Going Out With Daddy Ch. 05


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He took her invitation and pulled gently on the proffered strap. It slithered down her arm, the bra pulling neatly out from under the chemise. And then he was holding the lacy garment in his hands, still warm from its intimate contact with her chest. He dangled it from one finger.

"Hmm," he smiled. "This is getting to be a habit, Marie." She giggled, her chest shaking invitingly with her laughter. She had lost some of her cleavage, but her breasts clearly needed no extra support to remain firm and upright on her chest. The black lace edge of her chemise was all that hid her pretty tits from his view.

"You seem to have a knack, Daddy, for charming me out of my undergarments." She raised an arch eyebrow at him, and he had to laugh also. God, this was fun. Her dress was bunched around her waist, her g-string around her upper thighs. Her hair was getting a little messed up, and her cheeks looked flushed with excitement. He quickly stuck the bra under the table as the waiter came back with their soups.

"You want some bread?" She tore a piece off and looked at him. He looked puzzled at her. She sighed dramatically. "It's just a piece of bread, silly."

"Uh, okay." She lowered the piece of bread under the table, under the hem of her dress. With a quick swiping movement, and a shudder, she pressed the morsel into her moistness. As she pulled it back out, the bread glistened with her collected juices.

"Just a taste, Daddy. To give you a little preview." His eyes were wide, his breath shallow. She laughed to herself. She surprised even herself sometimes.

He took the bread from her and held it to his nose. With a deep inhalation, he took in the odor of her excited womanhood. Musky and fresh. Unable to resist any longer, he popped the morsel into his mouth. Immediately his tongue tingled with the taste of her, spreading throughout his mouth, a tart and sweet taste.

"Mmmm," he murmured appreciatively. "Ambrosial." She giggled. It was astonishing, he mused, that despite everything that had happened up to now, he still had not yet been afforded a glimpse of that tender site from the front. Only a little peek that morning from behind as his thumb had penetrated her. He had been too preoccupied with his own need.

And she continued to tease him, even now, with the hem of that chemise. God, she could not have choreographed this more perfectly to bring him to the heights of lust. He knew so much about it: that it was clean of hair; that it was hot, wet, and inviting; that it sucked on his thumb like a little mouth. Just not what it looked like, exactly. He had an idea that the reality would far surpass even his most twisted imagination.

Curiously, Marie was having similar thoughts. She could see the bulge of his erection in his trousers, even in the half light of the dim restaurant. And despite the fact that she had felt her father's manhood with her mouth, sucking the top few inches in the car the night before; and that she had felt it gliding so slowly across her ass that morning; nonetheless, she had still not actually seen it. Well, perhaps that would change tonight...

They ate their soup in silence, each involved in their thoughts, their lust, their mutual tease. Marie began to feel constricted again, even in her nearly naked state. It was those damned panties, stretched tight around her thighs. She had to have them off, and soon. As they finished the last of the soup, and the waiter cleared their bowls, she had an inspiration.

"Daddy, if you'll excuse me, I have to use the little girl's room." She stood up, her hand neatly pushing the g-string down off of her thighs as she moved. It slipped miraculously easily off of her legs, coming to settle around her ankles. Her dress fell silkily around her hips. God, she was so hot, she was practically dripping. She had never felt so slippery between her legs. What an intense feeling to be standing in a restaurant with only what amounted to a silk negligee around her body.

Her legs trembled, and she felt a little precarious in her high heels, but she took a deep breath to steady herself. With great care, she secretly extracted her feet from her panties, so that they lay crumpled on the ground under the table. She was pretty sure she had done a good enough job that her father had no idea how close to naked she really was. She edged carefully out from behind the table.

"Everything okay, Marie?" Her father's voice had such a sweet note of concern to it. As if he weren't at least partially responsible for her current state. Ah, what a sweetheart he was. She smiled at him and nodded.

Tim watched this teenaged siren walk away from him. The chemise shifted in sympathetic motion with the sleek outlines of her body. He really couldn't be sure in the half light whether she had managed to divest herself of her panties, but in either case the play of the smooth material across her ass was out of this world. He adjusted himself in his pants and took a deep sip of wine. He hoped she wouldn't take too long...

Marie managed to make it to the restroom upright. Once inside, however, she slumped against the wall. Fuck, she felt like she was a faucet down there. She glanced down, and was relieved to see that she didn't have juices running down her leg. That would have been a bit embarrassing...

Unlike last night, she felt completely sure of herself. How much could have changed in one day? But perhaps it was the person she was with. Last night, it had been her father. Now he was her... what? Man? Lover? Wow. But it didn't seem out of the range of the possible any more.

She sat in one of the toilets to pee. Everything felt so swollen, so sensitive. Even the piss exiting her body gave her little thrills of delight. She had become this sexual thing, this sensual creature. She couldn't help but swirl a finger around her clit once while she was peeing. The stream cut off, then started again. Mmm. It was all good!

She wiped herself, carefully making sure that all of the drips and excess moisture was removed before standing up. The dress settled around her hips again, and she checked herself to make sure she was as modest as she could be.

When she stepped out, she was startled to find another woman standing at the mirror. She looked to be about ten or fifteen years older than Marie, elegant and attractive in an off-the shoulder black dress. Her auburn hair was shoulder length, and she leaned towards the mirror to re-apply her lipstick. Marie went to stand next to her.

"Looking hot tonight, sister," the woman remarked casually.

"Uh, thanks," the teenager replied awkwardly. "Um, you don't think it's a bit too... like, slutty or something?" The woman glanced over at her, a kindly expression on her face.

"Slutty is a state of mind, sweetheart. Slutty is when you don't care who it is who gets turned on by your exposure." Marie's cheeks were flaming red, as she carefully studied herself in the mirror, avoiding the woman's gaze. The woman turned back to the mirror again. "I don't think that's true in your case, is it? Isn't there one guy you're doing this for?"

Marie nodded imperceptibly, then took more confidence in the lack of criticism or judgment in the woman's tone.

"Yeah, there really is only one guy."

"Well, he's lucky, whoever he is." She turned to head out of the bathroom.

"Wait!" Marie's voice sounded squeaky and immature to her. But the other woman just turned and smiled. "Um, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, honey. If I can help." Marie looked down at her feet. She hadn't felt confused about all of this until she saw it from another person's perspective. She needed reassurance, but she was nervous about asking a stranger. But the other woman was patient, and seemed so nice.

"Um, see, I'm like really turned on by all of this. Do you think that's normal?"

"Well, some people get excited by showing themselves off. That's perfectly normal, as long as they don't hurt anybody by doing it."

"Yeah, but I think there's more to it. See, I really shouldn't be with this guy."

"Hmm. Why? He your best friend's man?"

"No, worse." Marie's voice was practically a whisper. "He's my mother's."

"Your step-father?" Marie shook her head. She heard a sharp intake of breath. "Your father?" She nodded miserably. The woman stepped toward her and lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "You're out with your father, dressed like this?"


The woman studied her face for several seconds. Marie held her gaze now, feeling a little defiant. Who was this woman to judge her actions, anyway? Then the other blinked and smiled uncertainly.

"Oh, my dear. Can I tell you a secret? That is one of my deepest, most carefully hidden fantasies. And you! You have the courage to actually live it!" Marie was pulled into a tight, intense hug. "My sweet, sweet girl. I am so proud of you!" She pulled back and looked fiercely into the girl's eyes. "I am definitely going to keep my eye on the two of you tonight. And my husband is in for some seriously hot sex tonight!"

Marie watched the older woman walk out of the bathroom, a lively spring in her step. She looked in the mirror, seeing the shock still on her face. Suddenly, she broke into a laugh, and feeling surer of herself, walked out.

Tim saw her coming towards him. She was walking with even more confidence now, almost as if she were on a catwalk, each leg crossing in front of the other to give her hips an exaggerated sway. The strap of her chemise was off her right shoulder, hanging down around her elbow, and her right breast was nearly completely uncovered. He marveled at how she walked so casually, and yet managed to keep that little nipple covered.

Her father stood to help her into the booth. He came around behind her and touched her on the shoulder as he pulled the table out.

"You look lovelier than ever, Marie," he whispered. Her heart swelled at his sweet comment. God, he was so cute! Her heart pounded as his hand slipped around the front of her shoulder and down onto her chest. His hand slipped inside her dress and cupped her right breast, the chemise slipping lower yet on that side. Their backs were to the rest of the restaurant, so no one could see that he was holding her bare tit in the open.

She sat down, his hand slipping off of her, her eyes dilated, her face warm. She looked up at him, her chemise still below the cone of her breast, the nipple now hard and rosy. He smiled at her, and she tugged the dress up to cover herself again as he sat down.

Their entrees had arrived, so he felt confident they wouldn't be interrupted for a while. It was time to up the ante. He started to eat, while his other hand tugged on the hem of her dress again. She obligingly shifted in her seat so that the chemise pulled out from under her butt, and she was once again sitting bare on the bench.

Marie acted completely unconcerned with his actions. She ate her food, mechanically chewing, unaware of the flavors in her mouth, so focused was she on the sensations coming from below. He was unsatisfied with their previous boundaries clearly, as he pulled the chemise up higher than before.

"My, my, Marie," he husked. "You are a naughty girl, aren't you?"

"Yes, Daddy. But I've been naughty for a while now, haven't I?"

The chemise was around her ribs now. She daintily settled her napkin in her lap as the dress cleared that area. She was uninterested in dropping hot food in that particular area. Still he raised it higher. She glanced nervously around, but no one could see her clearly. He tucked it in behind her shoulders. Looking down at herself, she could see the rucked up dress sitting around her chest, the bottom hem falling somewhere above her navel. God, it was so close, so near to her desire from before!

Tim looked at her from the side. He could see uninterrupted skin from her armpits to halfway down her thighs, where the table cloth cut off further viewing. She was sitting up very straight, her chest thrust forward as if willing the last coverage to remain in place. Her back curved in at the waist, then out in the wonderful roundness of her ass. She was breathing quickly, and her hands trembled as she raised her fork to her mouth. He was still frustrated in his inability to see her sex, but the tease was so hot.

"Is this what you wanted, sweetie?"

"Almost, Daddy," she whispered. Her eyes darted like those of a trapped animal. "Almost." She was in heaven. It was like the most intense high of her life, sitting here, exposed by her father. Anybody could walk by. Anybody could see. Maybe her new friend from the bathroom would see just how far she was willing to go... She shuddered as a tiny orgasm ripped through her.

Her father's large hand lightly stroked her back, running little circles around a shoulder blade, or a long line down her spine to the top of her ass. It was sensual without being outright arousing.

"And how about you, Daddy?" She looked at him frankly, trying to read that so familiar face. "Is this what you wanted? Did you want to see just how bad a girl your daughter can be? Do you want to know just how far your little Marie can go?"

"Yes, my darling girl." His beautiful eyes sparkled. She loved that face. It was so dear to her.

"Am I as adventurous as Mom?"

"I think you might be, Marie." His hand slipped around to the front, where he drew little designs on her soft belly. She was so delightful, this little body, this girl, his daughter. He moved his finger tenderly on her, feeling the dip of her belly button, the downward curves of her ribs, the jut of her hip.

"I want to be everything you want me to be," she husked, her voice breathy and low with desire. Her body seemed to move to his finger wherever it went, moving without her conscious desire, acting under its own imperatives. That finger moved further south, tracing the raised area of her now bare mons, dipping under her napkin to tease lightly at the upper end of her slit.

He cleared his throat, and she pulled forward instinctively, the dress falling around her body easily, his hand still in her lap, now covered under dress and napkin.

"I trust everything is to your satisfaction?"

"Oh, it will be," murmured Marie. "Very soon it will be..." Tim chuckled, and nodded to the waiter. His finger found the crease between her lips, and teased down along its length, slipping in the newly produced liquid her pussy was putting out. He found those delicate inner labia peeking their way out of their thicker neighbors. He pushed between them to find the passage they guarded, and his finger nosed its way inside to the first knuckle.

"Mmmmm..." Marie was lost in the moment. Her fork was poised halfway from the plate to her mouth.

"Is Madame finished?" The insistently polite waiter was still there.

"Uh, not quite," she said, "but I'm getting there." He could see nothing. There was no danger here, only the thrill of the unquestionably inappropriate. There was a sudden pressure right at the top of her pussy as her father's finger pushed against her.

"Oh!" The poor waiter turned quickly to look at her. "Um. Oh. I'm sorry, can I have another roll, please?" The man nodded and quickly returned with a roll she had no interest in eating. He finally left, and she turned to her father, batting him on the arm.

"You mean, mean man. Mmmmm. You are so bad!"

"Am I, Marie?"

"Uh huh. Yeah... Oooh. Really, really bad." She slumped back against the booth wall, her hips seeking more stimulation from his finger. But he dexterously slipped out from under the dress and napkin.

"I don't think I'm the bad one here, sweetie." He put his finger into his mouth, and licked his daughter's nectar. "Mmm. I think we should go, don't you?"

"As soon as fucking possible!"

"I intend to, Marie." He smiled wickedly. "I absolutely intend to."


She couldn't remember him getting the check or his paying for the meal. Her mind was whirling with the craziness of their actions. She felt giddy with freedom, with being an adult. And the freedom of having her behavior sanctioned not only by her father but by the woman from the restroom.

As she walked with him through the restaurant, she wondered if everybody there could tell how alive she was. If they could feel the pulse of her heart; see the aura of sexuality; smell the scent of her, the wild animal scent arising from between her barely covered legs. Truth to tell, little of the world around her penetrated her lust-fogged brain.

His arm around her. That support, that strength she drew from him. That was what she felt. That and the oh so slippery center of her womanhood, unrestrained by garment or hair.

When she got to the door, and out into the parking lot, she felt the need arise within her once again. The crazy need that she seemed entirely unable to resist, especially when she was with him. She disengaged herself from his arm, and took a step in front of him. With a lazy shrug of her shoulders, the chemise slithered noiselessly down around her body, to land in a silky pool at her feet on the black asphalt. She carelessly stepped out of it, sauntering on towards their car.

"Oh, Daddy?" She looked coyly back over her shoulder. Her naked shoulder. "I seem to have dropped something. Could you get it for me?"

She had done it. The foolish, wonderful daughter of his had truly done it. She had found a way to top off everything that had happened inside. And what a sight she was, so confidently striding across the deserted parking lot in her black high heels, little clutch in hand. The intersecting light of the streetlamps drew obscure shadows across her, her thin shoulders, her sharp scapulae. Her narrow waist, the sweet curve of her hips. That divine ass, her muscled legs. As if she had stepped out of a master's painting.

Nervelessly, he bent down and picked up the discarded chemise, his eyes never leaving the slow-moving figure ahead of him. God, he was so hard! He stood up just as she reached the passenger side of their car, her back still to him.

Her heart was pounding. This was so much better than any little game she had played in high school with the little puppy dog boys who trailed around behind her and her friends. The stakes were so much higher here, the reward, that much sweeter. She could feel his eyes (her father's eyes!) burning on her back as she stood in the cool evening air. Somehow, magically, there was nobody else around. It's not slutty if it's only aimed at one person...

"I believe this is yours." His voice was thick with desire, his presence right behind her palpable as a caress on her overheated skin.

"Mm. I suppose it is," she whispered in a sultry voice. She smiled at him over her shoulder again, and accepted the chemise from him. His finger trailed over her smooth skin, from shoulder all the way down her back to her waist. It felt tremulous, less certain than his touch in the restaurant.

"I'm ready to go home now, Daddy," she said softly, gently. He opened the door for her and she slipped into the passenger seat, the chemise carelessly crumpled in her lap. Oh God, he still hadn't seen it... But those breasts, those sweet young breasts. A man could drink forever from the vision of those little cones with their puffy nipples. A dream...

Somehow he made it home. How could he have? All he saw was the naked girl next to him, the peculiarly banal seatbelt bisecting that perfect chest. His breathing was harsh, his driving automatic. Had anything out of the ordinary occurred, he was sure they would have been killed instantaneously. That strange border zone between the acceptable and the unacceptable...

He had reached out to her, to touch her, to feel her, to reassure himself of her reality, but she had none too lightly smacked his hand away.

"Keep them on the wheel, Daddy." Her murmur seemed like it came from miles away. He could smell her. God! What a smell! All young, fresh, excited, blooming.