Good Demon, Bad Angel


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"He's trying to attack me," Demon informed.

"Don't worry," Angel said. "As long as you fearlessly oppose him, he can't do shit to you, Gray."

"Can you take him," Gray asked?

"Angels and demons can't use violence against each other," she explained.

"Just teleport him away, then," Gray ordered.

"That counts as violence."


"Get down, cover her, and close your eyes," Angel ordered.

"Shit," Gray exclaimed, realizing exactly what she had planned. He turned to Demon, pushed her down into a crouch with him, and wrapped his body around her as much as he could while closing his eyes, but the growing brightness still hurt. He heard the guard cry out in pain and collapse onto the floor.

He felt Angel guiding him to stand, but when he opened his eyes, he couldn't see. It was dark, but still with faint swirls of light, so he knew he was not permanently blinded. Angel touched his forehead and his vision returned in a few seconds.

The guard was slowly writhing on the floor, with smoking, sizzling flesh. Gray checked Demon, who had received light burns on her more exposed parts.

"Get her to the bedroom," Angel ordered. He started to go, but she stopped him. "You need to make her stronger. That's the only way out of this. This guy's gonna heal fast, and you're the only one I can save. If you want to protect her, then make her stronger." She touched his forehead, and his physical senses suddenly dulled. "Go. I can take care of you later."

Gray pulled Demon into the bedroom and lock themselves in.

"I don't want to," Demon said, on the verge of crying. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I think she dulled my sense of touch." He slapped himself several times. "Yeah, I can barely feel anything. You need to drink," he pleaded, holding a wrist up to her.

She looked from him to his wrist and back, hesitant, but he nodded, so she closed her eyes and bit into his flesh. It was sharp enough a pain that it caused him to wince, but it was bearable. She swallowed gulp after gulp, and after about 30 seconds, he could see her skin turn pink, and by the time he started feeling lightheaded, she was distinctly red.

"That's enough," he panted. Her eyes shot up to him. Her orbs were solid black, and she continued drinking. He tried to pull away, but her grip was firm. She let go only when he passed out and fell onto the bed.

"Move, bitch," was heard through the door, capturing Demon's attention. She marched toward the bedroom door, slamming a raised palm against it, burst through, without pause, and headed straight for the guard.

"Oh, shit," The guard cried out in terror, and Angel lunged away.

Demon grabbed him by the shoulders and ripped one of his arms clean off. He briefly screamed in pain. Demon threw the arm aside, then pushed her fingertips in between two of his lower ribs and ripped them away. She was about to reach into that gaping hole for his internal organs, then she heard Angel.

"Stop!" Demon jerked her head around to look at her. "Let him be a messenger." Angel looked at the guard. "This isn't just about corrupting a human, is it? They want a blood demon they can control, don't they?" Demon returned her attention to him.

"Y- Yes," the guard confirmed.

"You're their ticket to greater power. That's why they let you live," Angel elaborated to Demon.

Demon slowly pushed her fingers into the guard's entrails, and he cried out in pain.

"If anyone comes for me or my family- THIS family..., then I will destroy everyone. You understand? I will return to hell and destroy every... one."

"I got it. I got it." He slowly turned his head to see his arm and ribs, hoping he could get them back.

"Leave," Demon commanded.

He winced in pain and then disappeared, leaving the scent of brimstone behind.

Angel rushed into the bedroom, finding Gray unconscious in a pool of blood on the bed. She quickly touched his forehead, putting him in a sort of stasis while she analyzed his condition.

Even if this was normal excessive blood loss, the extent to which he'd suffered would have been close to impossible for her to heal in time, but this was caused by a demon.

"I can't make a human body do more than it is physically capable of doing," she told Demon. "I stopped him seconds from death. I didn't think you would take so much."

"How do we fix him," Demon asked, with a look of desperation in her black eyes.

"I think there may be a way, but I'm not sure. Remember what happened when he was fucking you on the road? He was chewing your tail and you gushed on him?"


"I analyzed your gush and it reminded me of something I've heard about certain demonic pacts from the past. These were very rare, but it was said that a human would be gifted a so-called 'elixir of life' if he could satisfy a demon sexually, but there were no details beyond that. I thought about it for a while, and I THINK that 'elixir' might be demon squirt because yours has some very curious healing properties."

"How do you propose we do this," Demon asked, looking at Gray's motionless body.

"A lot of that depends on you, really. I mean, I can look and act like him, but will that work for you?"

"No!" Demon's eyes snapped back to Angel's, almost angrily. "Never."

"Okay, well, I can try animating him, kinda like a puppet." Demon narrowed her eyes and moved her face closer.

"You are fortunate that I can't harm you."

"Okay. Okay," Angel acquiesced. "You being mad at me won't help us."

"Sorry." Demon backed up. "I seem to be more... aggressive like this."

"So I've noticed. Maybe we can work with that, but right now, I'm going to go get a bucket and leave you alone for a few minutes to get undressed, and do whatever you need to do to get into the right mindset." Demon nodded and Angel left the bedroom.

Demon walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She didn't recognize the demon looking back. Red skin and black eyes. Was it an optical illusion, or did her body look a bit more muscular and her horns slightly longer? And her fingernails had somehow turned black. She wondered how Gray would feel about her like this.

Well, she wasn't going to find out by worrying. She returned to Gray, pushed down her panties, and climbed onto the bed, shifting him into a normal laying position, attempting to make it look like he was just sleeping. She did a convincing job, apart from the open wound on his wrist and the fact that he was cold and pale.

She sat on his hips, took off her shirt, removed his, and moved her hands across his bare chest, thinking to herself, 'He's sleeping. He's just sleeping, and he would love for me to wake him up like this.' She raised one of his hands and made it grip her breast. Leaned over and kissed his lips. Gradually falling into the fantasy.

Eventually, Angel returned, set the bucket on the other side of the mattress, and climbed on behind Demon. She caressed the ass in front of her, gently moving closer to the red lips below. Demon's hips bobbed slightly as Angel's thumbs traced and spread her, then raised her higher to meet her mouth.

Demon's tail came alive and stroked across Angel's face until she caught the tip and began rubbing it between her thumb and index finger. Demon moaned and a shiver traveled up her spine.

Angel continued working Demon's clit while pushing her thumb in and out and putting the tip of the tail into her mouth. She sucked and licked it sensually, easing it further down her throat.

"Oh, fuck," Demon sighed, snaking deeper until Angel's lips pressed firmly against her upper hips. The tail writhed inside Angel's stomach, and then Demon felt Angel's tongue licking the top of her crack. Demon let out a vocal sigh as she lightly bit Gray's chest.

Angel regrew a penis and then stood up pulling the tail out between tightly sealed lips until only a couple of inches of the tip remained, Demon moaning the entire length. Angel pushed her dick into the pulsing wet hole and began thrusting as she gently chewed Demon's tail.

Demon kissed Gray on the lips again, but she quickly became lost in the pleasure coursing through her. Angel increased both her speed and the biting pressure, causing Demon to increase her volume. Angel snuck a finger tendril into the puckered asshole, and Demon cried out.

"Yes! Fuck yes!"

Angel thought to herself, 'If she can speak, then she's not there, yet,' and so kicked everything up another notch. She pumped faster with a larger cock, wriggled wildly with a longer, thicker tendril, and chewed harder until Demon's voice began a familiar crescendo.

Angel grabbed the bucket and pulled out as soon as she felt Demon internally clench, and held the bucket in place to catch the surprisingly forceful flood. If Angel had the human strength of a girl her current size, she would have likely lost her grip, but she held firm to catch the second sploosh, and then a third one resembling one of a normal human female. Finally, a fourth unexpected dribble that Angel almost didn't catch.

Angel set the bucket aside, holding it, to make sure it didn't tip over while she lowered to lick up any remaining, minimizing how much got on the bed, and because it was delicious. She stroked Demon's ass to signal that everything was done, then Demon collapsed fully onto Gray, holding his head with one hand and slowly kissing the other side of his face.

Angel smiled at the sight, carried the bucket to the kitchen table, and dipped a cup into the contents. She licked up any stray drops from the outside of the cup and brought it back onto the bedroom, rubbing Demon's shoulder.

"Come on. Sit him up a little."

Demon reluctantly pushed herself up and then grabbed Gray under the arms to drag him up to elevate his head. Angel opened his mouth, poured a little of the viscous liquid in, and then held it closed.

"Hold this," she said, handing the cup to Demon, who took it. "Here goes nothing." Angel touched his forehead and made him swallow. She held her finger in place to constantly analyze his condition while gradually releasing his stasis. She opened his mouth again. "Pour in some more." Demon obeyed, and Angel made him swallow.

"Well," Demon pleaded. Angel smiled.

"It seems to be working."

"Thank you," Demon said, beginning to cry. "Thank you."

They continued feeding Gray until the cup was empty. At this point, Angel could speed up his biological processes of replenishing his blood supply and healing his wrist, but it still took almost an hour. Angel removed her finger.

"He should wake up on his own in a minute or two," Angel said, and then left with the empty cup.

Gray slowly opened his eyes, and Demon excitedly lunged forward but stopped herself before grabbing him, not sure if he could handle it, yet.

"Hey," she said with a tinge of guilt.

There was a flicker of surprise in his eyes, possibly even fear, but then he smiled and put his hand on her cheek. She let out a laughing sigh of relief and held the back of that hand.

"Are you okay," Gray asked.

That moved her more than anything he's ever said or done, and she couldn't stop herself from dropping to kiss him. She eventually backed off.

"So, I guess you really are a blood demon."

"Yep," she said, still slightly worried about what he might think, but he kept smiling as he looked her over.

"Your eyes look amazing," he said, and she was almost overcome by emotion, again.


"Where's Angel?"

"In the kitchen, I think."

He moved to get up, but he was still a little woozy. Demon was unnecessarily attentive to him standing up and walking out of the bedroom, eyeballing the broken door.

"That was me, sorry. I'll fix it." Gray stopped and faced her.

"You don't ever need to apologize to me. I mean that. I'll order you to never apologize if I need to," he joked. She laughed.

"Actually.., I'm not really assigned to you anymore."

"Thank god," he said with an exasperated sigh and continued toward the sofa. "How did you manage that?" He stopped at the sight of a bloody severed arm on the other side of the room, accompanied by some kind of mass that he was not quite able to identify. "Nevermind," he said, guessing the answer. He looked around but didn't see Angel.

She suddenly appeared carrying a grocery bag.

"Oh, hey. You're up. Great. I stole some of your money to buy some jars, by the way."


"I'll tell you later. You feeling alright?"

"I think I feel myself getting better as we speak. Or I'm delusional."

"Nope," Angel said, setting the bag on the counter. "You should be feeling better than you ever have, before too long."

"Hey, did you notice the severed arm on my floor," Gray asked.

Demon expressed another twinge of guilt, but Gray smiled and winked at her. Angel started toward the sofa to join them.

"Yeah, I did. Isn't it awesome? I can preserve that for you, you know. Hang it over your door as a trophy. Or Demon can glamour it and you can hang it outside as a warning to any other demons who might want to try some shit."

"All very good ideas, but I was thinking more that, Demon got me that nifty souvenir, but you're stealing my money to get me... jars, you say?" She sat next to him, smiled, and held his face for a quick kiss.

"Honey, I got you the gift of a thousand lifetimes."

"I'm not really that into jars, but you do you."

"Uh, huh," she patronized him sarcastically, then got up again. "I'll take care of that arm and ribs for you."

"Shit. Is that what that other thing is," he said looking over at it. "Now, when you said 'preserve', you didn't mean pickle them for later, did you?"

"No, but keep talking, and I might change my mind."

"Alright. Alright," he laughed. Then he remembered something. "Oh, I do have a serious question, though."

"What's that," she asked, putting the preserved arm into the sink.

"How is it that teleporting a demon counts as an attack, but frying one half to death doesn't?"

"All I did was reveal my true form. It was his dumb choice to be present at the time."

"Right," he said, sarcastically.

"He's lucky I couldn't go all the way with it." She returned to his side on the sofa. "You'll just have to accept the fact that pretty much everything I tell you is oversimplified. Humans are literally incapable of comprehending the truth of all of reality. Look at her, and tell me whether or not any of that shit actually matters to you."

He looked at Demon smiling at him with a love that even the blackest of eyes could not conceal.

"You got me there. Doesn't mean a damn thing."

Demon leaned into him, and he wrapped an arm around her.

The end.

Turns out it was pretty adventurous after all. How 'bout that? Even I was into it.

Kind of a shmaltzy end, tho. Cheap jokes and sentimentalism. Dissatisfying, really. I mean, I'm happy for them, and all, but... you know.

I'm not supposed to do this, but I think this tale needs an epilogue. This is an entirely unofficial ending, okay? It is something that happens to them, but, you know... You didn't hear it from me.

Hang on while I skim through time and see if I can find something good. Hell, I might as well give you highlights while I'm at it.

They go on a vacation to a secluded tropical location. Demon did learn to teleport, which is a skill that you have to be pretty powerful to pull off. Angel picked a spot with a clear ocean, but that also gets occasional showers. Demon fucking loves every minute of it.

Speaking of fucking.... On the beach. In the water. In a tree... somehow. Oh, Demon's pale again, by the way. Yeah, she let it wear off. Took a couple of weeks. Moving on...

Oh, Angel finally told him about the demon squirt, being an elixir of life. Took some convincing, but he decided to go ahead and take advantage of it because he wanted to live as long as possible with his two girls. That's sweet.

They move to a place out in the country for a while. Large pool. He can afford it because the girls decided to get jobs. Lots of sex out there, too. What's that Angel's doing...? OH, GOD! HOLY SHIT! Ew! Jeez. I didn't want to see that! I definitely don't want to tell you about it. Skipping ahead...

Okay, nothing too out of the ordinary, except that it's been, like, 75 years, and they all look pretty much the same as when the story started. Good for them, I guess.

Oh, wait. This looks ominous. Somewhere around 130 years into the future, it looks like Demon's parents decided to have another go at her. Sent a half dozen brutes. Demon teleported Gray away, and Angel fried their asses. I mean completely. Ashes on the fucking ground, man. Bet that was a big mistake on her parents' part. Let's see.

Yep. Yep. Huge fucking mistake. Holy shit, Gray is guzzling squirt AND is getting boosted by Angel, while Demon drinks his blood.

Skip ahead a little bit... Okay, she is a VERY dark red and has a war face on. They all do, actually. They mean business.

Fast forward... they teleport directly into Demon's parents' home. Confronts- HOLY FUCK, Demon didn't say a damn thing. She just fucking immediately ripped their heads off. Shit.

Okay, Gray is carrying their heads, while Demon is dragging their bodies to what looks like a high balcony. They just threw their heads and bodies over into a crowd of demons below.

Angel sprouts some wings. Ooh, looking fine with those wings, too. Anyway, flies out high over the crowd. She changes her vocal cords so she can be heard by every inhabitant of hell that is able to see her. 'Bout to say something important.

"You were warned." Wow, that was loud. Demon just teleported herself and Gray away, and Angel is starting to glow-holy shit, she's about to go nuclear on the entire city. Glad I don't have eyes, right now.

Man, an entire city of demons screaming in agony is terrifying. But also kinda satisfying. Okay, the screaming has stopped, and Angel is dimming.

There's just black ash everywhere, man. If hell had wind, there would probably be zero visibility right now. Okay, Angel is flying around, looking for any survivors. Not seeing anyone- oh, wait. Someone just took off running from a building.

Angel ports away, and then comes back with Gray about 10 feet in front of the runner. Gray has a fucking hatchet and takes off running at the demon. Angel must have boosted him, 'cause he's moving fast. Catching up to the running demon, and, ohhhh... That's brutal.

Okay, Demon is here, stalking the streets and doing building searches, apparently able to smell them, by the way she's sniffing the air. She found one. Bare hands, man. Just... ripped that dude's chest open. Entire front of the ribcage... just gone. Walking anatomy chart. Really gross. Fast forward...

They spent hours sweeping the city. They weren't joking. Okay, Demon and Gray are finished with their sweeps and are returning to her parents' home. They go to Demon's old room. She throws her TV out the window. Yeah, they didn't have a TV in their country house, now that I think about it.

Okay, Demon just literally ripped Gray's clothes off of his body, and Angel just ripped off Demon's. Jeez, everybody's so aggressive. Understandable, I guess, but still so unlike them.

I'll slow this part down for you. It looks like it's going to be pretty epic.

The bedroom is large, as one might imagine, given that she comes from a high-ranking family, but it doesn't have a lot in it. There are some shelves of books, a large bed, with only a mattress cover sheet, a nice, cushioned chair, that used to have a TV in front of it, and that's pretty much it.

When you enter the door, the head of the bed is against the far left wall, then there is a considerable amount of space between the foot of the bed and the back of the chair. She read some, mostly watched TV, and occasionally slept to dream, for her whole life until being sent to Gray.

Demon dragged the mattress off of the bed and set it in the middle space on the floor. Angel turned the chair around and sat comfortably in it with one foot up, so she could touch herself as she watched the show.