Goblin Maid, Young Master Ch. 03


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But before Master Reginald could step in to attack, Ree hurled another stone. It was a good throw and caught the human on the forehead, causing him to flinch back a step and brush his sword arm across his wound.

And that was all the time Freida needed to get her hands on him.

A massive ogre hand clamped down on his forearm, then another seized him by the shoulder. The human kicked Freida in the stomach, but if she noticed, she gave no sign of it. She lifted Master Reginald above her head, then slammed his body down hard. The force of the impact caused Ree's teeth to chatter.

The human lay still, but Freida wasn't done. With a roar, she picked up the limp body and threw it into the middle of the burning barn. She yanked the axe head out of the earth and stood watching the enormous fire.

"Humans cannot fight ogres. Humans are too weak," the giant muttered.

Ree glanced around nervously. Other humans would see the fire and would come. They would not be happy that Freida had killed a human. She tried to think of the best thing to do.

She looked towards the house and saw Edward standing in the doorway-hole that Freida had made. He was leaning on his cane and yelling something. Ree couldn't make out the words even with her goblin ears – the roar of the barn fire was too loud.

Master had said to listen to Edward and to obey him. But Edward had tried to make Ree drink the bad tea, even after Ree told him it would hurt the babies. Ree did not want to go back to the house. She did not think Edward would be a good sire for her babies. Lenore had been right all along.

"We should go," Ree said to the ogress. "Humans will come."

Freida grunted her agreement and slung the axe over her shoulder. "Where do we go?"

Ree thought for a few moments. "You hide in the woods. I will go to Lenore at the inn. She is smart – she will know the best thing to do. Then I will come and find you – that will be easy because I know your smell."

Freida nodded and set out for the woods.

Ree paused and took a long look back at the house where she had spent the last four years and learned all of the Human Rules. Her gaze lingered on Edward, the man who had taught her many ways of mating and had put babies inside her. She wondered what would happen when The Master returned and found the house ruined and the barn burned, and the housemaid and grounds-keeper run off. Probably it would make him in a bad mood. Someone would get scolded for sure!

Ree sighed and started the long walk to town.


Ree awoke to a familiar, painful throbbing in her breasts. At first she didn't want to open her eyes, didn't want to get out of bed and leave the warmth of Lenore's soft body. Over the last six months, Ree had grown used to sharing a bed with the female human. More than used to it – she liked it. Sleeping with Lenore felt good – the Mistress was warm and comforting and good-smelling. She wanted to stay still and enjoy it.

But Ree had babies to feed.

She carefully wiggled out of Lenore's grasp, trying her best not to wake her, then slid off the mattress and crept, still naked, across the wood floor in the dark. Lenore had said it was okay to sleep naked when there were only females and babies around. And it was more comfortable not to sleep in human clothing that rubbed and pulled each time she moved. Sleeping naked was a good idea.

She passed the baby bed with her four babies and her gaze rested on them for a moment, making extra sure that all was well. She had fed them a couple of hours ago, but already two of them were beginning to stir. Goblin babies drank a lot of milk, which was why Ree's breasts had swollen up so painfully. She would feed them to make the pain go down.

She was a little disappointed there had been only four. Sometimes, goblins could have seven babies, and that's what Ree had been hoping for. But three females and a male were okay, too. At least all the babies had lived – that was better than having seven and losing some of them. Ree secretly hoped that next time, there would be seven babies.

The temperature in the single-room house was comfortable but Ree decided to put another log into the wood stove all the same. It was good for the babies if the air was warm, especially with how cold it was outside. She padded across the floor to the stove, careful not to wake Freida. The ogress was sprawled across the floor, sound asleep, her tall, muscular frame taking up almost half the floor space in the house.

The log she'd put into the stove during her last feeding was still mostly whole but she poked it aside with an iron rod and added a second, smaller log, then shut the hatch.

Returning to the baby bed, she decided Baby Freida was the most restless and lifted her up. Goblin babies were quiet – it made it easy for them to hide. Even though they weren't in the Wildlands, the babies still knew to be quiet to avoid hungry beasts.

Baby Freida latched onto Ree's nipple and began hungry sucking. Ree held her against her breast with one arm as she sat in the nursing chair and looked out the small window into the dark, empty streets of Lostwood.

The village of Lostwood was different than the village near The Master's house. Lostwood was near the Wildlands. The humans there were busy cutting down trees and hunting, and catching animals for their fur. There were not many humans; far fewer than in The Master's village.

At first, the humans had been unfriendly towards her. The humans did not like goblins because goblin tribes would raid Lostwood for livestock and furs. Even though Ree was not a raiding goblin, the humans were mean to her and said rude things when they saw her.

But during the next goblin raid, Freida had grabbed her axe and chased the goblins out of the town, roaring and swearing mightily. After that the goblins did not come back – goblins were smart and did not want to go near an angry ogress, especially one with a giant axe.

Then the humans were happy to have Freida in the town, and since Freida was Ree's best friend, they treated Ree nicely, too. An old woman brought some tiny, warm clothes for the babies. One time, after Freida chased a grizzly bear out of town, the men brought an entire pig for them to eat. The men often invited Freida out to do some tree-cutting. Freida was popular in Lostwood, even though she was much bigger and stronger than everyone.

Lenore knew lots about plants and could make different kinds of tea and medicine. The humans in the village traded food and clothes for Lenore's plant-things. Sometimes when they came to the house they would say kind things about her babies. The humans of Lostwood were nice. Ree liked this sort of human.

Ree put Baby Freida back and picked up Baby Edward. She had named the babies herself – Freida, Edward and Lenore. The third female baby Lenore had asked to name Aurelia, after Lenore's mother, and Ree had agreed. Edward was Ree's only boy, so far, and that made him a special sort of baby. He was hungry too and she offered him her other breast.

She sometimes thought of the real Edward. Over the last couple of days she had thought of him even more, and wanted to be near him again. He was good at mating, and Ree was beginning to feel like mating would be good to do again. Since the babies were out of her, the Mating Heat was beginning to build up inside her again.

But Edward did not know they were in Lostwood. Lenore said it needed to be a secret, that if anyone knew it could be trouble. The King's Legion might be looking for the ones that had killed Master Reginald, even though he was loud and had tried to hurt Ree's babies. That was why Lenore had brought them to Lostwood – it was far, far away from their old home.

Ree wondered if a male in Lostwood would be interesting in mating. She decided to ask Lenore what to do. Lenore was smart and would know the right thing.


"I don't think you should mate with the men in Lostwood," Lenore said.

"Because their male parts will be too big?"

"Ree!" Lenore gasped, then laughed so hard she had to stop knitting.

Ree did not understand what was funny, but it was good when Lenore laughed – it gave Ree a warm feeling inside her chest. Lenore had said that feeling was happiness, although usually goblins did not get happy. But usually, goblins did not have friends who were ogres and humans, so maybe Ree was not a normal goblin.

Lenore stopped laughing at last. "Heavens, no. If you mate then there will be more babies, and there's no room here for more babies. For now, I don't want you to have any more babies, okay?"

"But it is good for goblins to have many babies," Ree said. She didn't want to be difficult with Mistress Lenore but it was important for her to know. Lenore rarely scolded her, so Ree felt comfortable sharing her thoughts.

"If you have more babies we won't able to feed them all – we don't have money to buy enough food for more than four babies. It's better to stay with just four babies than to have more and some of them starve, right?"

Ree considered Lenore's words, then sighed and nodded. Lenore was right. It was better to have four strong, healthy babies than to have many babies who were weak and sick.

"I will not have more babies right now. It is good to have four babies who are strong."

Lenore gave her a bright smile and Ree knew she'd made a good decision.

But the next day, while Lenore was out at the town hall decorating for the winter festival, Ree began to question it again.

The Mating Heat was stronger and Ree felt that perhaps she should find a male to mate with and then worry about how to feed the new babies later. She spent most of the day at the window, her housedress open to the waist as she fed her children and watched for males. When one walked past the window she would wave at him, hoping maybe the male would want to come inside.

But as early afternoon rolled around no males had visited, although she'd received a few encouraging glances at her bare breasts. It was a Human Rule that bare chests should not be exposed, but she knew from her time with Edward that males liked to look at chests, even small ones. It was important to do things the males liked, so they would come in and mate with her.

Lenore returned and began removing her heavy winter clothing as she stood inside he door.

"Ree, what on earth are you doing?" Lenore, bending to pry the heavy boots off her feet. She sounded displeased.

"Feeding Baby Freida," Ree said, nodding at the nursing child.

"I've had complaints that you're exposing yourself to people as they walk by! Get away from the window."

Ree paused, aware that the tone in Lenore's voice was close to a scolding. Lenore did not often scold her, but Ree had seen how dangerous Lenore's voice could be when she was angry. Even Master Reginald had been afraid of it.

She stepped away from the window and put Baby Freida back in the baby bed. "It is the best way to get males to come inside," she said.

"Ree, you're not going to mate with any males. Remember we talked about it yesterday?"

Ree hesitated. "I think it would be good to mate right now."

"I know you feel that way, but we can't afford to feed any more babies."

"I can feed the babies with my milk. Goblins can make a lot of milk; enough to feed many babies."

Lenore groaned. "So THIS is the Mating Heat that Edward mentioned. You're just itching to get into trouble, aren't you?"

Ree nodded, then fixed her housedress and looked out the window. Goblins did not like the cold, but she could endure it long enough to reach the next house. There were three males that lived there, and at least one of them – Master Hayman – was old enough to mate with. He sometimes came to this house to buy some tea. He was not good-smelling like Edward was, but he had two sons...

"How old is Master Hayman's biggest son?" Ree asked.

"Eleven," Lenore said, then put her boots aside and straightened up. "Okay, enough of this. We need to do something about this Mating Heat before you get us run out of town. Take your clothes off and lie on your back in bed."

"Okay. Are we going to sleep?" Ree shimmied out of her housedress.

Lenore pulled the curtains over the window, dimming the interior of the house.

"No. We're going to see about satisfying this Heat of yours."

"The only way is with mating. It is important to do it when the Mating Heat is strong."

"So we'll fool your body into thinking it's mating. Maybe that will break the Heat."


"Lie down," Lenore said, then walked to the stove and held her hands close to the hot iron surface, warming them. Ree crawled up onto the mattress and lay on her back. After a minute, Lenore walked to the bed and stood at the side, facing Ree.

"Okay, this is going to be awkward enough without your big, pretty eyes staring at me. Close your eyes."

"I have pretty eyes?" Ree said, closing them.

"Very pretty."

The compliment made Ree feel warm inside. Lenore often said nice things to Ree.

"Okay. Just lie still and take slow breaths. I'm not going to hurt you."

"I know you will not hurt me." In the six months she'd known Lenore, the human woman had proven to be gentle and trustworthy.

Ree felt stove-heated hands touch her belly. At first they were still, then they began to rub in small circles. The heat and contact felt good, and Ree sighed. No one had ever rubbed her belly before.

The hands went in different directions then; one moved slowly higher, stroking her ribs and the bottoms of her always-full breasts while the other moved lower, touching her hip bones and the sensitive skin under her navel. Lenore's palms continued to move slowly over her body, and it somehow made Ree think of the finger-mating that Edward had done. One hand was close to her pussy – if it moved just a little bit lower it would be touching.

The other hand rubbed her breasts, first one then the other. At first they only rubbed, but after a few minutes they began to squeeze gently and stroke her hard nipples with just the fingertips. Ree liked to be touched there. She began to feel warm and her heart beat faster.

"You are good at this kind of touching," Ree said.

"I was in an all-girls house at the Academe. There were no men allowed and we were strictly supervised. Sometimes at night, after the matron made her final rounds, some of the young women would pair off and do this to each other. We called it 'sweeping the temple'."

Ree didn't understand all of what Lenore was saying, although she knew about sweeping. Mostly she was hoping Lenore would not stop touching her.

The lower hand moved to Ree's inner thighs, SO close to her hungry pussy. She spread her legs wider just in case Lenore needed some encouragement. The hot hand stroked and tickled mere inches from her wet female parts. The other hand continued it's feather-like touching of Ree's nipples and the soft skin of her breasts. Good feelings were rolling through her from all directions.

"It was about more than just physical release; the bonding, the emotional connection could be strong at times. I remember those times – and those girls – fondly."

Lenore was touching right above her pussy, sliding her palm from one inner thigh to the other, grazing Ree's sex too gently, too briefly. She moaned and spread wider, then lifted her hips. She was eager for finger-mating now, even though Lenore was female.

"Lie still," Lenore said, a reprimand so gentle Ree didn't even mind.

"It is hard. My pussy is eager for touching." Ree's hips were moving all on their own, out of her control.

"Lie still," Lenore repeated. "The pleasure is greater if you don't rush."

"Okay." Ree took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to quiet her restless body.

The upper hand roamed higher, above her breasts to her neck, then sideways to her shoulder and down her arm, squeezing gently as it went. The lower hand trailed fingertips over the top of her thighs, then back up, sliding over her female parts to her belly again. Even the brief contact brought a high-pitched whine. Ree forced herself to stay still.

Human women were good at mating. Edward had only touched her female parts, but Lenore was touching everything, and each place was good-feeling in a different way. Ree's skin felt hot and she was breathing heavily. The Mating Heat was strong now; she could feel it throbbing in her female parts.

"Will we finger-mate soon?"

"You sound like you're eager."

"Oh, yes. We should do it soon. I am hungry for it."

"Goblins are a little different. Human women take longer to heat up." Lenore's voice was even and calm, her touch slow and controlled.

"I am hot already. My female parts are ready to be mated."

"Be still. Just a few minutes more."

Ree groaned but she didn't argue. Both of Lenore's hot palms were on her hips now, stroking slow paths over her belly, thighs and the upper swells of her pussy. When one hand slid over her sex and cupped it in her palm, Ree whimpered and couldn't help pressing her hips up into Lenore's touch.

"You make such adorable sounds," Lenore said, and from the warmth in her voice, Ree could tell her Mistress was smiling. For some reason this brought a smile to Ree as well. Everything about Lenore made Ree feel good. She was the best human of all.

One finger slipped into the wet middle of her female parts and found her special bump. Even a light touch made Ree gasp. She was worried Lenore might take her finger away so Ree grabbed her wrist tightly in both hands and held it in place against her pussy.

"So much for being still."

Ree didn't let go of Lenore's wrist. "This is not the time for rubbing all over. You should only touch that bump now."

Lenore chuckled quietly. "Well you're not shy." She stroked the bump again and Ree moaned and clung to the wrist like her life depended on it. Lenore touched slowly and Ree was desperate for more.

"What did we decide about mating with males?" Lenore asked, giving the pleasure bump a quick swipe with her finger.

"I...will not do it."

"And you're going to wear your housedress properly when you're standing in front of the window from now on? You should not allow the men from the village to see your bare breasts. It's bad manners and people will say unkind things about you."

"Yes. Yes, Mistress." Ree would have agreed to anything for another stroke of Lenore's fingertip.

"Okay, I'll hold you to your word." Lenore's finger began to stroke faster, causing waves of tension and pleasure to course through her hips and belly and out to all parts of her.

Suddenly Ree's muscles grabbed. Everything tensed for a few moments. Then her inner parts squeezed and released in the best-feeling spasms and throbbing she had ever felt. Ree was careful to hold Lenore's hand in place until the rubbing went from feeling good to feeling unwelcome. She moved the human's hand away and lay still, panting and sweating from the effects of the finger-mating.

After a minute, Lenore broke the silence.

"Can you still feel your Mating Heat?"

Ree considered, then shook her head. "It is weak right now. I do not feel it."

"Well at least we know how to deal with it from now on, don't we?"

Ree nodded and opened her eyes. She was beginning to recover her senses.

To her surprise, Lenore was undressing too. When she was naked, she lay on the mattress next to Ree.

"My turn," the Mistress said, turning her head to give Ree a smile and a sly wink.


A week later Ree was at home feeding her babies. They were hungry and needed a lot of milk. Lenore was at someone's house visiting. Freida was out with the men cutting down trees. Ree didn't mind being alone – the silence made it easier to focus on nursing and cleaning the one-room house.

Then she heard the approach of footsteps, even before the loud knock on the door. Lenore sometimes had visitors, and Ree knew what to say when they came to the door. Sometimes visitors would bring food for Ree, or blankets for the babies. They were the best sort of guest.