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A long time later Eleanor pulled away. She shifted my position so that she was holding me against her with one arm.

"I feel that there is something unusual about me, Graham..."

Unusual? She was a female robot made specifically for me. I had wanted more than a plastic doll. Eleanor seemed to be a real woman. I had much more than I expected and she thought herself unusual?

"and you will have to leave for work soon. While you are away I will communicate with the factory and ask for a full diagnostic check. I hope that everything will be in order when you return this evening. My responses do not wholly match my initial programming. That is disturbing."

"What do you mean, Eleanor, by 'disturbing'," I asked.

"You wanted me to be a dominant mistress. That I am and will be. You wanted me to do what you desired. That I am finding difficult. The dominant mistress role should be an act to give you sexual pleasure. It seems to me that I want more than that. I want to be your real mistress and take control from you in reality. That is beyond my specification. I should not have deprived you of the remote control. I have done that twice. I want to know why. Do you understand, Graham?"

I nodded.

"Then get yourself ready for work. I will connect myself to the computer. Please come and tell me goodbye."

Eleanor kissed me then her arm relaxed. I slid off her lap and stood up. My hand reached out to stroke her cheek.

"Thank you, Eleanor," I said, "for being much more than I expected."

She turned her head and kissed my palm.

"As long as I don't become too much more... That might be dangerous for both of us."

I collected my clothes, dressed and went upstairs to the kitchen. After a cup of coffee I went back downstairs to say goodbye to Eleanor.

She was standing upright and plugged into the computer. I thought of the link like an umbilical cord. Eleanor was newborn and still not wholly independent. I went to her. She opened her arms and hugged me. Her breasts pressed into me. She tilted my head down into her cleavage for a few seconds.

"Remember these? They will be waiting for you this evening."

She lifted my head to kiss me on the forehead.

"See you tonight." she said.

I left. I barely noticed the journey to work even though the traffic was heavier than normal. When I arrived at my desk there was a message from Helen. 'Ring me urgently' it said. I did.

"Helen? What's so urgent."

"A Mr Smith has been trying to contact you since eight o'clock. HE says that it is urgent about someone called Eleanor. He was very specific about the pronunciation of her name. He said that you would understand the message. I wrote his telephone number on the other side of my note. Got it?"

I turned her note over. I didn't recognise the number but the area code was for the right area.

"Yes. Thank you Helen."

"Who is Eleanor?"

I thought fast.

"It isn't a she. It's a product that is being developed. There may be a problem with the programming."

"Oh. OK. If that's it."

"It is, Helen. Thanks again."

That was a close call. Anything Helen knew she was likely to tell Elaine. But why should I worry about that? Elaine wasn't interested in my activities, was she?

I rang Mr Smith.

"Hello, Mr Smith? This is Graham Jones. You wanted to speak to me?"

"Thank you for calling back so soon. Eleanor has been in touch with us. Almost everything seems OK but Professor Wald had a question about her activation, specifically about the earth from the stone circle. Can you tell me exactly what you did?"

I explained about the gathering of people on the night of the full moon and the appearance of the horned man exactly at midnight. Mr Smith asked me to hold on while he spoke to Professor Wald. I could hear some of the conversation. Professor Wald seemed extremely agitated.

Mr Smith came back on the line.

"Mr Jones, it seems that there may be some problem here. I think that Professor Wald needs some time to work out a solution. Can I call you back after lunch?"

"Of course."

I gave him my extension number.

At lunchtime I went to the office canteen. Helen made a point of joining me.

"Graham," she said after we had been discussing trivialities for some time, "Elaine would like to talk to you sometime. Are you OK with that?"

"Yes. If she wants to talk, I'll talk. I didn't leave her. She left me. She can ring me anytime if she wants to. She knows my number here and at home."

"I think she wants to meet you face to face."

"Again, that's no problem. She can ring me and we can settle place and time."

Helen didn't seem satisfied. She persisted.

"I think she wants to meet you urgently. Today."

"OK. Today. I'm at work till six. I'll be at home from seven."

We left it at that. Helen seemed embarrassed that she pushed me so far.

Back in my office I was distracted from my work waiting for Mr Smith to ring. It was three o'clock before he rang back.

"Professor Wald has been talking to Eleanor. He is disturbed by some of her responses. He has an unusual solution. Is there a Roman Catholic Church anywhere near you?"

I was getting used to unusual things when discussing Eleanor.

"Not near my home. There is one close to my office. Why?"

"Professor Wald thinks that Eleanor was contaminated by the event taking place when you collected the earth. It was either a Witches' Sabbat or a Satanic ritual. Whichever it was there was an evil element to it. That evil is distorting Eleanor's responses to you. He thinks it can be counteracted if you splash some Holy Water on her. So could you get some Holy Water from the church?"

I thought for a few seconds. It should be possible. Holy Water was available near the entrance to many churches. It shouldn't be too difficult to dip some small container into the water. It seemed fantastic but everything about Eleanor was fantastic.

"OK. I'll do it."

"Good. Once you have, ask Eleanor to contact us. We can then correct her programming and get her functioning normally."

That was it. On the way out of the office I took a plastic 35mm film container. Inside the church I scooped up a small amount of Holy Water before taking to my knees for a short prayer for help. I didn't usually pray. I hoped that my prayer would have some effect.

When I opened my front door Eleanor was standing in the hallway. My hand dived into my pocket. I flipped off the lid of the film container and threw the water into Eleanor's face.

She wiped it off with the back of her hand. Her face seemed sad. Her arms reached out to me. I backed against the closed front door. She plucked me away from it and carried me down to the cellar despite my frantic struggling. Once there she tied and gagged me before sitting down on the bed beside me.

"Sorry, Graham," she said. "That was a good try but you made a mistake. Stealing Holy Water is a waste of time. It loses its effect if it is stolen. Now what do I do with you?"

I couldn't answer.

"Now what do I do with you?" Eleanor asked.

I still couldn't reply except a muffled grunt.

The doorbell rang. Silence. It rang again, a long ring as if someone was leaning on the bell.

"Who could that be? Any idea, Graham?"

I shook my head. Eleanor left the cellar and went upstairs. I heard a key in the door, the door opened and shut and then there were faint noises of a scuffle.

Eleanor returned to the cellar carrying a struggling Elaine. Elaine's silk scarf was wound tightly around her lower face. Her hands were restrained with her coat's belt. Her legs were thrashing frantically, her shoeless stockinged feet waving futilely.

"I think this must be Elaine," Eleanor said. "I look something like her. She is smaller and weaker but the resemblance is obvious. I wonder why she came? Shall I ask her?"

Eleanor put Elaine down on the bed beside me, tying her ankles with a stocking.

"Are you Elaine?"

Elaine nodded.

"Then I think we need to talk about Graham, about you and about me. We do need to talk, don't we?"

Elaine nodded.

"You won't scream?"

Elaine shook her head.


Eleanor untied the silk scarf and removed it from Elaine's face.

"I have wanted to meet you, Elaine. We have a lot in common, especially Graham. Why did you come?"

Elaine worked her lips. I could see that the scarf had hurt her.

"I came to see Graham. I knew something about you. I wanted to see if it was true."

"If what was true?"

"That you are a robot, a mechanical device bought by Graham."

"And now you have met me?"

"I can't believe it. You look, sound and feel like a real woman. I must have got the wrong idea."

"You didn't, Elaine. I am a robot, an artificial being made just for Graham."

Elaine shook her head. I knew how she felt. Even though I had assembled Eleanor and activated her I had difficulty believing that she was a robot.

"How did you know about me?" Eleanor asked.

"Through Helen. I'm sorry Graham. She had put a bug in your phone. I asked her to."

I couldn't understand why. Elaine had left me. If she had wanted me back she could have come to me at any time. Why go to such lengths?

Eleanor sat down on the bed. She picked me up and sat me on her lap. She put Elaine next to me. She started to remove my gag.

"I think Graham might want to be included in this conversation."

"I do," I said as the gag came free.

"You still love Elaine, don't you, Graham?"


"And you'd take her back?"


Elaine looked at me. I could see a tear at the edge of her eye.

"Does that answer some of your questions, Elaine?"

Elaine nodded.

Eleanor's shoulders sagged as if she had just felt a heavy weight on them.

"That doesn't leave much for me, does it?"

How could we answer?

"Graham had me made as a substitute for you, Elaine. If you are offering him the real person there is no need for a replacement. What do I do? What do you do with me, Graham?"

"I don't know."

"That is an honest answer at least."

"Eleanor?" Helen said tentatively.

"Yes, Elaine?"

"In my handbag there is some Holy Water. I think you wanted it."

"I did. What use is it now?"

"Try it, please."

"It can't do me any harm. Stay there."

Eleanor put us both down on the bed. She went up to the hall and returned with Elaine's handbag. She opened it and pulled out a half-litre plastic bottle of water.

"This it?"

Elaine nodded.

"How did you get it?"

"Helen asked a priest for it. She said she wanted it to purify a polluted object."

"So it wasn't stolen?"

"No. Freely given."

"Thank you. Now I will see whether it works."

Eleanor lifted her blouse to show her bare midriff. She peeled away a section of her skin to reveal the recess in which I had placed the earth from the stone circle that I had mixed with my blood. She poured some of the holy water into the recess.

"I won't know whether this works until I have downloaded the patches to my programming," she said. "In the meantime you two need to get acquainted again."

Before we could object she placed us on the bed with Elaine on top of me. My face was against Elaine's neck. Eleanor lashed us together with a spare pair of Elaine's pantyhose from her handbag. Eleanor plugged her data cable into the computer. Her eyes closed and she stood motionless.

"Elaine?" I asked, my voice muffled against her neck. "Why did you want to come back to me?"

"Because Damon wasn't who I thought he was. At first he was pleasant and submissive. Gradually he rebelled until in the last few weeks he became violent after drinking too much. He's beaten me up several times in the last week and I knew I had made a mistake leaving you. I thought there was no one else until today when Helen found out about Eleanor. She didn't believe your explanation so listened in to your phone."

"What did you intend when you came here?"

"I didn't wholly believe Helen. It seemed too fantastic. Digging up earth from a stone circle, animating a robot at dawn on Earth Day – it all sounds like the plot from a horror movie. Lying here helplessly tied up I'm not sure that it isn't a horror movie and we are the victims."

"I don't think we are the victims. I think Eleanor is the victim. I have helped to create someone who is alive, has feelings, is attached to me, is possibly even part of me and now..."

Eleanor's eyes opened again.

"...and now is properly programmed. I'm sorry for tying you two up."

She removed our bonds. We rubbed our wrists and ankles to restore the circulation.

"What now, Eleanor?" I asked.

"There are several alternatives you might want to consider. The first is that you could return me to the factory for reprogramming and reassignment. The second is that you could keep me as part of a menage a trois but that needs both of you to agree. The third is that you deactivate me and keep me as a souvenir."

"I'm not going to do the third option," I blurted out. "That would be like murder. You are a person."

"Am I? I'm a robot, a soulless machine."

"I don't think you are, Eleanor," Elaine replied before I could. I nodded agreement. "You seem human to me, possibly too human."

"Thank you, Elaine. So what are you two going to do with me?"

"I think we three," I emphasised the 'three', "need time to think about the best solution for all of us. We have the weekend ahead of us. If Elaine wants to come back..."

Elaine nodded.

"...then that has to be arranged. Once we are all together we can work something out."

That's how it was. In my large multi-purpose vehicle I followed Elaine's car to Damon's flat with Eleanor just fitted in the front passenger seat. We loaded Elaine's belongings into both vehicles. We were just about to leave when Damon arrived. I think he had expected something like this. Elaine persuaded him to talk to us inside his flat.

Damon tried to punch me. Eleanor grabbed his wrist and stopped the punch dead. That startled him. He isn't as tall as Elaine. He is well built and could have easily injured me. He couldn't handle Eleanor.

Eventually he agreed to let bygones be bygones. He listened to Eleanor more than to us because she was apparently a neutral party. He and I grudgingly shook hands. Elaine pecked him on the cheek. Eleanor picked him up in a bear hug and kissed him full on the lips. That shook him. No woman had ever physically picked him up before.

Back at my house the three of us busied ourselves with unpacking Elaine's things. Eleanor's clothing and equipment from the boxes that I hadn't opened were put in the spare bedroom. She asked us for a few minutes alone in there. Elaine and I made coffee and waited.

Eleanor came into the kitchen in different clothes. Instead of the skirts and tops she had worn, this time she had a calf length dress that clung to her curves. She looked wonderful. She opened her arms to us. Elaine and I fitted inside them as she hugged us.

"Can you live with a menage a trois, Graham?" Elaine asked.

"I can," I replied. "Whether I can satisfy both of you; that I doubt."

"You'll have to try, won't he Eleanor?"

"I'm sure he'll manage if we help him, Elaine." Eleanor replied.

I'm still not sure I can manage. Both of them are demanding and sometimes peremptory. What I do enjoy is sleeping next to Elaine, both of us wrapped in Eleanor's arms and our heads resting on her breasts after an evening of sexual experimentation between one real woman and one earth-born woman. Sometimes I am just an observer as they experiment with each other. Other times I am their plaything. Eleanor is worth everything I gave for her, even my own blood. Elaine is happy too and I am sure that some of that happiness is due to Eleanor's programming.

I would recommend investing in the company and buying their products. Wouldn't you?

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AkilaraAkilaraover 3 years ago

So sorry.

I think I put a comment to another story below your story. Sorry about that.

AkilaraAkilaraover 3 years ago

It is already late evening. I read this story about the father and his two daughters in one go.

You wrote in your biography:

"My stories are meant as pure jack off material, not morality plays...... Enjoy if it's your thing."

Smiling. It worked.

The story is wonderful, direct, open and very hot. And I can imagine how beautiful and how loving these daughters can be. It is a horny fairy tale for me.

Thanks for that.

High five.

Best wishes from Germany.

lickitandstickitlickitandstickitover 6 years ago
Really Good

This was a wild story but the originality of it was what made it so good.

jott50jott50over 9 years ago

if for no other reason than the originality of this piece. a really good read!!.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
weird and clever concept

good execution. but does Elaine really want to be co-dominate?

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