Goddesses 02 Pt. 04


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"Nnnnnahh, ahhh!"

Eva had easily hit her prostate, and with steady pressure crushed it flat while steadily pumping her hands up and down. Val fell back on the bed, and her screams of joyful release grew louder as her body flexed upward and erupted like a geyser. Shots of glowing neon green were forcibly and rapidly ejected from her loins, which Eva aimed to land upon and roll thickly down her chest.

Still buried within her, she grabbed the bottle of moonberry and tilted it over her mouth, victoriously pouring the last of it down her throat as Val's beats of release bathed her body.


Their frenzy of passion lasted for hours, and the sun was beginning to set on the brief winter day by the time they'd began to come down. Every bottle of moonberry in Eva's apartment had been drained, and the place was a mess.

Val was lying still in Eva's bed, getting a much needed rest. Eva meanwhile was standing naked and disheveled in the kitchen, blinking tiredly through her remnant hallucinations as she stirred some sauce into a pot of pasta. They were both in deep need of nourishment after the massive amounts of material their bodies had ejected.

As she poured their meal out into a pair of shallow bowls her mind was wandering back to questions that had been nagging at her on and off for the better part of two months. She'd consumed with Val multiple times more moonberry then any evidence indicated she had the night of her incident, yet she was fine. Everything had gone as excellently as she could have hoped, and as normally as she would have once expected.

What had happened to her couldn't have been caused by her drinking. So what actually happened that night before the harvest?

Chapter 16

Alessia and her best friend walked, hand in hand and with matching tool bags slung over their shoulders, down the calm street of their town towards the fringe. It had become a common sight to see them happily doing so during a late summer afternoon, and to the people of the town a welcome one as well; finally Don Greco's antisocial daughter had made a real friend.

Benji, though, had his suspicions. As he sat under an umbrella at his favourite tavern's patio he could see them coming from afar. He rested his chin in his hand, then impatiently twisted his pint within the puddle of condensation beneath it.

What he'd seen happening in the wild woods months before was still fresh in his mind. Beautiful, innocent Alessia was the lover of a goddess. The few people he'd told outright refused to believe him, thinking he only wanted to soil her reputation after pursuing her for so long, then being refused. He was determined to prove it.

As they strolled closer all the proof he needed was right there, in all its heart wrenching glory. She was more gorgeous than ever, and she walked with a new poise that commanded his awe. Beneath a light floral print top that hung off the edges of her shoulders her breasts were subtly jiggling and sloshing from side to side, having become more substantial, more succulent, than ever before. Under the shifting fabric he could just make out her soft flesh bulging against the edges of her bra. It was well past time to buy a size up. All this he saw through only the corner of his eye, and only briefly - one mustn't look directly at the sun. The changing body of Alessia Greco was both his most savoured and most hated sight.

Her friend, whom he'd been told was named Gaia, was even more quiet and reclusive than Alessia. She was smaller and was as thin as a rail with a featureless, pale body dressed in a loose purple grass top and some little black boy shorts. Past her dark shoulder length hair she was however extremely pretty, and had the most shockingly violet coloured eyes.

Something wasn't right about Gaia. There was something very abnormal, very otherworldly about the girl. She must have been a piece of the puzzle, a connection to the goddess, or perhaps even goddesses, that were defiling sweet Alessia. Were they really going out to the fringes to work on the solar arrays, or was she bringing Alessia to them in the wild woods adjacent, where he'd seen her that one night?

Once they'd passed Alessia had her back to Benji, and he could look more freely without fear of being caught. From behind he could still see her chest jiggling through the space between her upper arm and her body, taunting him. Her bottom, embraced by tiny jean shorts, swayed its womanly charm. Feeling thoroughly devastated, he groaned and turned his gaze down towards the pale lager in his glass.


Gaia's little arms were deep inside the solar array's access box as she, with the basic training Alessia had provided her, attempted to make repairs. As she knelt in a part in the tall grass Alessia sat just behind her with her arms wrapped around her and her chin resting upon her shoulder.

"Now put the wires back in and screw them tight to the connectors."


Alessia placed a little kiss on the side of her neck, then disengaged herself and sat aside, where she took her tablet out of her bag and opened the routine she used to monitor the field of solar arrays. "When you're done that close the power shunt and we'll see if you were able to fix it."

After some more fidgeting within the access box there was the heavy 'click' of the shunt being closed.

"Ah. You did it!"

"Yes." Gaia sat back. "It wasn't hard." She began to screw the panel shut.

"Then our job is done, and the rest of the day is ours," Alessia sang.

Gaia looked up and a beautiful sight met her eyes, for her human was lying back and lifting her shirt, under which she'd already shifted her bra up off of her breasts, delivering an eye-popping display of underboob. The sight of those big soft spheres blanketing her little chest, perhaps even moreso than the last time she'd seen her lay down, was extremely provocative. "Uh, perhaps we shouldn't do that here. I have little power or awareness here in the fringe. Let's go into the woods..."

"Oh, come on," Alessia said. She dug her hands into her luscious burdens and began to tease Gaia with some lifts and bounces. "No one but us ever comes here. I can't wait any longer."

There was another hesitant moment with Gaia's gaze longingly locked upon Alessia's lewd display until she pushed her misgivings aside and hopped onto her. A sheepish smile was on her face as their lips joined.

"Mmmh..." Soon tongue met teenage tongue. To Alessia it was somehow sweeter to kiss Gaia while she was still in her human form, to feel her body so slight and small within her arms. Many a kiss and other acts of hanky-panky were snuck out of view when they were within Don Greco's house, where very rarely indeed could Gaia show her true shape. It was something to savour before the true goddess would be unleashed.

Gaia pulled up and out of her human's embrace, her hair disheveled and her violet eyes alight. "I-I really do think we should go to the woods now."

Using the space she'd gained Alessia sat up, and she pulled her top and bra up and off of herself, revealing her divinely enhanced beauty to the open air. "But I want you right now." She wrapped her arms around Gaia's neck and pulled her head down to her expansive tanned beauties.

With a frustrated groan Gaia twisted her neck to set her mouth upon a nipple, then hungrily sucked until she felt it come to hardness between her lips. Her pale little hands smoothed their way around the curves of Alessia's bosom, occasionally lifting and squeezing. Her indulgence eventually ended with her coming up for air, looking disappointed at her loss of control. There was no turning back now.

She began to change, and her wild grass top revealed a crack of her firm belly as her high and voluminous bosom inflated and filled it out. Her boyshorts became taut around her now broadened womanly hips and dove between her cheeks, while the sudden appearance of her prodigious lower gifts lewdly bursting out into the open to sit flaccid out of one leg stole Alessia's full attention. What was once a little girl in loosely hanging clothing had become a scantily clad goddess of nearly six feet, sitting poised over the topless human.

Alessia immediately got to work at pulling those tiny shorts down her goddess' legs, for if her monster were to awaken within them the risk of them being destroyed was very real. With a little maneuvering they had them off and in a breast jostling movement Gaia placed herself back in Alessia's lap, with her now accessible parts slapping down heavily against her stomach. Alessia looked down in hunger at her cock, which had already began to straighten and creep up her body.

As the pink head fattened and revealed itself from within its thin enclosing sheath of skin her lips parted, wanting to feel its throbbing heat between them. Gaia, then easily assuming dominance over Alessia in her true form, lifted her chin and pressed her own over them. As her tongue plunged into her human's mouth she could feel the inside surfaces of Alessia's breasts brushing against her endowment as it continued to advance up her body.

Alessia laid back flat in the grass, and Gaia followed, never breaking their impassioned liplock. As she reached her full sixteen inches she pushed her hips forward slightly, then pulled them back, letting her cock rhythmically saw against her chest. The tip would extend above Alessia's beautiful bosom to tease her with the faint sensation of its nearby heat at her chin. Alessia set her hands at each side of her breasts and wrapped them around Gaia's turgid shaft.

As she began to pump her tits around her Gaia seemed to purr, loving the sensation of heavenly bosom encircling her and urging her harder. She ended their kiss to watch. Alessia smiled proudly. When she'd met Gaia at the beginning of the summer she couldn't do what she was doing now.

"You're getting quite talented, Alessia." She shifted forward slightly and became still, and the end of her cock was quickly accepted within her mouth. A moment's sucks combined with her heavenly pillows working the lengthy shaft soon had Gaia at her full hardness. "Mmmm..." She shut her eyes and let herself become immersed in the calm moment's sensations.

A sigh of delight soon came from below, and Gaia opened her eyes to see Alessia's throat rolling as she swallowed down some precum, which had begun to slowly roll out of its enormously hardened vessel. The pressure of arousal was building with each stroke of Alessia's breasts, and soon the slow flow became occasional bursts that would gently splash against and drip down her cheeks.

"Oh, darling. You're going to be a real mess. Let's put that to better use." Gaia rose to her feet. She smiled at the sight of Alessia, who with her bottom lip hotly clamped under her teeth was still hotly kneading her beautiful piles against herself as she looked up to her. The girl then let them go and started to pull her tiny denims off of her hips, shimmying from side to side from the effort and setting the rest of her body asway as well.

In that secluded field Gaia's wild grass top was the last thing that needed removal, and she whipped it off and tossed it down with the rest of their clothes. Holding her length steady she dropped to her knees before Alessia, who was quick to spread her legs for her. She bumped the pink beating tip up against her sweet slit.

"Wait. You haven't changed size yet."

"I know," Gaia whispered. With broad swipes of her arm she was working that slippery pre all along herself, coaxing out another burst, which in that position would be injected into Alessia's waiting sex. They would need as much lubrication as she could muster for what was to follow. "I think you're ready. Your development, at this point... I won't have to change a thing."

That announcement seemed to rob Alessia of her voice, and she could only whisper her reply: "are you sure...?" At her full scale Gaia was kneeling quite far from her, which played tricks with her mind as the end of her burning hugeness throbbed wet against her.

"Absolutely. This is going to be a very special day for us."

"Oh my god... yes, it is. I've wanted this so badly." Alessia reached down and with her fore and middle fingers spread her little slit open for Gaia.

Gaia pushed forward just a fraction of an inch, parting Alessia as a burst of pre hit its home, sending its slippery sweetness deeply into her core. With a moan of excitement the girl spread her legs wider, if only to decrease what she expected would be a painful entrance. Gaia continued to advance, and her shaft flexed slightly as the tip fought to squeeze its way inside...

Suddenly she stopped, and she shot her head back to glance frantically behind her.

"W-what's wrong?"

"I think... I think I heard someone."

"Here? Now?"

Gaia immediately rose to her feet. She was swinging and whipping droplets of hot pre to the ground, and as Alessia watched she couldn't help but moan in heated disappointment. Gaia scooped her up and without the slightest sign of effort held her across her arms as she set off out of the grassy field of solar arrays, nearly running toward the sheltering woods.

As soon as they'd left his view Benji stopped recording. He commanded his Network Chip to transfer what he'd seen to his tablet.

He put his emotions on pause. He wouldn't yet allow himself to feel the revulsion, the jealousy, the anger or the triumph. He just had to make sure it was all there.

Once the file transfer was complete he played the footage... and there it all indeed was. The vantage point was a little far but it was watchable when he zoomed in. It began with a view of Gaia's back, with her still appearing to just be a young human girl as she kneeled in front of Alessia. Alessia was mostly out of view as she laid in the grass with Gaia's little body in front of her.

At first he'd been recording only for his own personal pleasure, for what could be greater than a personal voyeur-shot film of the beautiful Alessia dyking out with her pretty little friend? Things had only gotten sweeter when Alessia's clothes started to come off... but then the pace of things shifted dramatically. When over the course of a few seconds he saw Gaia completely outgrow her clothes, the bizarre truth of things became clear.

Gaia was the goddess he'd seen in the woods. She could morph herself into a human shape and pass herself off as a young girl in the village. He had beheld her there in her true form, which was now large enough that in his video all he could see of Alessia were her legs splayed out beneath her pale, perfected body.

With the severity of the situation well apparent Benji had made quiet movements to better record what he was seeing. Moving so the solar array didn't obstruct the view he could see both of them more clearly. The sight of Gaia's incredible breasts hanging and swaying in her top over Alessia as her hips rocked was unbearably hot, and even hotter was Alessia's naked pair wrapped tight around her cock. Her enormous, evil, goddess cock.

It was then that he'd realized he was recording the video that would set Alessia free. It was the video that would prove to the others that he wasn't just a jealous liar, that she really was having illegal relations with an immortal. He'd just needed a clear shot of her face, and to get that he had to cover a much longer distance for the necessary angle. He'd started to move again.

Benji had moved so slowly, so carefully, that when he arrived at his needed vantage point behind another solar array they were already poised for penetration. She had her massive cock aimed and ready... and he had his clear view of Alessia's face. Though he'd thought he'd been silent the goddess suddenly jolted with awareness of his presence and frantically scanned in the direction where he was. He pulled back behind the array.

The last thing he filmed was her bolting off toward the woods, with Alessia captive in her deceptively powerful arms. Her strength and agility, almost completely unaffected by Alessia's weight, was superhuman. Her arousal as it waved so unwieldily with each stride, was evidently the same. As soon as they were out of sight the video was over, and Benji allowed the emotions to pour in.


Safe in their wild grotto, Gaia slammed Alessia down onto the soft cap of the huge center mushroom.

"Oh yes... give it to me Gaia! Give me the real thing!"

She took each of Alessia's ankles in her hands, keeping her legs raised and wide. Her cock, at first swaying wildly from her motion, she carefully aimed and set in place. She pushed forward, and again it bowed slightly as it fought to enter Alessia's human body... but slowly it spread her open, and sure enough, it got inside.


With tiny shakes of her hips she worked herself deeper. It was far tighter than anything she'd ever yet felt. "Is it hurting you?"

"A little... but I want it! Keep going! Fill me completely!"

"Yes..." As she gained depth those shakes grew longer and soon more properly resembled proper thrusts. She was slowly but surely coaxing her little human open enough to receive her, just as she'd expected. After a few moments of this she'd finally completely filled Alessia, and she came to a stop, with her deepest region sitting firm against her throbbing tip and more than half of her mighty shaft buried. It was enough to satisfy her.

"Nnng, Gaia," Alessia gasped, her voice high and feeble, "my goddess... breed me!"

"Oh yes, Alessia my sweet. I will, I will..." Gaia pulled back, then drove herself forward, again filling Alessia with her immense unmodified cock. She let her hands slip from their hold around her ankles down her legs, then up her sides to cup her bountiful breasts. As she handled her lusty features her motions took rhythm.

It was beyond anything Alessia had ever felt before. As her body submitted to her there was nothing she could do to keep up. Her entire being had been surrendered. She was a vessel for her goddess' tool, a place for its massive steely heat to to work until combustion. All she could do was feel its power and trust that it wouldn't break her, and wait in deepest anticipation for it to flood its transformational mana within her. The incredible ecstasy of bearing each world shattering thrust was the only thing she could ever again desire.

"Oh Gaia, oh god, my goddess... I'm yours! I'm yours, I'm yours!"

"Yes Alessia, oh... yes...!"

"Take me, change me more, make me feel this forever! Unnh... cumming!"

She was wilting, crumpling inward, and her legs hung limp about Gaia's waist. Her head fell back and her eyes clenched shut as she erupted around her might.

Gaia was beginning to feel her human could break if she were to sustain much more heavenly punishment. There was only so much she could take at her stage of development, so there was no reason to delay her own gratification. She adjusted her thrusts, aiming to finish. "Now, finally," she breathed between near-orgasmic grunts of effort, "there are no barriers between us. I give you my gift freely..."

Pumping, pumping, pumping. The cum was exploding out from their tight union with each stab and splashing against Gaia's stomach, thighs and the unsinkable remainder of her shaft. She became still, gasping and sighing in ecstatic triumph as she hung over Alessia on her knees on elbows. Alessia reached down and grabbed the additional length that could not yet be sunken, and with a look of amazement on her face stroked it into herself, the cum bursting outward all the while.

When finally the throbs of release ended Gaia unsheathed herself and laid her cumsoaked tool, still dribbling its pearly nectar and as hard as ever, between herself and Alessia. They kissed deeply, and as Alessia squeezed and kneeded handfuls of Gaia's breasts hot seed was dripping down upon her own. Gaia pulled out of the kiss and with a graceful curl of her abdomen offered the end of her cock instead.