loud as she half ran to her car. "That son-of-a-bitch just played me." This wasn't how she imagined things working out.

She had made up her mind days ago that she was going to sample that big cock. She was now working scenarios out in her head. One couldn't be too careful and one thing that was imperative was that SHE was going to be the one in control.

She tamed Tom, and he's twice the man that Peter Warren is. She would tame him too.

And then she would be able to use him for her pleasure. Safely.

Chapter 3

It was Saturday afternoon and Tonya was preparing snacks for Barb and Stan, her good friends from across the street, when her cell buzzed. She saw it was a call from Al. "I hope there's no problem with the conference," she thought and hit the accept button. "Hi Al, what's up?"

"Hi Tonya. I hope this isn't an intrusion. Do you have a minute or two, I promise to keep it short?"

"Of course. Take as much time as you need. I'm all yours." Tonya replied still a bit anxious but covering it well.

"Thanks Tonya. Remember our conversation the other day, where I told you I was just passing on lessons learned?" Al started. "Yes of course." Tonya replied. "I appreciate your tips Al."

"Good, because I'm going out on a limb here." Al said. "I'm not going to put too fine a point on it. Tonya, don't shit where you eat."

"Al" Tonya began to reply but Al cut her short.

"Hear me out Tonya. You have always impressed me as someone that can see the long game and focuses on how to achieve her goals. I never saw you as the type to be distracted by the shiny thing that comes into view." Al paused a minute. "Tonya, these conferences, even the most well-intentioned people can get caught up in mischief. So, I wanted to ask you to be extra attentive to 'signs.' As the Senior Manger you're like the captain of a ship, even if you never saw it, or heard it, or knew about it; you're accountable."

"Tonya, there's a certain young man on your team. A go-getter I'm told by some, a rascal, I'm told by others. Tonya, I'll support you if you decide that he should skip this one." Al finished in a flat unemotional tone.

"I've heard a couple of the girls talking." Tonya replied. "I'll have to call him today."

"It's your call Tonya. I made my position clear. Tonya," Al paused for a breath "Focus on your goal, don't get distracted by that shiny thing. I've known too many that forgot that simple fact, myself included. That's my lesson learned Tonya and I'm sharing it with you. Maybe you might avoid the fallout that I didn't."

"Al," Tonya tried to cut in, but Al talked over her, "Make yourself proud. Make your Office Dad proud. Goodbye Tonya." Al disconnected.

Tonya still had the phone to her ear and the call ended. She had been holding her breath and exhaled loudly and she closed the screen on her phone. "Holy Fuck!" She thought, "He knows! He did the same thing once, he admitted it."

She looked around to see where Tom was. She wanted to deal with Peter quickly and privately. She saw him through the window. He was walking behind the mower in the back. "Good." She thought, "that will give me enough time to make the call.

Tonya rang Peter's number. The ringtone sounded five times then went to voice mail. "Fuck Sake!" Tonya thought. "What's next!"

Tonya left a message. "Peter, this is Tonya. It's 3:15 on Saturday. Please call me immediately when you get this. There's been a change in plans. You're not travelling with us. I'll await your call." Tonya closed the call.

Tonya paced uneasily as she considered her behavior. She realized that it could be considered unprofessional at best or at worst, stupid. "My God, was I really thinking that I could fuck Peter? Was I thinking at all?!" She berated herself inwardly. "Al must be like a guardian angel, perching on my shoulder, offering advice at just the right instant. What a fool I am. No more big cock fantasies for me!"

At that moment Peter Warren was in the T-Mobile store working with an associate to get a phone to replace the phone he had just crushed with a 40-pound dumb bell at First Class Fitness.

Peter finally got his phone. It had taken him more than two grueling hours of dealing with the in-store associate and a too-large number of faceless voices with foreign accents.

It was nearly 10 PM when he walked out of the store. His phone was still a paper weight, however. For reasons that still mystified him, his service might take up to four hours to be restored.

With nothing left to do and a plane to catch in the morning, Peter decided to head home and get into bed early for a change. As he drove toward his condo he thought, "Maybe one for the road with the boys." And made a left turn at the corner. His condo was to the right.

It was 11 PM and Peter still had not called back nor answered her repeated calls. Tonya was livid and was doing her best to keep her anger hidden from Tom. The last thing she wanted was even a whisper of Peter's name within Tom's hearing.

She wouldn't call anymore. "Surely he's gotten the message," she thought. "Perhaps he was having a hissy fit about the change in plans but to refuse to call back! That's outrageous. Tonya resolved to settle the situation but now wasn't the time. Now it was time to get the phone out of her ear and get Tom's cock into her pussy."


Tom dropped Tonya at the airport early, as was her habit whenever she had to travel. She wondered if she should call Peter again but decided not to. She planned on dealing with him personally when she returned.

Tom had used miles to upgrade is wife's ticket to Business Class, so Tonya checked her bags and cleared security quickly. With her Business Class ticket Tonya was able to board early. She was happily sipping a Bellini while the crush of boarding went on behind her.

Peter woke up, saw the time and panicked. He had slept through his alarm because he stayed out too late and had many more than the one-with-the-boys he'd planned on. Now he was perilously late, and hungover, as he rushed out the door to the airport. "At least my damn phone was back on," he thought as he rushed to get on the freeway.

From the moment he had awoken, Peter never slowed down. He got to the boarding gate just in time for last call. Peter walked in the center door and turned right to coach. Tonya, seated 4 rows forward of the door, never saw him get on the plane and make his way to rear.

After landing, Tonya was unhurried as she walked through the airport well ahead of the economy-class crowd still making their way up the twin aisles toward the exit door.

As a senior manager her bags would be collected and forwarded to the hotel for her, so she walked directly toward the exit to find the resort's shuttle buses. Before she got there, she saw a man holding a sign that said Tonya Andrews. She walked over and spoke, "I'm Tonya Andrews."

"Ms. Andrews," the man smiled. "I have a limousine to take you to the hotel ma'am. Mr. Andrews says, 'As befits your newfound station' Ma'am." The man then spoke on a cell phone and when they reached the curb, a Lincoln Limo glided to a stop. "Enjoy the ride Ms. Andrews." He shut the door and the car started into traffic.

Sitting back and luxuriating in the decadence of a private limo, Tonya never saw Peter lugging his suitcase to the company buses as he crossed with the herd in front of the stopped car.

Tonya got to her room before the first busses began to arrive at the resort. She had called Tom from the car and gushed on about how thoughtful it was for him to arrange for her to be driven door to door. She loved him to pieces and told him so repeatedly during the 10-minute call. Now she was busy getting ready for the Welcoming Social Hour.

She arrived at the party few minutes after 6 o'clock, got a drink from the bar and started to walk around the room, greeting old friends and mingling with the crowd. She had just put the whole Peter debacle out of her mind and was focusing on preparing for the long days of training when she spotted him across the room speaking with Janice Rivers, another analyst.

She had to take a deep breath to keep from charging over and demanding to know the meaning of his disregarding her orders. Instead, she quietly disengaged from her conversation and walked to where the two laughing and engaged in an animated conversation.

Peter spotted her as she approached and waved her over. "Hi Tonya. This is a great place. I can't wait to take advantage of the gym and pool. Do you know Janet?" He asked and Tonya joined them.

"Yes, thank you Peter. Ahh, Ms. Rivers is it, it seems that I have to speak with Peter privately if you don't mind too badly." Tonya dismissed her without any friendliness in her tone.

"I'M JANICE," she wanted to scream, "NOT JANET!" and she wondered what she had done to be on Tonya's shit list. She had only just arrived and didn't think that she could screw up so badly so quickly. Then it struck her; she was after Peter not her.

Janice became angry at the realization, "That cunt has her own man, I've been working Peter since I found out we would be here together. If she thinks she can just walk in here, she can just go fuck herself. This is my cock, I worked for it I'll be damned to have this old bitch think she can run me off!"

Tonya turned to Janice who was confused and still rooted to her spot. "Ms. Rivers, may I have a few minutes with Peter please?" Tonya asked with a point to her voice this time.

"Ahhh, yeah sure Ms. Andrews. I'll talk to you later Peter. In the hot tub?" she added hopefully. "Yeah, we'll see Janet," Peter replied absently. "JANICE," Janice corrected Peter. "That Son of a bitch is going to fuck her, isn't he?" She thought to herself as she made her way to the bar." She made up her mind to keep an eye on Ms. Andrews. "Let's see where this goes," She thought.


"Peter," Tonya began, "you had better have a damn good reason for blowing me off and not returning my calls. Why the hell are you here?! I expressly told you that your plans had changed, and you were not to travel."

Peter looked thoroughly confused. "Well, what have you got to say?"

"When did you try to contact me?" Peter asked genuinely concerned now.

"I called three times last night and left messages. I finally gave up around 9 PM." Tonya answered.

"Damn, I trashed my phone yesterday and spent hours getting my new one. My service wasn't restored till sometime last night, I never checked my messages or missed calls Tonya." Peter said sincerely.

"Fuck," she thought, "how could this have happened? Alright, make the best of it. You can't just send him home now."

"We can talk more about that later. Ok, you're here. Stay. But I want to make it clear, your boss had some reservations about your behavior around the office. Peter, you need to be on your best behavior. This is important for both of us, do you understand me?"

"Of course." Peter replied. "I don't want to do anything that would cause you any problems, Ms. Andrews."

Tonya took a deep breath to relax. Her heart rate was back to normal, and she had determined to just make the best of it. "Ok then Peter. Call me Tonya please."

Tonya reached in her handbag, pulled out a pack of cigarettes, shook one out and lit it. "I didn't know you smoked, Tonya." Peter said.

"Oh, I may have six or seven all week," Tonya replied. It's a harmless vice really. Tom hates it so; I only indulge when I go out of town. At the end of the week, I'll throw them away and I'll get my clothes dry cleaned. Tom will never know." She smiled. "It seems you and Janice were sharing a joke when I walked up. What was so funny?"

Peter flushed. "Uhhh, I'm not so sure I can share that with you Ms., uhh Tonya."

Tonya looked at him, annoyed. "I may be a bit older than you and Janice, Peter, but I have a wonderful sense of humor. If Janice found it so amusing, I'm sure I will too." She replied.

Peter nodded, "Ok," he said, "I asked her if she wanted to see it."

"See what?" Tonya began absently, then the realization hit her, and she flushed in embarrassment. "My God Peter, what brought that on?"

"She told me she heard some things from some women around the office and was hinting around. I have this all the time Tonya, I'm sure you've heard some stories too. So anyway, I just cut to the chase and asked her if she wanted to see my dick." Peter said straight faced.

"Di, di, did she say yes?" Tonya asked.

"I'm sure she would have. If you hadn't barged in like you did." Peter smiled feeling the upper hand shifting back to him.

"I didn't barge in Peter, I, uh, I asked to join," Tonya stuttered.

"No worries, Tonya. Janet will get over it." Peter said.

"Janice." Tonya corrected.

"Whatever." Peter said. "I'd rather show you."

Tonya's head whipped around, then quickly scanned the crowd all around to see if anyone had heard or took notice. "Peter don't even joke about that! For one, I'm married. Secondly, I can't have you whipping your penis out every ten minutes when some horny young girl wants to see your, uhhh, equipment."

"You know," Peter said leaning in close and speaking quietly near her ear, "we can make that a private showing. You're just going to look right? Like you said, what Tom doesn't know won't hurt him." Peter let the last comment lie.

Tonya looked at him. There was no use lying to herself, she wanted to see it and she would. "We need to be discreet."

"Why don't I come by later. I'll make sure I'm not seen."

"Yes," Tonya replied, "I just may text you." Tonya stubbed out her smoke. "Now I have to work the room. Not a word to anyone!" he said as she walked off, waving to an old acquaintance as she walked across the room.

"That cool exterior is going to blow up. She's gonna have my cock in her hands 5 minutes after she see it." Peter smiled to himself as he went to find Janice. "She thinks she's the boss. That's ok for now, I'll let her but, I'll show her who's boss tonight!"


When the Social Hour started to wind down, Tonya topped off her drink and said goodnight to the group that she had been talking with and set off to her room. She walked to the door and swiped her key card, stopped, looked around her once, then walked in and shut the door.

Tonya never noticed Janice. She was two floors up and across the courtyard. Janice saw Tonya at her door and thought this would be a good time to find Peter and see if she could restart the conversation they had begun earlier.

She was still angry about getting blocked by Tonya and felt better that the bitch was in for the night. She had been working Peter most of the previous week and was confident that she would have him for the for the duration of the training.

As Janice entered the elevator to ride up to Peter's floor, Peter walked down the stairs to Tonya's. He walked past Tonya's room and stopped at the vending machines. Peter looked around for curious eyes. When he was confident that he was in the clear, he texted Tonya to crack the door so he could walk into her room without delay.

In a moment he saw the door open slightly. He walked from his hiding place to the door, he looked around then he walked in and shut the door behind him.

A moment later Janice stood at Peter's door, looked around furtively and knocked lightly. In a moment, when there was no answer, she decided to try a text. "It might be even better if he were in the hot tub" She thought.

After waiting several more moments with no reply she walked off disappointed and more than a little pissed. For Janice all she usually had to do was show up and the guys would throw themselves at her. She might have to work a bit for that big cock she'd heard so much about.


Peter walked in smiling at Tonya. "I'm glad you invited me," he said. "I've been attracted to you since I started working at Wolf. I was beginning to think you were going to avoid me."

Tonya stood across the room, sipping a glass of wine. "God knows I should." She thought. "This really isn't right Peter. You shouldn't be here with me," Tonya said, not believing it even as the words came out of her mouth. Peter wasn't buying it either.

"Yet here we are."

Peter's smile morphed to a smirk as he realized that, despite her misgivings and even her cold, in-charge attitude, he had her where he wanted her. He stood his ground; he didn't want to put pressure on Tonya. He'd been here before. The invitation was out there. He knew that now it was best to let the woman make the next move.

"Ok then, "Tonya said, "I believe you told me earlier that you had something you wanted to show me?" Tonya was smiling in anticipation.

"Come here." He commanded.

Tonya put her glass down and walked over to him.

"You really want to see it?" Tonya nodded. "Take it out," he told her as he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on a chair.

Tonya reached to his pants and unbuckled his belt, popped the button, and drew the zipper down. "Go ahead." Peter directed.

Tonya took a deep breath. She could still turn back and send Peter packing, at least that was her rationalization, but she knew it was a hollow one, she was committed. She grabbed the waist band of Peter's pants and pulled them down, he wore no underwear, and his cock sprang free. Tonya looked down and gasped. She knew it would be big but still she wasn't ready for the heavenly sight before her. Peter's cock was starting to rise with excitement. He was bigger than her dildo, maybe not as long but when she grabbed him with her hand, she could not touch her fingers and she swore he was thicker than her store-bought cock.