Goblins' Rise Ch. 06


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She looks up at me appreciatively. "This always felt so good against a pillow. It's what I figured sex was like. Until I joined you."

She leans her cheek against my side as she grinds. Moaning slightly. Her breasts rubbing against me through her thin negligee.

After a few moments I gently push her off. "If you like that, you will love what we do next." I inform her. She grins at me with an excited twinkle in her green eyes.

I pull my pants off and lean over to set them on a chair. Then I jump up in shock. She had bitten my ass. "Oow!" I grunt, more from surprise than pain.

"Oh! Oh no! I'm so sorry. That wasn't ok?" She looks crestfallen.

"No, no, no." I assure her. Pulling her into my arms. "It's fine. Just a surprise." She shivers, obviously worried.

I reach down and let my fingers reach under her skirt. "Sometimes embarrassing things happen. We just need to press on. Ok?" I begin to rub. Down through her patch of pubic hair. On to her warm pussylips.

She nods. Shivering, now from my stimulation. "Uh, huh." She whispers.

I lean in for another kiss as I let one finger slip inside her to the first knuckle. Causing her body to tense, and drawing a moan from the Dwarf maiden.

I cover her soft cunny entirely with my palm as my finger presses a little deeper. "Feels good?" I ask.

"Yes...good." She sighs. Her eyes look up, meeting mine. "I want to be perverted." She reaches down and grabs my dick. "My breasts have always been so sensitive. I want you to do things to them."

"What do you want me to do?" I ask. Gently rubbing inside her pussy.

"Ooh! What...whatever you want. You don't have to be gentle with me." She suggests, lust in her husky voice.

She gives a little whine when I pull my finger out. Then I kneel before her. Derduna gasps when I yank down her top, Setting her big tits jiggling free. I lean in grabbing her left tit and sucking her perky nipple. My free hand reaching beneath her to finger her wet twat again.

I alternate breasts. Kissing and licking. Squeezing her bountiful orbs. Suckling her nipples. When I begin to nip at her hardened buds she groans.

The ginger's whole body shivers as she has a little orgasm. Standing there while I fiddle her twat and play with her breasts.

"Oh! That...that was lovely." She gasps as she quickly comes down.

"We aren't done yet." I assure her. I stand and grab her orange braids. Roughly yanking her head back. "Tell me you want my cock." I order gruffly.

"Oh! I do! I do want your cock! I want it bad." With her head back her eyes search mine for approval.

"Beg me for it. Beg me to fuck you."

"Please! Fuck me. I need it so bad!" She gasps. I nearly throw her onto the bed.

Before she can get her bearings I'm on top of her. Pulling her round ass in the air. I give it a firm spank as I flip her skirt up. Derduna gasps in excitement.

Then I'm plunging inside her. She shivers and howls as the first cock she has ever taken plunges deep. I don't give the virgin time to settle, though.

I thrust roughly into her tight cunt. Slapping her round ass soundly. Quickly turning it red with handprints as she groans in pain and pleasure.

"Oh, gods! Yes! Yes!" She moans as I fuck her. Pounding her from behind like a hammer. I reach up and grab her orange hair again. Forcing her head up as we fuck. Her braids unraveling in our fury.

My other hand punishes her cute rear. Tanning her pale flesh red. The bed shaking beneath us. I squeeze, and then slap. Hard. Squeeze, and slap!

I can feel sweat running down my body as I ride her. Dripping into my eyes. Her orange hair begins to plaster to her head as she groans her pleasure. "Yes, like this. This is it." I can hear her gasping.

Her groans turn into loud horse whines as another orgasm grabs her. The Dwarf's pussy throbs around my dick as her whole body shakes.

I groan and thrust as I cum. Letting her hungry body milk me for every drop in her ecstasy.

Finally I give her ass one last slap before pulling out and dropping to the mattress, spent.

She rolls over and snuggles next to me. "That...that was amazing." She gasps. Still breathless.

"You are a good fuck, Derduna." I grin at her.

She smiles back. "You can call me Duna."

We lay together panting for a while as we rest. Eventually she looks up at me and says, "I grew up hearing rumors about Dwarvish sex cults. Places where the men enslave and sexually abuse women."

I raise an eyebrow at her. Encouraged, she continues, "I...I always wondered what it would be like. For the women. Imagined myself their prisoner. Forced to do all manner of unspeakable things."

My dick starts to twitch with renewed excitement. Derduna notices with a grin. "Of course they would have taken me first as an innocent virgin." Her fingers grip and squeeze my hardening shaft. "Begging them to release me."

Her eyes search mine, and we smile together. Sharing our mutual lust for her fantasy.

Duna casts her eyes down coyly. A natural flirt? "Of course they wouldn't let me go. I'd be stripped by their rough hands. Before a crowd." She plants a couple kisses on my bare chest. Moving slowly down my body.

"They would put me in my place. Prove their dominance over me." She squeezes her big tits, rubbing them against me as she slides lower.

She looks at me with a cute frown. "I wouldn't be able to stop their abuse. Their belts striking my tits and my ass. So sore."

Her Dwarven fingers trail deliciously through my pubic hair. "I'd beg them to stop. Offer them any..." She kisses the tip of my dick. "Anything."

Derduna licks my shaft up and down. "They would keep me in a cage. Fucking me like an animal." Her tongue circles my tip. "And that's what I'd become. Their pet whore."

"I bet you would enjoy abusing me. Hmm?" She squeezes my cock. "To be my cruel master?" Duna nuzzles my hard dick.

"Teach your Dwarf whore how to properly submit?" She shuts herself up by taking my dick as fully in her mouth as she can.

I let her suck for a long moment. My hand running through her tangled hair. I wonder about Dwarven sex cults. The men in Obstinate Hold definitely seemed to fall on the kinky side.

I grab the Duna and force her face into the mattress. As I shove my dick into her hot cunt I reach beneath her. My fingers pinch and pull her nipples. Hard. Harder than I normally would for a girl's first time.

The young woman squeals into the mattress as I ride her Dwarf ass. This time when I cum it will be all over her cute face, I decide grinning.

Goblins. The Magistrate has a problem with Goblins. Not my men, thankfully. By the sounds of it there must be a warren nearby.

They have harassed farming villages for years, but lately have grown bolder. Goblins have been attacking guarded caravans and even small towns and outposts.

Gort and Crom both agreed it's a sign that the warren is over populated. Their warriors and hunters striking out in frustration.

"Wait long enough, and there will be a rebellion, Boss." Gort had told me. "Then a bunch will split off and make a new warren."

Obviously the Magistrate wouldn't want that. So we gathered the bulk of our force and marched out of the city. Scouts heading off to find any sign of the Goblins, or their warren.

A few days out we get reports of a large force rampaging through a small valley. My scouts say a pair of villages have already been sacked.

I order my troops to move double time, splitting us in two. I lead the larger force toward the closer end of the valley. Karagoth leads the smaller, lighter group. Marching quickly to head them off at the other end.

The valley follows a shallow river that had cut through some rough hills. The land next to the water seems to be especially fertile, though the hills look rocky and dangerous.

Over the next few hours we pass a couple villages. Most of the buildings have been burnt to the ground. The few people we see run from us in fear. My Goblins are not a comforting sight to them after what they have been through.

By mid afternoon we see dark smoke on the horizon. My scouts tell me the Goblins have burnt another small village and are preparing to move on.

By mid afternoon we have fought sight of the enemy force. Nearly two hundred, my scouts assure me. Outnumbering us, even if Kara's group was here.

"They won't fight as well as us, Captain." Crom assures me as we watch the other Goblins form into small groups. Ranks set to fight us, similar to our squads.

"This may be the biggest fight we've been in." I admit. He just nods his head stoically and puts on his iron helmet.

We march forward to meet the enemy. I have a commanding view from the back of my horse, Sheriff. Though I'm no longer allowed to be in the front line.

The enemy Goblins shift about. Looking confused at my boys coming at them. When there is only a hundred yards left m, arrows begin to fly. Both forces surge forward with a roar.

The field quickly becomes awash in a green storm. I watch at the big Chockwa boys knock little men flying. Like a farmer cutting down wheat.

Crom and his men are some of the most disciplined on the field. They cut a line right through the opposing force. Separating squads from their allies, and their commanders.

I can se a patch of frozen Goblins. Definitely Snowy's magic at work.

When the fighting starts to get close to me, I dismount. One of my boys leading Sheriff away. I'm sure he'd be fine in the thick of battle, but I'm not comfortable enough on him to fight yet.

My boys all have linen scarves. Stained yellow to be noticeable. When I see the first Goblin without, my iron sword slices right through his neck.

Then I'm pressing forward. Cutting the enemy down as they present themselves. Pushing slowly toward the center of their force. There is a small banner there. And hopefully their leader.

Close at hand, I'm guarded by two of Crom's boys. And one of the Nathair men.

Hanatal is also close by with her 'thunder-bust' hand cannon. I can tell she has made more modifications to it.

The Goblin Princess insisted that she is part of my Guard in battle, and refuses to take no for an answer. I think she has impressed Karagoth with her pluck and tenacity.

Her short green hair swats as her head darts back and forth. Her one good eye always on the lookout for enemy spell casters.

We don't make it to the Goblin's leader before their whole force is running away. No orderly retreat, it's exert Goblin for himself.

Maybe half their force, say one hundred little men, scamper further down the valley. A couple dozen more climb up into the hills.

"Take as many alive as are still breathing." I give the order to my message runners.

I kneel down to heal my first wounded of the day.

We rest for an hour to take prisoners and bind our wounds. Then we march after the fleeing force.

I wanted to head out faster, but Crom convinced me we needed the time.

Part of me worried for Kara. The remaining goblins are still more than double her smaller force. She is a powerful warrior, but I'm still concerned.

I shouldn't have been, it turns out. We catch up to the remains of their battle just before dusk. The Goblins hadn't stopped running, it seems. Even passing up another village.

Then they were hit by Kara and her men. Shattered, really. There are still goblins scattered, cowering in the area. Up trees and behind bushes. Individually and in small groups.

They seem almost relieved to surrender to Crom and his men. Anything to get away from 'the dreaded 'Ala-Thom.' The demon wife of one of the local Goblin's gods, Crom explains to me grinning.

Kara strides up to me. A big grin on her face. Leathers still splattered with blood. "It was a good victory." She announced. Then grabs the back of my head and plants a passionate kiss. "We make camp here." She says, her lust palpable.

"I uh...I need to make sure everyone knows what to do." I stammer in a daze. She just shrugs and pulls off her top as she walks towards the stream. I can see the sides of her large wobbling tots from behind as she goes. My dick twitching in my pants as I'm distracted from my duties of command.

Later as I heal another of my boys, a wet and naked Kara strides past. Sashaying toward my tent. She gives me a randy grin as she passes.

When I finally have time to rest, I enter my tent to find the beautiful Orc napping on my cot. Face down with her head pillowed on her crossed arms.

I quickly strip. Then I straddle Karagoth's green thighs. The sounds of the camp filter in through the cloth walls of the tent.

Her long silver hair hangs loose. I brush it off her strong back. Then I lean in, giving her a kiss between her shoulder blades.

I reach to the little table set close to the camp bed. A small brass pot on a bed of coals. Warming the scented oil inside. I pour a generous amount of the glistening liquid on her muscular back. Kara rests her head sideways on her crossed arms. Enjoying our intimacy.

The beautiful Orc woman gives an appreciative moan as my fingers begin to massage. Spreading the oil. Turning her green skin slick, and making it glisten.

My cock is hard and pokes into her round derrière as I massage my lovely partner. She playfully wiggles her cute ass as I work.

When I've rubbed the oil all over her back I take a moment to rub it on her ass. Causing the Orc to smile and moan again. I also rub a generous amount on my dick.

I move from massaging her muscles deep, to more of a caressing motion up and down her slick back.

Without warning, I reach down between us. In one quick motion I slide my lubed dick easily into her sweet pussy.

Kara groans and arches her back as my cock pierces her unexpectedly deep. She plants her hands on her palms to either side. Lifting her head from the thin mattress. The Orc beauty presses her ass back against me with a groan.

I lean in as I thrust. Reaching beneath my lover to grip her large breasts with my oil slick hands. Running my fingers back and forth across her hardened nipples.

Our bodies slide together as we fuck. The oil making us slippery. I grunt my passion and need as she starts to growl beneath me.

I yelp in surprise as she bucks me off, twisting around to face me.

"Human scum." She growls, with a twinkle in her eye. "I will not be beaten by the likes of you."

I jump at her and we fused. Our bodies slippery from the oil it's hard to get purchase. I grab under her knee and lift, forcing her to her back. Her giant tits wobbling deliciously. Only to have her kick free and shove me to the floor.

Before I can stand I feel her tits against my back. She forces me to crouch, then curl up. Pinning my arms. She really is quite a bit stronger than me.

One green hand reaches around and grasps my cock. She squeezes, then slowly strokes me.

"You thought to tame a daughter of the forest?" She whispers in my ear. A shiver of excitement flows through me as she plays with my dick. "Never, human welp. Not you, not anyone."

Kara releases my dick, and I feel her grip ease. I push her off and spin. Shoving her back towards the bed. I give her a forceful slap across the face. Harder than I would with any of the other girls. I see the excited thrill move through her body.

I push her onto the cot and pin her wrists above her head. "Orc swine. You will pay for your crimes with your body." I reach down with one hand and pinch one of her hard nipples.

"No! Please." She begs. No longer the unstoppable warrior. Now she is the helpless slave. "I am pure as my goddess demands. I will do anything to protect my chastity."

"Anything?" I ask slapping her big tit in punctuation. She nods, doing her best to look frightened.

I shove her to her knees on the floor. "Perhaps if you can please me with your mouth, I won't have to shove my dick someplace unpleasant."

I rub the tip of my dick against her green cheek. Kara looks suitably disgusted at my offer. But she reluctantly turns and opens her lips.

I moan as my cock slides into the beautiful Orc's mouth. I grab her silver hair and start to thrust. Vigorously face fucking my partner. I can feel the side of her tusks against my shaft as I slide in and out of her mouth.

Kara gags as my dick pokes at her throat. Pushing deeper and deeper with each cruel thrust. I know she can't take me fully in this position, it I push as far as I can. Then I just rest there. Grinning down at my slave.

I finally pull out, as the Orc coughs and gasps for air. I pull her up by her hair and force her to the bed. I force her to her back and spread her legs. She gives me a timid, "No..." Then Kara whimpers as I shove my dick deep inside her wet cunt.

"You are mine, Orc whore!" I bark at her. Slapping her across both cheeks. She reaches up and grabs the back of my head. Pulling me into a passionate kiss even as she growls. I can feel her orgasm wrack her body. Her pussy throbbing around my dick as she shivers uncontrollably.

I groan my own pleasure even before she's done. Spilling my seed into the shivering Orc.

After we rest for a bit, Kara sits on a stool next to the bed while I brush her long silver hair.

"Taking a Goblin Warren won't be easy." I suggest.

"No." She agrees. "We will do it though. The men are ready for this." She tells me confidently.

I smile as the brush slides through her beautiful hair.

Our prisoners are more than happy to lead us to their warren. I think they believe we will be defeated by their kin. Though quite a few already seem interested in joining my band.

The warren was a series of caves set in and under a large hill. My scouts warns us that there were numerous small patrols in the area. There would be no chance of taking them off guard.

We sent some squads ahead to engage any patrols and to take the cave entrance.

It was time to dismantle a warren.

By the time I am allowed in the fighting has turned to chaos. The first cave and a few tunnels are cleared, but then it seems to be skirmishes everywhere.

The tunnels are cramped, the noise is a loud din, and there is no frontline. I stop to heal a couple boys I recognize and a third that I don't. The first two grab the third and tie his hands behind his back when I'm finished.

When I move on I'm rushed from a side tunnel by a group of green men. I bring my sword around, thinking my head on the ceiling. I barely block the little man's axe. Unfortunately I can't stop his friend with a spear.

I Feel it thunk my left leg, but don't feel the pain. I stab the first Goblin in the neck and push, but my leg won't move.

"Boss! Down!" Hanatal screams.

I fall on my right side. Trying to use my sword to block anything coming my way.

There's an earth shattering BOOM! and I feel the wind knocked out of me.

All I can hear is a faint ringing in my ears and I feel dizzy. I try to sit up, but my left leg won't work right. Hanna is yelling something at me. I think it's about my leg.

The spear. It must have only nicked me, but pinned my trousers to the wall. With her help we pull it out. I check, but there's barely any blood. Hurts now though.

The goblins that attacked me have been reduced to a pile of blood and gore. Hanatal reloads her thunderbust, while I see to my leg. She seems pleased with herself. Though I still can't hear.

Slowly we move deeper into the warren. Stopping here and there to aid in skirmishes and fights. At one point a group of a half dozen enemy goblins stop to gawk at Hanna and her less than demure uniform.

Like the other princesses she loves to dress sexy. Freed from her repressed lifestyle she enjoys showing off her lovely green body. She wears dark leather shorts and long grey stockings. On top she has a matching leather halter. Cut low to show off a bit of her C-cups.