Golden Rook Ch. 61-67


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"He's afraid she'll leave with me if he allows her to speak to me?" The god's glower made the air feel cool.

"No, Divinity. It would be the same as if he allowed me to speak with her, you wounded her by leaving. If she is fragile it would hurt her to speak to you."

"I was commanded-"

"Syreilla said you had abandoned her twice before." Cyran interrupted them.

Vezar inclined his head, "Abandonment is something she cannot bear. If your father was angry, Divinity, and commanded her to leave you to face his fury alone she would have defied him. She does not allow those she loves to face dangers or horrors alone."

"She left Kwes and I-"

"That was me." Odos sighed and moved to take a seat on a stone bench. "I wore her face while she remained in the mine. Both you and my little magpie had a small taste of the education I gave her while she earned a promise of support from the dwarven gods. She was sour with me for making you both have a poor opinion of her."

Folding his arms, Cyran gave the god a frigid look that reminded Vezar strongly of Imos. "I'm disappointed in you, Uncle. And I notice that my cousin doesn't call you 'Uncle', why is that?"

"I haven't had time to break him of his decorous habits." The god looked old for a moment, "I wasn't abandoning her, and I didn't abandon you, I knew the goddess I left you with would be kind. With my father, you have to step back and let him calm before you approach. I'd talked him to the point he was willing to be gentle with her. After she'd slammed him into a wall and provoked him over the paintings in the bower she found you in, Vezar, that was a task."


"Uncle. Call me 'Uncle', Vezar." Odos lifted his face from his hand with a growing smile, "Or 'Father'. Humans take their spouses' parents as their own."

Vezar studied him carefully, "The goddess confessed she wished to seduce me to have a hold on my treasure. You wish to do the same."

"I'm not seducing you. We are family and I'm not asking for something without offering you something in exchange. I'll help you get back into my Rook's good graces if you'll help me do the same. I need to know when she leaves and where she goes. It's the only way I'll be able to see her, my uncle made that clear."

He took a breath and gave a curt nod, "Done. Zyulla will be free soon, the divinity is certain. The stones will need to be returned."

"At least one she'll take back herself. The goddess of war-"

"Bone White." Vezar interrupted him. "She gave her word to return that stone personally, the divinity sent me to speak with him to thank him for the lend of it and to be clear that she is his Golden Rook. The elf god with large eyes wishes to steal her away. Bone White said her only concern is for the task she was given and she would not be stolen as long as she had one. He was impressed with her."

"My rooks are loyal." Odos looked grimly proud for a moment. "I'm not surprised the clever boy wants her. I knew they'd get along well, at least until she tried to rain dragon's fire on the goddess who seduced you."

"The clever boy..." Vezar felt a little ill remembering the stories, somehow he hadn't connected the elven god of wits to the clever boy, the personification of mischief and madness, the wildness of the wood. Either way, he was known for getting what he wanted.

"I... I don't know the gods you're speaking of." Cyran's brow was furrowed as he watched them both.

"I can tell you of them, Cyran, but another time." Vezar smiled faintly, "Syreilla had to be taught who the gods were. She had to be prodded to pay attention and I doubt she remembers all of the names. Her eyes glazed over and she fidgeted like a child during her lessons. The plans of the temples held her interest more."

"You have to let her do something with her hands." Odos stood from his seat. "I had to teach her about resins and how to mix sleeping powders to put in wine. She did the same. One of my suppliers came to sell me on some new concoction he'd put together and I had her working locks while we spoke. My little rook was able to mix the powders and recite what had been said as if she'd been sitting and studying under the man."

"How did she learn to mix dragon's fire?" Cyran tilted his head slightly, "Would the mage have let her play with a lock while he taught her?"

"Who can say? He probably let her mix it as he spoke. I would have been concerned she'd maim or kill herself with it if she wasn't paying attention but... Zylius had no such concerns. That she's quick and lucky..." He looked as if he were remembering something, staring into the middle distance. "If you want a gift for her, she likes to browse libraries. The next time you take Uncle a lich, bring its books back with you."

"There are a few lingering dead, a lich among them, who need to be collected. I was told that I could wait until she agreed to go with me."

"Take your cousin."


"I learned how to lay some of her wards and to dispel the wards of others." Cyran inclined his head. "I can try to help you. It's a noble task, sending them to death."

"You were formidable when we last met." Vezar found himself smiling and he bowed. "I will try to keep you safe."

"Take this." Odos offered the man the stone on a chain. "You can draw from it as you need to, and it may help you see the wards before you trip them."

Confessing to using the lingering dead for that task seemed unnecessary and the thought of returning with gifts for his treasure made Vezar eager to begin. "I will open the door."


Hevtos stepped back into the Rook's chamber with a smile. He'd been looking forward to seeing the changes she'd made. Pausing a moment, he admired what she'd done. Tree roots, the warm golden color of her bed, snaked down the black walls and the ceiling looked like the underside of an uprooted tree. It gave the impression of being both under the ground and above it with the open balconies.

Loud laughter rang into the chamber and he followed it out, down a short flight of stairs to the open, enlarged balcony.

"Landing is the most important part, little bird." Zhetrahmihethrah was curled on the balcony grinning at Syreilla.

"But it was the least fun!"

The dragon began to laugh again and the half-elf grinned impishly, perched on the balustrade.

"You've met your niece, my Golden Rook, Zhetrahmihethrah."

"Did she truly leap from my cursed uncle's walls with your stone, Father?"

"She did. If she were not a goddess she would have died on my doorstep, she struck with such force."

"I told you! Flying was wonderful until I landed, Uncle."

The dragon laughed again. "You fell, little bird!" Spreading his dark blue iridescent wings in the imitation of sunlight for her to see he teased, "You need a pair of these to do it properly."

"I'll see if I can steal some the next time I go out." She laughed and leaned back as if she would go over the edge backwards as he swiped at her with a wing.

Hevtos stepped forward with concern but the half-elf popped back up grinning, utterly unafraid.

"Thieves can be useful, Uncle Zhetra!"

"Thieves can be eaten, little bird!"

She folded her arms and looked as if she were pouting and Hevtos shook his head, "Syreilla, you have been asked for. You promised to return Bone White's stone?"

"I did." The Rook leapt down from her perch and trotted over with a rueful smile. "It would have been nice to see him again if I were still on good terms with him." She turned back to the dragon lounging on her balcony, "I hope you'll visit me again, Uncle Zhetra. You're welcome any time you like."

"Zhetrahmihethrah." He corrected her gently, stretching his wings again. "When you can say it properly I may take you flying."

Syreilla grinned broadly and dipped into a theatrical bow, "Zhetrahmy Ethrah."

"Close, little bird." With a grin, he heaved himself up and turned to leap from the balcony.

"You find his name so difficult?" Hevtos escorted her from the chamber with a frown.

"No, Uncle, I want a firm promise that he'll take me flying before I say it properly." She gave him a mischievous smile, "I like him. He said you promised to make the land he flies over more like the land of the living years ago."

"I try to give my sons enough to content them, but my power has been limited by my brother for some time."

"Would it help to combine things?"

He noticed the almost innocent smile on her face and arched his eyebrow.

"I just mean that the reward, that horrible blank-faced sunshine room, is fairly large and if you changed a few things in it you might consider letting him fly over it like his own Kingdom of people to-"

"I remember your conversation with Odos, my Golden Rook." He tried not to smile at her. "Now that I have the ability to do more again, I may allow you to make suggestions. The thought of making my sons the rulers of realms of eternal rest and reward has some appeal." Giving up and smiling at her wide-eyed innocent expression, he added, "As does allowing you to judge those who come to me with your name on their lips."

She made a delighted sound and embraced him.

"Come. Bone White is waiting."

Syreilla composed herself and gave a nod. "I think I remember where Finwion opened the door."

"I will open it, Syreilla, but from the doorstep."

"Yes, Uncle."

Outside, when he opened the door, he watched her tilt her chin up and put on a serious expression before stepping through. Following, he found her looking curiously at an excitedly gesturing Finwion. Her head tilted to one side and then the other and the elf began to laugh and flap bent arms like wings.

"Are you trying to provoke my Golden Rook?" Hevtos frowned at the elven god of wits, mischief, and madness.

"I'm fond of him, Uncle, it's difficult to provoke me when I'm fond of you. And I'm glad enough he didn't get into much trouble that I'm not sour about the teasing." She gave the elf a mischievous smile and he held out his arms as if asking for an embrace.

"She's mine, Finwion. If I will not return my Golden Rook to her father, I will not give her to you."

Wrinkling her nose, Syreilla leaned to whisper loudly to the elf, "I've just gotten my own room, I'm not giving that up. It has a nest bed!"

The elf beamed at her.

"I will give you some birds for the nests you built on your roof, my Golden Rook. I will find some that are lovely."

"I wanted rooks too, Uncle. I like songbirds, but the room felt so empty... Rooks are clever birds that like company."

"Ah." He smiled at the hopefulness of her suggestion but it faded as the elf put his head on Syreilla's shoulder and smiled blissfully.

Before he could chide again, the sound of stone rubbing against stone drew his attention to the shore of the black lake. His Rook stepped closer to his side as if she were nervous. Finwion sighed, turning to face the approaching figure.

"Hevtos. It has been some time since I had the pleasure of seeing you on my shore."

"It was always a pleasure to visit with you, Nimphon. This is a new vessel?" He gestured toward the stone boat. "A boat of stone?"

"Your Golden Rook brought it to me. Dwarves are clever, if only they could be civil."

Syreilla began tilting her head and Hevtos gave her a cautioning glance. The girl dipped her head and inched closer.

"You have no need to be nervous, speak, Rook."

"Dwarves are usually impolite because elves are first. I get along with dwarves well."

Nimphon looked mildly amused and held out his hand, "My stone?"

The half-elf looked to him for guidance and Hevtos offered her the stone. She took it with a curt nod and advanced toward Nimphon as if she expected some sort of punishment.

As he took the stone from her, Nimphon smiled faintly, "You expect me to be angry with you?"

"Yes." Syreilla squared her shoulders and tilted her chin up but the elf smiled.

"He explained to me the provocation from Rielle. What you did you should not have done, and I must remove my approval, but it is not so great a thing that it should end friendships. You believed Finwion would turn on you and let you take all of the blame?"

Her head tilted, "Yes," her tone was baffled that he hadn't.

Taking hold of her chin, Nimphon peered into her eyes with a growing frown. "Chide her father. He has let her take the blame for his actions. If he would do such things how can she trust others not to."

"I have done so and I will do so again. He is a poor father. I wished to speak with you of another matter as well, Nimphon. You have an elf among your dead-"

"I know the one you speak of. I saw the damage done to her and knew where it had come from, Hevtos. He damaged many."

"I stopped him." Syreilla's chin went back up. "I didn't know there were gods who would see some kind of justice given so I tried to do it myself."

Nimphon's smile returned, "I would expect nothing less from a young goddess of vengeance. But chide him three times, Hevtos, for encouraging her ignorance. Though, if he had not, she would be nesting in Finwion's trees."

At that, the large-eyed elf began wagging his finger at someone approaching.

"You want to chide me but don't speak my name?" Odos sounded amused. "I want my Rook back, Uncle."

"Syreilla the Rook belongs to me." Hevtos turned to give his nephew a cool look, "I have come to love her, and I will protect her tender heart as you have not done. My Golden Rook has a home and family who will not abandon her."

"I do not abandon my fledglings, I give them room to-" Odos stopped speaking with a surprised look as Syreilla ducked under Hevtos' arm.

He smiled faintly down at the half-elf, who was looking up at him adoringly, feeling almost as surprised as her father looked.

"It's my choice, isn't it, Uncle?"

"You came to me willingly, if you asked me to release you..." It would be bitter if she chose to leave and difficult to untangle her from his plans. His smile faded.

"I'm happy where I am, Uncle. As long as I can come and go when I need to, I'll return home to you."

"You may, as long as you use the door properly. I will have enough tasks to keep you occupied and content, my Golden Rook. I've noticed how much you enjoy purpose."

He couldn't help but answer her delighted smile with one of his own.

"Syreilla the Rook." Nimphon sounded pleased. "I would enjoy hearing the tales of you using the doors improperly."

"I'm known for finding creative ways into places if the easy ways have been secured." She grinned broadly at Finwion who was giving her a sceptical look. "It's true! Go ask the Magpie!"

"I could tell him of how you escaped the chamber my father had built to punish me when I was young, a feat I couldn't manage, and stole his stone from a room he thought impenetrable." Odos smiled faintly. "Not even I expected you to leap from the wall to escape and I was the one who trained you."

Finwion gasped and gestured for her to tell the tale, but Syreilla just grinned and flapped her arms mockingly as the elf had earlier, sending him into a laughing fit.

"You flew?" Nimphon looked at her with surprise.

"I did, and very well too, until I hit the ground." She gave Bone White an impish grin and Finwion doubled over, sobbing with laughter.

The white-haired elf looked baffled and Hevtos smiled, shaking his head, "She dove from his wall and opened the door at the ground. My Golden Rook struck on my doorstep. If she were mortal she would not have survived it."

Finwion looked at her with surprise and gestured to the ground.

"I wasn't sure how far away I needed to get before I opened the door, so I waited until the last possible moment." She laughed as his mouth dropped open and he began hopping in place.

"She's always been fearless." Odos sounded proud but Syreilla's smile faded as she turned to look at him.

"No, Master Odos. It's just that the things I'm afraid of have never included death." Her face softened as Odos looked away with a pained expression. "I have you to thank for my education, when I find something that frightens me now, I drown it in dragon's fire."

"I wish you would call me 'Father', Syreilla, I wanted you to be returned so that I could try to be a better one. Uncle said you believed I abandoned you and I swear to you I didn't. I had to step away so that I could talk my father into being calm and releasing you. But when we returned..."

Hevtos smiled as the half-elf looked to him for guidance again. "He may visit your part of my home if you wish to invite him, but he is not to roam freely, and he must enter and leave through the threshold, as you must."

"Thank you, Uncle." Turning back to Odos, she looked almost shy, "If you wanted to visit."

"Yes! If it can be permitted I may bring Cyran. He's chosen to become a god of mediation and healing, he may be helpful."

"He may come to my doorstep and I will consider it." Hevtos turned to take his leave from Nimphon and saw the approving smile cross the white-haired elf's face as he inclined his head and turned to go back to the stone boat.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You have a dwarven boat! That is a pretty funny line between the elven andhuman gods

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