Golden Desire


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"Why? He's obviously a very respectable man, running such a fine hotel as this. Besides I may not get very many nice meals over the next couple of weeks." Seeing the worried look in his wife's eyes, he said, "What's the matter? Are you worried about me going tomorrow?"

Although that wasn't the whole truth of why she was worried it was a part, so she didn't feel she was lying when she replied, "Yes, I am. What if something should happen to you?"

"Like I said before, I can take care of myself," he said, standing tall and wearing a stern expression.

"I was also hoping we could spend some time alone before you go," she said, giving him a shy smile.

Wrapping his arms around her, he said softly, "Don't worry we'll have plenty of time for that after dinner."

Promptly at seven o'clock Nicholas' carriage arrived at the hotel for them. The driver easily guided the horses through the busy, noisy streets.

Victoria was again appalled by the streets of San Francisco. Disgusted with the loud music and laughter pouring out of the gambling houses and shocked by the scantily clad women leaning over the balconies of the brothels, calling to the men in the street below. "I swear I'm not going to leave the hotel once while you're away!" she claimed, clinging to Henry's arm.

After a few minutes, they arrived at Nicholas' home. Victoria was rather surprised to see that even though is was quite large, it was fashioned like a townhouse. Her surprise grew to horror when she realized that on one side of his house was one of the town's gambling houses.

"Henry, look!" she whispered, pointing to Nicholas' neighbor. "He lives right next to one of those places!"

Henry even managed to register some surprise at the situation. "I suppose he doesn't mind," he suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.

A butler greeted them at the door and guided them into a sumptuous sitting room, where Nicholas was waiting for them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Somerset, welcome to my home," he greeted them. His eyes traveled appreciatively over Victoria's evening dress. "You look lovely tonight Mrs. Somerset. That gown is very becoming."

Victoria, smiling, replied, "Thank you Mr. Andrews, you're too kind."

Seeing that Henry was busy admiring the luxurious furnishings, Nicholas leaned forward and in a low whisper said, "Not at all, I was being very modest in my compliment. You look intoxicating in that gown." Victoria saw the low fire in his eyes, and tried to smile at his flattery, while inwardly she was trying to calm the tremors in her stomach.

"I say Andrews, this is quite the house you have here," Henry said, still admiring the room.

"Thank you Mr. Somerset," Nicholas replied, not seeming to be bothered by the familiarity of Henry dropping the Mr. when addressing him. "I spent quite a few years very poor and always dreamed of one day having a house like this."

"Well, congratulations on achieving that," Henry replied. "Make your fortune in the gold mines, did you?" he asked with a smile.

"Actually, no. I came out here with that intention, but saw that many opportunities lay here in town. A fine hotel for one thing. I make my riches by supplying services to those who are here looking for riches."

"Like us!" Henry exclaimed with a laugh.

"Like you, you mean," Victoria replied with a smile. "I would have rather stayed in Albany."

"Is that where you're from? Albany, New York?" Nicholas asked. "You've come a long way, searching for your fortune."

At that point the butler reappeared, announcing that dinner was to be served.

As they walked to the dining room, Henry was more and more impressed by the house. They entered a rather modest dining room, set for three.

"I hope you don't mind us using the lesser dining room, the other is too large for a small party," Nicholas said, as he pulled out a chair for Victoria.

"Oh no, this is fine," she replied, sitting in the chair he offered.

"You have more than one dining room?" Henry asked, obviously impressed. "Vicky, when we build our big house, we'll have to have two dining rooms!"

She glanced at her husband, before turning to Nicholas, "Henry is convinced that he's going to find millions in gold and that we're going to live in a mansion, full of servants, in New York City." She smiled at Henry, "When we're not busy traveling the world, that is."

"You just wait, you'll see," Henry smiled, playfully wagging a finger at her.

They enjoyed a pleasant dinner with delicious food and wine while Henry spun a rather romantic story of their voyage to San Francisco. Victoria couldn't help but notice that Nicholas kept filling her wine glass and she soon lost track of how much she had drank.

After dessert, Nicholas stood and offered to help Victoria, from her chair. "Shall we retire to the drawing room? I have some brandy and cigars for us, Mr. Somerset."

Victoria stood up rather unsteadily, and had to grab onto Nicholas' arm to keep from stumbling. Even though she was tipsy, she was still very aware of the hard muscle beneath his fine evening coat and his closeness as he wrapped his other arm around her waist to support her. The warm, woodsy scent of him enveloped her and combined with the wine her senses reeled.

He chuckled softly, the sound tickling her ear. "Mr. Somerset, I think the wine may have been a bit too strong for your wife."

Taking Victoria from Nicholas, and helping her keep her balance, he also had to chuckle. "She's not used to drinking, I'm afraid."

They settled in the drawing room and once again seated, Victoria's head began to clear.

Suddenly, Henry commented, "I say Andrews, you can't even hear the gambling hall next door. I thought the noise would be overwhelming," He cocked his ear, as if listening for the raucous laughter and music that they had heard when outside the house.

"Yes, I had the walls soundproofed when I built it," he commented, lighting a cigar.

"Built the house, you mean," Victoria asked.

"No, built the gambling hall," Nicholas corrected.

"You own the gambling hall?" she asked, incredulous.

"Actually I own two, along with another hotel," he answered lazily, leaning back in his chair.

She stared at him with wide eyes. "You own two?" She looked to her husband, but as usual, Henry just accepted what was said without much reaction. "Please don't tell me you own a brothel as well!" she exclaimed.

"Oh no, I couldn't," he replied, much to Victoria's relief. Her relief was short-lived when he continued.

"That's only for women."

For a moment she was speechless. "Only for women? Whatever do you mean?" she asked in astonishment.

Looking amused at her shock, Nicholas replied smoothly, "Well, only women own brothels. They're called Madams. A man can't own one, he would be accused of taking advantage of women, but it's alright when one of you does it," he explained.

Victoria didn't know what to say. She was utterly dumbfounded.

Sensing some tension, Henry said conversationally, "So, how long have you been in San Francisco?"

"A couple of years. I was heading out here already when gold was found, so I was one of the first on the scene. And I'm sorry, Mrs. Somerset, but the first thing I did was set up a gambling hall. Second-quickest way to make money in a town full of men." He glanced at her before saying, "I won't mention the first-quickest."

"But that's awful. Gambling is wrong." Crossing her arms, she haughtily declared, "I don't know how you live with yourself."

Nicholas had to laugh. "I live quite nicely with myself, thank you. I'm sorry if it offends you, but it keeps the men occupied and keeps me very comfortable."

Cautiously, she asked, "Do they have these sorts of places where the gold mines are?"

"In Placerville? They certainly do. The main street is lined with them," he said casually.

"Henry, promise me you won't go into any of those places!" she cried.

"Well, I might, but just to have a drink or relax," he replied.

"Come, Mrs. Somerset. They're not all dens of immorality and sin. Some, such as mine next door, are quite civilized. Just a place for men and even women to relax and have some fun," Nicholas said, trying to calm her, even though he found her indignation quite attractive; causing her cheeks to pinken and her deep blue eyes to flash.

"Women?" she asked, even more incredulous than before. "Women of the sort that are out there leaning over their balconies and calling to the men below, I'm sure!"

Calmly, he answered, "No, women not much different from yourself."

"I don't believe it!" she stated, huffily.

"Would you care to see for yourself?" he asked.

"Surely you're not suggesting that we go next door?" she asked, clearly aghast at what he was proposing.

"No, no, of course not," he replied, smiling at her outrage. "Come with me."

He led them from the room and up a flight of stairs. At the end of a hallway, he opened a door from which spilled forth the laughter and music of the gambling house. Nicholas held out his hand inviting them to enter. Henry ventured in first with Victoria reluctantly and cautiously following.

They were in a small, dimly lit room, the only light coming from a large screen set into the far wall. Nicholas indicated the screen, "See for yourself."

Again, Henry went first while Victoria hung back.

"Vicky, you can see the whole place from up here!" he exclaimed.

"I use this room to check on things every now and again," Nicholas explained.

"Come on Vicky, don't you want to see?" Henry asked, looking back at his wife.

"No, I most certainly do not," she said indignantly.

Turning back to the screen, he said, "It's not so bad. There are men tending a bar and playing piano and pretty girls dealing cards and serving drinks."

"Are those the women you were referring to Mr. Andrews?"

"No, it wasn't. Do you see any women at the tables, playing, Mr. Somerset?" he asked Henry, who was still eagerly peering through the screen.

"I'm not sure," he replied, scanning the room. "Oh yes, there's a few of them."

"There, you see?" Nicholas said to Victoria. "A perfectly respectable establishment."

"I would hardly call it that, Mr. Andrews. Women can be tempted by all manner of sin, just the same as men."

Taking a step closer to her, he said in a low voice, "Really? I would like to invite you back here again, after your husband has left to further discuss that."

She turned shocked eyes to him. "Come here, to your home, alone? You must be joking!" she hissed.

"Not at all," he replied smoothly. In a louder voice he said, "Mr. Somerset, would you mind if I invited your wife back here for an afternoon while you're away?"

"No, no, I wouldn't mind at all. That's very kind of you, offering to make sure she isn't too lonely without me," he said with a smile before returning to the screen.

Resuming his low tone, Nicholas said to her, "Your husband doesn't have any objections." He raised his hand and lightly tickled the hairs on the back of her neck, causing her to suck in a shaky breath. "And I am very concerned about you getting lonely," he whispered to her, his breath brushing her cheek.

Victoria knew she should step away or at least insist that he not touch her, but found she could not locate her voice nor her feet. She could only feel his fingers gently tracing small circles on the back of her neck. She closed her eyes to the sensations that radiated out from his touch. Henry's fingertips had never elicited such a reaction, so why was this man able to?

Nicholas flattened his warm palm against her neck and let it skim down over her back. He took a couple of steps towards Henry and said, "Mr. Somerset, you seem very interested in the games. Would you like to go down and play a few hands, on my personal account of course."

Victoria held her breath, praying that Henry would refuse the offer. The idea of spending any amount of time alone with Nicholas sent a tremor down her spine. He had already been extremely forward and that had been when Henry was in the same room. His obvious attraction to her, combined with the large amount of wine she had consumed could only lead to trouble.

Casting a glance at Victoria, he replied with a chuckle, "Oh no, Mr. Andrews, I'm afraid Vicky would have my head if I were to do that. Besides we were hoping to have some time alone tonight, before I go," he said, smiling warmly at Victoria.

They stood by the door, waiting for the carriage to come around. "Thank you for a wonderful evening Mr. Andrews. I enjoyed it immensely," Henry said, shaking Nicholas' hand.

"You're very welcome. Maybe when you return, your wife will permit you an evening next door," Nicholas replied, turning to smile at Victoria.

"Thank you as well for the evening," she said abruptly.

She made to turn away, but Nicholas caught up her hand and drew it to his lips. "You're most welcome, Mrs. Somerset and I look forward to seeing you again," he said before briefly kissing the back of her hand. It seemed an innocent exchange, but the look in his eyes was unmistakable and as she turned to leave, she felt as though his lips had seared her hand.

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joodlejoodlealmost 12 years ago

Well, your Nicholas character has sucked me right in! If this is only the beginning, I can't wait to see what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

I absolutely loved your last story, opels, and the start of this new one is very promising! Please continue, I am eagerly awaiting your next quality installment. :)

StuckInMyCornerStuckInMyCornerover 18 years ago
How wonderful!

I knew you would be back! As usual, excellent writing that always leaves me eager for the next installment.



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