Going Back To Mom

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Kieran moves back in with his mother after his divorce.
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Life wasn't fair, Kieran thought. Up until six months ago, he had been happily married to Megan. And then, suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, she had asked him for a divorce. It wasn't his fault, she had told him, it was hers. She just didn't love him anymore. Of course, there wasn't anyone else!

Rubbish! It had been a lie, he later found out.

For both their sake, she wanted everything to be amicable between them while they separated, and he found somewhere else to live. Oh, and could he continue paying the mortgage, and the bills? Also, she needed money as an allowance for herself, so that she could continue to live as she had become accustomed. He could take some time to find somewhere else to move into, but she wanted him out of their house by the end of next month if possible.

Kieran had a decent job, and he earned a reasonable wage, but continuing to pay out that amount of money, plus renting a flat somewhere for himself, would leave him flat broke. That was if he could find somewhere with what little he would have left after paying for his house and wife. Megan also had a decent job and a good wage, but it appeared that she was unwilling to share any of that for her new independent lifestyle. When Kieran lost his temper and told her to 'Fuck off,' the amicability went out the window and their separation turned nasty.

They both employed solicitors which ate into the money they had until eventually, a court decided the house must be sold. It was then that he found out about the other man; Megan and her new partner deciding to buy their old home.

Kieran wasn't bothered anymore. In the time he and Megan had owned their home, it had more than doubled in value, which meant that when she re-mortgaged it, he would be due a substantial pay-out. For the time being, and to save money, he had moved back in with his mother. She was now in her mid-forties and was happy to have him back under her roof. She knew exactly what was happening with him, hadn't she gone through her own divorce many years earlier?

Aged twenty-seven, Kieran never considered that a time may come when he may have to start dating again. It was years since he had last done it, and all of his friends nowadays were couples. Some of them were his old friends, and some of them were Megan's; those couples quickly disappearing once they separated.

His mother urged him to take his first steps. 'You go out and enjoy yourself. You've still got mates, and you can always make new ones. Find yourself a pretty young girl and make Megan jealous.

Dating wasn't as easy as he thought; he was out of practice, and it wasn't as though the places he frequented were full of women of his age. When he was young, venues were full of other youngsters, females in abundance. Now, all those females were married with kids and were not frequenting bars and clubs.

Until the house sale went through and he got some cash, Kieran was in limbo. It felt strange being back at home, sleeping in his old bedroom as though he had never left.

As several months passed, what he found he was missing the most was sex. Up until the last few months of their marriage, it wasn't as though he had gone short, and he could honestly say that he had never looked at another woman, let alone thought about having an affair with someone. At the moment he had to resort to his right hand when the pressure built, watching clips, and looking at pornographic pictures on his laptop with his bedroom door firmly locked.

Kieran had just got back from visiting Megan, wanting to know how the sale was progressing. As usual, she was making demands, and he had come close to losing his temper, only controlling himself so that she had no reason to return to court and demand more of a settlement.

The weather was miserable, the leaden sky full of moisture which it decided to release, his wiper blades only just managing to clear the screen as he drove towards home. He and his mom sat down to their evening meal and then afterwards they watched television. It was too wet to venture out, and anyway, he had work in the morning. He retired early for no other reason than he was bored with what they were watching; perhaps an early night would do him good.

With his door closed, he stripped off and got into bed. Before he married and was still a youngster at home, he had worn pyjamas. But after nearly seven years, Kieran was used to sleeping naked. He heard his mother come to bed, and then, far off in the distance, the first rumble of approaching thunder. 'Were they going to have a storm?' He wondered, sliding from his bed, and opening the curtains wide.

It did not appear to be materialising as he felt himself drifting into sleep. Suddenly there was a loud crack and his bedroom lit up white for a brief second. It brought him awake, the rain hammering at his window as the wind began to gust strongly. Another loud rumble, this time closer, and then his room lit up again. He had been about to get out of bed to watch it when his door opened.

'Are you awake Kieran?' His mother's voice trembled and sounded full of fear.

'Yes. It's ok, mom. I'm here. There's nothing to be afraid of...... We are safe indoors.'

There was another loud crash and the room lit up again, his mother nearly jumping out of her skin as she suddenly scuttled forward and dived beneath his covers. He could feel her trembling and would normally have wrapped her arms around her to offer warmth and protection. But feeling embarrassed, he tried to keep his distance. He was naked beneath the duvet, nothing covering her lower regions. With his mom in situ, it wasn't as though he could jump out of bed and climb into his boxer shorts.

As he contemplated his dilemma, another loud crash occurred, his bedroom lighting up twice on this occasion as his mom suddenly grabbed him and pressed herself against his body, clinging on for dear life.

At least she was wearing something, a cotton nightdress which felt of an extremely thin lightweight material, and which must have reached just above her knees. Kieran was laying on his back with one arm beneath her neck and shoulders as he held her tightly and whispered reassuring words. At least in this position, his mother would probably not realise he was naked; at least that was what he was hoping.

The thunderstorm was now directly overhead, the thunder booming every few minutes and followed directly by flashes of lightning. He could feel his mother sobbing as she tried to get even closer to him, and then, much to his despair, her knee and thigh were thrown across his groin, pressing down directly on his penis. He felt his face grow hot and sweat break out on his brow. Taking deep slow breaths, he tried to make his mind blank, or at the very least to think of anything other than his mother's naked flesh pressing against his genitals.

The more Kieran tried not to think about it, the more he did. And then, much to his horror, the inevitable began to happen as he felt his cock begin to thicken and grow. Before he could shift her leg or disentangle himself, he had a boner, and worse still, every few seconds it would jerk. Surely his mother could feel it moving. She had to know what her leg was pressed against.

The thunder and lightning were diminishing as the storm passed over and away. His mom had still not said anything or moved her leg. Did he say something, or try to move, either way, it would make it obvious. He lay completely still, his eyes closed and breathing slowly and softly as finally, silence reigned. He felt his mother's grip on him loosen slightly, her breathing slow and steady, which told him she was asleep. He still couldn't move without disturbing her and so became accustomed to feeling her thigh pressing against his erection and causing him arousal as he finally fell asleep.

Perhaps it was because of their precarious positioning that it affected his dreams. Kieran was naked, as was his mother, and she was stroking him. The sensations that he was experiencing as her hand slid up and down his dick felt entirely normal. No! It was more than that, it felt erotic, and as his arousal escalated, he was looking forward to fucking her.

His eyes flickered for a second as he left the dream far behind. He was in that twilight realm where he was not quite asleep nor awake. He felt as horny as hell and instinctively knew his shaft was hard. He wanted to return to the dream, to resume what had been happening to him, and to complete what had been about to happen. Kieran kept his eyes closed, just waiting to drop off once more when he was convinced something had touched his cock. He was awake now, all sense of sleep gone as he lay perfectly still and continued to breathe slowly.

Many seconds passed before it happened again. He felt it properly this time, there was no denying that several fingers had just traced a path up and down his cock. As he continued to lie prone, as though still asleep, his dick throbbed and jerked before resting atop his stomach once more. There was a pause, and then the fingers retraced their path once again, this time lingering as they gently squeezed his plump knob. Kieran continued in his pretence as the fingers lifted his cock gently, and then took a firm grip of it as they rolled the skin back and forth.

It felt as though someone had turned a heater on directly above him. Kieran was hot, feeling the sweat break out all over his body. He had no control as his cock jerked periodically, the hand and fingers continuing to toss him off. He was finding it difficult to regulate his breathing. He wanted to open his mouth and pant; trying to breathe slowly left him feeling dizzy and disorientated. His body was alive with arousal now, the pressure building in his loins as the hand continued to stroke his shaft.

It had to be his mother. She was the only other person in his bed. It came as a shock to realise that his mother was wanking his cock. Despite what she was doing, his mind still posed questions. Did he say something? Did he move and pretend to wake up? Did he begin to touch her? His mind reeled at that last question, was that something he could entertain, touching his mother sexually?

Kieran's left hand, down by his side, was resting against her upper thigh and he could feel the soft warm bare flesh as he wondered where the hem of her nightdress started. Had it risen higher while they slept? It seemed to be the hardest decision he had ever had to make, his fingers finally making their initial movement as he allowed them to stroke her thigh without actually moving his hand. The movement on his shaft faltered for a second and then resumed, Kieran dropping all pretence now that he was asleep.

His hand moved, rising higher up his mother's thigh, as yet he was still to encounter her nightdress. He felt her move slightly, her hand still pumping his shaft and then his fingers brushed against her pubes before delving into the gap she had created between her legs. It was the first noise to disturb the silence of the room as he heard her gasp and the sharp intake of breath as his fingers ran across the lips of her pussy.

At last, Kieran felt confident enough to move, rolling slowly so that he faced her. Although the room was still dark, enough light filtered through the uncovered window so that he could make out his mother's face. Her eyes stared into his intently, her lips partially open, enough for her tongue to slide across them. Perhaps it was his arousal that made them appear plump and succulent, Kieran suddenly having the urge to kiss them. When they met, it was tentative, growing in passion the longer the kiss went on. He felt the rumble in his mother's throat when he opened her labia, and then the forceful grunt when his fingers penetrated her cunt, and he started frigging her.

Both of them were still to say a word, their hands doing their communicating as they teased, enticed, and aroused each other's bodies. Kieran's other hand explored his mother's upper torso. The nightdress was up around her waist, his hand slipping beneath it as it headed for her chest.

Maureen, that was his mother's name, had small tits. They sagged slightly, and flattened; but as his hand fondled them, her nipples came alive, growing in stature, until they must have stuck from the centre of each fleshy orb, by a least an inch. As he began twisting and applying pressure to them, her first vocals began. At first, it was a purring sound that turned into a groan, and then a long-drawn-out moan.

Their mouths kept coming together, parting and then glued to each other once more. Maureen's hand had done its work, Kieran's arousal reaching its peak and making him desperate to fuck. It was no less for his mother; her son's fingers pummelling her pussy had brought her body to the point where she wanted shagging. What she wanted at that moment, more than anything was the hot throbbing flesh in her hand to be inserted into her cunt and for it then to roughly fuck her and make her climax.

When their mouths parted, she managed to get the words out. 'Fuck me, Kieran. Please fuck me.'

Maureen's nightdress disappeared when the covers were thrown back and Kieran climbed between her thighs. She was wet, her pussy open and waiting for his cock to be inserted. She raised her hips and gripped his arms tightly when his shaft forced its way into her passage and then filled her flue with his throbbing flesh.

It felt surreal. The woman beneath him wasn't his wife or even someone he had picked up; a shabby one-night stand. This woman beneath him was nearing middle age, nearly twenty years older than he was, and she was his mother!

Kieran had imagined that as women got older, their vaginas got looser; he was surprised to find that his mom was tight, her vaginal muscles gripping his cock each time he thrust it into her cunt. Supporting himself on outstretched arms, he took the chance to inspect her figure. Surprisingly, she wasn't bad. Still slim, she had decent legs but a little bit of a baby belly. Her tits, although they were smallish and starting to sag a bit, were still decent enough to attract his attention, especially her nipples. Was she attractive? It was hard for him to say. Kieran supposed she was in one respect; he just presently found it hard to think of her like that, even though he was shagging her. Her short bobbed blonde hair framed a face that belied her true age. Sparkly blue eyes, which currently were full of lust, stared back at him. Truthfully, her nose was a little bit too big for her face, but it was her lips that his gaze lingered on. They were plump, they pouted, and the way her tongue ran across them, aroused him.

Other than her request to be fucked, neither of them had said anything to the other. The only sounds in the room were the moans and grunts of their arousal, and the increasingly loud sound of wet flesh slapping together.

Maureen was delirious, her arousal approaching its pinnacle as she grabbed her thighs behind her knees and hoisted them higher and wider. Her son's groin slammed into hers, his sack bouncing against her buttocks. Her only concern at that moment was to get every inch of his cock into her cunt and to achieve her climax. She felt her pussy expand and then contract almost immediately, before expanding again as his hips powered his cock into her cunt. Its travel slid it against the sensitive nerve endings, ripples of pleasure and exhilaration making her thighs and stomach shake.

When he leaned forward and his mouth encompassed a nipple and sucked, she knew she was there. The explosion started in her pussy, expanding faster than a speeding bullet as it consumed her body. She threw her head back as she wailed, bucking under her son as he continued to pound her cunt and extend her orgasm. The ripples spread outwards, overpowering every part of her body until they collided with her brain. Just as she thought it may be coming to an end, she felt his cock jerk inside her, the spurts of spunk which covered her cervix and internals, causing her to soar again.

Kieran only closed his eyes for a few moments as he got his breath back and recovered. When he opened them again, it was because his alarm clock was beeping loudly and the other side of the bed next to him was empty. It was Monday morning, and his mom would already have left for her eight o'clock start. Kieran didn't have to be in until nine as he showered and then dressed. Over breakfast, he played back the previous night's encounter. While not disgusted with what he had done with his mother, nevertheless, he felt uncomfortable. It had been easy to accept while highly aroused; but in the cold light of day, what they had done was wrong.

All day at work, it preyed on his mind. Kieran determined to speak with his mom once he was home. The drive that evening seemed to take forever, and disappointingly, when he got there, it was as if it had never happened, his mother even refusing to look at him. Their conversation was stilted, and when he tried to broach the subject, she hurried away. All of that evening, she kept herself busy, refusing to sit down with him and then going to bed early. It continued like that for the rest of the week and took several more weeks before some kind of normality returned. Kieran tried to forget about it, but despite feeling uncomfortable the morning after, as months passed, he found that the thought of doing it again with her became uppermost in his mind.

His divorce was going through, and he had been notified by his solicitor that they had a cheque from the house sale for him to collect. There was more than enough money there for the deposit on a new home; it was just that, on his own, he would struggle to meet the repayments on anything similar to what he'd had before.

He and his mother celebrated Christmas together, and on New Year's Eve, he went out with some of the new friends he had made as well as a couple of his old mates.

His mom's birthday was in January, and although he had bought her several Christmas presents, he wanted to do something special for her day. Kieran had an idea but wasn't certain she would appreciate it or even accept it. They had still never spoken of that night, now, many months ago, and he wasn't sure whether he should re-open up what appeared to be a touchy subject.

After tea that evening, he mentioned the idea he'd had.

'I want to do something special for you because it's your birthday soon. I have a suggestion...... but I don't want you to hit the roof.'

Maureen was intrigued, but also suspicious as she wondered. 'Why would she get angry?' Giving her son a puzzled look, she asked 'What is it?'

It took Kieran a while to pluck up the courage to tell his mother. 'From what I remember...... you looked perfect.' He watched her face change as she realised what he was referring to, which was why he ploughed onwards. 'The only thing I would mention...... and it's not your fault...... I realise it happens when you get older.' He was waffling, trying to choose the right words.

'Would you let me pay for a boob job? Nothing silly...... just to return them to how they would have been when you were a young woman and so that you look fantastic once more.'

Maureen was first of all, "gobsmacked," then she became flustered because what Kieran was suggesting and discussing had to do with her breasts. She felt embarrassed to be talking about them, although her feelings of disgust about what they had done, had at least worn off.

'You're suggesting that I have them...... you know!'

'Yeah! Why not? You have a fantastic body, and I loved your breasts. I just thought you might like them to be perky once more.'

Her heart skipped a beat. Maureen had imagined that he had been repulsed by what she had enticed him into doing. But from the way he was speaking, it was as though he had enjoyed having sex with her.