Going on the Game Ch. 06

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Her secret life is discovered and revealed, or is it?
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Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/24/2020
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"Oh well one more punter and then I'll call it a night." I said to myself as I strutted up to the car window.

"Hi hon, looking for...." I leaned into the open window and started to greet the driver.

"Well, well, if it isn't Katie Davenport!" This certainly is my lucky night." A very familiar voice cut me off mid-sentence and sent a cold shiver down my spine.

I stood at the car door, frozen, my mind a complete blank as my worst nightmare came true staring at the man in the driver's seat.

"Don't just stand there Katie. Get in." his casual manner a total contrast to my own feelings.

"Look Roger, this isn't what it seems. I can explain." I started to speak, unsure of exactly what I was going to say.

"GET IN!" his voice rose several decibels as he spoke.

Opening the door, I slid into the passenger seat, tugging hard on the hem of my skirt trying desperately to make it longer. It was a futile endeavour as it rode up regardless of my efforts, exposing the dark bands at the top of my fishnet hold-ups.

"Roger, this isn't what you think." I tried again to extricate myself from the position I found myself in.

"Oh, I think it is Katie. What was it made you do it? The money? The sex?" he ogled my scantily clad body lasciviously.

I didn't answer just looked out of the window and fastened my seatbelt keeping silent and trying desperately to think how I could get myself out of this situation.

Not getting a response from me he simply put the car into gear and pulled away from the kerbside, "Let's find somewhere more private to talk, shall we?" he suggested cheerfully.

As he drove, I let my mind wander back to when I had first met the loathsome Roger Morris.

I had started teaching at a local primary school four years earlier, it was my first job after university and everything had been perfect. I had loved it from my first day. I adored the children and the other staff were all really friendly while the head couldn't have been more approachable or helpful. Then 12 months ago a new headteacher, Roger Morris, had been appointed and everything changed.

In his late forties and married I had initially just thought our new head to just be a little over friendly in an attempt to fit in at his new school but then I realised that these affable overtures were aimed solely at me. Of course, he was quite circumspect and never did or said anything in public that made his interest in me obvious, so I had no one to support my suspicions.

I told Liam about it and tried, with some success, to stay out of Roger's way, particularly if it meant I would be alone with him. I certainly didn't want to give him any sort of impression I was interested in him.

Unfortunately, he had taken this snub as a something of a challenge and began to make more significant propositions towards me. Even suggesting we went out for a drink together or that we needed to have private meetings after school hours. I consistently declined these unwanted invitations with a variety of excuses and had repeatedly told him to stop asking as I was happily married, but he had persisted in his advances.

Lately though his harassment had become even more blatant and he had made it quite clear that he wanted to fuck me. After this I had tried even harder to keep him at a distance and avoid being by myself with him but that wasn't always possible. On one very recent occasion, when he had surprised me in one of our stock rooms, he had pinned me against the wall and had gone as far as groping my breasts before I had managed to get away.

Reporting him wasn't really an option, with no evidence to support me it would just be my word against his and the only realistic outcome would be me having to leave the school. I was trapped in the situation and now it had just become a hundred times worse.

The car stopped and I looked up to find we were in the lorry park, tucked away between a couple of empty trailers.

"Look, it's not what you think. I can explain." I began feebly.

"Oh, I think it is Katie. I've been watching for a while after I saw you in the café. I filmed you getting into the truck and I've taken several photos of you on the street. You're a whore!" he showed me one of the pictures on his phone.

It was undeniably me.

"So, what was it, Kate? Money or sex?" he continued, asking me the question again.

"Does it matter?" totally resigned to the inevitable my reply was somewhat sarcastic.

"Not really," he leered at me, "I'm going to fuck you whatever. Unless you want your husband and the school board to see these pictures."

I knew if he put the video and associated photographs on social media my career would be over and my reputation ruined. We could move away, of course, but I would never get another job teaching and I'd be forever labelled with the stigma of being a prostitute.

"I don't really have a choice, do I?" my voice was quiet, accepting my fate.

Roger smirked, "No. Not really."

We sat quietly for a few moments. Both of us unsure how this was going to happen.

"Why don't you let me see those gorgeous little tits?" I jumped as Roger spoke, breaking the silence.

For a second or two I glared at him contemptuously, then slipped off my jacket before reaching behind my back to unhook my bra. Easing the straps off my shoulders I let the flimsy lace garment fall away from my breasts, the still swollen nipples jutting out like bullets from the dark areola,

"Nice." Roger reached out to cup my modest tits in his hands, gently squeezing them and then pinching the sensitive buds.

Wincing, I stifled any sound not wanting to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry out. Instead, I stared into his eyes with all the disdain I could muster as his hands played with my chest. The only problem was his skilful fingers were making my nipples tingle with excitement despite my loathing for the man manipulating them. If Roger realised the effect his ministrations were having on me, my cheeks had flushed and my breathing had quickened a little, he didn't show it.

"Not speaking?" he leered at me still manhandling my pert breasts, "Maybe you need to put your mouth to use doing something else then."

I knew immediately what he meant and obediently reached for his zipper.

"Good girl," he breathed "I can see we're going to get along just fine now."

Unfastening his pants, I tugged them down his thighs towards his knees, as he lifted his backside off the seat to assist me, allowing a surprisingly sizeable cock to spring free. Automatically my hand closed round it, my fingers just about able to match its thick circumference, and I began stroking along its hot hard length.

Roger leant back in his seat as I wanked his dick firmly, resisting the inclination to go further and take his manhood into my mouth I let my lips hover a few inches above his cockhead, not wanting to willingly give in to him. However, he took that decision for me and putting his hand on the back of my head he pushed me down, forcing my mouth to open around his prick.

"Mmmnnghhmmmmm!" I spluttered and gagged, his hard meat probing my throat as he held me in place.

"Suck it!" the tone in his voice making it clear I had no option but to do as I was told.

Slowly I began to bob my head, sliding my lips up and down along his thick shaft, taking it in until my jaws were stretched as wide as they would go, the tip probing my throat. Then pulling back until just the bulbous crown remained in my mouth so my tongue could flick against it.

"Oh, fuck yes, I knew you would be a great little cocksucker." I heard Roger gasp as I orally pleasured him.

"Mmnnhhhmmm.... Nnngghmmmm!" the sound of me sucking avidly filled the car as I drove my mouth onto his rigid shaft, soft supple red lips wrapped tightly around it.

A few minutes passed as I continued to swallow his rod and I began to wonder if my tormentor was going to be satisfied with a blow-job when he pulled me up away from his staff. Threads of spit hung from my lips down onto his phallus as I caught my breath for a moment, waiting for his next command.

"Stop! Katie, stop! I want to fuck you, before you make me cum." it hadn't been a long wait before he made his intentions known to me.

I sat upright, cringing at his words, as Roger adjusted my seat into the horizontal position for me to lay back on. Bracing my left foot against the corner of the dashboard I allowed my short skirt to ride all the way up, exposing my shaven quim to his eager gaze, as I waited to be mounted.

"You are going to wear a condom?" I suddenly panicked as I watched him push down his trousers and prepare to climb onto me.

"No! I want to come in that pussy. To own it properly." he laughed at my suggestion.

Any attempt to protest was prevented by Roger clambering inelegantly across the seats so he was on laying on top of me. Awkwardly I lifted my right foot up, wedging it against the steering column so my stockinged legs were now spread wide and my moist cunt totally available to him.

There was no foreplay. No sooner had his cockhead nudged between my labia than he thrust in hard, burying his thick shaft in my well used pussy and making me groan out loud.

"Oh fuck!" my eyes opened wide as his weight came down on me, my slit stretching open to accommodate his girth.

Immediately Roger started to fuck me, his arse rising and falling urgently between my stocking clad thighs as he drove his length into me again and again. All I could do was cling on to him as he used me, taking his pleasure without any concern for me. Staring up over his shoulder I listened to him grunting and panting with effort, my vaginal juices flooding over his prick.

"Ungh.... Yes, oh yes... Aaahh... It feels so good... Oh Katie!" he moaned over and over, his swollen bone hammering into me.

Squirming underneath him I tried desperately to stem the feelings that were starting to grow inside me. I despised this man so how could he be making me feel like this? I must be even more of a slut than I thought.

I could feel the car rocking violently now as Roger fucked me, his weight pressing me down and forcing my legs wider every time he thrust his rigid member into my dripping pussy. I knew he was close. The heavy breathing interspersed with his moans made it obvious he was about to come.

"Fucking hell..... Katie.... Katie..... Aaaahhh!" with a final cry his body began to jerk uncontrollably as his cock pulsed deep inside me, flooding my womb with his vile seed.

Laying there with him on top of me, feeling him emptying his cream into my body sent me over the edge. I shuddered, gasping for air, stunned at the idea that I had brought myself to a climax simply by the feelings of humiliation rather than by anything Roger had done.

I was still trying to come to terms with what had just happened when he pushed himself up off me, his rapidly softening prick slipping out of my jism filled hole. Watching him struggle back into his seat I slowly closed my legs, his sperm already beginning to dribble out of my gaping slit as I sat up and smoothed my skirt down.

"God, that was better than I ever imagined. We must do this again soon." Roger sniggered, a look of satisfaction in his eyes. "Now that we have a proper understanding."

"Do I have any choice?" my obvious reluctance apparent from my answer.

Roger continued to dress himself, "No, not really. Not if you want me to keep those photos private."

I retrieved my clothing, putting my bra back on before slipping my jacket over it, "I assume you'll you drop me back?" I asked, getting a nod of agreement in return.

A few minutes later I stood on the street watching as Roger's car disappeared into the distance. Once he was out of sight I hurried across the road and almost flung myself into our car.

"Take me home." I demanded, wiping away the tears that were starting to fall.

"What's up, what happened?" my husband replied, obviously concerned as he put the car into gear and pulled away.

As he drove, I briefly outlined the events of the evening and the various punters that had bought me then I told him about my encounter with Roger at the end. He already knew about my issues with my headteacher so he listened without interrupting, waiting for me to finish before he replied.

"He's not going to stop, is he?" Liam stated the obvious, after contemplating the problem.

"No. He won't. I'm not sure I can go into school Monday." I stated flatly.

He reached over and squeezed my arm, "We'll think of a solution, don't worry."

I knew my husband wanted me when we got into bed that night, after all he had sat and watched me getting picked up by an assortment of customers, but I just too preoccupied with the Roger issue to think about sex.

It took me a while to drop off but I eventually did and slept in late again on the Saturday, then spent the rest of a lazy day with my husband trying to solve my problem. Our plan had been for me to have a second night on the game that evening but in the end, I cried off, much to Liam's disappointment. Mainly because I was too distraught over what had happened with Roger and the thought of having to face him at school on the Monday.

My anxiety increased throughout the day on Sunday, as my return to work grew closer, and although Liam assured me that he would think of a solution none was forthcoming. I got little sleep again that night worrying about what might transpire and almost called in sick to avoid any possible confrontation with my tormentor.

As it happened, I was unduly concerned, Roger was busy most of the day and the few times I did see him we were in company so apart from a few knowing looks I escaped unscathed. Relieved, I came home in a slightly better frame of mind to a husband who casually told me he had a plan to resolve the Roger matter.

Of course, I wanted him to tell me immediately but he made me wait, pouring me a glass of wine before sitting me down to explain his scheme, while I listened intently. By the time he finished I had a few questions which we talked through until I was comfortable with what he suggested.

That night Liam and I made love. I had denied him all week-end because I had been so tense but now, with his plan in my mind, I was able to relax and let myself go in our bed. The end result was very enjoyable for both of us and led to me getting a, very needed, good night's sleep.

Refreshed and ready for the day I headed into school on the Tuesday morning, keen to set our plan in motion. It was break time when I eventually stood, nervously, outside the head teachers office. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door and was almost instantly told to enter.

"Katie. Just the person I wanted to see." Roger greeted me as I stepped into his room and closed the door.

"Am I?" my answer was dripping with sarcasm.

"You are. I've been thinking about you all week-end. We need to get together again soon." he ignored my sarcastic tone and got up from his chair coming round the desk towards me making me take step back away from him.

"Don't worry I'm not going to fuck you now," he laughed, "although a feel of those titties wouldn't go amiss."

He reached out and felt my breasts, taking his time to find the nipples through the material of my dress. The sensitive nubs responded speedily to the teasing, swelling and tingling, to stand out noticeably.

"Just as I remember." he sighed, continuing to grope my tits.

"Someone might come in." I shoved his hands away.

"I doubt it, but if it makes you feel better." he grinned at me but made no further attempt to touch me again.

I stood waiting as he returned to his seat, shuffling some papers on his desk before looking up at me.

"Well, what shall we do then?" he asked putting the responsibility on me to make a decision. "We can't go to my place, my wife, children, you know how it is? How about yours?"

"I have a husband, remember?" I gave him another sarcastic response.

"A hotel it is then." he made the decision, "When do you suggest? I can't wait to get you naked in a bed."

"That might be difficult to organise. Explanations and everything." I avoided committing myself to his idea.

"Stop trying to avoid me. If you want to play that game, I'll just post those pictures on social media." his mood changed in an instant and he snapped at me.

"I'm not, honestly. It would just be difficult to arrange that's all." I answered placatingly, "Why don't you just meet me at the trading estate tomorrow night? At least there will be ok for the moment."

"What time? I have a governor's meeting tomorrow evening but it should be finished fairly early." he replied readily accepting my proposal.

We eventually agreed that he would meet me about 8 o'clock and I took my leave and went back to my classroom where I spent the remainder of the day in a sense of nervous anticipation. It was a relief when the bell finally rang indicating the end of the day. With the children dismissed, I quickly did the minimum to prepare for the following day before leaving school as soon as I could.

The next day, the Wednesday, dragged by as I waited for the end of the school day. As soon as I could I made an excuse and left work needing to get home so we could put our plan into operation.

Liam was already in when I got home and had dinner ready, which gave us time to go over his plan one final time. Not that I managed to eat very much, I was far too worried whether our scheme would be successful.

My husband had emphasised how important it was not to arouse Roger's suspicions and to keep things as normal as possible. So, after dinner I took a quick shower and then started to make my usual preparations for an evening on the street. I decided to leave my hair loose, hanging down over my shoulders, and then put on my make-up, including my false eyelashes, applying the eye-shadow and mascara much more heavily than I would normally.

As always, I wore stockings, men do prefer them, this time choosing sheer black nylons with a seam running up the back. Attaching them to a red and black suspender-belt I slipped on another purchase from the charity shops, a tight black skirt, that I had spent a couple of hours one evening shortening to its current indecent length. A little vest top that clung to my pert bra-less breasts and my black high-heeled ankle boots completed my look.

"Absolutely perfect." my husband commented when I finally re-appeared downstairs.

There was nothing else to say and so I picked up my bag and we set off for the trading estate to await Roger's arrival.

We were a little earlier than required as we drove in, Liam parking in his usual spot in the shadows, allowing me to get out and take up my place on the street. With a little time to kill I started to stroll back and forth along my pitch waiting for my headteacher to arrive when my phone pinged. It was a text from Roger telling me he would be about an hour late as his meeting was overrunning.

"Sod it" I muttered to myself. I didn't want to sit in the car to wait in case he turned up earlier and saw me with Liam and if I stayed on the street, I might get some business even though it seemed really quiet. Deciding on a compromise I headed off to the café, after sending my husband a quick message letting him know what was happening.

A dozen pairs of male eyes looked up as I entered the brightly lit café, following my every move as I walked across to the counter to order a coffee. I took a seat by myself, nodding an acknowledgement to the other two girls in there, obviously prostitutes judging by their lack of proper clothing, who were sitting together at a table.

Shortly after I came in the girls finished their drinks and left, the male patrons watching them now as they wiggled out into the evening air. With the other girls gone I was alone and, despite the buzz of conversation, I knew they were all scrutinising me.