Goetic Justice


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Nahash gasped as she felt its warmth spread through her like magma, her legs gripping him almost painfully as if trying to take him deeper. Ryan's mind went blank, his eyes tightly closed as another throb tormented him, his nerves lighting up like a Christmas tree as his body forced another flood of ejaculate into Nahash. Her pelvic floor muscles milked it from him, rolling up his shaft in waves, tighter and hotter than anything that he had ever felt. She came too, a guttural grunt slipping past her pursed lips as her massive body began to quake. Ryan could feel the vibrations in her loins, the rhythmic contractions making her passage wring him of everything he could give her, painting her most intimate reaches with his seed.

They clung to each other tightly, their roaming hands taking purchase wherever they could, their bodies heaving together like one organism. He heard her heart pumping, his ear pressed against her fluffy chest, her bosom shaking around his head as her orgasm tore through her. His muscles burned with exertion, his climax almost painful in its intensity, glistening sweat making their skin slippery.

The Seirim watched them, their long lashes fluttering, their golden eyes losing their focus as what must have been surges of white-hot pleasure washed over them. They felt what he felt, and while he wasn't sure how intense it was for them, they were visibly stirred. Hands shot between thighs and sought out breasts, long tongues wetting lips, the creatures practically salivating as they dined on his second-hand euphoria.

One last shudder rolled over him as he gave her his last, Nahash's silken walls coaxing it from him with all the finesse of a trained hand. He slid out of her, along with a cloudy blend of their emission that dripped to the pelt below, matting the fur as strands of it clung to her milky thighs. Her ample chest heaved as she caught her breath, a hand sneaking down to rub her sodden mound, easing out one last shivering aftershock.

Ryan was glowing. He felt giddy, a satisfied ache permeating his lower body as his muscles recovered from their ordeal. His member was glazed with her juices, sticky and wet, and he fell back to sit between her giant legs as she smirked down at him.

In a second, the Seirim that had surrounded them set upon him, half a dozen pairs of clawed hands gripping his chest and arms. They slid across his belly and thighs, his body still tender and sensitive, a cry of surprise escaping his lips as their desperate explorations pierced the haze of his ecstasy.

"H-hey! What are you..."

Three heads darted between his legs as the sisters eased them apart, Ryan too dazed and exhausted to put up much resistance, the Seirim jostling and bumping into each other as they attempted to get at his still rigid member. He clutched at a pair of horns as one of them curled its serpentine tongue around his cock and dragged it into her mouth, sucking away the viscous juices greedily. Before she could finish, one of her sisters had shoved her aside, taking her place as her lips crawled across his shaft. Another mouthed at his inner thigh, licking away whatever drops of fluid she could find, while a fourth dragged her tongue across his belly. Sparks danced before his eyes, his opposition melting away as they cleaned him. One of the Seirim cupped the face of one of her quicker sisters in her hands, slipping her tongue into her mouth to get a taste, the pair falling to the pelt as they embraced.

The same was happening to Nahash, who was biting her lip as she watched some of her fellow spirits go down on her, their long tongues digging deep inside her in an attempt to reach the lurid concoction that had been pumped into her depths. He could see flashes of pink as they licked and probed, two tongues winding into her passage at once as more of the frantic Seirim cleaned her thighs like people dying of thirst licking the dew from a rock.

When they were done, they scurried back to their respective pelts around the fire, the show apparently over. Ryan glanced at Nahash with eyes that he was barely keeping open, and she reached for him, bringing him with her as she collapsed onto her side. They lay together, tired and satisfied, the pink glow of the rising sun just beginning to show over the forest as the embers of the fire smoldered.

"As I mentioned, the fluids borne of our union have powerful alchemic properties," Nahash said apologetically. "They are irresistible to my neglected sisters. I could not deny them a taste. I hope you don't mind their intrusion."

"I feel bad for them," he sighed, nestled in her arms as he lay his head in her feathery ruff. "Will they be okay? What will happen to them now?"

"Azazel sees no reason to intercede. This night was for our benefit, and once we have left, they will no doubt resume their ancient activities. They will lure wandering mortals with their dancing and revelry in order to feed on their sexual energy. Things will be as they once were."

"Is that going to work out in the modern era?" Ryan wondered. "News travels fast these days. What if they're discovered?"

"I honestly don't know," she replied, stroking his hair with her dull claws. "But, I'm sure that they'll be fine under Azazel's guidance. He is wise and powerful."

"And, you won't be coming back here?"

She took his hand in hers, drawing his attention to the black ring that clung to his finger.

"I have no need of summoning circles or sanctuaries any longer. As long as Azazel is fed with energy, I shall not want for it either. Though, if it's all the same to you, I would like you to keep the chalk circle that you drew on the floor of your apartment. It can be...soothing to rest within its boundaries."

"So that's why you were always crashing on my couch," he laughed. "Does...this mean that you're moving in with me?"

She chuckled, pulling his face into her fur.

"I go wherever that ring goes, and if you are living in your apartment, then I suppose that I am too. I can come and go as I please, of course. The immaterium is always open to me, but as you know, I prefer to be corporeal whenever possible. I love this plane of existence," she sighed, glancing up at the sky wistfully. "Everything from the feeling of firm ground beneath my hooves to the taste of the rain on my tongue."

"Suits me just fine," he replied. "It'll be nice to have someone to come home to again."

Ryan felt a chill crawl up his spine, and he propped himself up on his elbows, looking over Nahash's prone figure at the fading bonfire. Azazel was crouched beside it, cast in dark shadows, his three ruby-red eyes staring at Ryan through the gloom. He heard the Watcher laugh to himself, a rumbling sound that was as much the bleat of a goat as anything of human origin, and then he unfurled a pair of great leathery wings. They must have been twenty feet across, kicking up dust as they flapped, lifting the great creature off the ground. The wind blew out the bonfire as if it had been nothing more than a candle. It cast the clearing into darkness, that trio of smoldering eyes all that was visible as Azazel rose into the dark sky, the fading laughter heard only in Ryan's head as the beast vanished over the treetops.

He fell back to the pelt, that ominous voice echoing in his head, wondering what Azazel's deal was. Where was he going? Had he unwittingly unleashed some kind of monster upon the world? As bad as the fallen angel's rep was, he had done nothing so far to indicate any malice or evil intent, and yet his mere presence made Ryan's skin crawl.

Nahash pulled him close, her warmth driving away the cool morning air, and she whispered to him as fatigue began to overcome them both.

"Thank you, Ryan, for all that you have done."

"I should be the one thanking you," he replied sleepily, suppressing a yawn. "I might have been living in a tent in these woods right now if it wasn't for you and Orobas."

His life had taken such a strange and sudden turn, but despite everything that had happened, this was starting to feel normal. Maybe that was what it really meant to be a magician -- having this insanity be a part of your daily life and being able to handle it without losing your grip on reality. He shuffled closer to Nahash, feeling her smooth skin beneath his fingertips, listening to her slow and steady breathing. It was hypnotic, and he closed his eyes, joining her in an exhausted and contented sleep.


Becky mounted the steps of the apartment complex, muttering angrily to herself, tapping at her phone as she rounded the corner and made her way past the numbered doors towards Ryan's apartment. How dare he ignore her calls. She had wanted to teach him a lesson, that was all. He was supposed to realize what he had been doing wrong and man up, start giving her the attention that she deserved instead of taking her for granted. Instead, he had gone dark, dropping off the face of the earth and refusing to answer any of her calls or messages. She hadn't seen head nor tail of him since they had met at the coffee shop that day. Worse, she had seen a new car in his parking spot the last time she had driven by, a nice one. Had he landed a better job since they'd split up?

She rapped on the door loudly, then stood back and waited with her hands planted on her hips, silently seething as she heard the door unlock from the other side. She was ready to tear into Ryan as soon as she saw his face, a thousand curses and insults swirling in her head, but the wind was taken out of her sails as the door opened.

There was a woman standing in his apartment, tall and willowy, with pale skin and platinum-blonde hair that bordered on silver. She was wearing a fluffy, white bathrobe as if she had just gotten out of the shower. She was beautiful, and Becky was taken aback for a moment, her face reddening as she realized that she had been supplanted.

"Where's Ryan?" Becky demanded, the tall woman cocking her head curiously as she examined her with a pair of hazel eyes that were so light as to appear amber under the right conditions.

"He is working," she replied in an accent that was hard to pin down. Damn it, even her voice was sexy, Becky fuming silently as she looked her new competition up and down in disdain.

"Well, I need to speak with him, and he hasn't been answering his phone."

"You must be Becky," the strange woman mused, a smile curling her lips. "Ryan has told me all about you."

"Oh?" Becky replied, blowing a strand of her dark hair out of her face. "I'm afraid he hasn't told me anything about you. Who might you be?"

"My name is...Natasha," the stranger said with a smile. "Pleased to meet you."

Becky simmered with quiet jealousy. Had Ryan done this just to get back at her for cheating? It had only been a couple of months, and she knew that he was no Casanova. To replace her so quickly, he must have been motivated by more than just loneliness. She had wanted him to work on himself, to realize the error of his ways, but maybe her plan had worked too well? Asking a total stranger if she was banging her ex wasn't exactly the polite thing to do, but with no access to Ryan, it was the only way to satisfy her burning curiosity.

"Am I to assume that you two are...?" Becky trailed off, prompting the woman to finish her thought.

"I'm his wife," the woman replied, raising her hand and brandishing a black ring so that Becky could see it. Becky's brow furrowed as her anger got the better of her. In the few weeks that they had been apart, the bastard had gotten married? He'd been with Becky for three goddamned years, and he'd never tried to tie the knot.

She couldn't believe that Ryan had bounced back so quickly. A new job, a new car, a new relationship. It was as if Becky had never existed at all, and she couldn't abide being ignored. It was the one thing that drove her crazy.

"So, you won't tell him to call me, then?"

"I could relay a message for you," Natasha suggested in that infuriating, breathy voice. "What did you want to tell him?"

"Just tell him that he's a real piece of work," Becky snapped. "Where did he meet you, anyway? Vegas? He can't have known you for more than a few weeks."

"Don't you believe in romance, Becky?" Natasha asked as she smirked at her. She was taunting her, unbelievable.

"I just wonder which one was cheaper," Becky hissed. "You, or the car?"

She turned her back on the woman, storming off down the corridor.

"Wait," Natasha said, and Becky stopped to look back at her.


A cold filled the corridor, chilling her to the bone, a smell like rotten eggs stinging her nose. The tall woman was standing outside of the apartment now, just staring at her, those hazel eyes now glowing yellow like those of a cat. A shadow crept along the walls and ceiling to fill the hallway, crawling along the carpeted floor as if it was being cast by grasping fingers, reaching out to her. Becky wanted to scream, but the sound caught in her throat and petered out into a whimper, her feet refusing to move as though she was caught in a nightmare.

Natasha grew, the already tall woman stretching as Becky watched in horror. Her legs cracked and creaked as they snapped into a new shape, her bones appearing to break before Becky's eyes. A crown of gnarled horns sprouted from her blonde hair as if they were growing out of her skull, rising to brush the ceiling. Her fingers grew claws, her arms elongating, her face stretching grotesquely as the previously beautiful woman opened her mouth and brayed like a goat.

Becky's flight reflex finally kicked in, and she fled in the direction of the stairwell as if the devil himself was on her heels, stumbling over herself as she descended as fast as her feet could carry her. She reached the bottom, bursting through the door of the complex and out into the street, rushing past a startled Ryan without so much as glancing at him.


Ryan stepped through the door of his apartment, throwing his jacket onto the coat rack. He found Nahash lounging on the couch where he had left her, a mug of steaming coffee in her hand.

"Welcome home," she said, taking a long sip as she watched him walk over to her. She made space for him, and he flopped down beside her, kicking off his shoes as she draped an arm over his shoulders. "How was work?"

"Good," Ryan replied. "But, the strangest thing just happened. I could have sworn that I saw Becky running out of the main entrance just now. She went by too fast for me to be sure, but whoever it was looked like they'd just seen a ghost. Did you...do something?"

Nahash hid her smirk behind the mug as she took another sip.

"That was Becky, yes. She came looking for you, but I politely informed her that you weren't taking visitors at this time. She is a remarkably jealous and avaricious woman. I don't understand what you saw in her."

"Unfortunately, I lack the ability to read people's emotions like you do," he chuckled. "What have you been doing all day?"

"Exploring," she replied, swirling her drink around in the mug. "We had coffee back in my time, but I like yours better."

He glanced at the coffee table in front of the couch, seeing that it was strewn with wrappers and containers.

"Looks like you've been busy," he mused, leaning over to pick up an empty bottle of hot sauce. "Did you...drink this?"

"I like the way it burns," she replied, delving her clawed fingers into his hair to stroke him as he sat back. He exhaled, his muscles relaxing. She really knew how to help him unwind. "Next time you buy food, bring me more like it," she added excitedly. "The spicier, the better."

"Or, you could actually put it on food as intended," he suggested. "Hell, I'm making enough now to buy you whatever you want. I can think of a hundred things that you might like to try. It might not have been conjured by a Watcher, but I'm pretty sure I can find some dishes that you've never tasted before. We live in a global economy now, y'know. Oh, that reminds me..."

Ryan reached into his pocket and withdrew a small plastic packet, tossing it into her lap. She picked it up gingerly and examined it, struggling to read the brand name.

"Pop...Rocks? What is this?"

He helped her open the packaging and poured some of the tiny, pink crystals into his hand.

"Stick your tongue out," he said, and her long organ parted her lips obediently. He tipped them onto it, and she took them into her mouth, Ryan failing to suppress a grin as her eyes widened.

"What is that!?"

"It's just candy," he laughed. "I saw it at the food court at work, and I thought of you. I'll get you something sour next time, maybe a Warhead. I can guarantee that you didn't have those back in Sumeria."

She smiled as the candy fizzed on her tongue, every sensation, every taste and scent an adventure to her. It made Ryan realize how much he took for granted. The gentle breeze, the feeling of a warm shower on his skin, the sensation of a cold drink soothing his parched throat on a hot day. She was giving him a whole new appreciation for life. She had been deprived of a physical form for so long that she took pleasure in the simplest of things, and he would do well to follow her example.

"What of tomorrow?" Nahash asked after the effects of the candy had worn off. "Are we still visiting the shore?"

"Yeah, I got tomorrow off," he replied with a nod. "My boss was surprisingly cool about it. Whatever you did to make them like me, it stuck. The moon will be full, and it's a weekday, so nobody will be around. We can spend the whole night down there."

"I want to feel sand beneath my hooves again, smell the salt on the breeze," she sighed. "I've not seen the ocean in eons."

He patted her thigh reassuringly, then rose to his feet, stretching his arms above his head.

"Well, we'd better get some food. I've not eaten since lunch. Let's get takeout. Judging by your recent...explorations, I'm thinking buffalo chicken. Don't cock your head at me, I know you don't know what that is. You'll just have to trust me."

She rose from the couch to stand behind him, the weight of her breasts resting on his shoulders as she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close.

"And after?" she whispered in his ear. "I hunger for more than just food, Ryan. There are other desires that I wish to sate."

She brought her lips down to plant a kiss on his neck, sending a pleasant shiver rolling down his spine. The familiar warmth of her magick flooded through him, making him dizzy, like he had just taken a shot of whiskey.

"All in good time," he replied. "The night is still young."


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oldpantythiefoldpantythief9 months ago

A very creative and imaginative story, looking forward to reading the second chapter. I do have to say that the story started out kind of slow but it did get better as it went along. The almost two pages of detail for a BJ kind of reminded me of a guy I used to work with. If you asked him for the time, he would tell you how to build a watch. The last part was the best where Becky met ' Natasha' and had the crap scared out of her. Lord, I haven't thought about Pop Rocks in years. Used to enjoy then whenever I could find some for the kids and me. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just finished reading this and I found out there's a part 2!!! I am SO EXCITED to get to enjoy more of your writing!

FonzihippoFonzihippoabout 3 years ago

I have to say, your descriptions are great. I liked how you are simple with stating the individual segments, allowing the imagination to piece things together while at the same time i dont sense any contrived sayings or over tread manners of speak. It feels like you are honest with your work and how you try to convey information and it makes for a very genuine heartfelt experience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A few words of appreciation.

I just wanted to thank you for writing this elegant and depthful story. You deserve all the praise that comes your way.

RazzakelRazzakelover 3 years ago

"My sisters are seething with jealousy. The scent of a man is on the air, and yet they cannot have him. They cannot sate their lust, they must suppress their nature. Azazel has hidden this clearing from outsiders tonight, and so they cannot lure a mate of their own." She giggled salaciously, nipping his ear in her teeth as she whispered to him. "I had considered sharing you with them, would you have enjoyed that? I have endured the same drought that they have, I sympathize with their plight, they are my siblings after all. But now that I am bound to you, you are mine alone to enjoy."

I gotta say I was really sad when the MC didn't get to have sex with all the Seirim at the party:(

But other than that I loved this story it was absolutely amazing!

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