Golden Goddess

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New girl at the factory makes an impression.
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For eleven years Hector had worked at the factory. It was mundane, it was mind numbing, it was tiring. It paid the bills and that, thought Hector, every time he became discouraged was what mattered most. But there were other up sides to the job. The guys he worked with in his section were terrific and they had a little family like rapport. There were 18 of them, but all, each and every single one (aside from Chuck, who everyone agreed was just too strange and a bit pushy and didn't have the best hygiene) was a great stand up guy. Hector could never, or would ever say he loved his job, but going to work was never THAT horrible.

For months the shop steward, Stewart (he got kidded on that a lot) had been pushing for some more help. The area's output required the number originally slated for, twenty. That was only two more people to ease the work load on each of the other guys, thus not only upping the morale in the area, but also potentially increasing production. Management, which had just gotten a very nice and rather large Christmas bonus, complained that money was far too tight but agreed, reluctantly to hire one more person and since diversity was all the rage, they were going to hire a woman. This made the guys cringe. No more sexual jokes amongst themselves, no more horseplay, no more swearing. Morale would NOT go up and production would suffer.

"NO IT WON'T" cried the plant manager, Mr. Schmeckle, "It will GO UP, Just like Stewart said it would or you're ALL fired and we bring in NON-UNION people."

Everyone knew that was an idle threat...or they hoped.

The following Monday the new worker was coming in for the first time. The guys were rather worried and yet, each hoped she'd be a stone cold fox and each had confessed (in the strictest confidence-to almost everyone) that he was hoping for a workplace romance. Even a few of the even ALL of the married guys were saying this. The big moment came at exactly 8:50. Though work started at 9, everyone had shown up early to make sure they were there to greet and check out the new worker.

The door opened and every eye turned. She walked in and jaws dropped. "Holy fucking shit," mumbled Henry. "What the fuck?!?" stammered Richie. "I'm in shock, I, I," was all Hector could get out.

"Hi," she began, "I'm Lucinda Merch. Nice to meet you guys." She went man to man shaking their hands and introducing herself. The guys just stood in stunned silence as she took their hands, shook them and moved on.

She was HIDEOUS. Lucinda stood about 6'3" and was a bit stocky. NOT fat, muscular. Her teeth were a bit too big and her long sandy hair was, well, no one could really put a finger on it. She had fuzz, on her upper lip, extra hairs on her chin and what looked like sparse sideburns. Each guy smiled as he shook her hand and looked, as covertly as he could, for an Adam's apple. Her voice was nearly angelic by comparison, though a bit raspy. Her tits were midsized, but that may have been the bulky clothes or the muscles. Her ears were a bit too large, well, one of them was. Her forehead was huge and protruded slightly. She looked to be maybe somewhere between 30 and 50, but the general consensus was 34.

She finished her introductions and said, "So, where to I work? Where's my station." Stewart had Hector show her to where she'd be working. She had a nice personality. It was the only thing that kept Hector from crying as he walked her over to her spot. They chatted, but that voice was just a bit grating.

Once she was settled in, Hector was to show her what to do. He did not relish his work, but it HAD to be done. Hector just bowed his head and did what he had to do.

On Tuesday, the boys were going out for a few beers after work, Lucinda had overheard and asked if the 'new guy' could tag along. "New, GUY?" they thought. Reluctantly they said sure, of course, but needless to say, they would not be able to discuss 'her' with 'her' there, but, whatever. On Wednesday, Hector, Jerry and Phil had snuck off after work on their own and discussed Lucinda on their own.

"Come on, it's GOT to be a guy," said Phil, convinced of it.

"I'm not so sure. I mean, I've been working close with him...her, whatever for three days, I really think she's a she," Replied Hector. "I mean, she says stuff that only a woman would say. I think, I don't know."

Jerry added, "I don't care WHAT she is, and I do mean, WHAT. I like her, she's funny."

Phil responded with, "So you thinking of asking her out?"

"OH DEAR GOD NO," yelped Jerry, I think she's a wonderful person, but...."OH DEAR GOD NO!"

They parted company vowing to keep their conversation among themselves. Eventually they'd all know whatever there was to know.

At the end of the week, Hector was thrilled be not having to look at Lucinda for a couple of days. Granted, her appearance softened but still..... Had he simply become desensitized? He got home and his brother Randall met him at the door. As for now, all they had was each other. Not the best of arrangements, but since neither was rich, they shared a small two bedroom house that their parents had left them when they moved to Florida upon retirement. Basically, their parents had abandoned them when Randall, the younger of the two, was 24. It had been almost 15 years.

Randall worked at a large warehouse driving a forklift. He was also far more handsome than Hector and unlike Hector; he got girls, LOTS of girls, GORGEOUS girls. He'd romance a new one or three every other week. Hector was rather jealous but knew in his heart he'd meet miss right someday and he'd be the one to gloat. Whenever that day may come, he thought.

"All week long you've been telling me about this Lucinda chick. When do I get to meet her, Bro?" asked Randall.

"You are kidding, right?" retorted Hector. "Have you not heard a word I've said? My Lord, she's AWEFUL!"

"No way she's that bad. Let me stop by work Monday and drop off your lunch or something." Randall was acting like a little dog, yipping at Hector's heals to be let out to pee.

"OK, Fer krissake, shut up. Come by Monday." Hector finally gave in, just to shut the kid up. "Huh, kid my ass. He's 36," he thought.

Monday came and Hector spent the day listening to Lucinda go on and on about...he had no idea. He just kept waiting for Randall, hoping Randall wouldn't say anything embarrassingly stupid when he saw Lucinda. He also thought, "How much longer do I have to train Fido here. I mean, sheesh?"

Around 1 O'clock, Randall came in. He had stopped by the office to check in and was sent to the floor to find Hector and Lucinda. He walked directly over to where his brother was and noticed Lucinda with her back to him. "HEY BRO, GOT YOUR LUNCH RIGHT HERE!" He called out. Lucinda turned. Randall stopped dead in his tracks, dropped the lunch and his jaw.

"HOLY SHIT!" he blurted out making Hector want to crawl under the nearest counter. "Hector told me all about you, but, HOLY SHIT!" Hector was turning beet red. "YOU'RE GORGEOUS!" Hector immediately went from bright read, to pale white. He shook his head.

"Is this asshole playing games? I'll KILL him when I get home."

Randall went right over to Lucinda and took her hand, kissed it like some kind of gentleman and looked right up into her grey eyes. "I am Randall. I am Hector's brother and I am SO pleased to meet you."

Hector was looking for a wrench to smack his brother over the head with, but as Randall spoke, Hector began to realize, "Damn it, I think he's serious."

Randall began to chat up Lucinda. He was ACTUALLY FLIRTING with her. The other guys in the shop were all staring in total disbelief. They knew Randall reputation as a ladies' man and could not fathom any reason why he'd seem legitimately hitting on, of all things, Lucinda. But there he was as though he were talking to a super model. Well, until Stewart called out that he had to leave so that everyone could get back to work. Randall bade a nearly tearful farewell to Lucinda and demanded that Hector get her phone number. Then he left. The whole room stood in stunned silence until Stewart hollered, "GET BACK TO WORK!

That night Hector got home and went to Randall's room. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" He demanded.

"Man, she's hot, I mean, you were screwing with me, right? Why did you say those mean things? You wanted her for yourself, didn't you? You really are an asshole." Randall was fuming. "Did you get her number? I want to call her, RIGHT NOW. Give me her number Hector or I'll kick you in the nuts."

Hector gave him the number and Randall called. He closed the door when he did so that his nosy brother wouldn't listen in. Hector was beside himself. "He's fucking serious." He just shook his head.

Every night they talked for an hour or more and every day at work Hector would have to listen to what they talked about from Lucinda. Finally, Friday came and Randall and Lucinda were going on a date. Hector was 'thrilled'.

Dinner, a movie and a couple of drinks later and both Randall and Lucinda were feeling a bit frisky. Well Randall was feeling frisky while Lucinda was feeling Randy. "I live with my parents. Can we go to your place? Do you think Hector will mind?"

"I don't care. We're going!" said Randall and off they went to the house. When they walked in, Hector jumped. He wasn't completely sure if it was because they startled him or his caught a glimpse of Lucinda. Either way, he wasn't happy about them showing up, but it was one half Randall's house, what could he say. Randall had brought girls home before, but not LUCINDA!

They made their way to Randall's room and locked the door. When Hector heard the door lock, he muttered to himself, "Holy mother, they don't really think I'd wander in there, do they?" He gagged a bit when he said that.

Randall stripped down to his banana hammock. Lucinda stripped off her clothes leaving just her...BRIEFS? "Are those MEN'S briefs?" asked Randall?

"I hadn't done a laundry. I borrowed a pair of my Dad's" she replied. Randall shrugged and attacked her.

They began kissing and groping each other all over. Randall felt her breasts and licked her neck, running his hands over her back as well. He couldn't last, his hard on was pushing the very limits of his man-thong and he felt he'd hurt himself if he didn't release 'The Python' from it's lair. Lucinda obliged him, bent low and managed to get it up and over the head of his throbbing cock. She engulfed his meat with her eager mouth and began to move her head back and forth. She suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" asked Randall, totally bewildered.

"I think you'll enjoy this much more if I do THIS?" and she removed her dental plate from her mouth.


In the other room, Hector began to drink, heavily.

Lucinda went crazy on her new love toy, gobbling him up sliding her gums all over him from time to time fluttering her tongue on his balls.

Then Randall pushed her head back slightly and said, "My turn."

He stood her up, pulled down her pant...underwear and shoved her onto his full sized bed. As she spread her legs to welcome him he exclaimed, "WOW! I've NEVER seen that much hair. It's so WILD AND FREE!"

Hector took another swig straight from the whiskey bottle and began to cry just a little. He wished he could go out or maybe shoot himself, but....

Randall dove into the forest that covered Lucinda's mound and began to suck her lips into his mouth. He stuck his tongue in so deep over and over again, sliding it up and down and round and round. She was SO wet he couldn't believe it.

Hector couldn't either. Between moans and groans and cries of "Yes you stud muffin, yes, he could hear the slurping sounds of his brother going down on the beast. He got up, staggered to the door and went for a walk. He went for a stagger.

Randall suggested going into a 69 which Lucinda immediately accepted, her on top. As she renewed her assault on his cock and he continued with her drinking of her juices, both were calling out vile disgusting things. He'd scream out, "Suck it you bitch. Suck that cock like you MEAN it!" She'd counter with "Lap my twat cockbreath, lap up my wetness, DROWN if you have to in my womanhood!"

It was good Hector had left.

After several minutes of this, Lucinda got off of Randall and yelled, "Fill my hole, fill it with that manmeat, drive it home stud boy and fill me with cum!" Randall did. He mounted her from behind and loaded his torpedo into her tube screaming, "TORPEDO TUBE LOADED CAPTAIN!" Then he coughed on a pubic hair that had caught in his throat. It might have been a few pubic hairs.

He began to thrust like a piston engine, back and forth, back and forth their flesh slapping so loudly the dog next door was startled. Hector was about 4 blocks away sitting on a bench praying they would finish soon.

Randall just pumped and pumped, "Slap my ass you dildo wielding fuck-machine!" Lucinda cried out, "Slap it hard, make it red!" and he did.

Within a few more minutes, Randall could tell he was going to cum, but he didn't want to cum alone. "I'm CLOSE, you whore, I'm close but I want you to cum with me. Rub that clit, RUB IT!" he ordered. Then he slapped her ass again, harder. She obeyed and began to rub herself for all she was worth. He coughed again and cleared his throat.

All at once, he could feel she was close by the way she began to tense her muscles, he knew now was the time. "I'M CUMMING!" "ME TOOOOOOOOOOO!" and both of them came together, Randall's sauce filling her like he'd never filled anything in his life. When he pulled out, Lucinda whipped around with amazing speed and latched her lips around his cock, sucking him dry and stroking his sack. Then, they both collapsed on Randall's bed.

An hour went by. Lucinda said, "I think I gotta get home. My mom worries." It was 3 a.m. Randall got dressed and watched her do the same. Then off they went.

When Randall got home, Hector was sitting in the living room, pale as a ghost. Randall said to him, "Bro, thank you for introducing us. She's AMAZING." Hector just stared ahead, VERY drunk. "You OK?" asked Randall.

"Yeah, yeah. I gotta get to bed. I just hope I can sleep."

Monday morning he got to work and there was Lucinda in a fabulous mood. She saw Hector and walked over to him, hugging him and kissing him on the cheeks. "Randall is AMAZING!" she declared. Hector replied, "He said the exact same thing about you." He smiled and went to his own area quietly.

Later on, at lunch, Lucinda came up to Hector and said, "Best sex I've EVER had, and I've had a lot!"

Phil overheard and looked over at both of them. "You had SEX? With Hector's BROTHER?"

"Yup." Then Lucinda got very serious. She sat down next to Hector (who wasn't feeling himself all of a sudden.) and said, "I've fucked plenty of guys. This pussy is VERY real and VERY responsive to big manly cocks and if it weren't for the pill, I'd have punched out a whole lotta kids by now. These are very real lady parts here boys owned by a very real lady."

Stewart had just entered when he heard this, quickly exited before being seen and vomited into a nearby trash barrel.

"We never said otherwise Lucinda. You know us. We LOVE you." Piped up someone from the other side of the room.

Lucinda got up and began to laugh like hell. "I'm fucking with you guys! But that was the best sex and Randall really knows how to treat a lady!"

She left it at that. What the hell did she mean? Was she going to just leave them hanging like that? YES SHE WAS.

When Hector got home he sat down with Randall. "What the hell, man. You get tail ALL the time, some damn fine looking girls, too. What the hell, LUCINDA? Why? How? What the..."

Randall looked into his brother's eyes and explained. "Bro, I DO get lots of hot girls. I'm sick of them. Most are superficial. Most are only beautiful on the outside, at least the ones I've been seeing. I could sense something special about Lucinda and if you look close, she's really not bad looking." At this, Hector cringed. I think I'm falling in love with her. Hector cringed again and felt a little woozy. "I mean it. I could find out in a year or so that she's not Ms. Right, but I want to find out the right way. And I gotta say, she's DYNAMITE in the sack. When I got her home the other night, we did it on her back porch again. She's AMAZ..." "Yeah, I know, AMAZING." Said Hector finishing the word he hoped to never hear again.

"Oh, and Hector, she's all woman, I mean REALLY ALL WOMAN. No fears, OK?"

Hector just said, "Thank God."

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Humpdee84Humpdee84over 9 years agoAuthor
Of COURSE it was meant to be funny

But one can convey a message with humor. I'm sorry you wasted your time.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

I thought it was funny. Just for the guys reactions alone made it humorous.

Humpdee84Humpdee84over 9 years agoAuthor
That's unfortunate

It's not so much a joke as a lesson that good women come in all shapes, sizes, colors and....well, beauty is only skin deep. There was no joke, per se, it was a STORY that made fun of people's reactions to ugly or the perception of what ugly is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What's the joke?

I don't get it

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