Good Neighbor Sam Ch. 03 Pt. 02


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Mary paused for a moment and studied Joe's face, to make sure he was processing the information, then she continued talking.

"I'm telling you now, I'm going to have sex even if you're not, and I'm not giving up Tyson. He's given me new life. I feel alive again. Born again, to use one of your favorite terms! You can blame the devil, or say I'm going to hell, but I don't care. I do not care! I'm 36 years old and I just found out how good sex can be. I'm having orgasms! Thank God for orgasms, and I mean that! Now, if you can live with Tyson and me, under this roof, I'll be your wife. I'll still be your partner, or more like your helper, in the church. We can act as though everything is normal. You know, the way that normal used to be."

After a few moments of silence, Mary added, "Oh, and by the way, Joe, I'm keeping my tattoo, and Ty is getting me another one. He hasn't told me exactly what I'm getting yet, but I'm sure I'll love it and you won't!"

They sat, staring at each other for many long minutes, then Joe took the last swig of his coffee and spoke.

"Well, I don't know what I'm going to do. What we're going to do. But, I have to go to the hospital this morning to visit two of our parishioners. Then, if you remember, you and I are supposed to go visit that old couple, the Morgans. They're thinking of making a monetary donation to the church before they pass. Poor Mrs. Morgan can't get around without a walker but she insists on making dinner for us, at 5 o'clock. If we could get enough of a gift to repave the parking lot, and maybe upgrade the sound system, I'll name something after them. But, I'd really appreciate it if you'd go with me. I think they like you more than me."

"Of course I'll go with you," Mary readily offered. "The Morgans are really sweet people. If anyone gets to Heaven it'll have to be them."

"Good, I'm glad," Joe said with relief. "I guess I'll get dressed and get over to the hospital."

Then, deliberately turning their conversation tense again, Joe said, "You're probably anxious for me to get out of here anyway so that you can have sex with your boyfriend, as if you didn't get enough of it last night."

Mary's expression turned sympathetic, and she again extended her hand to touch Joe's before she spoke.

"Now honey, please don't think that way. Don't feel like that. I don't want you to ever feel like you're in the way, or that you have to make space for Ty and me."

Then, speaking matter-of-factly and punctuating her statement with profanity, Mary stated, "I'm going to fuck Ty this morning whether you're home or not."

After Joe left the house Mary and Tyson had a wonderful day. They didn't have to sneak around anymore and were free to kiss, caress, hug, cuddle and fuck to their hearts' content. They took full advantage of the new opportunity.

Joe returned home in the late afternoon. Shortly before 5 pm, while Tyson was watching TV on the couch, Joe called to Mary, upstairs in their bedroom, telling her that they had to leave to visit the Morgans. Mary came downstairs, wearing one of her plain long skirts and a high-collar blouse to hide the hickeys that Tyson had left on her neck. Her long blonde hair was twirled into a proper bun atop her head. Mary walked over to Tyson, leaned down and gave him a kiss, telling him that she would be home early. Joe picked up his bible and he and Mary headed out for their appointment.

Dinner at the Morgans' was terrible. The chicken was way overcooked and the potatoes were raw. The Morgans were both almost deaf and conversation was difficult. Every time that Joe tried to bring up their gift to the church Mrs. Morgan would start mindlessly jabbering about stores that had closed and people who had died. Mary, meanwhile, kept smiling but she was growing impatient. She had a big black cock waiting for her at home and she was itching to get to it. Mary finally interrupted Joe midsentence and took control, turning on her charm and focusing their talk on how the Morgans could help their church. A half hour later, everyone was smiling and hugging as Joe tucked a huge check into his shirt pocket. It was twice as much money as he had ever hoped to get.

They didn't talk much on their drive home, but Joe was forced to acknowledge, to himself, that he could never really manage without Mary.

Mary and Joe got home at about 9:30. Joe headed straight upstairs. Mary walked over to Tyson, sitting on the couch in his shorts, and gave him a kiss. It lasted more than a minute. She told him she was going to change into something more comfortable. He smiled and told her to let her hair down too.

Joe was already changing into his pajamas when Mary entered their bedroom. He said he was going to bed since it had been a long day. Mary said that she planned to stay up for a while. She also planned to get herself well-fucked, but she didn't mention that to Joe.

When Joe came out of the bathroom, after flossing his teeth, he saw that Mary had brushed out her long hair, applied some lipstick, and was slipping into her red see-through nightgown, the only really sexy sleepwear she had, although she intended to buy more.

"Do you have to wear that nightgown?" Joe asked with a scowl. "You know that I don't think it's appropriate."

"Well, Joe, don't look at it then," Mary responded. "I know someone who does like it."

"Mary, listen. I don't want you to wear it!" Joe said in a commanding voice.

"Fine!" Mary hissed. "I won't wear it!"

Mary pulled the negligee off over her head and tossed it at Joe. Then she strolled out of their bedroom and started down the stairs stark naked.

Tyson would be in for quite a surprise.

When Mary entered the living room, wearing nothing but a smile, Tyson sat up on the couch and grinned from ear to ear.

"Well, I'll be damned!" Tyson exclaimed, "Look at the church lady now!"

Mary sauntered over to the couch and climbed onto Tyson, straddling his legs with her bare pussy resting on top of his shorts. If Tyson had been as nude as Mary she could have easily impaled herself immediately. Through the sensitive nerves of her pubic mound, Mary could feel Tyson's cock growing stiff beneath her as she brought her lips to his for a wet and sloppy kiss.

A few minutes later, while Mary was on her knees in front of the couch, sucking Tyson's cock, she peeked with one eye toward the top of the staircase and she saw Joe standing there, watching. She shivered with excitement. Mary loved that her husband was watching Tyson and her, and she started getting really vocal as she pulled her lips off Tyson's cock for a few moments.

"Oh yeah, Ty, I love being a cocksucker! I love swallowing your big black cock. You can cum in my mouth if you want to. Your cock and your cum taste so good! Did I ever tell you that I never had oral sex with my husband?! Mmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmm."

Tyson lifted his ass off the couch and Mary took hold of his pants and pulled them down and off, leaving him naked also, his bare ass sitting on the sofa with his big black cock pointing toward the ceiling. Mary climbed on top, and using one hand, guided the cock into her waiting pussy. Gyrating slightly, she let out a loud "ahhh" as it penetrated her. It didn't take long until she was fully impaled. As the two lovers synchronized their movements, they leaned their faces to one another and began kissing, starting with their tongues and gradually involving their whole mouths. Their movements evolved into bouncing and embracing. Mary shrieked as an orgasm swept over her. She felt Tyson's body tensing and said, "That's it Ty, cum for me. I love it when you cum inside me, honey!" Tyson did not disappoint, as he gripped Mary and shoved his cock up and into her body before grunting and growling.

After Tyson came, depositing copious amounts of cum in her pussy, Mary looked back at the top of the stairs and was slightly disappointed to see that her husband was no longer watching.

The L-word

One evening, Tyson told Mary he was going to his buddy Sam's townhouse that evening to play poker. Mary was agreeable. Joe was happy to hear that he would be able to spend a night at home, alone with his wife. They would at least be able to talk to each other without Tyson. As Tyson was leaving, Mary walked him to the door. Tyson told her that he would be late and for her not to wait up for him. Mary told Tyson it would be okay for him to wake her when he got in.

Mary and Joe spent the evening sitting on the couch glancing at the TV without really watching it. They talked quite a bit – just small talk, nothing heavy – and Mary got them both small dishes of ice cream, as she used to do often before Tyson arrived. Joe felt happy and content for the first time in a long time.

At about 10 pm, Mary's cellphone rang. Joe thought to himself that Tyson must be calling. His hunch was confirmed when Mary smiled and said, "Oh, hi Ty, how's it going, honey? Are you winning lots of money?"

Mary knew that Joe detested gambling and made the comment just to get his goat. Mary made no effort to speak privately and just chatted on her phone, allowing Joe to hear everything she said.

"No, not much really. Joe and I have been having a nice quiet evening here at home."

"Yeah, I'm going to turn in soon. I want you to wake me when you come to bed. No, I don't care how late it is."

"Okay, well don't have too much to drink and drive carefully."

"I love you too. Bye."

Joe was about to launch off the couch, but he willed himself to stay put. His wife, the woman he was wedded to, had just said "I love you too" to her black boyfriend. Joe sat motionless for a few minutes, then he couldn't hold his tongue any longer.

"So, you love him now?"

Mary leaned forward, put her cellphone on the coffee table, and spoke three words, "Don't start, Joe."

"What? It's an easy question," Joe said, looking at the side of his wife's face as she stared straight at the TV in front of them. "I heard what you just said to Tyson. Were you just saying it or do you really love him now?"

Mary turned her head to face Joe and said, "Love him now? I've loved Ty for quite a while and he loves me. Yes, Joe, we're in love with each other. We've been in love pretty much from the beginning. I thought you knew that."

Joe sat, stone-faced and silent.

Mary reached over to take Joe's hand in hers and said, "I still love you too, Joe. But it's, uh, different."

Without saying a word, Joe pulled away from Mary's grasp, got up and trudged up the stairs to go to bed alone. A few minutes later, Mary went upstairs too. She got undressed and slid under the covers on the bed in the guest room, waiting for Tyson to come home and join her.

It was sometime after 3 AM that Joe was awakened by his wife's moans and squeals coming from the guest bed down the hall. Joe wrapped his pillow around his head, trying to block out the noise until he could retreat again to the peaceful oblivion of sleep.

The next morning, as Tyson and Joe sat at the breakfast table, sipping coffee without paying much mind to each other, Mary entered the room, wearing her new pink teddy. Mary strolled up behind Tyson and wrapped both arms around his neck. When Tyson turned to see Mary she moved her lips to his and gave him a kiss, then she said with a smile, "I love you so much." Releasing her hold on Tyson and just resting her forearms on his broad shoulders, Mary glanced over at her husband, who just sat there, frowning. Mary smiled at Joe with some nefarious pride, knowing that she had just reinforced the admission she'd made the night before. She was in love with Tyson.

It's a miracle!

As the days faded into weeks and weeks flowed into months, Joe, Mary and Tyson fell into a compatible routine. During the weekdays, and especially on Sunday, Joe was the wise and compassionate leader of his church flock, which was beginning to grow in number and diversity. His friendly and outgoing wife, Mary, was his ever-dependable assistant in their religious outreach.

Increasingly, there was some gossiping about the black man, Tyson-somebody, who had been living in their home for quite a long time. Pastor Joe and Sister Mary rose above the scuttlebutt as many parishioners and neighbors believed that Tyson was a shameless free-loader, taking advantage of the humble and kindly married couple who were his gracious hosts.

Behind the closed doors of their home, Joe had become an unacknowledged cuckold, legally married but no longer a mate to his wife, Mary. Tyson and Mary never asked Joe to move from the master bedroom to the guest room. Joe did so voluntarily, saying it just made more sense since the king-size bed was too large for just him, and besides, it was awkward with Mary always bumping into him, naked half the time, as she shuffled between the two rooms. Of course, Mary and Tyson loved occupying the master bedroom, allowing them to live as if they were, more or less, husband and wife.

Joe would often recite the "serenity" prayer:God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Mary was deeply in love with Tyson, the big black stud who had stolen her heart as well as her vagina. Inside the house, Mary and Tyson were constantly as affectionate as newlyweds. They had long ago stopped worrying about offending Joe with their outward and obvious amorous displays. For his part, Joe took solace in his religious beliefs and he also consoled himself by choosing to believe that his wife was probably influenced by the devil, and perhaps a mid-life hormonal imbalance, that made her sexually insatiable. His well-intentioned abstinence pledge had opened the door and made her vulnerable to a virile opportunist like Tyson. Most of the other ministers who had made the promise of abstinence had since relaxed their resolve and resumed normal love lives. At times, when Joe saw his beautiful wife fornicating with her dark lover, he felt carnal urges himself. He knew that he could never measure up (literally and figuratively) but he began to think that he might himself, at some point, make love to Mary again.

Evening meals were family dinners for the threesome. Mary liked to cook but preparing supper had become a tedious chore for just Joe and her. Now, with Tyson at the table, there was more conversation and interaction. More laughter and fun. Mary especially enjoyed the way that Tyson would secretly play "footsy" under the table and would discreetly stroke her thigh or even sneak a touch of her pussy. Joe was generally oblivious to their secretive horseplay, and when he did notice it, he pretended not to.

One night, several weeks into their domestic arrangement, Joe, Mary and Tyson sat down to an especially appetizing meal. Joe always said a blessing before anyone began to eat. The trio would join hands during the brief prayer, with Mary taking her husband's hand on her right and her lover's hand on her left. After the blessing, Mary began dishing out the food to both of her men and herself. She piled her plate high. Joe took notice of Mary's double portion and he remarked, "That's a lot of food, my dear. You know, I haven't said anything, but I think you've been putting on some weight."

Mary turned her head slightly toward Tyson and gave him a small smile and a wink. Tyson smiled in turn and gave Mary a nod as she began to unbutton her blouse. Mary then stood up from her chair and shrugged her top off, letting it fall to the floor behind her. Joe had not seen his wife's bare torso in several weeks. What he saw caused his jaw to drop.

Mary's always full breasts were fuller than ever, practically busting out of her tight-stretched bra, causing her Queen of Spades tattoo to be entirely visible above the material. Her belly button was protruding and the area surrounding it was noticeably swollen. It appeared that she had swallowed a small cantaloupe.

"I'm not getting fat, Joe," Mary said to her husband with the bashful grin. Then, holding her belly with both hands she announced, "I'm about four-and-a-half months pregnant. I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever notice."

Joe dropped his fork onto his plate and reacted with, "Good lord, no!"

"Good lord, yes! Yes!" Mary shouted. "I'm going to have a baby! Finally!"

Mary sat back down in her chair, just wearing her bra and not bothering to pick up her blouse. Joe's elbows were on the table, his face was in his hands, and his head was shaking.

Mary spoke again, "Back when you and I were having sex, Joe, I used to pray for a baby every single time. I thought you were praying for one too. I don't know, but our prayers were never answered. Then, when you and I stopped having sex, I stopped praying about it. But, you know what? According to the doctor's best guess, I got knocked up the first time that I fucked Ty! The first time!"

Joe was clearly chagrinned when he looked at Mary and asked, "Do you know the gender yet?"

Mary answered, "No, I don't know if it' a boy or a girl." Then, giving Tyson a smile, she added, "I only know the race. It's going to be black! It feels so good to say that out loud. I'm going to have a black baby!"

Joe looked befuddled when he raised his voice and asked, "What are we going to tell people? What do you think our church family is going to say?!"

Mary grinned widely and said, "We can always say that Mary and Joseph had another miracle baby! Or maybe we'll tell them we're reverse-Mormons and I have two husbands, one black and one white!"

Mary then reached her hand across the table and patted Joe's arm. "It's really not going to come as much of a shock to the members of our Women's Club. When we have sharing time at our Wednesday meetings the talk has been getting a little off-topic lately. Everyone wants to know more about interracial relations. Oh, and while we're on the subject, our pretty young organist is going to need some time off in about six months."

Tyson interjected, "Yeah, she must be a talented organ-ist!"

Mary appeared perplexed for a moment, then broke out laughing. "Oh, I get it! Yeah, she's learned a thing or two about organs, especially black ones! Ty, that is too funny!"

Joe wasn't laughing.

Mary then leaned back in her chair and rested both hands on her baby bump before declaring, "It's just such a blessing! I'm so happy, and Ty is too, of course. I've never been happier in my whole life. And it really proves that the old saying is so true..."

Tyson spoke up. "Once you go black, you never go back."

"Well, I can't deny that, sweetheart," Mary said, "but I was about to say that there's no doubt about it. The lord truly does work in mysterious ways!"

If you enjoyed this story, check out my other tales of love and lust in black and white:Liberal Leanings, Amber's Six Pics, Sisters' Misters(nine chapter series), andGood Neighbor Sam(three chapter series).

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please keep this kind of stories coming. I got wet in my panties. I have not had a cock in me since my husband left me for a crack addict

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I really enjoyed reading about Good neighbor Sam. I am black but i would like to get with Sam with his 10 inch cock, than when Tyson got with Mary in was so funny and Mary husband was so crazy, he as a preacher, he should have given his was all the sex she needed. That she went to Tyson cause she was in need.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I really love reading the story cause when Sam got 4 of the ladies in the community. I said to my self that i wish it was me. I am a black divorce woman and have not had a man to make me howler since my husband left me. And this story made me wet in my panties. Than you got the preacher wife with Tyson. Good for u. Keep the stories coming. By the way i am 66 yrs old. But i am still sexy.

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