Going Down

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Three men discover a bit of magic in an elevator.
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Jake felt the hairs lift on the back of his neck as his friends ushered him into the bar.

"Tell me again why we're doing this at a hotel?" he asked while glancing around. He prayed, not for the first time that night, that Mateo wasn't lying about not having to pay for his own drinks. "There's a million bars by the campus. This- this place is too ritzy."

"'Ritzy'? Hey, little homey, come on," Mateo said while punching Jake's shoulder. "It's fancy as fuck. 'Ritzy.' Shit. You hearin' this, Scott? Listen. I'm the best on the soccer team. My coach and my old man are on my ass. We have scouts coming to our next game. I can afford this for you. I'm a lock, man. Never miss a day of practice. Here, check it out."

Mateo hopped and then quick-stepped, one foot in front of the other before spinning around a table of three women having a conversation nearby.

"Watch it, asshole!" the tallest of the three, a red head, yelled out. "You almost spilled my drink!"

"Heeeey, mami, chill," Mateo cooed before clicking his tongue and winking at her. He walked over to their table while the third of their group, Scott, followed. "Let me buy you another. For all three of you. See this little man over here? Smart as fuck but still a virgin, can you belive that?"

"Mateo, no," Jake hissed while grabbing at the older man's arm. Mateo easily slipped past the awkward fumble.

"Just turned 21," Mateo continued as he stepped between two of the girls to stand at their table. They wrinkled their noses in disgust while picking up their drinks and sliding away. "Top of his class. Engineering. You feel me? Gonna be rich one day and we swore, me and Scott here, we swore to his brother that we'd take care of him."

"I'm so, so sorry for this," Mateo said while still trying to grab his friend's arm. Mateo continued to evade him as if his body were fluid - one of the reasons he did so well in soccer. "My brother is still alive. I don't know why he's trying to make it sound like he's dead."

"He's right, though, we did," Scott added. Like his friend, he shoved between two of the women. "Our friend's kid brother. Franklin just joined the Marines, that's all."

The women moved as one with their purses held tight against their sides while slinging duffle bags up to their shoulders . Mateo followed closely behind them as if shadowing a striker. Scott glanced down at the table to see one drink still half full. He looked up at the women, shrugged and finished it in one swallow. His eyes lingered on the bills they'd left as a tip. After making sure nobody was watching, he swiped the money and hurried away.

"Mateo, come on, that's enough," Jake said. "Let's just get some drinks and have a nice night. They don't want us bothering them."

"Little man, you just don't know how women work," Mateo laughed. "Listen. Listen to me. I have had soooo much pussy-"

"Fucking gross," one of the women, a shorter black-haired girl, groaned. She tugged at her blouse to pull it away from her impressive tits in an effort to de-emphasize them in front of Mateo's leering eyes.

"-and I know what women want," Mateo finished. He reached out to the red-haired girl who was seemingly leading the small pack. "Confidence and charm, little man. It wins them over every time."

"If you touch me, I'll mace you," the girl told him while glaring at him. "I'll shove the nozzle in your mouth until you're choking on it."

"God, I love fiery girls," Mateo sighed with a smile. "So much passion. They make the best lovers when you break them."

"That's horses, not-" Jake stopped. His usually calm demeanor was stormy. "No. You know what. F- fuck you, Mateo. You're being a- a- a dick right now. Leave them alone. I don't even want to drink with you guys anymore. I'm going to get a cab and go back to the dorm."

"Go on, then," Scott said as the two friends followed the women towards the elevators.

The women walked more quickly as the doors of the elevator began to shut. The red-haired girl pounded the 'close door' button when they were inside but Mateo slithered in and held his arm out to keep them open for Scott to follow. Jake frowned when he saw the slender man stepping back and forth in front of the women to stop them from leaving.

"Dang it," Jake whispered. He ran and barely made it into the elevator before the doors slammed behind him.

The last girl in the trio, an athletic blonde who Jake assumed played some sport to be as toned as she was, reached around to touch one of the bottoms for the floors above. Mateo laughed and spread his fingers before slapping them against the array of floor numbers until each of them were lit up.

"So, which-" Mateo started to ask as he leaned back against the elevator doors.

The red-haired girl pulled her hand from her purse. She held a small can of mace with her finger on the trigger.

"Hey hey hey," Mateo said with his hands up. "We're just talking, mami. Don't shoot! Besides, you'll smoke yourself out, too."

"I'd rather puke all over myself than let you touch me," the tall girl told him defiantly.

Jake moved from behind the two men to stand next to the girls before sliding further to put himself between them and his brother's friends. Scott laughed, his deep voice echoing loudly in the small elevator.

"Aww, lookit the little knight," Scott said. He reached out to tussle Jake's short hair, but Jake pushed his hand away. "Jesus, kid, don't get your panties in a bunch. We ain't gonna do anything."

"Well..." Mateo said with a sly smile while staring at the woman holding the mace. "I-"

The elevator shuddered, causing the girls to scream and reach out for the metal bar lining the wall. Jake fell back against them, only to be surprised by the touch of the black-haired girl's tits. He jumped forward with a stuttered, blushing apology while wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. More sweat touched his temples and he found himself panting as his chest rose and fell. Suddenly uncomfortable and a little woozy, he leaned back against the far wall facing the men and women.

Mateo laughed, a sharp, rapid-fire staccato as the lights flickered and the elevator came to a stop.

"Even God himself is on my side," the man said while making the sign of the cross before clasping his hands together in a mock prayer of thanks.

Jake groaned softly. He wiped a single drop of sweat from the tip of his nose before bringing his fingers to his temples to massage them. His joints felt inflamed and a soreness radiated away from them and into the surrounding muscles.

"Shit," the blonde cursed. "I'm not getting a signal on my phone. Jess?"

"No, nothing," the red-haired girl answered. "Beth?"

"Same," the short girl sighed. "Isn't there supposed to be a call button for firefighters or something?"

Jake shivered. A flash of warmth rushed through him, followed by a shocking cold, leaving him groaning as nerves woke around his body.

Tears welled at the corners of his eyes. He wiped at them and stared at his knuckles in surprise. Everything felt suddenly too much and he gripped the bar behind him while staring up at the buzzing lights with his heart pounding beneath his chest. He couldn't stop moving his legs, couldn't stop rubbing them together.

His testicles compressed, causing him to hiss and paw at his crotch briefly. The sharp pain intensified as they were detached and forced inside his body. Jake squirmed and whimpered quietly while raising his hand up to his belly. Something was pinching him. Something deep. He swore he could feel things moving inside as a womb began to form, the uterus pressing against nearby organs while his fallopian tubes separated and reached out like tentacles to snatch his shrinking testicles. They implanted and he grunted and hunched over.

Estrogen flooded his body from his new ovaries while tiny cramps seized his stomach.

"Hey, kid, you okay?" the blonde girl, who was standing closest to him, asked. Although there was wariness in her expression, a hint of concern was there as well.

"I'm- I'm t- twenty-one. Not- not a kid," he said. He couldn't stop shaking and the touch of his clothes scratching against his sensitive body was only making it worse. "I'm J- Jake."

"I'm Sarah," she told him while reaching her hand out to his shoulder. "You don't look so great, Jake."

"Come on, man, your brother's in the Marines," Scott said. He rubbed his stomach slowly while a pained expression crossed his face. A single bead of sweat formed on his brow. "Don't be a pussy. We're not going to die."

"I mean, yeah," Mateo laughed nervously while glancing around the elevator. The lights hummed, buzzed, and blinked out for several seconds before coming back on. They could all feel it gently swinging.

"Here, let me," Beth said quietly. She took over from Sarah as maternal instincts kicked in. Jake leaned against her while shivering. "Lay down with me. It'll help with the nausea. I'm sure this'll all be over soon."

Mateo pulled at the collar of his shirt - an oversized version of his team's jersey with his last name and number emblazoned on the back. He licked his lips and grunted as muscles spasmed in his back, forcing his chest out with a pronounced curve that left his ass bouncing briefly against the elevator doors.

"Is it- is it hotter in here?" Mateo asked and his tongue lapped out once more, touching the dryness of his top lip. "Feels like it's- uh, you know, smaller. Fucking- fucking flashing lights messing with my depth perception."

"Wish it'd stop swinging," Scott groaned while digging his fingers deep into his guts which raised his shirt to show hardened muscles trained over years in the gym.

"I can't breathe," Jake whispered. His eyes bulged. Tiny needles pricked his skull in waves. He reached up to scratch the itch just beneath the surface of the skin.

"I'm sweating like a fucking pig," Mateo said. He rubbed at his eyes, wiping the wetness from them while walking back and forth. When fiery, invisible claws raked at his body, he leaned forward to grip the railing while throwing his head back.

"Ahhn!" Mateo said. His voice held a distinctly sexual tone to it that caused four pairs of eyes to swivel towards him.

Cum spurted from his cock to leak down his thighs, tangling with the hairs before his trembling body caused the heavier hairs, coated with cum, to fall. He moaned as he tugged at his shirt to fan it against his body. His skin felt tight and hot and the claws had pulled back until the teasing tips caressed him lightly. Finally, he gripped the bottom of his shirt to pull it up and over his chest before dropping it to the floor.

Mateo pressed his forehead into the wall of the elevator. His hands touched his belly to massage it briefly before sliding up to his chest. And down. And around. Exploring his needy skin as it screamed for touch.

"N- need to get off," he panted. A hint of nausea coiled within him. "It's too hot. Too small. I- I need to get off."

"Nobody wants to see all that," Sarah told him as he continued touching himself. The disgust was evident in her voice. "Put your shirt back on."

"Is he on drugs?" Beth asked. "I've heard of people tweaking like that. Sweating and touching themselves. Ecstasy, right?"

"It's not- I don't do- Mmmph!" Mateo bit into his lip while rolling his forehead against the wall.

He wrapped his arms around his chest while squeezing his thighs together. He could feel stickiness down there against his legs and his cock throbbed. But, it was his chest that was making him twist in place.

Pleasurable electric shocks burst behind his nipples before streaking down to his crotch. The flat, dark skin of his areolae bubbled as it swelled and pushed out into a fleshy circle that expanded slowly, pulling at the surrounding skin until the puffy patch was nearly two inches in diameter.

Little bumps lifted on his expanded areolae - Montgomery's glands that began to leak miniscule amounts of fluid to lubricate his nipples. He clenched his teeth against the urge to moan in pleasure. His tiny brown nipples, lost in the middle of the large areolae tightened and he gasped.

He wanted to touch himself. The elevator shrank around him while darkness touched the edge of his visible.

"Have to get off have to get off too small too hot can't breathe have to- ahhn!" he cried out without realizing that he'd raised his fingers to pinch his nipple.

A sudden pop, just between his legs, jolted him back to reality.

"Dude, get a fucking grip," Jess told him. "Fucking sicko."

A second pop resounded within his core as Mateo's last testicle was forced, full sized, into his body. He gripped the railing with trembling fingers as he felt them moving within, slipping through his body. Despite his ego, he trained relentlessly and kept his weight down for extra speed. There was no excess space in his body and that allowed him to feel his uterus spreading inside of him to snatch his testicles.

"Noooooooo..." Mateo whined while grabbing at his shaggy black hair.

Hot and cold flashes cycled throughout his body and the elevator shrank even further around him. Estrogen gushed within and Mateo screamed with his eyes nearly bulging out of his sockets. Hot tears of shame streamed down his face.

"I CAN'T BREATHE!" Mateo shrieked.

The women yelled at him to relax and sit down while pressing their palms to their ears.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Mateo yelled back at them with a voice that cracked slightly.

"Get a- hah- hah- get a fucking grip," Scott said with a pained voice as he shook Mateo.

The movement caused Mateo's areolae to jiggle when the skin around them loosened. His tiny nipples twitched as they began to lengthen and widen, doubling in size. Tripling. It felt like someone was simultaneously sucking on his nipples while twisting them and it made him gasp and moan before he could clamp his mouth shut.

A squiggling sensation, just beneath his taut chest, made him reach up to touch himself once more. Ducts and lobules formed, dimpling the skin while his nipples continued to swell until they were erect and aching and easily the size of the last joint on his pinky finger. His fingers pressed into the skin to feel the new hidden bumps just beneath the surface.

"I'm- I'm okay," he lied and he turned. "I'm fine now."

"Whoa, shit, dude," Scott laughed. His face was pale and his nostrils flared as he breathed through the pain in his lower stomach. "You could feed a village with those damn things. I ain't never noticed how big they are."

"I- No, I-" Mateo said as he followed everyone's eyes to stare at his chest. "What the hell is this?! I'm not like this! This isn't what- My nipples aren't- St- Stop looking at me!"

His voice rose higher and higher with every word until it shattered into a feminine lilt as he shrieked and covered his chest.

"Those are actual little titties," Beth said matter-of-factly where she sat on the floor with Jake cradled in her lap, just beneath her much, much larger titties.

Softness touched Mateo's arms and he moved his hands to see the faint swells of tiny breasts on his chest. Panic gripped him. He turned and hammered on the wall as the estrogen toyed with his emotions and the physical sensations continued to overpower him.

"Hah. You like a like a fucking gi- nnngh," Scott grunted while sliding down the elevator wall to his ass. When he touched the floor, he bent his legs to his chest. "Hurts. What is this? Did- did one of you bitches do something to me? Shit. Was- was there something in that drink?"

"Dude, we didn't do shit," Jess said while staring from Mateo to Scott to Jake and back to Scott. "We're just here on vacation. You're the ones that came after us when we were minding our own business."

"FUCK!" Scott yelled. Everyone turned to stare at him, even Mateo as a feminine, sweet voice issued from the large man's lips. Scott's hands flew to his mouth until he grunted in pain with a sexy little moan.

Muscular biceps bulged as Scott pawed at his basketball shorts and boxer briefs. Sarah and Jess turned away while Beth nodded in approval when he'd pulled them off.

"Nice," she told him. "I expected you to be tiny."

"Nice?" Sarah said. "Nice? Beth, did- did you not just hear his voice? Do you not see this guy's tits?"

Mateo half-turned and his small breasts jiggled until he tightened his arms around them. He bit back his own moan when it bubbled up to his throat at the touch of his bare, smooth skin against the little tits. Hairs wafted away from his arms and chest due to the friction, see-sawing back and forth to the ground beneath him.

"They're not-" Mateo said before cracking his teeth together. His own voice sounded alien in his ears. It was distorted by bone conduction, but even he could hear how different it was. He sounded like a young girl. "Tits."

They were and he could feel them slowly, slowly caressing his arms as they continued to fill out while his nipples dragged against the skin surrounding them. Just that simple touch threatened to drive him mad as bolts of electricity shot down between his legs and up to his mouth.

"Holy shit," Sarah said while staring at Mateo. "Did you hear that? Look at his face. Oh shit! Shit, guys! You can see his cheeks moving, look!"

"Stop it!" Mateo wailed with tears at the corners of his eyes once more. He raised his arms and his small breasts lifted in response as he explored his cheeks. There was a heat there, as if he were feverish, and face was sore. "You're a fucking liar. There's nothing-"

The sharp tips of his shaggy hairs brushed his fingertips when they slid down, thick and glossy in the flickering lights of the elevator.

"¡Mierda!" Mateo spat while snatching his hands away. The curves of his breasts were more pronounced and the motion caused them to rock on his chest, touching briefly in the center. He moaned and squatted with his hands against his chest once more.

"Ehh, mami, there's nothing so bad about being a woman," Sarah laughed until Jess slapped her upper arm with the back of her hand.

"Don't be a bitch," Jess told her. "This is- I mean... okay, he was a dick, but seriously, this is fucked up. Is the kid okay?"

"I'm- I'm okay," Jake said. The pain had passed. Euphoria replaced it and he smiled as his body readjusted. He looked up at Beth from where his head rested on her soft thighs. She stroked his itchy hair slowly. "That feels real nice. You're really nice."

Beth smiled down at him and then looked back at Scott, who was hyperventilating with a high, whining voice. He held his cock in one hand, pulling it aside to watch his scrotum deflate. The bulge of his testicles moved as they were pulled towards his crotch. He grabbed at them and hissed as he tried to hold them in place, but the pain became too much and he snatched his hand away.

The calluses, built from years of weightlifting, on the tips of his fingers and along his palm became wrinkled, briefly, before tightening into a smooth, delicate surface. The bones compressed and fat melted, leaving slender fingers behind while the ends of his nails slid forward, past the tips of his fingers.

"No no no no no no," Scott moaned with his strange feminine voice. He gasped and jolted when the second testicle was sucked inside and his small hands, so out of place compared to the muscles lining his forearms and biceps, pressed into his stomach while he squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed his powerful thighs together. "It tickles. God. It tickles. Make it stop tickling. I'm gonna- Oh god! I'm gonna-"

His own ovaries snapped in place. Tiny changes took place within and over the rest of his uterus as it continued to grow the secondary systems needed to allow him to give birth. His own estrogen slammed into him with pulsing waves of hot and cold that left him chattering and moaning.