Golden Desire Ch. 04


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Her superior demeanor suddenly dropped, but she continued her protest. "But Nicholas, I don't know how to play Blackjack, I don't even know what Blackjack is!"

Taking her arm and guiding her from the room, he said, "Well then, I guess I'll have to teach you."

They returned to the drawing room and after fetching a pack of cards and some chips, they seated themselves across from each other at a table. Expertly shuffling the cards, Nicholas began, "Now Blackjack is a very simple game. The aim is to be dealt cards that either match 21 or come closer to it than the dealer without going over. When a player first sits down at a Blackjack table, he places his cash money on the table in a way that lets the dealer know he wants to play. The dealer will exchange the money for cash chips with which he can start betting. There are table limits that mean there is a minimum bet and a maximum bet. Before the deal begins, players must make a bet which is placed in the box marked in front of their seat." Indicating the table, he said, "Pretend there's a square. Place a bet."

Victoria placed a chip in front of her.

Beginning to deal the cards, he continued, "When this is done the dealer will deal one face-up card to each box that contains a bet, one to themselves, then a second face-up card to each playing box. Cards are dealt from a shoe that contains the pack.

"When all players have two cards each, the dealer will return to the box closest to the shoe and ask the player of that box what action they would like to take. This action can be one thing at a time from a list of possible options, depending largely on what cards the player's hand holds."

He continued on with the rules and the possible variations, betting and the language used. Very soon, Victoria was thoroughly confused. "You said this was a simple game!" she protested.

"Well, it is once you understand everything. We'll play a few hands and you'll get the hang of it."

They played for an hour and by the end of it, she did understand the game. "Now you be the gambler and I'll be the dealer," she said.

However, at that moment the butler arrived and announced that dinner was soon to be ready and where did they wish to dine?

"In here will be fine," Nicholas requested. He cleared off the cards and the chips and during dinner he continued telling her about the more subtle nuances of the game and ways to cheat.

After their dinner had been cleared and they had enjoyed one of the pies that she had baked that day, they resumed their lesson.

Holding the deck of cards in her hand, she said, "You're going to have to show me how to shuffle properly. Alright, Mr. Andrews, place your bet!"

They played for another hour and she was doing very well. "You're right, once you get into it, it's a very simple game," she said smiling.

"So, do you think you could do this as a job?" he asked.

Looking dubious, she replied, "I suppose so. I just don't know if I'll be any good."

"Half of it, is the way you look and act," he replied. "You're already naturally beautiful, so that will draw the men right away. And if you're friendly and a little flirtatious, they'll want to come to your table even more. Of course, what will keep them there is your level of play. You must be quick, smooth and confident."

"But still friendly and flirtatious," she reminded him.

"I'm sure your naturally seductive nature will show through, no matter what," he said in a low, smooth tone of voice, causing her breath to catch.

He rose from his seat and moved around to hers. Her breathing turned to shallow gasps as he stood behind her chair.

"You're too stiff when you're dealing. Loosen up a little," he said smoothing his hands down her arms. Leaning down so that he was speaking softly in her ear, he took the cards from her hands and demonstrated a more relaxed and fluid way of dealing, "Nice and easy, as if you've been doing it for years," he murmured.

She closed her eyes, and tipped her head back, unable to resist the silky tone of his voice nor his nearness to her. Her hands dropped down beside her and backwards, reaching for his thighs. The cards dropped to the table as her hands gently squeezed. She turned her head towards his and their lips hungrily met. His hands circled around in front of her, finding her breasts and gently squeezing them.

She rose from her chair and turned to him, pressing her body against his. "Oh Nicholas, I want you, I want you now," she gasped.

Leaving her, he quickly crossed the room and closed the double doors to the drawing room. Back before her, he easily lifted her and laid her on their gaming table. Much to her surprise he began pushing up her skirts.

"In here?" she whispered loudly.

With a seductive smile, he purred, "I can't wait to take you all the way upstairs."

She eagerly tugged off her drawers while he quickly freed himself from his trousers. He pulled her to the edge of the table and smoothly slid into her.

After their initial desire for each other was satisfied, he carried her up the stairs to his bedroom to begin all over again.

Early the next morning, Victoria woke before him and propping herself up on one elbow, she gazed down at him as he slept. Every once in awhile she saw him in a certain way that only accentuated just how handsome he was. This was one of those moments and her heart skipped a beat.

Her fingers reached out to caress his cheek, but, catching herself, she pulled back. What was happening to her? Why was she feeling any tenderness for him? She didn't care for this man. He had and was continuing to use her for his own amusement. His employees most likely had a new bet going, wagering this time on how many times he would bed her. She was simply doing the same, albeit for a different reason, but they were both using each other she reminded herself.

He had paid Henry's debt and although she had promised to pay him back, she of course, had no intention of honoring that vow. And now, he had given her a job.

She rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. As much as she was enjoying the luxury of staying in Nicholas' house, she knew it was time to go back to the hotel. To keep him interested, she couldn't continue to be so accessible. She would have to keep an eye on him though. Make sure he didn't 'promise to take care of' another lonely miner's wife.

As that thought went through her head, the felt a cold stab in her stomach. Startled, she paused and examined the feeling. It wasn't fear, as she had expected, but rather, jealousy. She closed her eyes and thought of him whispering in another woman's ear, of him turning those warm green eyes towards someone else. There was that pang again.

It couldn't possibly be jealousy, she thought. That would imply that I have feelings for him and I don't. Her mind, however, went back over the past few days and she suddenly realized that the feelings that had begun a couple of weeks ago had not only remained but had grown. She acknowledged now that she had missed him during the day when he was gone and her happiness at his arrival back.

She glanced over at him and wondered, how do I feel about him? In response, a warm tingling began in her belly and pleasantly spread through her limbs.

No, she thought to herself, no. She wanted to eventually fall in love with someone and remarry, but not this man, not now and not in this place.

She quickly slid out of bed and hurried down the hall to her own room. It was time to leave and return to the hotel.

When Nicholas awoke, he was again disappointed to find her gone. He rose, washed and dressed. When he went out into the hallway, he could hear sounds coming from Victoria's door. He approached and knocked.

"Come in," she called.

He opened the door and saw that she was packing. "What are you doing? You're leaving?" he asked, genuinely surprised.

Looking up at him, she answered, "Yes. I think it's time I went back to the hotel. It's not right that I stay here any longer." Seeing his pained look, she went to him and taking his hands in hers she said, "I truly appreciate everything that you've done for me over the past few days but I can manage on my own now. You've given me a job so I'll be able to pay for my room and I'll stay until I can save up the money to eventually leave."

"Leave?" he asked, confused.

"Yes, go back home to Albany," she explained.

"Oh, of course. You'll be wanting to go back home," he said quietly.

"We'll still see lots of each other. I'll be in your hotel and working in your gambling house. I dare say you'll soon be sick of the sight of me," she said with a light laugh.

Staring into her deep blue eyes, he said softly, "I don't think that could ever happen."

She felt that pang again, and forced herself to look away. She turned back to her packing and closing her bags, she asked briskly, "Do you think you could drop me off at the hotel on your way out this morning?"

"Certainly," he replied, his voice still soft.

As he went downstairs to request his carriage, all he could think of was what she had just said. She wanted to leave. Of course she would, he thought. Why would she stay here? He had to confess that a small part of him was hoping that she would fall in love with him and want to stay. But that was obviously not the case. Perhaps she was still angry over her discovery of his game. Maybe all he needed to do was explain to her that it had started out that way, but had not ended the same. Maybe all he had to do was tell her how he felt. And how was that? Did he love her? He had never been in love before and wasn't sure. Perhaps he should wait until he was sure.

Torn about what to do, he angrily ran his fingers through his hair. Lifting his head, he saw her coming down the stairs and in that instant his feelings for her were confirmed. He loved her. He rushed up to help her with her bag. Setting the bag down in the foyer, he guided her out to the garden. "I want to talk to you about something," he explained.

After they were seated, he nervously cleared his throat and began. "I want to explain what happened the morning after we were first together in my bed."

"No" she interrupted, turning away from him, her face twisted with pain. "I don't want to talk about it, no."

"We have to. I have to," he insisted. "Please listen to me." When she wouldn't look at him, he gently asked, "Please Victoria."

Without turning back to him, she said, "Go ahead and talk. It won't matter though, I know what I heard."

"I know what you heard as well. And what I want to tell you is that, yes, I admit, it started as a game. A game I've played many times. I never really thought that I might have been hurting anyone, though. Oh, there have been tears a couple of times and one woman did yell at me." When he saw the scowl of disapproval on her face, he knew he had to get to the point. "But with you it was different. I actually enjoyed talking with you, being with you. I eventually forgot all about the game and only thought of spending time with you."

She only rolled her eyes in response, not believing what he was saying. "What's the matter, Nicholas? Are there no new women at your hotels? No one scared, lonely and vulnerable enough, so you need to keep me in your corral?" she asked with disgust.

He took a deep steadying breath, reminding himself that he deserved her scorn, for now. "Actually there are several wives right now that, in the past, I would be actively pursuing. But I'm not interested in them. Only in you."

She finally turned to him, staring at him with narrowed eyes. "Why?" she asked bluntly.

Suddenly realizing that now might not be the best time to confess his feelings, that she was too angry and skeptical to believe him, he decided to try a lesser approach.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that, a few moments ago, when you said you wanted to leave and go back to Albany, it scared me." Taking another deep breath, he continued, "I want you to stay here."

"Here?" she asked incredulously. "You want me to stay here in San Francisco?" She gave a harsh laugh. "Why would I want to stay here? In this dirty, immoral, town filled with dirty, immoral men? I can't wait to get out of here!" she exclaimed. She knew she was hurting him, she could see it in his eyes. But it was no use either of them developing feelings for the other, otherwise someone would end up getting hurt. It was better that they just get what they could from each other and then be done with it. "And believe me, as soon as I have the money, I'm leaving."

"How much do you need?" he asked softly, knowing that it would be a lot.

"I'm not sure. It cost four hundred dollars to get here, probably more to go back. I was planning on finding out today," she answered.

He had hoped the amount would be high. It would take her a long time to save up that much money. She would be here for at least another year. He stood up and said quietly, "Come on, I'll take you to the hotel."

Once they were in the carriage, she began to worry that she had gone too far. Placing her hand on his arm, she said gently, "Nicholas, I'm sorry if I hurt you earlier. I believe you about not playing your game with me. And I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way about you. Maybe I'm just not ready for it, so soon after Henry dying. It'll be awhile before I'll be gone, we can still be friends, right?"

Heartened by her words, he smiled at her, covering her hand with his own. "Of course we can." I have plenty of time to win her heart, he thought to himself.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

Another great chapter, can't wait for the next one.

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