Going Out Ch. 01


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"Budge over Nick," she said and started to slide into the chair he quickly vacated.

As he moved our knees met under the table, hard. I reached down to rub my knee where he had contacted me, and felt his hand doing the same thing, and in a moment his fingers were interwoven with mine rubbing the side of my knee. It felt incredible and I looked up into his eyes again and saw lust. I swallowed hard, but didn't dare move my hand away as I didn't want to stop touching him. I could feel my heart pounding and my mouth had gone totally dry.

I kept staring into those beautiful blue eyes until I heard Cassie clearing her throat to get our attention.

* * * * * *


As we walked over to the table where the cute man was sat I was scared but I tried to keep it under control. At least I knew he had some interest in me, and although I couldn't help but feel like I was being introduced to a blind date, he had liked some of what he saw. He didn't seem to want to look at us coming over and kept his eyes on the table top. Cassie introduced us and he finally did look up into my eyes, and shook my hand.

I was glad I was able to sit down quickly because I swear my knees went to jelly at the contact. He had gorgeous dark brown eyes and I felt like I could drown in them. The effect he had been having on me from the other side of the room was nothing to this. I was so glad that Cassie had made me confess to her. Mind you, when she told him she had picked me up for him, I wasn't so pleased with her and could feel myself going red.

After only a moment she made an excuse and left, deliberately leaving us alone together to continue with her matchmaking. I moved out of her way quickly but I was excited at the thought of being alone to talk to him, making the decision to flirt as shamelessly as I dared. I needed the practice anyway, but it seemed like I was on to a good thing here, or at least I hoped I was. He was already doing things to me, and we'd only shaken hands. I watched Cassie leave for a moment and then looked back at James, taking a moment to drink him in before he looked back at me.

When he smiled at me my heart started to race. He was into me, I was fairly sure, and I couldn't wait to find out more. I wondered what was under his t-shirt, whether he was hairy or smooth. I could tell he was fairly slightly built but he had some definition. My arms would fit perfectly around him. I was suddenly aware that I was supposed to be talking, and also that he seemed to be slightly in shock after Cassie had delivered me to him. I figured he would be wondering what had gone on at the bar.

There was a moment when he seemed to be even more worried as I told him the story, and then the fact that I had said he was cute hit home and he beamed a smile at me. I felt my heart skip a beat. At that moment I wanted to kiss him desperately. He would taste sweet and make me want more of him, I was sure.

As we talked further it turned out we had both been lusting from across the room, and had also thought the other was straight or at least unobtainable. He seemed embarrassed when I mentioned I had caught him looking at me, but when I admitted I was interested in him he looked up into my eyes and there was want in his gaze.

I felt another twinge in my dick and wondered if I would be able to get it back under control at any point tonight. Probably only once he was out of my sight and I got chance to ease the itch. Part of me wondered about asking him home with me right now, but I didn't want to take it quite that quick. Maybe tomorrow... As we kept looking into each other's eyes I could imagine him looking up at me while he licked and sucked my dick. My thought was broken as Cassie returned to the table and made me move over to let her sit down.

As I moved I banged my knee on something. I wasn't instantly aware it was James until I put my hand down and felt his already there. Before I knew what I was doing I was working my fingers between his and rubbing his leg, swallowing hard as the thought of running my hand further up and feeling between his legs came into my mind. I started to imagine what his hard cock would feel like in my hand just as our eyes met again, and this time I knew he had seen desire in my eyes because his told me. I also knew he was thinking similar thoughts and I couldn't stop smiling at him.

Cassie cleared her throat.

"It seems I am a bit of a spare part here, and I promise to excuse myself shortly, but your friends are leaving Nick and they seem to be heading this way first."

I rapidly dropped his hand under the table. He looked disappointed for a moment but then looked to see the guys walking over. I was watching them carefully for any sign they had seen what had been going on, but Rob's leer clearly said he thought I was after Cassie. The guys were all taking a look at her as they said goodbye to me, with the exception of Steve who was hanging back from the others a little and seemed to be appraising James instead. It wasn't surprising they'd want to know who had taken my interest, but only Steve would really know. I said goodbye to them all and watched them leave before I started breathing properly again.

"Sorry, but they are a crowd from work. I don't know most of them that well and I'm not out to them. Please don't think I'm ashamed of being gay, but sometimes it is easier not to have everyone know, especially if you don't know what they think about it. And to be honest, I don't want to have to explain what is going on here when we've only just met."

"It's okay," he said, and smiled at me. "It's not like it's the first thing I tell people about me either. Still, I don't think you have them all fooled, one of them was definitely checking me out rather than Cassie."

"That's Steve, and he knows. I suspect he wanted to know what my taste in men was."

I grinned at him. He blushed and although it didn't seem possible he could, he looked even cuter at that moment. I knew I was staring at him with lust yet again, but Cassie broke the spell.

"I think that's my cue to go find some other friends to talk to. I'll leave you guys to get back to gazing into each others' eyes!"

I turned to smile my thanks at her. Without her interference I wouldn't be sat here with this gorgeous man and she also knew when to make herself scarce.

"Wonderful woman," I remarked.

"Mmm. Mind you, I think I'm gonna have to pay for her doing me this favour. She'll be teasing me about this for weeks at least," James said, smiling at me again, and my insides started swirling.

I don't know how long we were talking after she left us. I reached back under the table and took his hand back into mine so I could feel the warmth from it and have some closeness to him. We chatted quite easily about our lives and families. I told him how I shared a house with my brother which our parents had left us in when they moved abroad. He told me about his mum who had brought him and his sister up alone after his father had left, and he also told me all about Cassie and her boyfriend. He clearly had a lot of love for her, but wasn't so fussed about the boyfriend.

"It's a shame she's not single," I commented. "My brother is straight. Perhaps we should introduce them sometime!"

He laughed. "Despite the temptation, I've got more sense than to try and get involved in her love life. Mind you, she doesn't seem to have any worries about trying to sort mine out!"

"I think she's done us a favour," I replied. "It seems like we'd never have dared talk to each other if she hadn't intervened." I looked deep into his eyes yet again. "I'm really glad she did it. I hope you are too."

"Absolutely," he grinned. Every time he did I fell for him even more. "She's a star! I would have just gone home alone tonight and regretted not at least trying to talk to you, even if I'd ended up disappointed."

He thought for a moment and a look of regret came on his face. "On that front, I don't want to make any assumptions, but just so you know, I have to get to work early tomorrow so I can't stay out all night."

He went a bit red as he said it, and my mind started to race with ideas of what we might be able to do for a night together. Obviously now was not the time, and I tried to get my imagination under control.

"It's okay, and don't be embarrassed. I really hope I can see you again though. And soon!" It was a good feeling to know he was also thinking about more than holding hands.

"I don't suppose you are free tomorrow night?" he asked with a grin on his face. I nodded and smiled back. "How about we meet in town about 7 and have dinner?"

"You asking me out on a date?" I said with a laugh.

"I guess so. You don't mind?" I shook my head hard to make it very clear I didn't. "I'd love to go out with you." I grasped his hand tighter. "It's going to seem an awfully long day tomorrow."

"At least you won't have to sit through a load of boring meetings trying to look interested, and keep your mind on the job. I have a feeling that is going to be really difficult!".

Another smile from him caused another jump of my dick. I had no control over the way he was making me feel at all, and I was loving it. I was sure it was going to feel like forever until tomorrow night though.

* * * * * *


When his mates came over he dropped my hand quickly. I understood, but the sudden lack of contact with him left me feeling really weird. I wanted a hell of a lot more from him than holding hands under a table, but it was all I could get for the moment. I was introduced to the guys, but most of them were checking out Cassie, who they clearly thought was the reason for Nick leaving the group. One of the guys was taking more of an interest in me though, and I wondered if he knew the truth.

When they left Nick explained himself. He really wanted me to know he wasn't embarrassed about being gay or about whatever was going on between us. I was glad and I understood. I tended to sound people out before I made admissions about my sexuality too, and there were certainly people I hadn't shared it with. I was also pleased that at at least one of them knew the truth.

I blushed, thinking how glad I was that I was his taste, and wondering what he would taste like when I licked him all over. I was staring at him yet again, and fairly sure that some idea of what I was thinking would be showing in my eyes. It was clearly enough to make Cassie realise it was time to excuse herself. I would have to seriously thank her later. It was also good to know that Nick liked her, although she had just done him a favour as well, or at least I hoped he thought so.

We kept chatting for what seemed like ages. He had taken my hand again, and was holding it rubbing his thumb over the back. After months alone it was the most incredible feeling, although I had the suspicion that it was more to do with him than the fact I hadn't had anyone for a while. I could have found myself a quick fuck if I'd wanted, but there was something more here, or at least I was starting to hope so.

When he admitted that he was really glad Cass had introduced us, I felt my heart and my cock leap yet again. I was so horny, I wished I could take him home and do some of the things I was thinking about, but I had meetings at work tomorrow that I couldn't miss. As much as I wanted to be able to get him naked and sweaty, and my dick certainly wanted that, I couldn't do it tonight. I tried to tell him I had work in the morning without making it sound like I was thinking about doing a lot more with him there and then, but ended up going red.

I got him to agree to a date the next night really easily. I wished I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, and I knew I was going to be thinking about him and what I could do with him when I got him alone. As if the day wasn't going to be bad enough, there was no way I was going to be able to concentrate.

A long time must have gone past while we were chatting because I suddenly noticed Cassie looking over trying to get my attention. I didn't really want to leave, but there wasn't much choice in the matter.

"Cassie is looking over and hinting she's going home soon, and she's my lift. I'm really sorry," I said with a lot of regret in my voice. "How are you getting back to yours?"

"I was going back with the lads, but I suppose I'll get a taxi now.," he replied.

"Don't do that. Cassie will give you a lift too, it won't be a problem." I motioned to her to come back over. "Can you drop Nick off on the way back Cass?"

"Sure," she said.

There was a hint of mischief in her smile but for once she managed to control herself. I suspected she was going to suggest she dropped us both off, but she knew about my work and kept her thoughts in check.

"Thanks so much," he said. "I really appreciate it."

We grabbed our coats and headed out. I made sure to follow Nick up the stairs so I could get another look at that glorious arse. Halfway up he turned and saw what my eyes were glued to, and he grinned and wiggled it at me. I almost lost the ability to walk, and it wasn't down to the drink. I had to shut my eyes for a moment but the image seemed to be burned on the inside of my eyelids. I hoped Cassie would understand if I walked him to the door, because it was really important that I at least got a kiss from him. I could barely wait, but I didn't want to have an audience for it. I had a feeling it would be intense.

We walked back to the car in silence but holding hands still, and were the same as we got into the back of the car. It was a really comfortable silence, and now and again we would catch each other's eyes as we glanced across at each other. I really wanted to kiss him, but was starting to feel nervous about it, wondering if a kiss could possibly live up to my expectations. All too soon we were pulling up as he directed Cassie to stop outside his house. He looked at me quizzically as I got out of the car too.

"Will you wait for me a moment please Cass?"

I must have almost been begging as I asked that because she looked oddly at me, but smiled and nodded. I kept hold of his hand and walked up to the door with him, trying to calm my nerves and my by now raging desire, wondering how a man I had only just met was having such an effect on me.

* * * * * *


When I knew he was leaving I was disappointed, but I knew why and that he also really wanted to see me again. I was glad when he suggested that Cassie could drop me off. Every moment with him felt precious already, but I didn't want to consider the reasons for that just yet. I couldn't resist shaking my ass at him as I walked out of the pub because it was really obvious he was watching it intently. The reaction I got was way more than I would have expected, but then the sexual tension had been running high, and I had a feeling I was not the only one having to try and keep my dick under control.

I held hands with him on the way to the car and while Cassie drove us back. Having her there did stifle the conversation, but it was a comfortable silence and I kept sneaking looks at him as we sat beside each other. More often than not he was already looking at me when I did. When we got to the house I was gutted, not wanting to let go of him. He didn't seem to want to either because he came with me and asked Cassie to wait.

I got out of the car and walked up the drive to the house with James beside me, still holding my hand. I desperately wanted to ask him in and take him upstairs, but I was prepared to respect the fact that he had to work and I knew if I got him into my bed neither of us would get much sleep, and I wouldn't want to let him out of it. I turned to face him as we got to the door.

"Thanks for getting me home, and say thanks to Cassie again for me."

"It's not a problem. I'm glad we could help out, and it's kind of nice to see you home," he said, looking slightly embarrassed. I smiled at him again and leaned towards him to whisper in his ear.

"I hope I can cope until I see you tomorrow. I know it's crazy because we've only just met, but I've had an amazing time with you tonight, and can't wait for more."

I realised my drunken state was making me a little more open than I had intended, but then he put his arms around me and leaned forward. I shook with excitement at the feeling and put my arms around him too. When I looked back at him our faces were so close that we were almost touching already. I slowly moved forward and our lips brushed together. It was so light but at the same time incredibly intense. I moaned, feeling him smile in response because of the contact. Then he moved his lips closer and opened so he could lick my lips gently.

I immediately opened my mouth a little and his tongue swept in. I duelled with him and we pulled each other closer so our bodies were pressing tightly. I could feel his erection press against mine and thought I would explode there and then. The kiss got deeper and it was perfect, every part of my body trembling with the passion flowing between us. I couldn't think, couldn't speak, couldn't even tell where I ended and he began. I had never had a kiss like it.

After what could have been hours but was probably only a few minutes, we had to pull away to get our breath back. I rested my forehead against his and kept holding him to me. After that, I really didn't want to let him go. I wanted to drag him inside with me, strip him naked slowly, and make love to him for hours.

"Wow!" was all I managed to say.

"Pretty much what I was thinking," he replied. "I really wish I didn't have to go now, but if I don't I'll never make it to work and I can't bunk off tomorrow. I'll be counting the minutes until we can do that again."

He smiled at me again and started to loosen his grip on me. I resisted for a moment but reluctantly let him go too. He kissed me again, just a quick one this time, and walked slowly back down the path, looking at me and holding my hand until he was too far away and had to let it slip from his grasp.

I watched him go and get into Cassie's car, all the time wanting to call him back, kiss him again, and take him inside to my bed. Once they had rounded the corner I managed to find my keys and get the front door open. I was still shaking at the intensity of the kiss and had a hard on that was throbbing in my jeans to the point of hurting. I wanted to get upstairs quickly and relieve myself, but as I wandered towards the stairs with my mind on what had happened that night, I heard my brother John behind me.

"How's things bruv? Have a good night?" he asked.

I turned my head around but kept my body away so he wouldn't see my arousal, although seeing him was helping my cock deflate. "I'm fine. Just tired and thinking of turning in." I said, to try and get upstairs as quickly as possible.

He looked at me oddly. "What happened to you? You look kind of weird. Not bad weird, just not your usual self."

He knew me too well to let me pretend nothing was going on, so I resigned myself to having to tell him about James even though I was almost thinking it was a dream at this point.

"I met a guy. He's cute and funny and I'm seeing him again tomorrow."

I could feel myself smiling as I said it because it made me think of James again, not that it was going to be easy to get him off my mind.

"Cool. So that's your loved up face then?" he asked, grinning at me.

"I suppose it must be. He just walked me to the door and kissed me goodnight, and I can't seem to wipe the smile off my face just yet! Please don't tease me brother, it's been a long while since I've felt like this and I need to get my head around it."

In all honesty, at that moment what I really needed was to get my hand around my dick and take the edge off the sexual tension I had been feeling all evening, but that didn't seem appropriate to tell my brother that.